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Shelf Life - Bubble Teatrino

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Joined: 07 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:21 pm Reply with quote
Ah, good, I was hoping for the review of When They Cry... I've been wanting to get your opinion on it. Suffice to say, that one's pretty much on my list now... ^^
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:32 pm Reply with quote
Really happy to see that Teatrino got a "shelf-worthy" as I think it deserves it. So many people bailed with the fansubs just because it looked different from the first series done by Madhouse.

Well, actually, with looking at my Gunslinger Girl manga, the girls look much closer to their manga counterparts than the first series ever did, so if you want to blame someone for the 'generic' character design, blame the manga-ka.

While I do think the girls are quite a bit more peppy (Rico especially, but again, she is much more in line with her manga counterpart), this still shows conflict. It's just not directly shown to the viewer. If anything, their happy-go-lucky attitude while being used as brutal assasins should make people recall the 'restrictions' which the girls go under whenever they're not quite as compliant as thier fratello wants them to be.

Also, it has Pinnochio. And that is awesome. So once again, hope this brings more Gunslinger Girl fans out of the woodwork to purchase this, albeit-not-brilliantly-animated but very faithful to the manga adaptation.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:34 pm Reply with quote
I really wanna watch Gunslinger Girl season two. But since I'm a big fan of the original, I keep holding myself back. I know the story arc is fairly decent, as I've read the manga (all the ones released in US anyway) but the change in budget, character designs, and tone I don't know if I can.

Though...looking at the price for the whole season, I really don't have an excuse not to pick it up.

When they cry looks interesting, but I was kind of dissapointed with another such violent/cute hybrid anime Elfen Lied.
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Joined: 08 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:02 pm Reply with quote
Well, THIS shit is rare! All of the DVD box sets (and one volume of a series) had the Shelf Worthy red mark, but half of the box sete were filed as Rentals as Bamboo said.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:08 pm Reply with quote
Sentai Filmworks, formerly ADV Films, has been re-releasing much of their catalogue.

Out of curiosity, why'd they change their name? Has anything else about their releases changed?
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Joined: 16 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:14 pm Reply with quote
bigheart711 wrote:
Well, THIS shit is rare! All of the DVD box sets (and one volume of a series) had the Shelf Worthy red mark, but half of the box sete were filed as Rentals as Bamboo said.

First of all, thank you for swearing. Second, it's clearly a mistake in the posting, they'll fix it once they've noticed it.

Bamboo's belief that Darker Than Black will never give her answers is perhaps a good one, since it'll prepare her for the open-ended ending. The series answers some of the questions, but not all. It is at least is getting a sequel, unlike many similar ones. Whether or not they'll finish answering there is another question to be answered, but I'm hoping for it. I love the serial-style storytelling of two-parters; it makes me wish they could do hour-long episodes of anime, it would have worked well in that format.

Personally, I don't have a problem being stringed along with as few answers as possible - but then again, I'm also a fan of Lost. Wink
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:20 pm Reply with quote
Ya got the color of the sidebar things messed up, it's all the "shelf worthy" color.

Anyway, on topic, When They Cry is awesome, and the 2nd season does answer almost all the questions, plus my favorite char ended up being the main villain, that was awesome. It does cut back a bit on the brutality, but it develops more of a story to make up for it.
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Ktimene's Lover

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:23 pm Reply with quote
Justin has a really cool collection. He is definitely a DVD guy as he spent a few years at CPM (rest their souls) putting stuff onto DVD.
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:27 pm Reply with quote
Glad to see Teatrino getting the "shelf worthy". I have yet to get my copy to finish the series, but I got my 'Higurashi'. Just waiting to sit down and watch the madness. I just hope that eventually season 2 and the other specials will make it stateside one day. As well as Ryukishi07's other works that are currently playing. (hint-hint)

But I really want to sit and watch 'Teatrino'. There were so much negativity about the series, on both sides of the globe. It would have nice to see 'Madhouse' take the reins again, but I heard there were reasons. But I'm not going to let that deter me from picking it up. Because I want to see more of the story.
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Joined: 02 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:28 pm Reply with quote
I'm at a toss up with GSG 2. I will admit that it is fun to watch (once I got over the rather poor animation and overly cut character designs), but compared to the first it offers so much less depth. The plot moves forward, but the characters are just sort of there. The emotional/moral complexity is lost. I was rather disappointed.

As for the second season of When They Cry, I'd enjoy that not being licensed. Unless someone can nab the license for really cheap, I don't think it's worth trying, and wasting one's time watching it is even less worth it. Had they done a season that was only 10-13 episodes (although I think adding 2-4 to the first season, or better yet, making an OVA, would have been the best solution) I wouldn't have had so much of a problem with it. They took too little material and spread it far, far too thin. Things drag on for far too long and nothing is actually accomplished/worth viewing until the last couple episodes (and some of those (and plenty beforehand) have atrocious dialog). Heck, I'd have preferred it having erratic pacing then being slower than a slug. If I wasn't watching it as it came out, and in hopes it'd improve, I would have dumped it. The payoff was not worth the torture to get there.
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the Rancorous

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:30 pm Reply with quote
Citan wrote:
I really wanna watch Gunslinger Girl season two. But since I'm a big fan of the original, I keep holding myself back. I know the story arc is fairly decent, as I've read the manga (all the ones released in US anyway) but the change in budget, character designs, and tone I don't know if I can.

I streamed the first episode on FUNi's site... and I was done with it after that. Its not just the different look, it was the entire atmosphere that was changed. Plus, that action sequence held many questionable to downright outrageous 'goofs' through out it. Like you, I'm a big fan of the first season, and I just couldn't deal with it portrayed in that way. I'm just going to start collecting the manga and go with that.
When they cry looks interesting, but I was kind of dissapointed with another such violent/cute hybrid anime Elfen Lied.

they're really not that alike at all. EL relied more on shock value while When They Cry worked with mystery and suspense (with some shock value as well). Plus, the multiple story-arcs and resets give it that much more of an appeal. Actually... I've yet to finish it Shocked
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:34 pm Reply with quote
bigheart711 wrote:
Well, THIS shit is rare! All of the DVD box sets (and one volume of a series) had the Shelf Worthy red mark, but half of the box sete were filed as Rentals as Bamboo said.

Oops, sorry. I screwed up. Refresh.
Ctimene's Lover wrote:
Justin has a really cool collection. He is definitely a DVD guy as he spent a few years at CPM (rest their souls) putting stuff onto DVD.

You may be thinking of the wrong Justin.
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Joined: 10 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:41 pm Reply with quote
I was actually considering Orphen because of its cheap price for 52 episodes, but thankfully reviews like this one remind me that a good deal isn't always the way to go.

I may have to pick up When They Cry for the Halloween season, but on second thought Red Garden is being rereleased as well...
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Joined: 16 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:48 pm Reply with quote
LeanGreen wrote:
I was actually considering Orphen because of its cheap price for 52 episodes, but thankfully reviews like this one remind me that a good deal isn't always the way to go.

Yeah, here's the thing: Orphen isn't 52 episodes. It's 26. They just added on the sequel Orphen: The Revenge to make it somehow "complete." In spite of how the second season is unnecessary and absolutely awful compared to the first one, which was rather good, if dated at this point. I mean seriously, I cannot come up with a single thing about the second season that makes it remotely worth watching. When the Azalie story was finished, it was just lame. If you're going to buy Orphen, get the original cheap somewhere on ebay, don't pay for a set where half of it is unbearable.
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Joined: 15 May 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:55 pm Reply with quote
neocloud9 wrote:
Sentai Filmworks, formerly ADV Films, has been re-releasing much of their catalogue.

Out of curiosity, why'd they change their name? Has anything else about their releases changed?

ADV is still around, they have not changed their name. They just released the Central Park Media rescues last month, and are handling distribution and production for Sentai Filmworks.

Here is ADV's statement on the Sentai Filmworks deal: http://www.animevice.com/news/aaand-adv-talks-sentai-and-more/1100/

Beyond that, there seems to be a lot of speculation and guesses by fans and others of wanting to know more and whats going on since ADV has not been talking as much as they used to in the past.

Last edited by SXAniMedia on Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:27 pm; edited 2 times in total
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