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Romance anime with happy endings?

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Joined: 14 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 5:13 pm Reply with quote
While I haven't seen the entire TV series (at 13 DVDs, it's quite long), Kimagure Orange Road most definitely has a definitive ending if the sequel movie KOR: Summer's Beginning is any indication.

I'd also second the nomination of Maison Ikkoku, although I'd say the manga is far, far superior to the anime. Not that the anime is bad, but you're talking a B+ for it vs. the manga's A++++++++++ (in my opinion, anyway Smile ).
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Joined: 13 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 6:55 am Reply with quote
I will second the recommendation of Onegai, Teacher. After reading a great deal of hype about this anime, I finally decided to give it a try.

After the first two episodes, I was sure I'd made a mistake. It seemed as if it were destined to be the dumbest, most inane, unfunny semi-ecchi lame comedy I'd ever seen. But I generally tend to watch a series all the way to the end even if it looks bad, just so I can at least criticize it intelligently, so I kept watching.

Was I wrong. OT turned into one of the most realistic, emotionally true and genuinely moving love stories I'd ever seen. There's a lot going on beneath the surface that just doesn't begin to appear until past the halfway point. Don't let the absurd premise or the dumb Moe character designs fool you, this is the real thing.

Onegai Teacher was the show that taught me never to judge an anime series by the first couple of episodes, since they can -- and often do -- morph into something quite unexpected as the series progresses.
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Joined: 13 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:30 pm Reply with quote
well many people will argue whether the anime i'm mentioning is conclusive or not but well the anime only goes up to about volume 8 or 9 in the manga. the series i'm talking about is none other than..........kare kano!

this series is one of my favourites and we have thanks to.......Hideaki Anno (too bad he can't control his budget spending -_-"). In my opinion the end of the series was conclusive enough for me (in terms of the main character's relationships) but with the other characters they're pretty inconclusive (in the anime).

still its a series worth watching.

- IchigoK90
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Joined: 24 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 5:44 am Reply with quote
I made my own thread, but they added my post to this one. So please provide me some recommendations as well. Mine are slightly different than the OP's request, which is why I created it's own thread.

I read the sticky above, but I can't search that way. Here's the deal.

I'm severely depressed right now and when I am I usually watch anime as my escape from the world. Unfortunately I have to be very careful what anime I watch when I am like this. Last time I was severely depressed, I decided to watch Mahoromatic without knowing what type of ending it had. I chose it based on the summer special I already had on DVD. When the ending to the second season came I literally wanted to commit suicide because it just made me even more severely depressed. So now I make it a policy to know what type of ending an anime has before I watch it.

Right now I finished Da Capo and Da Capo Second Season because when I read about the series, I read that spoiler[Nemu and Junichi got married at the end of the second season.] It's a good series, except that I find that spoiler[I really feel for Kotori more than I do for Nemu. I feel like she genuinely cares for Junichi more than Nemu does.]
One thing that made me very angry while watching the series was when spoiler[Nemu left for 2 years to go to nursing college and didn't write, speak to, or see Junichi even once in those two years. The reasons they gave for her not doing that were complete crap (Nemu didn't want to worry Junichi if something wasn't going right for her). Did she not take into account how absolutely abandoned that would make someone feel. I probably feel so strongly about that particular part because something similar happened to me before, and I was left behind just like Junichi was. And then Nemu strolls back in after 2 years with no contact whatsoever and expects things to be exactly like before she left. I just felt extremely bad for Kotori because I know how painful it is to deeply love someone who will never love you back, but unlike Kotori, I'm never near that person while she has to be next to him every day. I'd never be able to do what she's doing and survive.]

So what I'm looking for is romance animes that are happy with happy endings. There can be somewhat sad points in it, but nothing majorly sad. Brighter Than the Dawning Blue: Crescent Love is a good example. That was a mostly happy anime with a happy ending.
spoiler[About the only "sad" part was when Tatsuya threw himself in front of the bullet meant for Feena and died in her arms, but he was almost immediately resurrected.

And to me, a guy sacrificing himself for the girl he loves isn't sad to me. That I'd like to see. (Yes, I know that seems like a contradiction. I'm just odd that way.) I just hate it when a girl sacrifices herself for the guy. That shouldn't happen in my line of thinking and I don't want to see anything with that in it.

Ok, here's a mostly complete list of what I have seen already.

Ai Yori Aoshi
Fushigi Yugi
Banner/Crest of the Stars (terrible!)
Sister Princess (Not RePure)
Love Hina & Love Hina Again
Koi Kaze (pretty disturbing)
I Love My Younger Sister (much better than Koi Kaze)
First Kiss Story
Brighter Than the Dawning Blue: Crescent Love
Mahoromatic & Mahoromatic: Season 2
Girls Bravo & Girls Bravo: Second Season
Da Capo & Da Capo: Second Season
UFO Princess Valkyrie (All Seasons)
Angel Tales (Not Angel Tales 2)
Tenchi Muyo (All incarnations and movies)
Full Metal Panic!
Full Metal Panic? FUMOFFU
Full Metal Panic!: The Second Raid
Vandread (Both Seasons)
The World of Narue
801 TTS Airbats
Photon: The Idiot Adventures
Irresponsible Captain Tylor
Ah! My Goddess (All incarnations)
Shuffle! & Shuffle! Memories
Kanon (2002 and 2006)
Star Ocean EX (very screwed up ending)
Maburaho (another screwed up ending)
Green Green (see Mahoromatic - thankfully I wasn't depressed at the time)
Tsukuyomi Moon Phase
Very Private Lesson
Elemental Gelade (very good anime)
Boys Be...
His and Her Circumstances
Martian Successor Nadesico & Movie (wish I never saw the movie)
Saber Marionette (all incarnations)
Steel Angel Kurumi & Steel Angel Kurumi Encore
He is My Master
Please Teacher (GREAT SERIES)
Please Twins (Another good series)
Trouble Chocolate
Happy Lesson (all seasons)
El Hazard (All except Alternative World, which I refuse to watch because Ifurita isn't in it)
Yu Yu Hakusho
Midori Days
Gravion & Gravion Zwei
Hanaukyo Maid Team
Hanaukyo Maid Team: La Verite
This Ugly Yet Beautiful World (VERY sad (or bittersweet) ending, depending on how you look at it. Cried for hours after that one)
Sumomomo Momomo (very funny series)
Usagi-chan de Cue!
Tactical Roar
Final Approach
To Heart (But not To Heart 2 or To Heart: Remember My Memories)
God Family (aka Kamisama Kazoku)
The Familiar of Zero (Zero no Tsukaima)
The Familiar of Zero 2: Knight of the Two Moons
Tokimeki Memorial: Only Love
Shana of the Burning Eyes
Drift Off to Blue Orchid Island (Nagasarete Airantou - hilarious series! hope there's a sequel)
Hand Maid May
Eiken (now that was funny)
Stratos 4
Fullmetal Alchemist (Series and Movie)
Rurouni Kenshin (all but the last 10 episodes or so and the movies)
Bleach (through episode 64)
Video Girl Ai (including the manga, which was the best one I've ever read)
Maison Ikkoku
Da Capo
Da Capo Second Season (Not Da Capo II)

Also, if a series is currently being released dubbed (Such as Peach Girl and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) you can still suggest it, but I'm waiting until the dub has finished being released before watching it.

Last edited by poehitman on Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 13 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:34 pm Reply with quote
well an anime with a good romance (though I would hardly say its the focus until the second half) is Vision of Escaflowne. The main character's relationship develops over the course of the series with great pacing and a nice balance of drama and action in between. Some problems you may have is that you might not like the main character in Hitomi. Many people find her annoying, however I haven't.

- IchigoK90
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Joined: 19 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:29 am Reply with quote

You're missing out if you haven't seen REC, it sounds like it would be something you'd really like. Also it's a bit long and screams that it's from the 80s but the Kimagure Orange Road franchise (A TV series, OVA series, and two films that conclude things) also sounds like an excellent bet for you.
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 4:49 am Reply with quote
poehitman wrote:
I made my own thread, but they added my post to this one. So please provide me some recommendations as well. Mine are slightly different than the OP's request, which is why I created its own thread.

Ok, here's a mostly complete list of what I have seen already.

Please make use of the My Anime feature (go to the "My ANN" tab in the upper-right-hand area of the the page and click "My Anime") to make a reference of what you've seen. That way, you can just link to it instead of typing out a long list that burns up forum space.
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Joined: 24 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 3:42 pm Reply with quote
Zalis116 wrote:
poehitman wrote:
I made my own thread, but they added my post to this one. So please provide me some recommendations as well. Mine are slightly different than the OP's request, which is why I created its own thread.

Ok, here's a mostly complete list of what I have seen already.

Please make use of the My Anime feature (go to the "My ANN" tab in the upper-right-hand area of the the page and click "My Anime") to make a reference of what you've seen. That way, you can just link to it instead of typing out a long list that burns up forum space.

Thanks for the tip. I'll do that.
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Joined: 09 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 6:21 pm Reply with quote
well i really aggree with poehitman for me an anime must have an happy ending...and i want to ask again the same question i am searching for romance animes with an happy ending perhabs like chobits can everyone give me a list of some animes like that... perhabs with more romance in it because in chobits there was not enough for me.

if my english is not so well pls forgive me i am not so good in english^^
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:24 pm Reply with quote
jan1804 wrote:
well i really aggree with poehitman for me an anime must have an happy ending...and i want to ask again the same question i am searching for romance animes with an happy ending perhabs like chobits can everyone give me a list of some animes like that... perhabs with more romance in it because in chobits there was not enough for me.

if my english is not so well pls forgive me i am not so good in english^^
Did you read the first page of the thread?
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Joined: 25 May 2009
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PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2009 6:50 pm Reply with quote
ElementSun wrote:
I swear most of the romance anime I have watched are either depressing or so inconclusive that it doesn't even feel like an ending at all. Is it just me or do a large majority of Anime writers just love angst and tragedy? Half of the romance anime that I've seen have always left me with a sense of depression, which is the exact opposite reason of why I wanted to watch a romance anime in the first place. The irony. .. The only series that ended with an optimistic note was Love Hina's, but that was only the manga version, not the animated adaption.

Which Romance titles actually have an ending that won't leave me in a state of depression, but are still conclusive enough so that the two main protagonists actually become a couple?

for grammer errors

I would recommend Myself;Yourself. It's rather good, but it's a psychological thriller, so some parts are a little overwhelming I suppose. In the last few episodes, it was kind of 'bleh could've done better but i needed a cool twist to freak everyone out'. Overall, the ending was good because it shows them when they are adults, with a -little- suprise ending.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2009 7:09 pm Reply with quote
Surprised no one's mentioned Tenchi Muyo. Two movies within a trilogy that were made in 1995 and 1999 taking place in the Tenchi Universe plot continuity feature good elements of romance and drama that end happily enough: Tenchi Muyo in Love and Tenchi Forever. Tenchi Muyo in Love allows you to see how Tenchi's parents got together. Tenchi Forever creates the most serious storyline within the Tenchi Muyo animated saga to date that tests the bonds that Ryoko and Ayeka have for Tenchi, as well as featuring Tenchi finally make a decision on who to love.
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Joined: 05 May 2009
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PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2009 10:36 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Japanese viewers tend to prefer series with more open endings, whereas American viewers tend to prefer series with more conclusive endings. (And this isn't just limited to anime.) That's a big part of the reason why most anime romances don't end conclusively.

One of the rare ones which does is Midori Days, but there are others.

Is this some method of encouraging the creation of H-Doujins?
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Joined: 30 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2009 10:57 pm Reply with quote
I actually thought Toradora had a cute ending. Substantially conclusive (for my tastes at least) but without closing off all possibility of a second series or an OVA. Another one would be Kannagi, though I don't know if it's really and truly romantic or if it's just my head working against me...
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2009 11:35 pm Reply with quote
Some I like are Kanon 2006, Shuffle and Clannad (over both seasons), problem is that you will probably feel depressed in parts, and all three look like a bad ending. But when end actualy comes, all the sad bits just add up at showing how beatiful the characters love is. I guess a light fluffy love anime might be Ah! My Goddess with not too many problems, also Zero no Tsukaima which main romance is definetly within tsundre with a perverted guy manslave and abusive, jealous girl with an inferioty complex.

Last edited by DuskyPredator on Tue May 26, 2009 12:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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