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REVIEW: Dragon Ball Z Dub.DVD - Rock the Dragon Edition

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Joined: 05 May 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:43 am Reply with quote
Better to just buy Kai.
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Joined: 17 Jul 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:00 pm Reply with quote
Why in the hell was crap like this made? Riding off nostalgia, huh? Well, nostalgia's only good when the things you liked as a kid were any GOOD. People didn't care about quality when they were kids. This dub is horrible. It is. The voice acting is OTT and cheesy, the script is terrible, the music isn't music at all, the editing is horrible and overall this dub is failure, just like the in house portion. Why can't these dubs die in a fire or something?
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Joined: 11 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:10 pm Reply with quote
This was worth a purchase to me for Brian Drummond's Vegeta alone. Sabat's interpretation of the character has always been very stiff and lifeless, whereas Drummond brings enough charisma and energy to the role to feed a 3rd world country.

And as much as I love the original Japanese dub, it is sometimes oddly plain. Obviously this goofy dub could never compare to the original, but some of its admittedly embarrassing embellishments are not always unwelcome. Most are absolutely cringeworthy though.
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Joined: 05 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:27 pm Reply with quote
I thought this older dub (which I do have fond memories of) at least gets past some of the boringness of the episodes it covers, but not too much (which I thought Kai utterly failed at). However, I do prefer FUNimation's redub of these episodes, mostly because I like consistency (plus I'm so used to the FUNi cast, I can have a hard time hearing the characters with any other voices, even when I was younger). I also agree that for a show like this, colorful dialogue suits it much more than a straight, boring translation (this wouldn't be the case for every show though).

I'm not sure I'll get this set, but my little brother really wants me to. I've actually been holding out on FUNi to resume their Blu-rays.

Last edited by PurpleWarrior13 on Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:51 pm Reply with quote
Radrappy wrote:
This was worth a purchase to me for Brian Drummond's Vegeta alone. Sabat's interpretation of the character has always been very stiff and lifeless, whereas Drummond brings enough charisma and energy to the role to feed a 3rd world country.

And Scott McNeil's dark, commanding performance as Piccolo, who was also replaced by Sabat. Probably just a coincidence, really.

The acting overall suffers from traces of the hammy falseness that American cartoons suffered from throughout the '80s and '90s

I miss the ham. Now, we have to stick with anime, in the original Japanese, to get our daily allowance of ham. Unthinkable!

I kind of know what is meant here but if you sad "Sailor Moon" {or gave some examples}, then I could at least agree. Luna...

Add to that the edited version's unwillingness to show actual impact (that's right, you never see a fist or foot actually hit anyone, only the aftermath of the hit) and you get fights that constantly descend into jumbled nonsense

What the HFIL...

You know what they say, "Never say never". Blood was taken out but I do remember punches and kicks connecting every now and then. {Checks youtube} Yep, those are hits.
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Joined: 09 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:59 pm Reply with quote
YamadaKun wrote:
Why in the hell was crap like this made? Riding off nostalgia, huh? Well, nostalgia's only good when the things you liked as a kid were any GOOD. People didn't care about quality when they were kids. This dub is horrible. It is. The voice acting is OTT and cheesy, the script is terrible, the music isn't music at all, the editing is horrible and overall this dub is failure, just like the in house portion. Why can't these dubs die in a fire or something?

Everything you listed is the reason of why this came out. It's not meant to be good and people know that going into it buying it. This set is not for you at all. Complaining about such a niche product is silly and rather pointless. Anyone who wants this knows what it is and will be getting it.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:13 pm Reply with quote
I watched the kind of uncensored South American dub as a kid and when I watched parts from this dub I laughed a lot. Man they really made up a lot of funny stuff.

One of the dub's best things is that Vegeta went from an unlikable abusive and proud douche to a cocky and funny douche. I seriously couldn't tolerate Vegeta during the series' first 200 episodes but the dub makes him quite likable.
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Joined: 17 Jul 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:13 pm Reply with quote
I also agree that for a show like this, colorful dialogue suits it much more than a straight, boring translation (this wouldn't be the case for every show though.

I'm under the belief, if a show can't get a proper translation, it shouldn't be dubbed at all. Dragon Ball may have Japanese/Chinese influences to it, but it has no set location and isn't TOO hard to dub(Or at least shouldn't be) so the fact that we only get a semi-tolerable dub after 13 years should show the Funimation never deserved the show in the first place.

Take shows like Naruto and Gundam Wing, that were only moderately edited in their runs, because they were made uncut and edited for TV. Rather than changing the script heavily or changing the music or personalities of the characters, those dubs still keep the meaning of the Japanese script in a lighter way. One of those shows managed to outstrip DBZ in popularity for a time and the other managed to outstrip anything not called Ben 10. I guess it shows huge change=/=success.
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Joined: 20 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:13 pm Reply with quote
This whole release of DBZ is pretty just another exercise in milking the franchise cow once more from FUNimation. As far as I'm concerned, DBZ is at the point of no return regarding a release that is satisfiable to all parties.

Rock the Dragon - edited dub
Ultimate Uncut Special Edition - cancelled
Level Sets - cancelled
Dragon Boxes - OOP, bad colors
Orange Boxes - Faux widescreen, auto-filtering
Kai - Music rights issues, inconsistent coloring, edits

And the cream of the crop? No admission of fault from FUNimation for any of this because they know that DBZ is a milkable franchise and fans will eat it up.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:53 pm Reply with quote
Whelp, I'm buying it. I have never actually seen the Ocean Group dub before. My first glances at DBZ probably were Ocean Group -a glance being back when we used antennas to watch TV and all the trees and signals aligned perfectly so for that one morning you could watch that one TV channel you never got and see that one show everyone talks about at school in black and white colors all fuzzed up with the occasional color, yup that kind of glance. So when I actually got satellite, I saw DBZ when the Funimation dub was airing on Cartoon Network so this intrigues me greatly. I didn't even know that there was different dub until recently. I didn't really want to spend the time surfing the internet to hunt them up so this collection came at a very apt time for me. Scott McNeil as Piccolo is definitely what I'm looking forward to most not that I mind Sabat - I love that man's voice. (I will not be putting down $100 for it though but $60 from RightStuf.) Laughing

Last edited by sakuragtin on Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 09 Mar 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:58 pm Reply with quote
Well, I can understand wanting to buy this for bile fascination alone. I myself am hunting the Knights of the Zodiac DVDs for this same reason (it gives me some great laughs). That said...look, you can defend the voice acting and nostalgia, but please, for all that is sacred, don't give me this "oh, but the looser translation is better!" or "the edits make it more dynamic!" crap. No. Stop that. Needless changes can be amusing, but they shouldn't be glorified.
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Joined: 11 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:00 pm Reply with quote
Carl Kimlinger wrote:
It all adds up to a big, self-conscious jab at the show's desire to retool itself as kiddie fare.

But Dragon Ball is kiddie fare.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:45 pm Reply with quote
Fronzel wrote:
Carl Kimlinger wrote:
It all adds up to a big, self-conscious jab at the show's desire to retool itself as kiddie fare.

But Dragon Ball is kiddie fare.

Yeah, and the part where he talks about "drearily serious source material" -- what? Granted the show has its dark moments when characters get killed off (which is never permanent and merely sees them sent to a goofy afterlife for a little while), but Dragon Ball was a comedy and DBZ retains plenty of that, albeit with a stronger action orientation. Parts of this review read like it was written by someone whose only impression of the Japanese version has come from reading DBZ Uncensored. This show isn't exactly Ideon.
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Joined: 17 Jul 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:58 pm Reply with quote
@zaphdash I dislike the dubs too, but DBZ is not a masterpiece. It's not excellent, very good, good, decent, so-so or even not really good. It's weak. 50-60% of the show is useless filler, character personality changes, off model art, sloppy animation and the Japanese version itself if not perfect. The only good VA work is from Midorikawa, Nakahara, Otomo, Nakao, Wakamoto, Furuya, that guy who played that bastard from Double Zeta Gundam, Chiba, Hayami and a few others. The main characters had annoying/forced voices. All that aside, DBZ Uncensored 2 goes as far as to say that Movie 8 is considered to be one of the best anime movies of all time. I laughed my ass off. That movie is terrible. The art and animation isn't better in the slightest, the music sucks, the VAing, apart from a few suck, the plot is thin, urgh. Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Ghost in the Shell, Akira, Wings of the Honneamise, Castle in the Sky and Whisper in the Heart are in the same category as that filth? Hell no. DBZU and DBZU2 need to get better taste in anime.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:12 pm Reply with quote
Sort of a pointless cash grab for nostalgia's sake alone, and one that is far too expensive for a choppy, terrible dub, but hey, whatever. I know I personally have a preference for some of the Ocean voices (though the Japanese voices, all of them, are far superior) when compared to some of the Funimation voices (Peter Kelamis to Sean Schemmel, Brian Drummond and Scott McNeil to Chris Sabat to name a few). Just not enough to purchase this set. I have the uncut edition of the Ocean dubs for the first three DBZ movies already, so I feel no desire to buy heavily edited and poorly scripted crap, even for nostalgia's sake.

But hey, maybe it'll fund a revival in the Level Sets or the release of the new DBZ movie. Or my preference, some more Dragon Boxes (for the original DB TV series this time). We all complain about DBZ being milked, but it's allowing Funimation to afford a more worthwhile release.
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