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Ayuko Ends Endroll Manga

posted on by Anita Tai
Series ends March 28

The April issue of Shueisha's Cocohana magazine announced on Friday that Ayuko's Endroll manga will end in the next issue on March 28.

Illustration of Ayuko's Endroll
Image via cocohana.shueisha.co.jp

The series revolves around the meeting of university students Ayano Honda and Takuma Nishi, who have the worst possible chemistry. When Nishi takes Ayano's photo for the beauty contest, the two become involved as Nishi clumsily comforts her through life's trials and tribulations.

Ayuko launched the series in Shueisha's Cocohana magazine on December 26 as part of a slate of new manga which launched in four consecutive issues in the magazine.

Ayuko ended the Haru to Arashi (Spring and Storm) manga in March 2021. The manga launched in Bessatsu Margaret in August 2020.

Ayuko serialized a manga adaptation of Mizue Tani's The Earl & the Fairy (Hakushaku to Yōsei) light novel series in Shueisha's Margaret magazine from 2008 to 2010. Shueisha published four compiled book volumes for the manga. Viz Media published all four volumes in English. The novels inspired a 2008 television anime adaptation.

Source: Cocohana April issue

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