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Just finished Chobits..not happy

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Joined: 17 May 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 8:09 am Reply with quote
Cool Up until episode 15 I thought Chobits was great.

spoiler[I thought Motosuwa had Hibiya(the landlady), the teacher Shimizu, and Yumi-chan from the bar. I figured Chii would stay on as a friend whie he pursued a human relationship. Nope, he loses all three.

For some reason it really bothered me that Shinbo hooked up with Shimizu. I really liked her and was hoping Motosuwa would hook up with her. Then, I thought OK Motosuwa still has Yumi...nope that one got away too. Then I thought maybe he can still form a relationship with Hibiya because she was real nice to him and seemed to care for him.

Hiibiya to me turned out sorta cold blooded. It seems to me she was willing to delete data and reset the OS and Chii so she could get her daughter back.

I like Chii alot but I cant picture myself marrying a Persocon, because in the back of my mind I would always know it was a machine and I would always be wondering is it Chii or the program responding.

I am of the personality type that applies human emotions and characteristics(Think Calvin and Hobbs or people who talk to cars or anme their cars) to inanimate objects. I learned that from all those damm personality questionarres I had to take in pych class in College. So it seems I would be the type that would respond well to a man falling in love with a machine. It just didn't work for me.

Which now makes me wonder how different are Chii and Data from Star Trek? Data was a machine but he loved and was classified a sentient lifeform. Is it different with Chii? She definately is not a run of the mill Persocon.

I cant put my finger on it but what started out as a delightful and fun show has left me depressed and with a big empty feeling. Im going to have to watch a few epsiodes of Happy Leson Advance or Excel Saga to keep from blowing my brains out. I wasnt this depressed with the End Of Evangelion.]
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 10:03 am Reply with quote
See, I thought Chobits only became watchable around episode 15. Up until then the series was lighter than air, totally free of substance and overloaded with fanservice. Then around ep.15 it grew a story, character development, and even a few interesting themes about man's relationship to technology in the 21st century. If you really expect everything you watch to be totally substance-free and light as a feather, do yourself a favor and avoid anything by Clamp.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 12:52 pm Reply with quote
Clamp. I was wondering what the f.uck that was, I've been hearing alot about it and I'll go insane if I can't find out what the hell it is.
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The Ramblin' Wreck

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 2:31 pm Reply with quote


They're just some of the world's most popular manga writers. It's a four person team of women whose names escape me at the moment. Well, check the encyclopedia. Some of the more notable works include:

Magic Knights Rayearth
Cardcaptor Sakura
Angelic Layer

Most of their works are considered essentials of any collection.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 2:35 pm Reply with quote
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Joined: 31 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 5:27 pm Reply with quote
Everyone has his or her own opinion.
I liked it in my opinion.
I'm a pretty big fan of these kinds of animes. It did kind of leave me hangin' at the end.
The series has a unique feel to it.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 10:53 pm Reply with quote
After I watched the series, I read the Manga. The story in the manga is much better IMO, although I really didn't like Tokyopop's overuse of cursewords. I'm still waiting for the last volume to come out. I recommend you check it out it, as it deals with the whole Machine/Love problem more in depth than the anime.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2003 8:21 am Reply with quote
I haven't seen the anime yet, but from what I hear its not the same as the manga that it is based upon. However, I never thought of Hiibiya as being cold-hearted from the manga; but the reasons for things happening might have been different in the anime.
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Craeyst Raygal

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2003 8:03 pm Reply with quote
Honestly, Anslushac, I'm not all that surprised that Chobits managed to do a few quick 180's on you and left your heart wrenched. CLAMP has a tendency to tear into people's emotions. But I have to agree with Zac, it's that deep emotive link you begin to feel with Chii and Hideki's plight that made the series more than just another romantic comedy.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2003 9:11 pm Reply with quote
Actually, Crayest, I wasn't referring to that "link" (pun intended?) between Chii and Hideki, so to speak. I was talking about what that relationship symbolizes. The show, to me, is about man's current relationship with technology and that technology's potential to replace humanity. Hideki doesn't need a real girl; he can love technology instead. The show really drives a lot of these points home in the episode with the guy who marries his Persocom is and subsequently persecuted by society, what happens to her, etc and so on. It seems to be a parable about the inherent dangers of falling in love with what's basically an inanimate object, and yet also explores the concept of what "love" is, and how subjective that concept is. I really liked where they went with it; it seemed very fresh to me.

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Craeyst Raygal

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2003 10:29 pm Reply with quote
Indeed, indeed. The questions of "What is man?", "What is love?", and "When will man's creations surpass him?" are posed time and time again. It's really quite clever how they presented the questions and I felt CLAMP did a good job of leaving it up to the viewer to decide how they felt about all that was going on.

But, can you, oh great and powerful Answerman, at least spot me the fact that Chobits is also still a very sweet and romantic series to watch even with all that? C'mon, I can be semi-right too.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2003 11:09 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, okay, it's also cute. I wanted more of the cool kids in black at the end.

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Joined: 17 May 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 5:31 am Reply with quote

spoiler[Take this liberally because I am still thinking this out so I may have some stuff wrong.

First while I felt depressed with the ending I did like the series and would highly recommend it. Chii is just too damm cute to ignore. I also like the other portable Persocon they brought in toward the end. Her quiet and reserved self plays off well against Sumomo.

Part of the problem I have is that I dont think CLAMP went far enough explaining what a CHOBITS is. The closest thing I can come up with is Commander Data in Star Trek. He is an android, but he has a advanced AI that is self aware and sentient. He is a lifeform, just a mechanical one.

From what I have found, Chii is supposed to be a CHOBITS, a persocom which is very similar to the android Data. She is supposed to be a advanced self aware sentient mechanical lifeform, except she doesnt have all her memories. In that context I have less problem of Motosuwa being with her...I just hope he never wants kids. I suppose they could adopt?

The kids in black were interesting and I dont think the series developed them enough. I would like to see a few OVA's to see how things progressed with Chii and Motosuwa.]
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