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Since DVD's have cases....why don't Manga?

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Joined: 31 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:15 am Reply with quote
I'm kinda perplexed as to why the manga companies don't make boxes to hold manga. I've been pretty much grabbing as many cheap (type of product removed, because i'm greedy and it's kinda hard for me to get them on a regular basis) and using the box to protect my manga collection. Already, only about 25% of my Manga collection is tucked safely in the boxes. Plus the boxes also semi-protect the bare pages from yellowing.

The upcoming Naruto Manga Boxset illustrates this point. Up to what, 25 volumes? All nicely stashed in a wooden box. So why not a nice chipboard for the rest of us who've bought the volumes already? TOKYOPOP has been hit or miss as well: they had some 3-fers here and there, and now they have those thin-as-atom boxsets of Pita-Ten and Fruits Basket.
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Joined: 23 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:32 am Reply with quote
That's what bookcases are for. That, and manga are large enough on their own to not require packaging to advertise itself on a retail shelf, so why spend more money to produce such a thing?
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Joined: 25 May 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 2:32 am Reply with quote
Because a DVD is a fairly small item that is very sensitive to dust and scratches and damage. It's not just cosmetic with DVD's, you keep them out of their cases and it will be unusable in no time. Encasing a manga is pretty much cosmetic and it's really up to the consumer to take care of something once it is purchased on a cosmetic level.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:22 am Reply with quote
Not to mention the DVD cases allow them to sit on a shelf and helps prevent theft. PC games are starting to use DVD-style cases instead of cardboard boxes with clear jewel cases (or worse, paper sleeves) because of their convenience. Manga is just like any other type of book, it's already shelf ready and pages are protected by the cover ideally.

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Joined: 06 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 7:05 am Reply with quote
I don't think he means real cases, but box sets. I think one problem is that manga series go on for a long time, when one is released it is impossible to estimate how many volumes it will be( which would go to say how big the box needs to be), and the fact that many manga series are just to big for for boxsets, its not like its 6-8 pieces as in dvd's. Personally, I don't think boxed collections look good for manga(or books at all) and is better reserved as a DVD thing.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:51 pm Reply with quote
I know that Japanese publishers do


Though I would rather they print color pages in color and not in greyscale when tanks are released.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:50 pm Reply with quote
But those aren't just empty cases like anime get, they're actual manga box sets right? We actually do get those on occasion here, the one that jumps out instantly is the .hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet box set and I know there have been others. I know there have been others, plus I'm pretty sure that some of the GNs that come with figures or statues like Fullmetal Alchemist make room for previous volumes when the figure is taken out.

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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 7:45 pm Reply with quote
I've seen a few manga sets, like the first 4 volumes of Pita-Ten and a few others, and I recall certain volumes of Inu Yasha and Fruits Basket being released with boxes, but each of those were one-time things and later volumes didn't get them, so I guess they didn't do very well.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:23 am Reply with quote
To me having cases would just be a waste of time. When you can fit manga in a bookcase or a storage when they're the same size, why try putting the manga in a case that won't be the same size for each series? Tankobon are just like any other book.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 3:11 am Reply with quote
To be honest I understand what you mean, I'm a college student who lives on campus so I can't have a large bookcase, but I also like to visit home and bring some of my manga with me. I use shoe boxes and Fed Ex boxes to carry my manga with me when I travel. I know that some series that don't last that long do have boxes like what you're talking about, the first thing that comes to mind is Death Note, I hear in Japan the 13th "How to Read" volume has a limited release with a box for the entire series. I kind of wish that they would do that more often with completed series or ones where the artist knows the number of volumes beforehand, but until that time I'll use my shoe boxes. Wink
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 5:12 am Reply with quote
fighterholic wrote:
To me having cases would just be a waste of time. When you can fit manga in a bookcase or a storage when they're the same size, why try putting the manga in a case that won't be the same size for each series? Tankobon are just like any other book.

The key there being the word book. Manga are books. Sure it's a different format and size but they're still books. books are their own case in essence so why would manga be any different?

Plus as mentioned with a dvd you have a material very prone to scratches/damages that can render it useless and broken. A scratch is not going to ruin a manga volume.
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Joined: 05 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:35 am Reply with quote
In Japan they have plastic slip-bags for just about everything under the sun. That's probably the closest you'll ever get to something like a case.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:28 pm Reply with quote
darkdruid333 wrote:
To be honest I understand what you mean, I'm a college student who lives on campus so I can't have a large bookcase, but I also like to visit home and bring some of my manga with me. I use shoe boxes and Fed Ex boxes to carry my manga with me when I travel.

Another option would be to go to your local comic shop and buy comics storage boxes, cardboard cases with a separate lid which are the perfect size to carry manga. Because they're comic-sized, you can actually fit two rows of manga, just be sure to put the bottom row with the spines up and the top row with the spines down to make sure you don't damage any pages. Comic storage boxes come in both long and short varieties....long ones hold 300 individual comics and short ones hold 150, so a short box should be perfect to transport around 40 or so manga volumes.

Zoe wrote:
In Japan they have plastic slip-bags for just about everything under the sun. That's probably the closest you'll ever get to something like a case.

You can also buy those at comic shops, too....usually a package of 100 will run you $4 or $5.
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The Unknown 24

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:10 pm Reply with quote
I store all my manga in zip lock backs. And If I have a complete set(Example Lupin III 1-14) I find a box to store all of them in that they can fit in almost perfect as if they were on a bookshelf. Sometimes I might even decorate the box with copied pics of that manga or even anime pics (if that manga ever got produced as an anime. If I feel lazy that day I might just get a black marker and write the name on the box.

But it would be cool to have a clear plastic case to store the manga in.

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Joined: 05 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:21 pm Reply with quote
jgreen wrote:

You can also buy those at comic shops, too....usually a package of 100 will run you $4 or $5.

Do you mean the resealable ones or just the standard American slip-bags?
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