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PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 6:49 am Reply with quote
Some time ago,I heard about some things that I'd wanted you to know about. One of them wasn't covered here and a couple of other things that were. I don't know how you'd feel about them but if you want to know about them,then read on. I think you'll find them interesting.

1.Recently,a court in Russia upheld the ban on a number of anime in that country,including "Death Note." It's pretty similar to a ban on certain anime and manga in Australia. If you don't think there's anything to worry about in this country,then you might want to think again. With conservative or right-leaning people being thrown off social media accounts in recent years and Gina Carano being fired from "The Mandalorian" a few days ago for her views,it gives you cause for thought.
In this sort of censorious climate,it wouldn't surprise me if someone decided to go after an anime they don't like and it might encourage something like this. If they can cancel people simply for their political views,think about what will happen to your favorite anime or manga disappearing for that reason. To these sort of people,things like the First Amendment don't matter. They just want power and they'll do anything to get it. That's something to consider when you watch much of the media cheer going after certain people or TV channels because they have ideas they don't like. They may soon go after things you enjoy,like your favorite anime or manga.

2.As we've all heard on ANN,Sentai Filmworks is doing a new dub of "Venus Wars." I have to ask,why. There's already a serviceable dub that Manga Entertainment did a long time ago. Even after I read the article and commented on it,it still confused me. Why is it necessary? I never thought the original dub was that bad and I never had a problem with it. So,why is this happening? There are dozens of anime that deserve an English dub,no matter how old they are,like the original "Dirty Pair" TV series. So,why give a dub to a show that already has one? I hope someone can tell me. I'd really like to know.

3.On a similar vein,Discotek Media just gave an English dub to the anthology film "Memories." I like this and I think it's long overdue. I hope they do this for some of their other anime,like "Rose of Versailles." If they have something like a Kickstarter thing for something like that,I might donate a dollar for it. It's good that worthy anime like this are getting English dubs that previously didn't get one before. I hope this continues,because there are a lot of anime that deserve a English dub,no matter how old they are.
I admit,I like this but what do you think. Should an old film like "Memories" get an English dub now or should it stay subbed? Please tell me. I'd really like to know how you feel about it.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 6:06 pm Reply with quote
Putin limiting access to or censoring works is absolutely nothing new and not comparable to even Australia censoring a few titles.

"If they can cancel people simply for their political views,think about what will happen to your favorite anime or manga disappearing for that reason."

Gina Carano was not "canceled" due to political views If someone in her position had said the things that she said in a public forum 20 or 30 years ago, she would have been fired as well.
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Nom De Plume De Fanboy
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 10:13 am Reply with quote
Snomaster1 wrote:

2.As we've all heard on ANN,Sentai Filmworks is doing a new dub of "Venus Wars." I have to ask,why. There's already a serviceable dub that Manga Entertainment did a long time ago. Even after I read the article and commented on it,it still confused me. Why is it necessary? I never thought the original dub was that bad and I never had a problem with it. So,why is this happening? There are dozens of anime that deserve an English dub,no matter how old they are,like the original "Dirty Pair" TV series. So,why give a dub to a show that already has one? I hope someone can tell me. I'd really like to know.

Just my opinion, but in general, use of old assets belonging to old or out of business companies is almost always a rights issue. In theory, old rights holders of old assets created for a previous distribution of a show could be contacted and maybe a deal could be made, but in practice it takes so long it is just not worth it for somebody doing a new release. Also, some of the old Japanese production committees may legally have to be contacted for approvals on old US stuff, technically, and they may have been legally gone for 20 years now.

Also, if something is going to a remaster or a new format, like DVD to blu-ray, it may also just be easier to re-do it. For instance, new audio may be in 'lossless' Dolby whatever so they can advertise the new release as having the latest thing in audio. It may not have anything to do with the quality of the VA's performances.

If there is a lot of nostalgia for an old dub, maybe it will get in as a second track, like the Streamline dubs for the Dirty Pair movies. Again, this is just my opinion.

I think it's just a practical thing for the new rights holder.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 4:33 am Reply with quote
Well,this is nice. Two responses to my post. I like that. I'll try to respond to them and hope this one shows up unlike my previous one. Let's start off with EricMontreal22. Yes,Putin banning stuff he doesn't like is par for the course for him. What I'm afraid of is that mentality is making it's way here. Here's the thing I'd like to ask those like Eric. When was the last time a left leaning actor or actress lost his or her job over something he or she said recently? I'd be surprised if you can name one person.
That's because many on the Left seem to believe that freedom of speech is only for them and if you're on the right,you're not deserving of it. I heard about right-leaning actors and others in Hollywood who are afraid to speak their views without being kicked out of the industry. And,that attitude is not confined to Hollywood. It's spread out through much of our current society.

Much of the left acts like the right to speak is theirs and theirs alone and people on my side of the fence don't deserve it because somehow,we're a bunch of rampaging bigots so that we should just be shut down merely for that reason. Listen,Gina Carano has as much right to speak her mind as her colleagues on the left do. Why not let her speak? She's doing no harm. Just because she leans right,doesn't mean she can't be a good actress. I just wish those on the left understood that instead always trying to shut us up all the time.
As for you,Nom De Plume De Fanboy,I didn't know that. Thanks for telling me. That's very interesting. I appreciate the info. Thanks again and I'll see you later.

Last edited by Snomaster1 on Sat May 08, 2021 5:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2021 12:20 am Reply with quote
How about another response? Often the Left is accused of things like anti-religion, anti-family and anti-patriotism while the Right is accused of sexism, homophobia and xenophobia. Perhaps there's a difference in the understanding of Freedom of Speech simply because of the fundamental differences in these typical world-views mentioned above. The cancel culture of the anti's involve displeasure of certain ideologies wheras the Right's various phobias point specifically to intrinsic identities. So its not that Freedom of Speech matters only to the Left's sensitivities, its that maybe theres a more direct quantifiable negative impact on people as a result of many of the Rights speaking points. Its an unavoidable dichotomy that we don't always realize is not entirely the Right's fault.

Last edited by P€|\||§_|\/|ast@ on Sun May 02, 2021 3:15 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2021 12:39 am Reply with quote
I don't know what is going to cause more harm. Someone saying that trans people should be respected, don't discriminate on race or gender, and let gay people marry. Or someone saying trans people are crazy, it is totally okay to discriminate on race and gender, and gay people shouldn't marry because it will destroy families. One of those sides come across as bullying over the other, not that you can't have bullying from both sides, but you are looking at one side that wishes to stop historic systematic issues, and the other that thinks we have gone too far (PC) already.

I am not aware of movements saying that the Right don't get a freedom of speech, only that certain speech can infringe on the freedom of others.
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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2021 3:13 am Reply with quote
It's nice to hear from you both,Past,DuskyPredator. But,here are some things you might want to know. I heard you two talk about trans people. For me,it's a very confusing issue that I know very little about but there are legitimate issues that are related to the trans debate that many on the Left try to silence. For one thing,there are concerns that biological males are going to end up competing on women's sports,in effect erasing them due to the differences in biological make up.
Also,there are quite valid concerns about biological males showering or going to the bathroom with biological females because of all this trans stuff. And,of course,I've heard about women's prisons having to accommodate biological males again,because of the trans issue. There are real concerns here that many on the left don't want to talk about so they try to silence those on the right when they even try to bring them up. They scream that we're "anti-trans" or whatever else instead of dealing with the myriad and quite valid concerns of others.

In recent months,there have been attempts to pass laws against sex change operations in young children and banning the use of puberty blockers in minors because of all the trans talk. I've heard that some of these things happened without the parents even being informed that they were taking place. Whatever you think of these sort of laws,I believe that a discussion on these issues should happen. Sadly,they won't because there are those on the left who don't really want to have those sorts of discussions.
Their first instinct is to attack anyone who brings up those concerns instead of just listening to them. Look,there are many racial and ethnic minorities including women who feel the way I do. But,to automatically assume that we're against people of color or women for whatever reason simply because there have those on our side who've said some bad stuff about those groups in the past.

Perhaps,Past,DuskyPredator. You might want to listen to those on my side of the aisle instead of just writing us off as a bunch of bigots. We're not. You might try listening to us instead of attacking us. You might learn something new. I hope you two consider this instead of just ignoring it.

Last edited by Snomaster1 on Sun May 02, 2021 5:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2021 4:27 am Reply with quote
Yes, you are right Snomaster, the trans debate is quite important to me. And we really do need to debate this in a reasonable manner. An issue that I have with your point is that silencing one's opponent cannot happen simply by not wanting to "talk about it." How is it that your side is really being silenced? You seem to contradict yourself by suggesting campaigns to protect young people against medical transition options are being "attacked." Whatever the response actually entails, this is not a case of being "written off."

Whether it is actually happening or not, each side needs to adequately present the facts, such as conservative opposition groups backing up their claims with solid evidence of problematic occurances in the womens sports issue you mentioned. The Right shall not cry foul about being silenced while repeatedly ignoring requests to present evidence.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2021 4:35 am Reply with quote
Snomaster1 wrote:
It's nice to hear from you both,Past,DuskyPredator. But,here are some things you might want to know. I heard you two talk about trans people. For me,it's a very confusing issue that I know very little about but there are legitimate issues that are related to the trans debate that many on the Left try to silence.

If it is confusing, all the more reason to take into consideration what is being said.

Snomaster1 wrote:
For one thing,there are concerns that biological males are going to end up competing on women's sports,in effect erasing them due to the differences in biological make up.

Which is why things like puberty blockers should be so readily available and able for people to be able to take them if they think that they might be trans, so that they can put off their puberty (which is reversible) until they are able to make a decision of what puberty they would prefer. Also a reason of removing stigma of being trans is important so that kids would not be pressured into going for a puberty that might be wrong.

Additionally things like sex as a binary are already blurry, with the evenness of competition just on what would be called biological sex are already uneven just grouping athletes by it. Preferably there would be a way to group athletes by categories that would be more fair to natural ability. It would probably require some expert science though.

Snomaster1 wrote:
Also,there are quite valid concerns about biological males showering or going to the bathroom with biological females because of all this trans stuff. And,of course,I've heard about women's prisons having to accommodate biological males again,because of the trans issue. There are real concerns here that many on the left don't want to talk about so they try to silence those on the right when they even try to bring them up. They scream that we're "anti-trans" or whatever else instead of dealing with the myriad and quite valid concerns of others.

The specific concerns can be discussed a lot, with a number of them being superficial. But they exist arguably stronger in cases of say forcing trans women into showering with cis men and into male prisons, where they would be in more danger than cis women from doing so with trans women. The data shows trans women at far greater danger, especially keeping things as are. And there is the ideas of how uncomfortable it is for trans men to be forced into these spaces, for everyone involved.

It is not a case silencing the Right on this topic, it is that the Right seems to ignore the counter arguments.

Snomaster1 wrote:
In recent months,there have been attempts to pass laws against sex change operations in young children and banning the use of puberty blockers in minors because of all the trans talk. I've heard that some of these things happened without the parents even being informed that they were taking place. Whatever you think of these sort of laws,I believe that a discussion on these issues should happen. Sadly,they won't because there are those on the left who don't really want to have those sorts of discussions.

These laws are disgusting, since it is saying that a parent, who may be transphobic, will get to choose if a teen might want to put their puberty off until they are ready to decide. They also mischaracterise the circumstances by saying things like "sex change operations in young children", because there is absolutely no cases of any sex change operations being done on children, except in cases done to intersex children without their consent. Puberty blockers are not a sex change procedure, they are something that can be done until the child is in a position to make their decision, and it should be their decision, no one else's.

Snomaster1 wrote:
Their first instinct is to attack anyone who brings up those concerns instead of just listening to them. Look,there are many racial and ethnic minorities including women who feel the way I do. But,to automatically assume that we're against people of color or women for whatever reason simply because there have those on our side who've said some bad stuff about those groups in the past.

There are still people who do things against people based on their ethnicity. Cases like the rise in Asian hate crimes following the narrative of the Covid19 are more than enough evidence, and people saying things like "Kung-flu" do not help the situation, rather being evidence of racial discrimination. It is rather cheap of a defence to simply say that people hold no racial discrimination, it speaks louder for an entire political aisle to not move to make changes from clear examples of problems.

Snomaster1 wrote:
Perhaps,Past,DuskyPredator. You might want to listen to those on my side of the aisle instead of just writing us off as a bunch of bigots. We're not. You might try listening to us instead of attacking us. You might learn something new. I hope you two consider this instead of just ignoring it.

And that is the interesting thing, you think that someone like me is writing people like you off as bigots, which I frankly find is ridiculous. I think most of the cases they are things like being misinformed and not understanding issues outside of your view, rarely active malice. I say all of this from myself having bad takes that I had to work on.

And I say this in a place where in a short few years I went from thinking of myself as a straight man, to a bisexual enby (non-binary). It came from unpacking a lot of internal homophobia and transphobia, which I attribute to my environment/culture, which gave me a strong impression of the damage caused by it. In terms of anime some of it started from learning why a certain word AMAB (assigned male at birth) characters that appear female, was not a very nice word to use, and I had to assess what my attachment to the character type was. I came to terms why something like the anime Wandering Son made me especially uncomfortable when it first came out and so did not watch it.

As it stands, I don't think places like this site are going to ban people on the Right just because they are on the Right. But certain things should not be up for discussion, and that includes trans people being treated and accepted at their identified gender, because not doing so is actual harassment, that does actual harm to people who don't need more of it. Maybe that sounds like silencing, but one might find that not being allowed to misgender is small potatoes compared to what it is like on the other end.

Have a lovely day.
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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2021 11:55 am Reply with quote
Snomaster1 wrote:

Perhaps,Past,DuskyPredator. You might want to listen to those on my side of the aisle instead of just writing us off as a bunch of bigots. We're not. You might try listening to us instead of attacking us. You might learn something new. I hope you two consider this instead of just ignoring it.

It's funny you mention how they might learn something new when the vast majority of people against trans surgery routinely refuse to learn anything new themselves. Instead they see the world through their own narrow view and nothing else. Just as they're generally the ones doing the "attacking" by taking these choices and freedoms away from others. The people making these laws that ban these surgeries, for whatever their spurious reason is, are bigots. They're not doing it for altruistic reasons. They're doing it because it being trans goes against what they morally believe. Their first idea is to simply take away another person's choice if they don't agree with it. Yet you think these types of people deserve to be listened to? Lets see if you still feel that way if it was a choice or right of yours that was being taken away.

The whole founding idea of this country, and supposed goal of our constitution, is to ensure all people are treated equally yes? At the simplified core of it that's the ideal we promote to the world right? That we're this great and benevolent country with rights and liberties, and we're not some evil communist or totalitarian regime. Banning surgeries and procedures that let people simply live their lives and don't affect others is not equal. What is happening is lawmakers are making decisions to pass bills that force people to live their life a certain way. The way that they, the lawmakers, decide for them is the proper way to live. It's also rather hard to have a discussion when 1 side is actively doing that and trying to force people to live their life the way that they feel they should. There are some things that do not warrant discussion. If you're taking rights, freedoms, and choices away from people that do not affect or harm you in any way then you don't deserve discussion. Those types of people are also not generally interested in discussion to begin with. There is a world of difference between saying you do not agree with the idea of trans people or gender surgery but still allow it as it does not affect you, and trying to outlaw such procedures/medications entirely so people can't even have access to them.

To your example of a biological male who has had a gender assignment surgery competing as a woman is a decision that should in no way influence or limit a person actually being able to have that surgery. We can debate the topic of if that would give someone an unfair advantage in that sport, but what should not be up for debate is allowing that person to have a procedure done so they can be who they are. Simply having the surgery does not affect you or anyone else. This mindset that it does affect you or others is narrow and bigoted, even if that is not the intent of the person. If you tell a racist joke it's still racist even if you didn't mean it to be.
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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2021 11:58 am Reply with quote
Now I think at this point it's time the discussion got back to being about anime. This has gone past any relation to anime.
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PostPosted: Tue May 04, 2021 11:58 pm Reply with quote
I kinda agree with the second post of Psycho 101. Things may have gotten far too political here. Hopefully,we can get back to discussing more anime-related stuff here instead of political things. I'd like that a lot.
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PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2021 11:47 am Reply with quote
Could we please not use the term "biological male?" I hope that it is being used without intent to insult, but it is considered an demeaning term. The proper term is "trans-women" or "trans-girls." There's no need to say "biological..." it doesn't add anything over the term "trans" except an insult.

"Biological male," is demeaning because it reinforces the concept of a biological gender binary (which is scientifically disproven).

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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2021 7:56 am Reply with quote
It may seem overwhelming to some, and this seems like the whole point of the OP in making this thread, to keep track of all the things we should and shouldn't say even for a simple thing like talking about your favorite anime or character. But the fact of the matter is, it's a new world we live in with regards to what's inexcusable speech and who we have to be mindful of. Even in a place that's all about creative expression, is expression itself becoming an endangered species?

Well I think artists today are living in an era with the fewest limitations on creative expression perhaps ever in the history of mankind. Also with unparalleled access to the most affordable and innovative technology and resources that have ever existed. So it's not the art that is the problem, nor is there really any problem regarding the right to express yourself persay.

It's better to call it an issue of exposure; consider these 3 elements: visual artforms (anime and manga), critics (people) and ideas (opinions and perceptions) intersecting at a mind boggling rate with the Internet. Just to briefly explain how the relationship between these 3 elements often trigger assumptions about a "censorious climate," as Snomaster put it, I have a Marvel Comics quote: "With great power comes great responsibility."

It's like everyone who is involved in any form of expression, you have this incredible power to influence and impact the lives of others. To use that power wisely requires a bit of dedication, discipline and self-control. So I think the idea of political correctness is the Internet, including all forms of social media and communication tools, showing us how to adjust to our new world and calling out those who refuse to.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 10:42 pm Reply with quote
My response to that would be the same as my response here.
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