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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2003 12:36 am Reply with quote
i just wanted to see how long it would take you to lock an interesting topic.

another job well done Very Happy

Last edited by v1cious on Fri Aug 15, 2003 12:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2003 12:37 am Reply with quote
for cryin' out loud...drop it already. He's doing his job. Private message him if you want to complain.
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Joined: 18 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2003 1:03 am Reply with quote
Yeah private message him!!!!

I did and he threatened to ban me for it.
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Baka Boy

Joined: 10 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2003 1:05 am Reply with quote
While I do not agree with such things as censorship or regulating discussions, I do not blame Cookie for what was done. It is Cookie's job and Cookie is in charge of the forum, and although we may not agree with what was done, we still have no choice but to get over it. There are plenty of other forums out there. We can go to others and discuss Anime Battles. I know I started up my own version of it at Anime News Service, http://www.mangaacademy.com/forums/index.php?c=3
I hope you join my discussion on these forums, but still keep coming onto this forum. This forum is really fun and I learn a lot from going here.
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Joined: 18 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2003 1:09 am Reply with quote
It's too bad cookie couldn't just bump the locked thread for us then we could just edit one of our old messages so people know where to go
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2003 3:13 am Reply with quote
v1cious wrote:
i just wanted to see how long it would take you to lock an interesting topic.

another job well done Very Happy

Let me get this right, you're mad at him for locking a topic that you made fully expecting him to lock? Good lord, would you grow up, it's childish antics like this that keeps the board from getting interesting. Mad Testing athority is usually the best way to find yourself banned. Cookie must be a very forgiving guy, I know I wouldn't put up with this on my own forums.

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Joined: 02 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2003 7:11 am Reply with quote
Face it - no matter what web based message board you go on you you are going to find some form of moderation on it. The purpose of moderation is two fold: to keep people on the topic of the thread, and to prevent an overabundence of threads that are not needed/not related to the major subject of the thread. Even Slashdot uses moderation (highly unusual open moderation, but moderation none the less). If you want a truely open message board use the usenet - and there you have to put up with spam on the message board unless you are in a moderated chanel.
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Joined: 05 Jan 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2003 7:12 am Reply with quote
LuppyLuptonium wrote:
Yeah private message him!!!!

I did and he threatened to ban me for it.

Given the sparse detail, you must understand it would be foolish to make any judgements based on that. Without knowing the full details, we cannot take what you say at face value.
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Joined: 14 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2003 7:27 am Reply with quote
What I want to know is how he thinks a thread made only for the purpose of locking is interesting? To me, if Cookie locks this one, it's for the purpose of getting rid of junk, not for locking an interesting thread.
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Former ANN Editor in Chief

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2003 9:19 am Reply with quote
LuppyLuptonium wrote:
Yeah private message him!!!!

I did and he threatened to ban me for it.

i don't want to air dirty laundry, but I'm getting sick of this.

If anyone else brings up the draconic system of how we handle locked threads (publically), you will be banned. If anyone brings up any of the threads that have been locked again, you will be banned.

If you want to continue discussing this matter, private message me, and we'll talk.

Here's exactly what Luppy wrote to me, and what I wrote back to him:

(First message, by Luppy)
Why did you close a thred that everyone was having fun in?

Is this your first time moderating a forum? because this is like a moderator newbie mistake.

(First message response, by me)
I have been a forum moderator since 1996, a system operator since 1997, an ANN forum moderator since 1999, and a webmaster for ANN since 2000.

I have a goal in mind, which is to stimulate intellectual discussion, not petty discussions about which anime character is stronger. Ditto for marriages and other flights of fancy.

It's unfortunate that I had to lock the three threads simultaneously, but they all arose shortly prior to (or during) Otakon, where I was unavailable to maintain the forum. Had it been an ordinary week I wouldn't've had need to lock the threads simultaneously.

Historically, we have locked or deleted threads that, although technically not off-topic, did not contribute to the development of the forum. The same applies here; it's merely circumstance (specifically, Otakon) that caused three to be locked all at once.

If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to let me know.

(Second message, by Luppy):
Why do you feel the need to treat forum goers as personal playthings?

I am sorry if we bore you but please don't throw us away like last years Eva model kit.

Closing a thread like that is mean to the people who enjoy it. I am sorry if you think we are dumber than you because we think it would be cool to see Big O fight a gundam, or think we have a lot in common with a certain character to the point we would want to be and/or marry them....

Please excuse us lowly forum goers who decided to post on your frickin board, to have some semblance of a freaking conversation. I just came here wanting to talk to other Otakus, oh but i'm sorry a thread featuring multiple series came up.... I'll just go onto one of those other "more mature" focused threads and RANT ABOUT SHAMAN KING AND INITIAL D SOME MORE!!!!!!

(Second message response, by me):
LuppyLuptonium wrote:
Why do you feel the need to treat forum goers as personal playthings?

I never said that.

I am sorry if we bore you but please don't throw us away like last years Eva model kit.

I'm not banning anyone, am I? You're all still here. I could ban you for harassing me about a thread I've locked -- it's perfectly allowed.. and I wouldn't be the first moderator to do such a thing..

But I think we can work out an understanding, so I'm willing to put up with your insulting tone in the hopes that maybe, JUST MAYBE you'll see things my way.

Keep it up tho, and I'll gladly ban you.

Closing a thread like that is mean to the people who enjoy it. I am sorry if you think we are dumber than you because we think it would be cool to see Big O fight a gundam, or think we have a lot in common with a certain character to the point we would want to be and/or marry them....

It's not mean, and I _do_ think it would be cool to see Big O fight a Gundam. In fact, there's a series of games called "Super Robot Wars" that allows that very sort of thing.

However, these sorts of threads are not intellectually stimulating, and as such they were locked.

Please excuse us lowly forum goers who decided to post on your frickin board, to have some semblance of a freaking conversation. I just came here wanting to talk to other Otakus, oh but i'm sorry a thread featuring multiple series came up.... I'll just go onto one of those other "more mature" focused threads and RANT ABOUT SHAMAN KING AND INITIAL D SOME MORE!!!!!!

"Otaku" is singular and plural.. ditto for "Samurai", "Anime" and all other Japanese nouns, as the Japanese language does not have plurals.

And while I'm thinking about it, you won't find a "more mature" board around. If you want to go somewhere that will appreciate threads like that, I suggest rec.arts.anime.misc or some such newsgroup -- there are hundreds of posters there who would love to hear another debate about whether Goku's power levels are logarithmic or linear progressions.

Ranting about Shaman King and Initial D is cool, provided it goes somewhere -- the ANN forums, quite simply, are not about having mindless fun, but instead are intended for actual _debate_. Some threads are good for a while -- and as such I allowed the threads to progress for some time even after returning from Otakon.

Looking back through the anime forum, I see a number of other threads that have been banned simply because they've outlived their purpose, or have gone off-topic.

I decided that those three threads have outlived their purpose and so I locked them. There's a basic level of intellect that I would like to foster in the ANN forums... and while you're entirely correct in saying that posts about "death matches" and "marriages" are fun, they aren't the least bit intellectually stimulating. There are a number of other threads that barely make the cut (and I'm not looking for a LOT of intelligence, as I've allowed the 'anime characters you hate' thread for so long already. If it continues as it is, however, I'll probably lock it too.)

We're looking for long, detailed posts. If you want to see Big O and Wing Zero duke it out, do more than simply say "I think Big O would win!" -- I'd like to see some evidence backing it up. Unfortunately, none of the posts in the deathmatch thread came anywhere near actually explaining WHY, but instead the best merely offered example fights (mostly posted by Baka Boy).

See where I'm coming from?

I hope everyone sees where I'm coming from now, or at least understands that they should talk to me IN PRIVATE if they want to continue discussing it.

... and if you don't want to do that, then I'll be more than happy to start banning accounts.

Technically, I could ban v1cious and BfEaByOeP right now for bringing up a thread that was locked -- it's part of the rules:

8) If a thread is locked by an Admin the topic is not to be immediately brought up in a new (or another already existing) thread. It has been closed because the admins do not want to see the conversation proceed any further.

Got what I'm saying? Continue public discussion of this issue and I'll ban you. Take it up in private (with myself or others), or via e-mail ([email protected]) or some such.

Got it?
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