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Sugar: A Little Snow Fairy alternative title

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Joined: 30 Jun 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 9:32 pm Reply with quote
I just tried to enter "Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar" as an alternative title, and I got the following message: "Sorry, but according to our database this information is never found in official documents. The word "tiny" never appears on the DVD title or any official website.. If you still believe it is true, please contact the Encyclopedist."

However, on Sugar's encyclopedia page, the words "Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar" have been entered as the title for both the releases and the official website's names. If Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar isn't an alternative title, then where did the person who entered these get the idea that is was?

The definition for "alternative title" that this encyclopedia uses states: "Alternate titles are simply other names or nicknames under which an anime is known or has been commercialized."
This anime is known as Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar by many people. People got used to using that name long before it was licensed and given an official name.

The point of this post is: I think the title Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar should be allowed into the encyclopedia under the alternative titles section, because it is another name under which the anime is known, even if it isn't official. I know this is super nit-picky of me. Sorry if I'm causing trouble. Embarassed
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 10:13 pm Reply with quote
cardcaptormanda wrote:
However, on Sugar's encyclopedia page, the words "Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar" have been entered as the title for both the releases...

That's a problem I found a little annoying. Many 'Related releases' information does NOT match the text on the cover's picture. It's rather embarrasing. However, I can't modify them.

cardcaptormanda wrote:
...and the official website's names.


cardcaptormanda wrote:
If Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar isn't an alternative title, then where did the person who entered these get the idea that is was?

"Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar" is the literal translation (word by word) from Japanese Chicchana Yukitsukai Sugar (ちっちゃな雪使いシュガー). This "Tiny..." title, like you said, probably appeared among fans before Geneon/Pioneer had licensed it to US.

cardcaptormanda wrote:
The definition for "alternative title" that this encyclopedia uses states: "Alternate titles are simply other names or nicknames under which an anime is known or has been commercialized."

I can't speak for all, but IMHO this definition needs to be revised.

cardcaptormanda wrote:
The point of this post is: I think the title Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar should be allowed into the encyclopedia under the alternative titles section, because it is another name under which the anime is known, even if it isn't official.

I have the opposite opinion. In fact, this topic has been discussed in this thread. If an unofficial title is allowed to exist just because 'many' people know and acknowledge it, then how 'many' is 'many'? 10? 100? 1000? Maybe one fan title is lesser known, yet it's more accurate and/or more beautiful. And then, who has the right to determine how good an unofficial title is?

Furthermore, in this specific case, "Suger" is under letter "S" in Geneon's catalog, not letter "T" or "A."

That's what I think: once the official title (in a specific language / locale) is announced, all fan titles in that language should cease to exist (sorta like fansub). Even some of them are totally different (e.g. Soul Hunter) or just plain bad and forced licensers to reconsider (e.g. the infamous Hollywood Mew Mew).
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 10:21 pm Reply with quote
I'd like to point out that "Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar" is used in two different news posts as well. Can this title really be that obscure?

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Joined: 13 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:54 pm Reply with quote
I've always thought of it as Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar. It never ocurred to me that the official title was something different.
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