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NEWS: Funi CEO: Navarre to Distribute Titles Even After Possible Sale

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Joined: 31 May 2008
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PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 12:43 am Reply with quote
I learned a lot from that interview. I liked what I read.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 12:59 am Reply with quote
So, from what I understand this is a positive move. In the interview the CEO sounded rather optimistic, and clearly stated what the company is after.
Surprised to know that their live-action stuff is outselling anime.
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Joined: 20 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 1:23 am Reply with quote
The title is misleading. It should be "Navarre to handle distribution of titles."

The header makes it sound like once they sell Funimation they're keeping all the anime they have licensed.
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 1:35 am Reply with quote
egoist wrote:
Surprised to know that their live-action stuff is outselling anime.
Sadly, regardless of the quality of an anime, it will almost always be outsold by live-action over here because it's animation. It's just a sad fact. The animation age ghetto is part of it but also there's just this mental disconnect with most people where you can tell them all about a show, they'll get totally excited but if you mention it's animated, they just do a 180 and blow it off.

Plus, and correct me if my assumption is wrong, but I'm guessing there aren't legions of fansubbers putting out tons of live-action movies from Japan.

Okay, I was about to post a long rant/article but I'm stopping myself! I'll leave my comments at just this here. I'll skip to my conclusion: live-action has advantages over anime in terms of consumer base and anime has serious problems that are minor inconviences to live-action releases.

Also, Zilan is right, that headline makes it sound like Funi would lose the licenses to Navarre. I totally thought that's what the article would say before I read it. Gave myself a fright! Shocked
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 1:43 am Reply with quote
Fukunaga explained that the co-production initiative is developing projects based on titles that are already well-known in the United States. He added, "What we'll do is take a famous United States brand that already has a big fanbase."

I wonder what it could be?? Any ideas what popular US brand that have a big fanbase that's funi's gonna sink it's claws to?
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Joined: 12 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 1:53 am Reply with quote
egoist wrote:
So, from what I understand this is a positive move. In the interview the CEO sounded rather optimistic, and clearly stated what the company is after.
Surprised to know that their live-action stuff is outselling anime.

Maybe it is because movies that are released to DVD are easier buys and smaller commitments than box sets.

I certainly find it easier to buy a 15-20 buck 2hr movie which I have not seen before but have a general interest in then buying a 60buck season set of any TV show I have not seen before.

Plus, and correct me if my assumption is wrong, but I'm guessing there aren't legions of fansubbers putting out tons of live-action movies from Japan.

You should stop yourself as Live Action movies are just as accessible via online means as anime. They are just not from fansubbers but DVD Rippers.
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Joined: 13 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 1:54 am Reply with quote
egoist wrote:
So, from what I understand this is a positive move. In the interview the CEO sounded rather optimistic, and clearly stated what the company is after.

As a business, they're always going to put a positive spin on things. However, whether this is a good or bad development depends entirely on the eventual buyer and their plans for Funimation. At this point, "uncertain" would be a fitting word to describe the situation.

The only thing that's clear is that neither Nevarre nor Funimation believe that their businesses produce much synergy, at least where the current direction is concerned.
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Joined: 11 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 2:14 am Reply with quote
Zilan wrote:
The title is misleading. It should be "Navarre to handle distribution of titles."

The header makes it sound like once they sell Funimation they're keeping all the anime they have licensed.

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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 4:07 am Reply with quote
egoist wrote:

Surprised to know that their live-action stuff is outselling anime.

Heheh, either the live-action stuff are selling so well, or anime are selling so poorly. Laughing

Seems AnimEigo was ahead of the curve. They were on to something way before the anime boom and bust. But even still, AnimEigo is still just a small company.................. so maybe the live-action stuff aren't selling so well, just that anime are selling so poorly?

ArsenicSteel wrote:

Plus, and correct me if my assumption is wrong, but I'm guessing there aren't legions of fansubbers putting out tons of live-action movies from Japan.

You should stop yourself as Live Action movies are just as accessible via online means as anime. They are just not from fansubbers but DVD Rippers.

But then, that means they still have to wait for the DVDs instead of going ahead early with the fansubs first? If they'll gonna wait anyways, might as well buy the DVDs instead of waiting for the DVD rips - ya can get the DVDs faster and earlier.
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Anime Remix

Joined: 16 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 8:43 am Reply with quote
jr0904 wrote:
Fukunaga explained that the co-production initiative is developing projects based on titles that are already well-known in the United States. He added, "What we'll do is take a famous United States brand that already has a big fanbase."

I wonder what it could be?? Any ideas what popular US brand that have a big fanbase that's funi's gonna sink it's claws to?

I'm guessing Katekyo Hitman Reborn! (Reborn!). =/
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PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 9:07 am Reply with quote
Anime Remix wrote:

I'm guessing Katekyo Hitman Reborn! (Reborn!). =/

US brand. That would just be another license since an anime for it has already been produced and from the looks of things, they are planning to co-produce new titles based on non-Japanese brands.

I'm thinking maybe it will be a video game, book, or comic book that would most likely be used.
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Fallen Wings

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PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 9:22 am Reply with quote
Oh co-productions? Let's hope it isn't a "Mutineer's moon" - which if I remember was a planned production with ADV which didn't take off. But knowing Funi, they will probably do a great job.
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Joined: 15 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 9:36 am Reply with quote
So FUNi's getting on the "adapt an American comic book/popular video game franchise" bandwagon too.

Oh well. We'll see which franchise is getting the anime redo soon enough.
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Joined: 07 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 11:55 am Reply with quote
Richard J. wrote:

Plus, and correct me if my assumption is wrong, but I'm guessing there aren't legions of fansubbers putting out tons of live-action movies from Japan.

I'm not so sure about legions of fansubbers for movies, although there are some out there. However, there are a good number of fansubbers out there subtitling Japanese and Korean live-action dramas and variety shows.
Somehow, even working with live-action, there are still some fansubbers who insist on using obnoxious fonts for their subs. The fonts used in Hell Girl live-action for example are just awful.
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Joined: 22 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 12:05 pm Reply with quote
TJR wrote:
egoist wrote:
So, from what I understand this is a positive move. In the interview the CEO sounded rather optimistic, and clearly stated what the company is after.

As a business, they're always going to put a positive spin on things. However, whether this is a good or bad development depends entirely on the eventual buyer and their plans for Funimation. At this point, "uncertain" would be a fitting word to describe the situation.

If this were an ebay auction, its clearly the kind with a high starting bid, where the seller would rather not sell than sell it cheap, and not one of the "$0.01 or higher" ones.

See, when you decode the corporate-speak, it is at least not a fire sale. That is because the CEO said, flat out, its not a fire sale and if the price is not right, Navarre will not sell.

If it was a firesale, he would never have said that. He would have said a lot of corporate speak to put a brave face on the fire sale ... "Navarre believes that Funimation will be more valuable in the hands of a company more deeply involved in its field, and is determined to find a buyer that will provide a comfortable fit with Funimation ...[/i] blah blah blah ...

... but if it really is a fire sale, then saying its not, and ending up selling at fire sale prices, is worse for stock prices than keeping it quiet and just hitting the market with the sale.

So its a clear signal Navarre is sending to potential buyers that they should only bid if they view Funimation as a company that is a good fit and are looking to get it as a going concern.
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