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Anime Autographs: who do you have; what did they sign?

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Bargain Hunter

Joined: 07 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:47 am Reply with quote
I was at Fan Expo '09 in Toronto yesterday and got autographs from Monica Rial, Colleen Clinkenbeard and Brina Palencia. That got me thinking about what autographs other people may have and why they got people to sign a particular thing.

I had Monica sign the front cover of the sleeve jacket that holds Discs 1 & 2 from my Moon Phase boxset. I chose that because it has a really cute illustration of Hazuki on it. So far, Hazuki is my favourite performance of Monica's - she did the bratty tweener voice to perfection and was a major reason I enjoyed the series so much. If Monica was repulsed by a 44-year-old fanboy loving a cutesy series like Moon Phase, she graciously didn't show it.

She signed Brian rocks! Monica Rial "Hazuki" - I *do* rock, Monica!

Sitting beside Monica was Colleen. I got her to sign the back cover of the booklet that came with my Vexille Isolation 2-Disc Special Edition DVD. She commented that she rarely gets asked to sign any Vexille stuff. I chose it because I really dug the movie and actually got to see it on the big screen when it played at the Toronto International Film Fest one year.

I'm a huge Hell Girl fan, so naturally I had to have Brina sign one of the beautiful postcards that comes with the Hell Girl single volumes. The one I chose was from Volume 2 and it shows Ai (who Brina voiced, of course) standing in front of a cherry blossom tree in the kimono she always wears when she says my favourite line: "Perhaps it is time to die." If I was more technically savvy, I'd make that my ringtone.

There was a bit of a snafu with Brina's siggy, however, in that I had intended her to sign the back of the postcard where there is a ton of white space. Before I had a chance to say anything, Brina was signing the front of it near Ai, which is kind of cool in its own way.

Anyway, who do you have? (If you have a ton, just mention your faves) What did you get them to sign? Why?
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 9:50 am Reply with quote
I went to Acen this year and got two DVDs signed. Waiting in long lines for stuff was never so fun. (I met some really nice people)

Any way only voice actors who where at Acen this year where, Catlin Glass, Colleen Clinkenbeard, and Vic or at least Funimation wise.

They hosted a Ouran panel I missed due to school, so I had to sit though some long lines to get all three of them to sign stuff.

I had Colleen sign my Negima!? part 2 box set (I was a idiot and forgot to get the disk jacket out because I forgot who she played. I knew it was one of the cheerleaders)

Catlin signed my Ouran part 2 and Negima!? part 2 DVD box sets (Ouran was the art cover I.E the box, and the Negima!? one was the disk jacket)

Vic signed my Ouran part 2 box set (It was the cover art on the box that he signed for me)

I got the Negima!? stuff signed because I want to get all 20+ voice actors to sign the disks over the course of a few years. (crazy dream right?) plus I just happened to really enjoy the job they put in to the dub.

Ouran was simple, Vic and Catlin voices of Tamaki and Haruhi! it was my only chance to get my disks signed by the two of them at the same place.

Last edited by ninjapet on Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:19 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:09 pm Reply with quote
I think you're just a huge Monica Rial fan, Brian. She does have a wonderful voice and pretty versatile too. Sadly I don't think I have anything signed by her given the number of times I've seen her at conventions.

Anyway here are my exhibits:
Ryo Mizuno signed my Lodoss War RPG Arbook (@ CN Anime).
ABe Yoshitoshi signed a Haibane Renmei playing card from a deck that Geneon distributed at Expo.
Liam O'Brien ("Taishi") signed some limited edition versions of Comic Party boxes that I got a copy of.
Lisa Ortiz, who voiced Lina Inverse from Slayers signed my vol 3 DVD of Magic User's Club at Big Apple Anime Fest.
Tiffany Grant signed the insert art of vol 6 of Angelic Layer, she played Sai from the show.

I have a few other things signed by people I can't think of off hand.

Last edited by P€|\||§_|\/|ast@ on Sun Aug 30, 2009 2:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:38 pm Reply with quote
Past wrote:
I think you're just a huge Monica Rial fan, Brian.

Busted! I'd love to hang and party with her for an evening. She seems really vivacious (an impression I've gotten from hearing some of her commentaries and DVD interviews, not just my 3.5 second encounter).

Past wrote:
ABe Yoshitoshi signed a Haibane Renmei playing card from a deck that Geneon distributed at Expo.

Sweet! To have an autograph from an authentic Giant of Anime would be awesome.
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ANN Past Staff

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:55 pm Reply with quote
Hm. I go to a sorta wee-sized con in Nashville (4,000 or so attendees) so I don't have much in the way of signage. I might go to a bigger con someday...but no time soon, don't have the money for it. Sad

Still, this is what I got:

BECK DVD 1 signed by Greg Ayres: He was ECSTATIC that I brought Beck up there...I think it's his favorite anime, don't you? Wink He signed the front with his name and "Live X Love X ROCK!" in a semi-circle. Beck's one of the rare DVDs you can scrabble permanent marker all over and it actually improves the design. The cases for Beck DVDs are very conducive to graffiti. Makes 'em look bad-a. He signed the disc "Hope Rocks!" to which he remarked, "Sounds kinda poetic, doesn't it?" Yes, my name is one of many puns. Anime hyper I haven't met enough VAs to know, but Greg strikes me as one of the friendliest, most hyperactive, and CERTAINLY most fan-atical himself. Laughing

Trigun Messenger Bag -- Wolfwood, signed by these guys!: This is my prized possession because it's useful to me, AND the dynamic duo from my 2nd favorite anime signed it...and you don't see Jeff Nimoy at many cons! I was surprised! Anime smile He's a really nice guy, by the way, while Johnny Bosch is nice and very cool but far more reserved. Nimoy is kind of like a big kid, but still acts very professional...I don't know how to describe it. He's fun, but you get the impression you could also have a very deep conversation with him easily. (And a good drink, too.) For those of you that watch dubs, Nimoy pretty much just played Wolfwood (as far as major parts,) but his real awesome anime work is in adaptive writing.* "Vash" signed it LOVE AND PEACE! while "Wolfwood" of course signed "Enjoy, Needlenoggin!"

Wolf's Rain wallscroll signed by Johnny Bosch again: I love that wallscroll, so I want to have all the leads sign it, but I know I'll probably never meet Joshua Seth, so...oh well. Maybe Blum and Freeman? (Not likely to see Mona Marshall either, although I really adore her work. It just says his name and --KIBA-- but it's a nice splash of black on the white snow.

Fullmetal Alchemist poster signed by Sonny Strait: It's just a tear-out poster from one of the character profiles books, but it features Hughes more, so I brought it. He originally signed Hughes' chest, but I told him, "Aw I can't see it, sorry..." so he signed above his head and drew an arrow pointing to the original that said "IGNORE THIS!" Smooth. Anime hyper He has a very healthy sense of humor, however snarky and perverted it may be. Twisted Evil

* He tends to write for anime where he's given wiggle room to add lots of puns and cultural colloquialisms for flavoring, and while this SOUNDS like a bad thing, the shows he's worked on are always better for it: Digimon, Zatch Bell, and GTO to give you a reference. I mean, GTO was already funny, but once you make it sound native/natural with extra gags, it's even better. (While the other two were...they needed some goofy jokes to work as well as they did.) He writes a lot for radio and ESPN too, so yeah, it's mostly writing, which I appreciate and not too many other fans do, I don't think.
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Joined: 15 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:55 pm Reply with quote
Past wrote:

Anyway here are my exhibits:
ABe Yoshitoshi signed a Haibane Renmei playing card from a deck that Geneon distributed at Expo.

I've got an ABe autograph as well, he signed my dvd cover for volume 1 of Lain at Anime Central the last year they held it in Arlington Heights. My wife got him to sign her copy of the "Essence" artbook, we enjoyed his panel & he seemed like a pretty nice guy Cool
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:18 pm Reply with quote
The only autograph I've ever got was Jared from Subway..yeah...
I met Spike Spencer at a con. He had a panel and he was promoting some movie screenplay he was writing, and talking about how much he hated Evangelion.
I had brought my stuffed Pen-Pen for him to sign but he just ignored me. Embarassed
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The Amazing Rando

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:53 pm Reply with quote
I have had the pleasure of meeting and getting the autographs of many of my favorite voice actors.

My favorite is my Belldandy figure signed by Belldandy herself Eileen Stevens.

There is also my talking Sumomo figure singed by Sandy Fox, who plays Sumomo by the way, she actually played with it a little bit, she listened to everything it said and even posed it which to this day I have never moved again.

Because I go to so many cons I have actually managed to pull off many hat-tricks and gotten many voice actors and actresses to sign many of my anime possessions

Johnny Bosch signed my Eureka Seven Messenger bag. my Haruhi Suzumiya Art Box, and my Code Geass Zero mask. And by the way he hated it when I made him sign my mask " The Man Who Voiced Ichigo..." Cause I told him I had no clue how he spelled his name. I think I'll have him sign my Eureka Seven Movie Ticket Stub the same way, just to tick him off, and to see if he remembers, I love being diabolically evil and annoying at the same time...

Wendee Lee signed my Mai Valentine figure box, my Haruhi Suzumiya Box, and my Angel Tales Art Box... I would never screw with her but she also signed my Haruhi Suzumiya Body Pillow, she warned me not to sleep with her and pointed to my pillow, I said I'm still gonna and she just started laughing...

Michelle Ruff was alot of fun she signed my Ai Yori Aoshi Manga, my Haruhi Suzumiya box(becoming the fourth person to sign it) and my Mahoromatic DVD insert, right over Maharo's face which kind of upset me.

I also got Brina Palencia's autograph in the same place you got yours blood on my Hell Girl Insert, she even signed it "I guess its time for you to die." She is also wicked cute and gave me a kiss on the cheek that my friend Eric got a photo of on my cell phone. I wish I could load it onto this site cause I know it would make Blood jealous as hell...

HA HA HA dramatic reverb...
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Joined: 28 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 2:24 am Reply with quote
Well, last year, I got to go to my first con with ACTUAL guests (the other local one which we always went to because it was free just had people nobody's ever heard of) and I got QUITE a few signatures! Anime hyper

I got Spike Spencer's whom I had sign the cover of my Super Robot Wars Advance manual (He played Akito Tenkawa whose Aestivalis is prominently displayed on the cover art).

Then there's Richard Epcar who I inadvertently ended up with TWO signatures of! Anime hyper Originally, I had this idea of having all the Robotech people sign this Haruhiko Mikimoto Artbook I have that's mostly Macross, you know by their characters. However... I quickly realized that Richard's primary character, Ben Dixon wasn't important to enough to be included ANYWHERE in the book, so I had to rethink it... In the end, I decided to have him sign something where he had a better role so I had him sign a page of my Ghost in the Shell manga (on a Batou chapter heading page, of course). And then... Later on in the con, I happened to win a limited edition VF-1A Valkyrie from their Masterpiece collection (fully transformable, with tons of little accessories and I think it even has REAL running lights!) and Mr. Epcar just happened to be at that panel sooooo... Anime hyper

And last, but not least, Yuri Lowenthal was also there and... Turns out me and this girl behind me were the ONLY people in line that weren't there for Naruto. :p I had him sign the new Fully Drillized Gurren Lagann figure I had just bought the day before at the con (technically the box), and I even got him on my camera shouting the awesome line from the episode that had shown the previous week on Sci-Fi, "DESTINY COMBINING, GURREN LAGANN!!!!!! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AAAAAAAAM?!!!!!!" Anime hyper He wrote that too on the box! Anime hyper It's only too bad Mr. Spencer didn't remember Nadesico too well. It'd been nice to get a "GEKIGAAAAAAAAAAAN FLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARE!!!!!!!!" out of him too. :p

Though, I'm looking foward to this year's con, I'm a little worried. For some reason, they decided to make this year a little more ... "General" in format... :\ And so far the ONLY confirmed guests from are from American cartoons like Futurama... Fine people to be sure but... :\ Funimation is supposed to be a major sponser so I hope they'll have some people there (...that I can press about the status of Galaxy Railways' 2nd season and OAV) but... I AM a little worried... :\
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:39 am Reply with quote
Autographs are the main reason I keep going to my local con every year! I love having a unique version of whatever collectible I got signed. Let's see... it's probably easier just to look at my anime collection for the autographed DVDs, since there's 2 dozen in there (including 7 spread around my FMA discs and 4 all on Baccano! vol. 1.)

Aside from those... I have a Haibane Renmei autograph square signed by ABe Yoshitoshi and Yasuyuki Ueda I got back in 2004- originally I was going to have them sign my Lain video, but liked the look of the free autograph square thingy on the table isntead, so I switched at the last second... a good thing, as I later saw the show and liked it a lot more than Lain.

I have a poster and my vol. 1 of Karin/Chibi Vampire both signed by Yuna Kagesaki... one of the rare times a guest offered to sign 2 items. I also got a free pencilboard and a chance to chat with one of my old Japanese teachers, who was working as a translator.

I won these as opposed to getting them in person, but I have a set of Doujinshi and a Tokidoki Buta (Tokyo Pig) storyboard, all signed by Nabeshin, and a sketch of Yukari from Paradise Kiss drawn and signed by Osamu Kobayashi.

I know I have more, but I can't place the names of everyone right at this moment, so that'll have to wait for another post... Wink
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Ktimene's Lover

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:18 pm Reply with quote
I once had a piece of paper signed by Spike in Dec of 2006. I even told him about a Unit 01 model I got over a month before and this model I haven't gotten into finishing.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:15 pm Reply with quote
I got the following autographs:

A volume of the Inuyasha manga signed by Richard Cox (Inuyasha) & Scott McNeil (Kouga)

The first FMA DVD signed by Vic Micgonga, Mike McFarland and Seiji Mizushima.

A Gurren Lagann poster signed by Yuri Lowenthal

The first volume of the Ranma manga signed by Kappei Yamaguchi

An Escaflowne DVD set signed by Seki Tomokazu

I am really jealous of those of you who got the ABe Yoshitosh signature.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:29 pm Reply with quote
At Fan Expo 2008 I got one of Vic's music cd's signed and the first volume of FMA. The reason why I got him to sign FMA is obvious and the reason for the music cd is because I only had FMA for him to sign and he said he'd sign 2 things so I had to buy a cd Laughing

Fan Expo 2008 - Michelle Ruff and Johnny Yong Bosch signed my Akira DVD, Akira being one of the best anime movies ever.

Fan Expo 2008 - JYB and Stephanie Sheh signed my Devil May Cry 4 Steelbook Edition, the reason being JYB did the voice and motion capture of Nero and Steph did a great job voicing Kyrie and 2 signatures on a box is better than one.

Fan Expo 2009 - I have my Wolf's Rain Boxset, Naruto UNS, and Scrapped Princess Boxset signed by Crispin Freeman. The reason being Tsume was some of his best work and he did the ADR directing for Scrapped Princess and played Shannon Casull. Finally I just happened to have Ultimate Ninja Storm with me in case I ran into Derek Stephen Prince.

Blood- I recall you don't care for Crispin but he is the most Badass Freakin' Overlord in the whole damn cosmos. Okay I stole that from Makai Kingdom, but that's just how awesome he is.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 6:05 am Reply with quote
sanosuke32 wrote:
Blood- I recall you don't care for Crispin but he is the most Badass Freakin' Overlord in the whole damn cosmos. Okay I stole that from Makai Kingdom, but that's just how awesome he is.

Actually, I've kind of come around on Crispin. I've definitively decided it wasn't so much his performance as Kyon in TMoHS that bugged me as it was the character of Kyon himself and the fact he has so much V.O. narration. I don't think there is a V.A. alive who could make me like that snotty, snide, unfunny d-bag. (Although it will be interesting to see what I think after I re-watch the series in Japanese with English subtitles.)

I was actually going to get Crispin to sign the manga preview that came with my Blood+ box set, because I love that show so much (it, along with Gunslinger Girl, turned me into an anime fanatic) and there is a great picture of Haji and Saya kissing that would have been perfect for his siggie. I was there on the Saturday and Crispin was due to come on at 6pm. I got to the line at about 5:20 and somebody already had the "end of the line" sign.

I was super bagged by that point and even though the "end of the line" doesn't always truly mean the end of the line, I didn't have the energy to force the issue so I just left. Which is too bad because I would have actually like to get his autograph. Alas and alack.
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Joined: 03 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:08 am Reply with quote
I don't have much; I've never been a huge autograph collector to begin with. What few things I do have...

The convention program of her appearance, signed by Iijima Mari.

My Macross Perfect Memory book and a Legend of Galactic Heroes promo book both signed by Ishiguro Noboru.

An advertisement signed by Imagawa Yasuhiro for 7nin no Nana (Seven of Seven). If I can find some Xabungle stuff at the con this year and he does another autograph session, I would like to get that signed but that borders on denying reality.

And I'm lazily tracking down a rumored volume of Tsukiyomi Moon Phase's manga, just in case I run into Arima Keitaro again.
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