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Solo Leveling (TV).

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Joined: 20 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2025 8:54 pm Reply with quote
Edjwald wrote:
I also liked the scene where Jin Woo's obsession with leveling up suddenly deserted him in the Hunter's Association office. The whole point of it all was to wake up his mom. People treated him like crap when he was powerless, literally left him to die, and he never forgot about it while he was powering up. He didn't go off on revenge sprees or start bullying people, but he never once really felt like he belonged as a hunter, and it wasn't just because of his unique gift. So, he has to ask himself...why bother now?

Mom was also stepping up to guide her son. She went straight from seeing how much her son had suffered and how powerful he was to talking about how Jin Woo's father became a hunter to help people. Anybody think that's a coincidence?

Since as you said, he has reached the goal he was striving for all this time, Jinwoo needs a different reason to continue: especially since he fears doing do will cause him to lose even more of his humanity. However, I suspect that if he doesn't find a new reason to continue, the system might provide one for him.

We were also introduced to Min Byung-gu, as an example of an S-Rank hunter who decided to quit because he couldn't take it any more. I'm going to have to guess that healers can only heal hunters' injuries, because otherwise I would think an S-Rank healer could easily find a high-paying job at a hospital, or even for a sports league (the ability to immediate heal any injury would be invaluable for pro sports), instead of pinning his employment hopes on taking the civil service exam.

So I was incorrect when I previously posted that Eunseok was the S-Rank hunter who retired. So since was not just incapacitated, but actually died on Jeju island, only 9 hunters that emerged in Korea are still alive. Also it did not occur to me that one of the leaders of the 5 Korean guilds would only be an A rank. I cannot say I'm impressed with his intelligence though, since he appears to want to start a fight with a group of 10 S-Rank hunters.

It seems that Jinwoo ended up with 6 doses of the Elixir of Life, so there doesn't seem there will be much of a conflict when Jinho eventually finds out that his father has the same disease that Jinwoo's mother had.

I'm really curious about what "The dungeon will revert to its original state" meant. Will the surviving demons be returned to their world? I guess we'll only find out if Jinwoo meets Esil again at some point in the future.

So in addition to the Demon Monarch's two daggers, Jinwoo also got the Demon Monarch's sword. Other than when he flung Idris' sword to cut off the Wyvern's head, I don't think we've seen Jinwoo use a sword since the subway dungeon in the first season. That's where he got the poison dagger after killing the boss. He has a dagger proficiency skill, but not one for swords though.

After Esil's expression, I can't wait to see the faces of whoever is around the next time Jinwoo summons Kaisel the Wyvern in front of others.

So Thomas Andre, who seems to have been billed as one of the world's strongest hunters is in town. Is he looking for Jinwoo's father, or is he there to stop Hwang from attacking Jinwoo? I cannot help suspecting that he will end up getting trounced by either Jinwoo or his father though.
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Bargain Hunter

Joined: 07 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2025 9:31 pm Reply with quote
Episode 9

I too dug all the stuff with Jinwoo's mom reviving. I'm very pro-mom. Now that he's footloose and fancy free, Jinwoo might wanna think about doing some Hunting to make bank so the reunited family can up their living situation. And yeah, that Shadow Exchange thing is mighty handy... although if I understand the "rules" properly, I don't think it can be used to escape a dungeon that hasn't been cleared, right?
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Joined: 20 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2025 11:45 pm Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
Episode 9
And yeah, that Shadow Exchange thing is mighty handy... although if I understand the "rules" properly, I don't think it can be used to escape a dungeon that hasn't been cleared, right?

The only limitation listed on the screen was the 3 hour cooldown time interval between uses (it was also stated that interval will decrease as the skill level increases). Aside from that, there did not seem to be any limitation on swapping places with any shadow based on if it is inside or outside a dungeon or whether the dungeon is cleared or not.

Under normal circumstances, a dungeon can be left via its entrance before it has been cleared, the only exception would be a red gate dungeon, where the entrance is sealed until the dungeon is cleared. However, when using the skill to leave the Demon Castle dungeon, Jinwoo did not make use of the entrance, which would seem to suggest that he could use this skill to escape a red gate dungeon too.

The screen also said that use of the skill uses 0 magic points, so he can use it to escape even if he doesn't have any MP left. Jinwoo obviously does have to make sure he has stationed at least one shadow outside of a dungeon he wants to escape from though.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2025 6:28 am Reply with quote
@ minamikaze - ah yes, thank you for correcting my faulty memory. Now I remember it is only red gate dungeons that have to be cleared before anyone can leave, not normal ones. And if Shadow Exchange can be used to escape even a red gate dungeon, then it really is the ultimate "Get Out of Jail Free" card.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2025 9:56 am Reply with quote
The Shadow Exchange skill had fine print in red at the bottom. I wonder what it said. Sounds like it could come back to bite him later. Nice that the elixir worked and he scored 6 doses. I was expecting there'd be more drama around it (like only temporary because reasons, or the dilemma of trying to share it or not), but it appears all is as advertised on the tin, which I appreciate.

If his mom is the first person to recover, it seems like the press would be all over that, and surely the Hunters' Assn. has noticed. Some secrets you just can't keep.

So All Might just decided to drop by to say hi, huh.
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Joined: 20 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2025 12:57 pm Reply with quote
Gina Szanboti wrote:
The Shadow Exchange skill had fine print in red at the bottom. I wonder what it said. Sounds like it could come back to bite him later.

I'm pretty sure the red fine print said this: "Wait times can vary depending on skill level", which I interpreted to mean that the required cool down time between uses would decrease as the skill levels up, but I could be mistaken.

Blood- wrote:
And if Shadow Exchange can be used to escape even a red gate dungeon, then it really is the ultimate "Get Out of Jail Free" card.

Yeah, the only downside though, would be that he cannot transport anyone else, so if he were with a party, he would essentially be abandoning them. Although, if for example he and his party were stranded in a place without access to food for a long time, Jinwoo could use it to go back and forth and get some take out, or in less desperate circumstances, make a beer run. Very Happy
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Joined: 03 Aug 2019
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2025 7:49 am Reply with quote

Now that Sung's mission is finally accomplished, what now? Guess that's the point of the episode.

Nothing in particular to comment about this episode, since everything that is supposed to happen did happen. Now that Sung's mother has returned, he needs a new reason to continue leveling up. Feeling lost would be natural at this point. He can join the Fourth Expedition if he still wants to level up, but what would he be leveling up for?

I think this is what makes the scene with Baek and Min important: being a hunter is a choice, and this applies to S-Hunters too. It's like signing up for the military: some people have the talent, but they're not cut out for it. Plus, if you're a hunter long enough, you start to forget that wanting to become a hunter isn't the most natural choice in life.

Japan versus Korea, let's see how this turns out.
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