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Explaining the crap of 4Kids

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Ktimene's Lover

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:13 pm Reply with quote
I don't deny 4Kids has a reason to criticized: they butcher anime particularly teen anime to get it aimed to a younger mainstreamed audience. But the same thing happened to shows in the 60-80s like Gatchaman turned into Battle of the Planets. Remember, it's the Japanese company who actually edit their own shows so it can get a wide audience in the states. So, other than the fact they butcher anime, what's there to hate? For the purists, just legitimately buy the subbed Japanese version or imported manga to not risk giving potential criticism of this. Finally, one has to understand various licensing companies work by different means. These companies work as a business by butchering the anime/manga (If you think a 4Kids show is deemed crap, then explain why CMX had the first 5 volumes of Tenjho Tenge have over 150 edits that consisted mostly of the ecchi stuff and potential racist/otherwise offensive material)
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Top Gun

Joined: 28 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:15 pm Reply with quote
I'd say the main blazing hole in your argument is that there is no legitimate uncut subbed material available for the vast majority of 4Kids' properties (and those that did have that option available saw it cut off rather swiftly, from what I understand). There's nothing else to watch. To use just one example, before FUNimation acquired the license, the only way that anyone could see the real One Piece would have been to illegally download fansubs. This isn't just a matter of principle; it's a matter of having no other options.

The other big problem with your argument is that this isn't the 1980s anymore. This isn't about having to choose between seeing two heavily-edited anime series be broadcast in the US or seeing no anime over here at all. 4Kids exists in the era of multitudes of anime series being licensed and brought over here in their entirety. Their business model would have been fine twenty years ago; it isn't now.
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:16 pm Reply with quote
Ctimene's Lover wrote:
So, other than the fact they butcher anime, what's there to hate?

That isn't acually a working argument - other than the fact that he was a fascist, a dictator and and a mass murderer, what was there to hate about Hitler?

For the purists, just legitimately buy the subbed Japanese version or imported manga to not risk giving potential criticism of this.

Very few Japanese anime have subtitles and apart from a few bilingual manga designed for learning English, no manga.

(If you think a 4Kids show is deemed crap, then explain why CMX had the first 5 volumes of Tenjho Tenge have over 150 edits that consisted mostly of the ecchi stuff and potential racist/otherwise offensive material)

Any time any edit is made to a manga these days there is an outcry and people start talking about boycotting.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 5:01 pm Reply with quote
Ctimene's Lover wrote:
But the same thing happened to shows in the 60-80s like Gatchaman turned into Battle of the Planets.

Irrelevant. Discussing what happened in the 60's does not equate to what happens today. Back then, there wasn't the whole subgenre of Anime like there is today. Or the fandom or the internet.
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 5:07 pm Reply with quote
I don't see a need to reiterate the problems with the argument that Top Gun, Shirohane and Hon'ya-chan brought up, so...

Ctimene's Lover wrote:
Finally, one has to understand various licensing companies work by different means. These companies work as a business by butchering the anime/manga (If you think a 4Kids show is deemed crap, then explain why CMX had the first 5 volumes of Tenjho Tenge have over 150 edits that consisted mostly of the ecchi stuff and potential racist/otherwise offensive material)

Okay, and? Why does this mean that we shouldn't hate how they work?

Plenty of other, much smaller, companies have no problem releasing an uncut and subbed version, so why can't 4kids? Most people wouldn't really care what 4Kids did on TV as long as they could get an uncut version. But 4kids doesn't bother with one when there is no good reason not to and plenty of other companies do. That's the problem everyone has with them. And its a perfectly legit complaint. I don't see how "that's just how they work" is a defense.

Yes, CMX did it too. And they got lambasted for it. But while they continue to heavily edit it, that's the only series they've edited. Meanwhile, Viz continues to edit a number of titles and plenty of people do boycot those titles or Viz as a whole because of it. And people do hate Viz for that (among a number of other things). But pointing and saying "hey, they do it too" (in a different medium, at that) still doesn't excuse 4kids.
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Jump Guru

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:02 pm Reply with quote
Please don't get mad at me, or ignore me because I said I was sorry for bashing dubbing companies.

First of all they edit everything out and don't release uncut box sets (just like what the person above me said). Another thing is the fact that 4Kids never thinks about the real fans, they just care about money.

The reason I've been complaining is beacuse companies like 4Kids almost only use Weekly Jump series and completely butcher em'. So I have a reason to be upset. Every series I've grown to like *BAM!!* Cartoon Network, VIZ, 4Kids always get's them.

I even have a list at Wikipedia of all the series ruined. It's really depressing, and my hobby is ruined too. I'm sorry.... I just don't want to be the ANN reject that everyone hates. Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
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Joined: 29 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:12 pm Reply with quote
Jump Guru wrote:
I even have a list at Wikipedia of all the series ruined.

ROFL! That's hilarious.

How did Viz "destroy" Rurouni Kenshin, Death Note, Black Cat, D. Gray-man, Claymore and a few others on that list if, by my understanding, they released them uncut? Also, I find it to be completely ridiculous that people say that Viz "destroys" licenses like Naruto and One Piece because they take the swearing out and they had a few more clouds. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes And how did FUNimation "help all this crap"?Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:15 pm Reply with quote
Stop caring.

I realise that something awesome will happen if you focus all of your hatred and passion and vitriol on the internet in one place, like, maybe changes will be made, or some kind of giant winged, multi-penis'd monster will rise out and destroy the world in order to create a new paradise for man, beast, and manbeast, but I mean look at it- it's 4ids. Even at their hayday, the BEST we could get from them was a few overpriced, low quality DVDs. They do not care. They will never care. Ignoring 'true fans' isn't done out of spite (from the surface anyway), it's just simply that 'true fans' are a relativley medium sized, but non-profitable group.

All of the shows people are bitching about- you can still download them. Yes, I know, it sucks, but there are reasonably-okay translated versions. Most of these series wouldn't have been released here anyway if it weren't for the fact that they were picked up by some company wanting to appeal to kids.

I'm not say that's a good thing, or even that you should appreciate it, but c'mon. If you're keen on supporting a show, but do not want to actually suport 4kids, but still want to watch it, buy some merchandise, buy the occasional R2 (or all, it's all up to you), and download. Or something. Or I dunno, obtain raws and do your own subs. God forbid fandom has to put some kind of effort in to something other than jacking off to the latest 1:6 scale Resin statue of Haruhi Suzumiya and posting endless ammounts of tripe-bollocks-crap on the internet about their new and amazing ideas about how bad and evil 4kids are.

Besides which I do not understand this horrendous fetish (anymore) of owning a show in its entirety on DVD from a company. Or seeing it on TV. Or whatever. Even if say, DInosaur King or Yugioh were shown uncut, with a faithful dubs, they would still not be seen by many more people as 'some bullshit, card selling wide eye jappytoons', except then even less people would get in to them. yeah, sucks for the 'true fans', but hey, kids shows have gotta be kids shows at some point.

Bit of a 180 on anything I've previously said about the issue but cmon guys, you can't let negative influences, especially shit like this, influence you to such silly lengths.

Take a break for a while.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:29 pm Reply with quote
braves wrote:
Jump Guru wrote:
I even have a list at Wikipedia of all the series ruined.

ROFL! That's hilarious.

How did Viz "destroy" Rurouni Kenshin, Death Note, Black Cat, D. Gray-man, Claymore and a few others on that list if, by my understanding, they released them uncut? Also, I find it to be completely ridiculous that people say that Viz "destroys" licenses like Naruto and One Piece because they take the swearing out and they had a few more clouds. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes And how did FUNimation "help all this crap"?Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

D.Gray-man and Claymore actually did have some edits, but to call them ruined is quite laughable as each had, I think, one scene slightly altered. D.Gray-man had some graffiti (or maybe it was blood...) altered to remove "F***" from it. Claymore had a demon penis removed. But Rurouni Kenshin was uncut (though one line of dialogue was botched in translation and calls Shishio a master of Hiten Misturugi), as were Black Cat and Death Note.
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Joined: 31 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:31 pm Reply with quote
Outlaw Star, ruined?

seriously Jump Guru are you this clueless...

IIRC Claymore hasn't even been released yet
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:34 pm Reply with quote
HitokiriShadow wrote:

D.Gray-man and Claymore actually did have some edits, but to call them ruined is quite laughable as each had, I think, one scene slightly altered. D.Gray-man had some graffiti (or maybe it was blood...) altered to remove "F***" from it. Claymore had a demon penis removed. But Rurouni Kenshin was uncut (though one line of dialogue was botched in translation and calls Shishio a master of Hiten Misturugi), as were Black Cat and Death Note.

So that's it? Wow. Jump Guru, if you're seriously mad because you didn't get to see the F-word written and some demon genitals in your manga, then there's no hope for you.
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Joined: 27 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:46 pm Reply with quote
BladeDragoonZETA wrote:
Outlaw Star, ruined?

seriously Jump Guru are you this clueless...

Noone could be that clueless, which leaves one conclusion... he's trolling. Ignore him.
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Joined: 01 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:02 pm Reply with quote
What I really hate is when they release a series on DVD uncut for the most part in terms of scenes, but then sub it incorrectly it so that what the original sentence was "Grab your swords and prepare to die" it turns to "Get your weapons and prepare to fight" To me, that destroys a series more than removing/editing scenes does.
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Joined: 30 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:40 pm Reply with quote
It's tough to be critical of stuff like that if you don't speak japanese - who knows if it was translated properly in the first place? Could just be a difference in context someone didn't catch or it was rephrased to "sound better" per the translator's tastes
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:57 pm Reply with quote
NathanBum wrote:
What I really hate is when they release a series on DVD uncut for the most part in terms of scenes, but then sub it incorrectly it so that what the original sentence was "Grab your swords and prepare to die" it turns to "Get your weapons and prepare to fight" To me, that destroys a series more than removing/editing scenes does.

yeah considering that this paticular problem is something that hasn't been repeated in four years (since nothing has come from them in that nature in four years) this is entirely you know, full of a point

or something
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