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Joined: 07 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:46 pm Reply with quote
Regarding Steins;Gate, it's all in MAGES court right now since they are the ones who hold the rights to the game and the others in the Science Adventure series.

They have had smaller titles released in the West (Corpse Party and Phantom Breaker Battlegrounds). The strange thing is releasing Chaos;Head for free (I think on both) on itunes and Google Play, but no translation. I can only think that they are taking small steps at a time with their releases in the West.

Regarding 7sixty's release of Phantom Breaker - last I heard from them was about legal issues or something like that they have to square away before they could release the game. I think it was posted on their facebook page.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:56 pm Reply with quote
superdry wrote:

Regarding 7sixty's release of Phantom Breaker - last I heard from them was about legal issues or something like that they have to square away before they could release the game. I think it was posted on their facebook page.

Pretty much. What I gather from their comments is how the product appeared to be finished and ready to go for production, but some legality issue prolonged everything. I think it's safe to say that we won't be seeing it. I am still curious on he issue (although I'm convinced it's something from Microsoft's end). Too bad, I was really looking forward to that $40 LE...
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:02 pm Reply with quote
S;G is going to be forever in limbo, 5pb/mages won't give JAST the rights and JAST jumped the gun last year contacting the translation group before the squared the rights away from both sides. (they got the ok from N+ but not from 5pb which holds all the major stuff for the series)

So in the end all we got was fansuber drama, no clear picture of if and when we'd get a release and dreams of a steam release. Which is sad considering BW and the rest of the team did make a steam demo to show off the translation to JAST.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:09 pm Reply with quote
I only want Tokimeki Memorial - the girl version. They translate and release that and they have a buyer.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:14 pm Reply with quote
ninjapet wrote:
S;G is going to be forever in limbo, 5pb/mages won't give JAST the rights and JAST jumped the gun last year contacting the translation group before the squared the rights away from both sides. (they got the ok from N+ but not from 5pb which holds all the major stuff for the series)

So in the end all we got was fansuber drama, no clear picture of if and when we'd get a release and dreams of a steam release. Which is sad considering BW and the rest of the team did make a steam demo to show off the translation to JAST.

Well in short your better off importing the Japanese version and using the translation patch. You gotta love drama when it comes to fan-subbing games. Then we have tropes vs woman in games was a whole other ball game. I will not comment on the video or the person that made it because I hate getting involved.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:17 pm Reply with quote
This immediately drew much rancor from chauvinist malcontents

Wow, really, we're going there? I guess we're ignoring all the females who she drew ire from as well.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:36 pm Reply with quote
I knew that FF wasn't coming out this year. A game that took what 3, 4 years? When it finally does come out I wonder if they'll critique the graphics. Because by this time with all the talk of the PS4 you wonder if they're playing their cards to kick off the system with the game that has some creaming their pants. Unless they still care.

Well, if Miku Hatsune can be on my Domino's Pizza box then she should be allowed to be ported to the PS3 for those interested.
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Joined: 23 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:31 pm Reply with quote
Absolutely excited for Monster Hunter on the Wii U & 3DS~

I was really looking forward to the Tropes vs Women in Games series, though I think the first episode thus far felt a tad slowly paced.....I was really fighting to pay attention in some spots, yet in others, she didn't do a bad job of showcasing her point with examples (the arcade sequence of the woman getting full on punched and carried off made my gut wrench). It's not really a matter of whether or not gamers watch the series (certainly doesn't seem like any of majority intend to), but it's important that game developers see this and take a second look at the games they are making and ask themselves if they could possibly do something different.

Cliff Bleszinski has at least posted a pretty inspiring guest article over on Kotaku yesterday afternoon about game development/communities "growing up" & touched upon the Tropes vs Women stuff.

Ultimately, what I've seen of the series up until now has gotten most of the message right. It's interesting hearing about how Krystal got bumped from Dinosaur Planet or how Peach isn't in New Mario Bros games as a playable character.

It's worth mentioning though that Rare has already said DP got muddled up by Nintendo's influence, and the New Super Mario team has not been including Peach as playable since animating her dress' physics would be too complicated......reasons that I'd deem fairly valid, but hopefully an increased amount of awareness & examples (gawd there are a lot of them) will make Nintendo think twice & work a bit extra to get Peach into playable condition next time.

.....and seriously, go buy Monster Hunter for the Wii U!
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Joined: 04 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:16 pm Reply with quote
Platform: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
Release Date: Late 2013/Early 2014

Is this true or just a typo? Because if this is really going to come to Xbox 360 I'm going to be extremely happy...
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Joined: 29 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:18 pm Reply with quote
Its just a typo/idle speculation. Its only been announced for PS3.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:45 pm Reply with quote
All this talk about strong women characters has reminded me to go out and buy the new Tomb Raider. I hear it is much better than previous games of the franchise at not objectifying Lara. I also hear it is a good game in its own right.
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Joined: 27 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:47 pm Reply with quote
It is quite an interesting game, especially since it seems to have risen above the infamous controversy.
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Joined: 18 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:04 pm Reply with quote
Between the barking ideologues, the knee-jerk reactionaries, and the reactionaries to the reactionaries, all I have to say about the Anita Sarkeesian mess is this: who accepts a six-figure sum to make a freaking Youtube video? Let alone one that simply involves reiterating ideas and theories that are readily available all around the Internet. Did Sarkeesian need a research grant to play [expletive] Mario Bros.?? From my (thankfully) distant-outsider perspective, the whole thing stinks of a racket.

That, and using Mario and Zelda as representations of sexist narratives is just silly. The "stories" in those games (Mario in particular) are abstracted to the point that turning the characters into stereotypes is simply unavoidable. Like it or not, the "damsel in distress" narrative is a classic masculine fantasy going back to the dawn of civilization - hell, back to caveman instincts - and thus a classic narrative structure; for good reason! I've never been able to take seriously the claim that all "save the princess" fairy tales are inherently nefarious; most are just harmless wish-fulfillment, if obviously oriented toward a male audience. More importantly, if you're going to complain about sexism in games (and lord knows you have ample material to work with there), I would think it'd make more sense to start with ones that endeavor to represent more evolved forms of storytelling. (Reiterations in the form of contemporary narratives don't even have to be sexist, if the distress of the damsel can be given an acceptable narrative justification and the damsel in question is still treated as a character, rather than a mere trophy.)

On a related note, Todd, if the Stein's Gate game (no, fudge whatever punctuation the Japanese developers use, I'm talking English) shares the ridiculously contrived plotting, horrible anti-comedy and offputting casual misogyny of its anime adaptation, I'm guessing you will not like it.

Also: I am proud to have gotten the reference in the Hatsune Miku mouseover joke.

Last edited by gatotsu911 on Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:26 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:18 pm Reply with quote
LinkTSwordmaster wrote:
I was really fighting to pay attention in some spots, yet in others, she didn't do a bad job of showcasing her point with examples (the arcade sequence of the woman getting full on punched and carried off made my gut wrench).

What she fails to mention is you also fight women in Double Dragon.

It's worth mentioning though that Rare has already said DP got muddled up by Nintendo's influence, and the New Super Mario team has not been including Peach as playable since animating her dress' physics would be too complicated......reasons that I'd deem fairly valid, but hopefully an increased amount of awareness & examples (gawd there are a lot of them) will make Nintendo think twice & work a bit extra to get Peach into playable condition next time.

Except Peach is playable in many games. Anita dismissing 50+ Mario games just because "they're not core game so they don't count" is just goal-post moving and I'm glad so many people called her out on her on it. As they did with most of the misinformation she said.

gatotsu911 wrote:
all I have to say about the Anita Sarkeesian mess is this: who accepts a six-figure sum to make a freaking Youtube video?

She did, and that was the entire point of the criticism against her last year. This video is the same production quality as her previous videos before the Kickstarter, and all she does is read misinformed examples off TVTropes. Something that does not cost more than what most people make in a year to make and people have been doing for free since YouTube began. Though this is also a problem with Kickstarter's vague monetary guidelines in general more than her specifically; there's no real accountability or guidelines for the money. You have quite a few game deveolopers who used Kickstarter admit they pocketed most of the money they raised because they only needed a fraction of it to do what they needed. The rest is wasted.
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Joined: 19 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:24 pm Reply with quote
gatotsu911 wrote:
A lot of stuff

Two important points there...

1. As X Button referenced, donations to the Tropes v. Women kickstarter surged amid ugly backlash from internet fools. Ironically the hate almost certainly played a huge role in its success. But Sarkessian's goal was merely $6,000, with some obligatory stretch goals for going beyond that. When you factor in equipment cost, time spent and the unknown factor of expenses necessary to get the systems and games necessary for all the "research", it's not crazy. Also, tacky is the one who begrudges her or anyone a devoted group of fans.

2. Having seen the first video, I can attest to the fact that it's in large part an introduction and history lesson. Mario and Zelda are not egregious examples, nor does Sarkessian dismiss their worth. But they represent the broader prevalence of the trope being discussed, and most importantly they are indisputably seminal games. Therefore including them in the discussion is not only a good idea, but probably also essential.
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