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My Love Story With Yamada-kun at Lv999 (TV) (w/ index).

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smurky turkey

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 2:53 pm Reply with quote
I do have to agree that I find the mains to be either unlikeable or uninteresting a fair amount of the time. Yamada has his issues with not understanding emotions, but even beyond that he simple does not seem to care about a lot of things. As for Akane, her jumping between moods and how she treats certain people is indeed not pleasant like @Blood- said. And then there is how they are together, I am simply not seeing any kind of connection besides Akane thinking that he is hot.

Runa is still a bitch, but like I said in a previous post, there is a reason for her being a bitch, not that it makes things any better. After 5 episodes my weird conclusion is that I am more interested in seeing the game group together than anything related to romance in a romance anime.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 4:47 pm Reply with quote
Edjwald wrote:
Maybe your doorway into the show could be hoping they get together so that they can spare the rest of the population <G>.

For me, a better doorway into the show would be for good old Truck-kun to make a cameo when these two twits are crossing the street and then as smurky turkey suggests, we simply switch focus to the surviving members of the game group. Wink
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 11:00 pm Reply with quote
Episode 05: How About You Give Us an Explanation

Summary: Yamada is revealed to tutor Runa on Saturdays, but is unsure if he should tell Akane. Akane finds Runa set her up on a blind date with a middle aged man who thinks she is Rurihime. Yamada apologizes for not revealing the prank before, and Runa apologizes and reconciles with Akane.

Comments: Despite Runa's rudeness, Akane was still nice to her. Not sure if I believe Runa's sincerity. But the way the show has gone, so far, I can't tell whether or not she'll still be a bitch, or just an over-the-top nemesis. Or, maybe she is reformed, and will just still be quirky and annoying with jealousy.

The good parts of Akane are pretty endearing, while the bad parts make me throw my arms up and say, "girl, what are you doing?" Like I mentioned earlier about how all of this season's rom-com and slice of life titles have felt way more restrained and less in-your-face with the drama, a lot of it seems to have transferred into this title. However, I'm not finding it quite as sappy as CW show or as sensationalized as what few K-dramas I've seen.

I actually feel there are some very subtle progressions being made. And it's like the drama is making the emotional swings felt from this show much more effective. I don't know a better way to explain it. Maybe this is how people who enjoy reality TV feel? The drama isn't "trashy," per se, but it's not exactly infectiously charming like Ouran High School Host Club, either.

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2023 2:06 am Reply with quote

Okay, Runa going the extra mile just to stand Akane up is pretty mean. Standing her up per se isn't the mean part; it's messaging some unknown guy and then setting him up with Akane that is. There are really creepy people online; it's a good thing the guy is just... weird. I can't be mad at Runa (or anyone else) in this show, however. Everybody's too cute here; the show is too nice to be too angtsy.

The ending to the latest episode is definitely providing an opening into Yamada's background. We know there's more to his awkwardness to women than just personality.
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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2023 3:11 am Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
Episode 05: How About You Give Us an Explanation

The good parts of Akane are pretty endearing, while the bad parts make me throw my arms up and say, "girl, what are you doing?" Like I mentioned earlier about how all of this season's rom-com and slice of life titles have felt way more restrained and less in-your-face with the drama, a lot of it seems to have transferred into this title. However, I'm not finding it quite as sappy as CW show or as sensationalized as what few K-dramas I've seen.

I don't mind Akane because I know people like that in real life. A good heart that they wear on their sleeve, little to no common sense, and barreling into one avoidable mistake after another at full speed ahead. They're stars in their own opera, either wailing loudly in despair or rapturously announcing how wonderful life is. They're a mess, and sometimes I want to strangle them, but their lifestyle seems to work for them in their own way, at least in the short term. They wouldn't be happy being me anymore than I'd be happy being them.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2023 6:27 am Reply with quote
I wanna find out the name of the store that Akane bought her crappy laptop from so that I can avoid it. (Granted, the odds of me ever buying a laptop from a Tokyo store are slim, plus the fact that this is a fictional show, so therefore the store itself is fictional, further decreases my odds to zero, but hey - you can never be too careful). Akane said she bought it when she started college so at the absolute most, it's nearing four years old and it's got smoke pouring out of it because of an online game you're playing? Trash!

And Akane continues to bug me. So her friend Momo is over for a visit, lamenting about her boyfriendless state and all Akane cares about is grinding out on a game. Great friend you got there, Momo.
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smurky turkey

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2023 7:11 am Reply with quote
I hate being cynical but the friendship between Akane and Momo is fairly realistic. They both show interest in the other but it is rather shallow and each person is mostly interested in their own thing. When Akane was heartbroken Momo kind of breezed past it and now we get the same from the other person. Friendships where both parties are genuinely interested and supportive of the other is a thing, but in my experience it is not the norm.

The same applies to what @Edjwald says about Akane, she is realistic in that she is far from being a perfect person. I suppose that is why I am not all that invested in the romance of MCs. They are both people who have shown some rather not great actions. As for Runa, she has redeemed herself somewhat, but what she did really could have gone very badly.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2023 9:03 am Reply with quote
I would agree that giving a lead in a rom-com flaws is realistic and no doubt better story-telling than presenting a perfect model of a human being, but I have to say this show is being a little too successful in highlighting Akane's less than savoury aspects for my taste.

Part of the problem is that the flaw that I've identified: her occasional thoughtlessness towards other people, is my Achille's Heel in real life. I can overlook a lot of deficiencies but when somebody is inconsiderate of another person's feelings that really gets up my nose.

See, there is no question that the show wants us to know that Akane is a hot mess, but my feeling is they want us to feel that she's a hot mess in an adorable way. Which she is a lot of the time. I'm not quite so sure the writers/original creator realize how she's coming off in certain other situations. I think we're supposed to find her being glued to her phone while at a mixer to be cute as opposed to repulsive as I did.

Which brings me to her latest bit of strangeness. I've already commented I find her crushing on a high schooler while she's in college to be kind of pathetic. In much the same vein, I don't really know what to make of her desire to hang out with Runa who I believe is in middle school? There is a cynical slant to it if you think she's hanging out with Runa to score points with Yamada (since Runa is part of Yamada's game group) or to use Runa's help in building up her game character, but I don't think that's why she's doing it.

You could also surmise that she feels a bit sorry for Runa who is socially awkward and has a dearth of irl friends but it's not clear to me how aware Akane is of that situation. So that kind of leaves us with having to take Akane's desire at face value: she just genuinely wants to hang out with a middle schooler. Huh?
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smurky turkey

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PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2023 11:13 am Reply with quote
Well, one thing that seems for certain to me is that she does not choose to act that way. As in, she is not at all scheming. Be it her treating some people good and others not so good, or her hanging out with Runa, I really doubt that she is doing it with some kind of plot in mind, it is simply how she is. Which is again, realistic, because most people tend to not think of how their actions will effect others or how it makes them feel.

Akane is a hot mess and I think people will have wildly different views on how charming said mess is, or not is.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2023 1:24 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, that's where I land, too - she is not hanging out with Runa for cynical reasons... i.e. personal gain. She just really wants to hang out with a middle schooler which I think is kind of lame UNLESS there is an element of sympathy to it... i.e. she is aware that Runa has trouble making irl friends even though she wants to.
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PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2023 3:15 pm Reply with quote
Well, she's gotta be aware of it, but she's probably only processing it on an instinctive level. As Smurky pointed out, if she was the type to formulate well thought out plans of action and proper responses, this anime would have played out a lot differently already.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2023 3:31 pm Reply with quote
If she is operating at an instinctive level then we as viewers can see no proof she has an understanding of Runa's situation. What I can't remember is if she ever saw some tangible proof that Runa is basically friendless in the real world, or if either Yamada or Eita ever said anything that lead her to such a conclusion.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2023 7:54 pm Reply with quote
Episode 06: I Personally Would Prefer a Love Comedy Ending

Summary: In a flashback, Runa is coddled by her parents and Eita, making her selfish and childish. When she meets Akane, she doesn't consider their friendship equal. Akane's computer short circuits, so Eita and Runa guilt Yamada into visiting Akane to repair it. Runa plots a "love comedy ending" by pushing Akane onto Yamada, but injures Yamada's eye.

Comments: This was actually a pretty fun episode. To me, it represented a kind of social disconnect from Runa, since she was raised as a pampered princess. And because she's so spoiled (and young) she has these preconceived notions of love comedy endings.

There's a movie that did the same thing with preconceived notions from, both, a male and female perspective called Don Jon (2013) starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt (also writer and director) and Scarlett Johansson. The movie was about a guy named Jon (JGL) who follows your stereotypical meat-head mentality of being buff and getting laid all the time, but not with the same girl. However, he's also a bit of a porn addict, and because of that, he develops a skewed belief that women are mere objects for his own gratification and that meaningful relationships aren't worth pursuing.

He ends up meeting a girl named Barbara Sugarman (Johansson), then starts having second thoughts on actually having a steady relationship because he thinks she has the perfect body. But later, he discovers that she has her own skewed belief that all men should be like the characters you see in rom-coms, which totally goes against his macho persona.

Long-story short (and with some spoilers avoided) he ends up realizing just how shallow he was, how shallow she was, and ends up with another lady who teaches him that genuine emotions and (metaphorically) how in to the other person you are can make a world of difference in the intimacy and enjoyment of a relationship.

For this episode, I feel like Runa is basically pulling an adolescent version of Barbara Sugarman, which in the context of this particular show, I feel works brilliantly.

I also recommend Don Jon. He does watch actual porn in the movie a couple of times, but it's all been edited to not show any X-rated stuff. I would not recommend you watch it at high volume around anybody that's squeamish to the sounds, concepts, or ideas of adult content, though. The opening of the film has some R-rated (as in toned down from the original) female moaning in it, so be careful.

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Last edited by Tony K. on Wed May 24, 2023 1:02 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2023 2:09 pm Reply with quote
Well, the Akane atrocities continue this week. I know better than to ask if Akane cooking all of those meals for her ex or getting a part time job so she can pay Eita back for the money he spent helps make her seem a little less horrible to the Akane haters out there. The mistress of evil left a bottle of soda open and unrefrigerated on the table while she was sleeping even though there was a fourth of it left. And then the hypocritical byatch has the nerve to make a big deal showing off some supposed sense of money or responsibility? Give me a break Wink

Meanwhile, Yamada continues to be so emotionally detached that he's practically an amputee. I'm wondering how seriously bad it's going to get when we find out what happened with or to that bullied girl who asked him to promise to be friends forever.

The weird thing is, I kind of know where Yamada was coming from. I hate when people say things like "I promise it will be okay" or "I' promise I won't let anything happen to you" on movies and TV shows because nobody has that kind of power, so why are they talking out of their butt? I'd bet the overly literal young Yamada probably reacted that way and didn't have the social wherewithal to think how it might have sounded. If he were flesh and blood instead of drawn, I'd lay pretty heavy bank on him being mildly autistic.

The...Tsubuki?...anyway, the desk mate with long hair and glasses has the potential to be an interesting character. Whatever her deal is, it seems likely that she's going to start popping up online in the near future.

And odds get you even that the convenience store Akane is getting a job at is the same convenience store where Yamada just acted like a flaming hemorrhoid...
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2023 9:09 pm Reply with quote
Episode 7

Yes, it was Yamada's turn to get up my nose this week. It's like he and Akane tag team... I'd hate to see what might happen if they both act putrid in the same episode. As Edjwald surmised, it seems likely that Yamada gets an assist for a young bullied girl's suicide because he's too much of a social moron to realize that when somebody is sinking, yes, it's okay to lie and make a promise you may not be able to keep. Ugh, thanks original IP creator for dumping that particular turd in the punch bowl of my supposed "light" entertainment. And again, I guess we are supposed to be patient when Yamada's lack of social awareness... which apparently he cannot mitigate with even a tiny bit of intelligence or common sense... causes him to be a massive dickhead to a girl who wanted to talk to him.

Truck-kun, where are you when we... I... need you!
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