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Double Casting

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Joined: 21 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:53 pm Reply with quote
So say your fav anime series has been taken by the industry in the US what if they double cast most of the characters and reuse the same VAs like 2 dollar whores, Opinions?
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:02 pm Reply with quote
What if they do? As long as they're different sounding voices or similar sounding voices that fit the characters it really shouldn't matter. And the Japanese can be pretty guilty of doing this as well, it's not just an American thing.

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Joined: 21 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:05 pm Reply with quote
At least the Japanese VAs have range and can do a VARIETY of different voices

Some of the american VAs they double cast have only 1 ranger of voice and that's all they can do. What if that happens
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Joined: 20 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:19 pm Reply with quote
RanChan03 wrote:
At least the Japanese VAs have range and can do a VARIETY of different voices

No, most seiyuus don't have a wide variety. I've been able to identify several different seiyuu simply because thier voice work for one character sounds exactly like, or similar to, the voice from another character, though there are some exceptions.

I really don't care if the double cast for whatever reason, as long as the voice fits the character.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:22 pm Reply with quote
RanChan03 wrote:
At least the Japanese VAs have range and can do a VARIETY of different voices

Some of the american VAs they double cast have only 1 ranger of voice and that's all they can do. What if that happens

Then you watch the subs. But as you pointed out, *some* English VAs have no range, but most do. And as I said, if the voice still fits the characters then it really shouldn't be a problem.

And don't kid yourself, there are a lot of bad Japanese VAs out there.

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Joined: 04 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:42 pm Reply with quote
Emerje wrote:
RanChan03 wrote:
At least the Japanese VAs have range and can do a VARIETY of different voices

Some of the american VAs they double cast have only 1 ranger of voice and that's all they can do. What if that happens

Then you watch the subs. But as you pointed out, *some* English VAs have no range, but most do. And as I said, if the voice still fits the characters then it really shouldn't be a problem.

And don't kid yourself, there are a lot of bad Japanese VAs out there.


Peach Girl, one of the worst Japanese tracks you will ever hear.
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Starwind Amada

Joined: 26 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:48 pm Reply with quote
RanChan03 wrote:
At least the Japanese VAs have range and can do a VARIETY of different voices

Some of the american VAs they double cast have only 1 ranger of voice and that's all they can do. What if that happens

Oh, please, another one of those pathetic "OMFG TEH JAPANESE ARE TEH AWESOME111" morons. The Japanese can do bad performances, too, you know. Stop acting like they are like some superior linguists or something, because they're NOT. More often than not, they sound like they're constipated, at least, when they're yelling. I only mean this in terms of voice acting, not everyday speech (then again, I don't know any Japanese people).

Ever heard Bebop in Japanese? Good performances, but it doesn't work for me (as it does not for pretty much everyone). And I absolutley HATE watching Wolf's Rain in Japanese. The dub is so much better.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:01 pm Reply with quote
Starwind Amada wrote:
RanChan03 wrote:
At least the Japanese VAs have range and can do a VARIETY of different voices

Some of the american VAs they double cast have only 1 ranger of voice and that's all they can do. What if that happens

Oh, please, another one of those pathetic "OMFG TEH JAPANESE ARE TEH AWESOME111" morons. The Japanese can do bad performances, too, you know. Stop acting like they are like some superior linguists or something, because they're NOT. More often than not, they sound like they're constipated, at least, when they're yelling. I only mean this in terms of voice acting, not everyday speech (then again, I don't know any Japanese people).

Ever heard Bebop in Japanese? Good performances, but it doesn't work for me (as it does not for pretty much everyone). And I absolutley HATE watching Wolf's Rain in Japanese. The dub is so much better.

Oh no no no i am not one of those people, i am just saying some of them are really good, i am not one of those type of people who think OMG JAPANESE people ARE TEH END ALL TO ANIME!! good god no, i am just saying, take one of your favorite series that one of the industries here in the US has bought the rights too, and instead of using new talent, they use the same VAs who do nothing but the same voice over and over and over and don't change. Ie Richard Cox (not trying to bash him and such)

But heaven forbid i am not one of those people who think Japanese VAs are the end all solution to anime, please don't lump me into that crowd
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Joined: 21 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:02 pm Reply with quote
Advent_Nebula wrote:
Emerje wrote:
RanChan03 wrote:
At least the Japanese VAs have range and can do a VARIETY of different voices

Some of the american VAs they double cast have only 1 ranger of voice and that's all they can do. What if that happens

Then you watch the subs. But as you pointed out, *some* English VAs have no range, but most do. And as I said, if the voice still fits the characters then it really shouldn't be a problem.

And don't kid yourself, there are a lot of bad Japanese VAs out there.


Peach Girl, one of the worst Japanese tracks you will ever hear.

sorry my mistake i should've corrected myself and said that some of the Japanese VAs

My Apologies
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Starwind Amada

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:09 pm Reply with quote
RanChan03 wrote:
Starwind Amada wrote:
RanChan03 wrote:
At least the Japanese VAs have range and can do a VARIETY of different voices

Some of the american VAs they double cast have only 1 ranger of voice and that's all they can do. What if that happens

Oh, please, another one of those pathetic "OMFG TEH JAPANESE ARE TEH AWESOME111" morons. The Japanese can do bad performances, too, you know. Stop acting like they are like some superior linguists or something, because they're NOT. More often than not, they sound like they're constipated, at least, when they're yelling. I only mean this in terms of voice acting, not everyday speech (then again, I don't know any Japanese people).

Ever heard Bebop in Japanese? Good performances, but it doesn't work for me (as it does not for pretty much everyone). And I absolutley HATE watching Wolf's Rain in Japanese. The dub is so much better.

Oh no no no i am not one of those people, i am just saying some of them are really good, i am not one of those type of people who think OMG JAPANESE people ARE TEH END ALL TO ANIME!! good god no, i am just saying, take one of your favorite series that one of the industries here in the US has bought the rights too, and instead of using new talent, they use the same VAs who do nothing but the same voice over and over and over and don't change. Ie Richard Cox (not trying to bash him and such)

But heaven forbid i am not one of those people who think Japanese VAs are the end all solution to anime, please don't lump me into that crowd

Sorry about that. I tend to jump to conclusions when this kind of topic is made. The people who bash dubs without even listening to them and believe seiyuus can do no wrong make me sick. I just want them all to shut up and die.
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Joined: 27 May 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:10 pm Reply with quote
I think that one person can do a variety of voices well. Just look at Mel Blanc who did practically all the Warner Brothers characters! He was a genius, and you never think to yourself, oh, the same guy is doing all the voices. I think the problem is that at least to me, there hasn't been a real superstar anime dubber. I love the English version of Cowboy Bebop and have actually never bothered listening to the Japanese tracks. Super Milk-Chan and Kodacha are others where the original voice tracks are alternately boring or grating. I don't know why but most of the time, if the anime is in English I find myself watching their lips, like I'm trying to see if it's out of sync, instead of watching the action. I do think if you can watch the entire English dub of Excel Saga, you should get some sort of medal, because it is just awful. I guess I just feel like the Japanese version of an anime is more true to the original intention of the creators. Something is always lost in translation.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:13 pm Reply with quote
oh no no no that's alright, i am just saying, that what if one of your favorite anime series was bought, and was dubbed, and instead of hiring new talent, they reuse the same VAs as different people. like the overhyped VAs and such the poster child of that company
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Starwind Amada

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:17 pm Reply with quote
RanChan03 wrote:
oh no no no that's alright, i am just saying, that what if one of your favorite anime series was bought, and was dubbed, and instead of hiring new talent, they reuse the same VAs as different people. like the overhyped VAs and such the poster child of that company

Um, that happens all the time, and we deal with it. I don't care how many series Vic Mignogna uses the same voice in, I still adore his work. I don't mind the fact that Kurz Weber and Edward Elric sound exactly the same. If it's a bad voice, like that 4Kids hack Eric Stuart, then I get upset, but that's even if he DOES use different voices. He's like, what, some plumber they brought in to record?
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Joined: 21 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:41 pm Reply with quote
Starwind Amada wrote:
RanChan03 wrote:
oh no no no that's alright, i am just saying, that what if one of your favorite anime series was bought, and was dubbed, and instead of hiring new talent, they reuse the same VAs as different people. like the overhyped VAs and such the poster child of that company

Um, that happens all the time, and we deal with it. I don't care how many series Vic Mignogna uses the same voice in, I still adore his work. I don't mind the fact that Kurz Weber and Edward Elric sound exactly the same. If it's a bad voice, like that 4Kids hack Eric Stuart, then I get upset, but that's even if he DOES use different voices. He's like, what, some plumber they brought in to record?

Oh sorry i messed up again Smile
What i meant to say was what if they took one of your favorite anime and double casted, used the same VA for 2 or 3 major characters in the series.
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Joined: 20 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:50 pm Reply with quote
RanChan03 wrote:
oh no no no that's alright, i am just saying, that what if one of your favorite anime series was bought, and was dubbed, and instead of hiring new talent, they reuse the same VAs as different people. like the overhyped VAs and such the poster child of that company

Like I said, if the voice fits then they should use it; regardless if the seiyuu (or VA if that's what you want to call it) is a veteran who's been in countless other series, or someone completely new to the business.

RanChan03 wrote:
What i meant to say was what if they took one of your favorite anime and double casted, used the same VA for 2 or 3 major characters in the series.

OK now that's something a little different. Though it's rare that one seiyuu plays 2 or more major characters. But if that seiyuu can pull it off, then they should do it. Like Paul Dobson in InuYasha, he plays both Myoga and Naraku, and they both sound different. Now they could've had him play one of those characters and gotten someone else to play the other, but his voice works for both of them.
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