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Episode 6

by Richard Eisenbeis,

How would you rate episode 6 of
Dr. Stone: Science Future ?
Community score: 4.1

It says something about a character when our first introduction to them is a prolonged shot of their shapely (and barely covered) butt.

It's clear from the start that Luna is the prettiest girl in Dr. Xeno's camp. She has two guys simping after her—desperately trying to outdo each other and gain her favor—and the reason she's on the assassination team is to be a honey trap (and so her minions can act as pack mules for Stanley). She's expected to infiltrate our heroes and lure the mysterious Dr. Taiju into the open, where Stanley can snipe him. However, there are two things about Luna that become immediately clear.

The first is that, while she knows she's attractive (especially within Dr. Xeno's randomly depetrified group), the superiority complex that often comes with that is largely foreign to her. She doesn't think twice about offering to help her overloaded minions—and only doesn't do so because Stanley demands that she not. Moreover, we see that she is terrified on the inside. Fear drives her actions—the fear of not living up to how everyone sees her and what it would mean for her if Dr. Xeno and Stanley's ire were focused upon her.

The second is that Luna's not particularly gifted in critical thinking—at least, not at the moment. She's so focused on her mission (and her panicked thoughts about how on Earth she'll possibly accomplish it) that she can't see the forest for the trees. It never occurs to her that the man waxing poetic about science—with the most famous scientific formula ever created written on his shirt—might actually be a scientist. Nor does the idea that Taiju, the ultra-buff teen with near superhuman strength, might not actually be one.

Of course, what's funny is that Luna's instincts are right on. She says she has a thing for people who are obsessively focused on their goals—and that such a person would be the scientist and leader of this group... and she immediately crushes on Senku while feeling no attraction for Taiju whatsoever.

And then there is the fact that she's basically the worst spy ever. The moment she thinks she's alone, she becomes a hunched-over, evil-looking goblin of a person. She doesn't even notice that Kirisame (and later Nikki) is literally right there with her even as she acts super suspiciously.

While Luna largely provides comic relief in this episode, her presence highlights the major difference between Dr. Xeno and Senku's societies. Dr. Xeno has been purely focused on survival—becoming martially superior to any and all outside forces. Meanwhile, Senku has been focused on restoring the world—taking science from the Stone Age to the modern age within his lifetime.

From Senku's viewpoint, no bit of science is less important than any other. Sure, he's built cars and ships, but he's also created cola and ramen—eyeglasses and various textiles. Moreover, he's excited to share these things with others. He wants everyone to love science as much as he does. The result is that the quality of life within the Kingdom of Science is higher than at Dr. Xeno's—and that's something that Luna is in no way prepared for (even if it is shown through something as humble as vanilla ice cream).


Random Thoughts:

• Seeing everyone eating the ice cream is a nice touch. You learn a bit about each character by watching how they react. (Also, the cone literally says “SENKU-ICECREAM” on it in English. Come on, Luna, the truth is right in front of your face.)

• At least Senku's side is making a belated attempt at peace talks—though it's clear to everyone the moment for those has passed.

• In the last episode, I remember being worried that those left on the boat were basically undefended, but I had forgotten about Moz, Kirisame, and Matsukaze.

• Has it ever been mentioned before that Senku is considered physically attractive? I honestly don't remember.

Dr. Stone: Science Future is currently streaming on Crunchyroll on Thursdays.

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