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NEWS: Kanamemo Four-Panel Manga Gets Anime Green-Lit

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Joined: 10 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:41 am Reply with quote
a middle-school girl who had already lost her parents [...] As a result, she ends up living and working at a newspaper delivery office.
Come on, don't they have children's welfare in Japan?

Everyone else living at the office are all charming, self-assertive bishōjo.
Okay, no more questions.
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Sakagami Tomoyo

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 7:33 am Reply with quote
hara wrote:
a middle-school girl who had already lost her parents [...] As a result, she ends up living and working at a newspaper delivery office.
Come on, don't they have children's welfare in Japan?

Yes, but in fiction those sorts of things tend to be absent so they don't get in the way of a story.
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Joined: 17 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:18 am Reply with quote
so [at first glance at least] im thinking hidamari sketch meets hataraki man?
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:55 am Reply with quote
Hmmm, that Japanese blog Yuri na Hibi (I would link it, but it includes a somewhat explicit doujin cover on the side) gave this manga a 5 out of 5 in the yuri scale. Granted that blogger gave the Marimite novels 5 out of 5 so it could be nothing to cheer for.
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Teriyaki Terrier

Joined: 26 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 3:13 pm Reply with quote
Okay, this is seriously begining to irrate me. There must be better usages of money for anime projects than this. The whole "moe and excessive fanservice" has been done at least 100 times.
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Joined: 17 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 4:36 pm Reply with quote
It'll be worth every yen if it has more-than-subtextual yuri. Although let's not get our hopes up just yet...
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:22 pm Reply with quote
Cryssoberyl wrote:
It'll be worth every yen if it has more-than-subtextual yuri. Although let's not get our hopes up just yet...

That's true. It would REALLY be nice for someone who can read Yuri na Hibi blog entry of this series in order to find out why the blogger gave it 5 out of 5 stars.
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Joined: 11 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:29 pm Reply with quote
Based on my observations of a couple previous threads, some people have a problem with complaints concerning these type of series. So I will refrain from complaining this time.

See what I did there? Tee hee.

Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
Okay, this is seriously begining to irrate me. There must be better usages of money for anime projects than this. The whole "moe and excessive fanservice" has been done at least 100 times.

Probably 100 times last year alone. And that's almost not an exaggeration considering how much anime comes out these days.

By the way, that was another "observation," not a "complaint." Wink
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Teriyaki Terrier

Joined: 26 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 11:00 pm Reply with quote
Zipper wrote:
Based on my observations of a couple previous threads, some people have a problem with complaints concerning these type of series. So I will refrain from complaining this time.

See what I did there? Tee hee.

Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
Okay, this is seriously begining to irrate me. There must be better usages of money for anime projects than this. The whole "moe and excessive fanservice" has been done at least 100 times.

Probably 100 times last year alone. And that's almost not an exaggeration considering how much anime comes out these days.

By the way, that was another "observation," not a "complaint." :wink:

Don't worry, I can't imagine too many people getting into a fit over a series like this. But let's take a serious look at this series. The female cast member loses her parents and somehow a grandmother appears out of nowhere. I don't even think middle school age group's are even old to drive, much less work at a postal service. Maybe voltunteer work, but I cannot imagine them work 9-5 and still go to middle school.

This story isn't even logical, much less original.
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Sakagami Tomoyo

Joined: 06 Dec 2008
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Location: Melbourne, VIC, Australia
PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 11:51 pm Reply with quote
Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
But let's take a serious look at this series. The female cast member loses her parents and somehow a grandmother appears out of nowhere. I don't even think middle school age group's are even old to drive, much less work at a postal service. Maybe voltunteer work, but I cannot imagine them work 9-5 and still go to middle school.

This story isn't even logical, much less original.

Fine, I'll bite.

Female lead has her parents die? Happens a bit in fiction, but people (including people who have children) die all the time, so not too implausible. Grandmother appears out of nowhere? Where did you get that from? Going by the summary, it sounds like her grandmother (who had presumably not been completely isolated from their family life) was taking care of her after her parents died. And then she died... not really unrealistic, as people (especially the elderly) die all the time.

It is a little bit of a stretch that she doesn't end up with a foster family or move in with a friend or something. But frankly, if this is the most ridiculous thing you've seen in a work of fiction, you mustn't watch TV or read much.

Now, as for her work... who says that you have to drive to deliver newspapers? In my earlier years of high school (junior high/middle school for those in countries where secondary school is split in two like that) I delivered the local paper for an area of about three or four blocks. I did it on foot, some do it on bicycle. I have a friend who delivered the daily newspaper by bicycle every morning at a similar age. Or she could be doing office and administrative work.

There's also nothing saying that her work is full-time (it is possible to get by part-time if you can keep expenses down, and she is living in the office; no rent), or that full-time work has to be 9-5, Monday to Friday. Also, I don't think volunteer work means what you think it means... unless you meant office/admin work and just had a brainfart and typed the wrong word.

So, logical? A little bit of a stretch as noted above, but not too implausible to work in a piece of fiction. Original? That's always up for debate, and while there are some familiar elements here, I can honestly say I haven't seen any other works of fiction about an orphaned middle school girl living and working at a newspaper delivery office, so it's not that unoriginal.
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