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Watashi wa Ryuzaki
![]() Posts: 184 Location: Florida, USA |
Just curious, how many people on here actually show their affection towards anime in public. For example, how many wear shirts sporting anime characters, read manga in public, or wear items that appear in anime/manga( i.e Naruto headbands). Usually when I see someone in school that is wearing something that depicts an anime, they are unfairly picked on for being a nerd.
Have any of you have been in a similar situation ? Or do you keep your anime fix a secret from the outside world ![]() Last edited by Watashi wa Ryuzaki on Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:07 pm; edited 1 time in total |
Posts: 454 |
I don't keep it a secret, but in high school i didn't exactly exploit it either, everyone at my high school was a jerkface anyways, so i wouldn't even want them to get into anime. At my college, I don't care, I watch it everyday basically, I'll watch it in the lounge, in class, I'll draw some anime pics in class, actually, thats the only time i draw. I've actually gotten my friend who HATED anime big time, to admit its not half bad, through Hellsing Ultimate and Samurai Champloo of course. I don't get picked on for this, cause I don't let it get to me. The only thing I hate is whenever I'm watching something, someone always yells out HENTAI! Where do people even learn that word, that's the only word they know, i mean wtf.
ANN Past Staff
![]() Posts: 3728 Location: SoCal |
I don't do anything terribly forward regarding my anime otaku-ness. However, I read manga when I feel like it, and if that's in public, I don't hesitate. If I have a clean anime shirt I want to wear, I wear it without a second thought.
So, I don't mention my taste in anime unless someone asks me about it. But then I'm not shy about it either. I don't keep it under wraps, but if that anime shirt is dirty or the manga in my bag has been read several times, I feel no need to show it off. It's like anything else I like. I'm not embarrassed about it, but don't like to rub it in people's faces. I haven't got any seriously weird reactions to people who ask about my anime 'merch. Most are positive or inquisitive, actually. |
![]() Posts: 7272 Location: Vancouver |
Call me crazy but I think somebody who wears a Naruto headband in public as part of their daily life is a nerd.
I prefer to keep my anime interest to myself. Unfortunately with anime people most commonly either have no clue what it is or assume it to all be like Naruto, DBZ, or pokemon because those are all the anime they are familiar with. (Of course an exception is when you meet another fan which does happen but it's relatively infrequent). |
![]() ![]() Posts: 5567 Location: Coon Rapids, MN |
I don't broadcast it, but I generally don't broadcast my tastes in public anyways aside from maybe a hat with a Cubs or Wild logo on it, or another team I like. If anime had any decent hats I'd wear those too, but they don't. I do wear anime shirts, and have never had a problem with it. I wear pretty much all my Eureka Seven SE shirts regularly and I also have a Samurai Champloo shirt that sees plenty of use.
I don't read manga in public, especially in the aisle of the bookstore. Honestly that irritates me to no end and when I enter those aisles and see those people I just want to roll them out of the aisle. I never see this in any other section of the bookstore, but yet there's at least one creepy kid in the manga aisle every single time I'm there. The worst part is they park themselves and their stuff right in the middle of the aisle and I can shop the whole store and as I'm leaving I will see the exact same person or people sitting in the middle of that aisle as I saw when I first showed up. That kind of display of anime affection annoys me, so the more people who decide to stop showing that then the happier I'll be. Last edited by Keonyn on Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:36 am; edited 1 time in total |
![]() Posts: 1469 Location: NE Ohio |
I've got all sorts of homemade fan shirts that I wear around; among them are my "Property of Amestrian Armed Forces" shirt (it's olive green with the text and FMA-world military crest in black) and a tank top with the Japanese Shaman King logo on it. I've also got a camoflauge sweatshirt onto which I sewed a patch of the Section 9 logo, and it's one of my favorites to wear around because it's nice and warm.
The biggest reaction I usually get, though, is from drawing fanart in public; I've had several people come up to me and go "Oh, you like that show too?" because they've seen me drawing in a cafe or at a park or something ![]() |
![]() Posts: 797 Location: Atlantis to Interzone |
Oh. This brings back memories, I forgot what ANN anime topic it was though.
![]() ![]() ummm... I can't say that I have not worn a shirt with something that has to do with anime. Not to mention that I like to cosplay. Although, I do get caught at random times with people who knows me watching anime. Sometimes they actually hang around and watch it with me. Being said that, I mostly don't intentionally attract people. I also even went through as to walk my little sister dressed as Haruhi Suzumiya to the library. People actually think it was cute. Although, I got in to high school in the US and it was a bit fun at times. Wearing anime shirts was like supporting anime, as well as the newly developed club in the school. The best complement I got was from a teacher who saw my Spike Spiegel shirt. I thought I was in trouble, because the school does not allow any display of violence including guns on shirts, but it took me by surprise back then when the teachers does not mind it at all (that was before the club was ever established). To ask wether I have been in a similar situation where I get bullied, harassed, or something along those lines? Then yes; when I was 15. I thought, the students were utterly inconsiderate and ignorant. So, other than yelling at them or ignoring them, I say something smart (or pretended to) in how illogical it is for them to be picking on people. Well, I don't recall all the stuff that I did, because I am pretty random. ![]() College, is a whole different ball game. In this case, I attended in a University. It is not often that you see someone dressed up as a Bleach character in the middle of a Graphic Design class. I was the only one there with an abnormal attire, but it was Halloween so I dont think that count. |
![]() Posts: 18595 Location: Indianapolis, IN (formerly Mimiho Valley) |
I generally only wear anime-specific T-shirts when I expect to be in company where an anime interest wouldn't be unusual, such as at gaming 'cons and events. (The one exception: my Eureka 7 T-shirt with the Gekkostate logo, which I wear anywhere because it could easily be mistaken for a generic brand name emblem for those not "in the know.") I don't think twice about reading manga wherever I might be unless it has nudity in it, but I've been doing that with American comic books for a couple of decades, too. Same with anime videos on my laptop, unless they're exceedingly violent or fan service-laden.
Basically, I usually don't go out of my way to advertise my hobbies, but I'm not shy about bringing them up if they become a conversation piece. |
Past ANN Contributor
![]() Posts: 1325 Location: San Diego |
I have Haruhi and Konata charms on my cell phone.
I also have a Yotsuba&! calendar on my desk at work, and my boss (who is Japanese) was kinda impressed when he saw that I could actually read the little phrases and snippets of dialogue in it. Anime shirts are strictly for sleeping in, though. ![]() |
![]() Posts: 1617 Location: Colorado |
I have quite a few shirts with anime characters on them, but I also have plenty of t-shirts with American cartoon characters, as well. (I'm a fan of animation in general, and since it's my biggest interest I focus on it.) It's just part of my quirky taste in clothes. I also use one of Mythwear's Fullmetal Alchemist bags as my bookbag at college. (I've actually met a few anime fans that way, but...most of them are basically into Naruto, Bleach and Loveless. Sigh.) I don't really find anything weird about wearing t-shirts with anime characters on them or using an anime bag--it's my main hobby, and if i was into another hobby I'd probably be wearing shirts with something related to that, too. I try not to be obnoxious about it, though.
![]() Posts: 246 Location: Seattle |
Hmm, other than all the posters and merchandise in my room, I don't really show if off. But like some of you said, I won't hesitate to read some manga in the library... although I don't do it in class. My internet profiles (MySpace & Facebook) do exhibit my anime passion, but that's as public as I'll go. I'm around people who don't understand anime nor really want to, so I have to deal with all the ignorant remarks. I've learned that by just keeping it to myself is the best thing to do.
However, I did take a ton of my friends to the Seattle screening of 5cm per Second back in October, and nearly all loved it. I guess we're taking baby steps :3 Last edited by Arcwave on Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:05 am; edited 1 time in total |
Posts: 1 |
Hmm, seems I'm the only one here so far who is almost completely in the closet about their interest in anime, but then again I'm probably not obsessed enough to be called an 'otaku.' It only goes so far as me watching a few shows here and there online and only periodically in my free time. Only my very close friends know I like it. I refuse to broadcast it in public because the fact of the matter is that most (well honestly, ever single one) of the other anime fans i have met are nerdy slobs. And it's not that I'm a snob or anything, but it would be nice if other anime fans would, i don't know, run a brush through their hair and wear some makeup, not be totally socially awkward, something along those lines..?
I really hope I don't get in trouble for this post, because I'm not saying that's what EVERY anime fan is. I'm just saying that that's what all the fans I've personally had the misfortune to meet are. |
![]() Posts: 246 Location: Seattle |
Yes, I see where you're coming from. I'll be honest also, the people who I do see showing off their anime'ness are rather strange. But that shouldn't halter falter your views toward anime fans in general, nor prohibit you entirely from expressing your hobby. I've met tons of "regular" and "normal" people who are just as die-hard fans as the "weirdos"- they've just learned to be much more modest about it. The people are out there, you just have to discover them ![]() |
![]() Posts: 150 Location: Behind you |
I wouldnt say i advertise liking anime all the time. However i dont exactly hide it either. Usually if i am waiting for some kind of appointment, i take some kind of book with me. Depending on what i feel like reading that day, it might be manga or it might be some random book i am currently reading.
I do have my cell phone with anime wall papers, as well as certain ring tones that are theme songs from different shows. Most of my friends know i have a passion for anime and manga. but i walk up to people and tell them, "Hey, im Quikbeam, and i like anime, whats your name?" However i dont have a problem with walking into Best Buy or Borders, looking for anime, or reading about it. |
Posts: 277 |
I don't really like to flaunt my hobbies in public all that much, so not a lot of people know I like it, only my good friends and a few of my family members, who are fans themselves.
As far as public affection goes, I'd say the the farthest I've ever gone was reading manga in school during my off hours, but that's it. |
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