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NEWS: New Survey: Reactions to Geneon

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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:07 pm Reply with quote
When they Cry disc 3 is out, at least i have a copy on my shelf........ now 4 was dropped........ my copy was shipped on 9/26

I want my Higu, Rozen and Nanoha DVDs, fansubs are hollow compared to a nice solid DVD in your hands........
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Joined: 11 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:08 pm Reply with quote
Interesting survey, but I think "I don't know" would have been appropriate for a couple of the questions. I felt like I was being forced to put an answer down on one or two of them when I wasn't sure what my feelings were, but I knew they weren't strictly under the "yes" or "no" catagory Very Happy
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Joined: 13 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:16 pm Reply with quote
Some of the questions on here seem a bit loaded, but I'm interested in seeing the results on this.

Speaking of which, how can I view the results?
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Joined: 17 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:21 pm Reply with quote
Wow, an overwhelming "YES" to Is it okay to download episodes that have had their releases cancelled? Quite the pro-piracy question to ask perhaps?

A bit odd, seeing that all the other results seem to be in line with typical fandom.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:29 pm Reply with quote
Ranma824 wrote:
Wow, an overwhelming "YES" to Is it okay to download episodes that have had their releases cancelled? Quite the pro-piracy question to ask perhaps?

A bit odd, seeing that all the other results seem to be in line with typical fandom.

While for the most part I'm against massive downloading of fansubs, I don't feel it's wrong to download the rest of a cancelled series if I already own half of it. I'm quite angry to have about 6 unfinished series from Geneon, with soon to be 2 more incomplete series if ADV rumors are correct and they have lost the license on 37 of their series, and I feel I wasted my money being a responsible fan. I'm a faithful DVD buyer; I've bought everything I've ever watched fansubbed, although usually I go from reviews or recommendations.
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Joined: 30 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:36 pm Reply with quote
man, i was kinda mad because then the Hellsing OAV (english version) has been halted Sad
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Joined: 19 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:40 pm Reply with quote
i feel there is nothing wrong with downloading a series that has been stopped. For example, if the next Hellsing Ultimate was out in Japan, which it will be next month, I really wanted to finish this series because it was a killer to wait for them to dub it, and I have just read the manga which was amazing. Is there a reason I shouldn't download it and see it in anime form? If someone else licenses it, then I will most certainly buy it, unless they change the voice cast.
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Joined: 17 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:49 pm Reply with quote
kyokun703 wrote:
Ranma824 wrote:
Wow, an overwhelming "YES" to Is it okay to download episodes that have had their releases cancelled? Quite the pro-piracy question to ask perhaps?

A bit odd, seeing that all the other results seem to be in line with typical fandom.

While for the most part I'm against massive downloading of fansubs, I don't feel it's wrong to download the rest of a cancelled series if I already own half of it. I'm quite angry to have about 6 unfinished series from Geneon, with soon to be 2 more incomplete series if ADV rumors are correct and they have lost the license on 37 of their series, and I feel I wasted my money being a responsible fan. I'm a faithful DVD buyer; I've bought everything I've ever watched fansubbed, although usually I go from reviews or recommendations.

I see your dilemma and feel your pain, but I just have a different mind set. Mainly, I don't feel that I have the "right" to watch the rest of an unfinished show. Because it's not REALLY unfinished, just not being released through an R1 company. If I want to see the rest of the show THAT BADLY, I'd just get the R2. There's really no good reason to "get" the rest of the show for free; but there's plenty of personal ones.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:55 pm Reply with quote
Ranma824 wrote:

I see your dilemma and feel your pain, but I just have a different mind set. Mainly, I don't feel that I have the "right" to watch the rest of an unfinished show. Because it's not REALLY unfinished, just not being released through an R1 company. If I want to see the rest of the show THAT BADLY, I'd just get the R2. There's really no good reason to "get" the rest of the show for free; but there's plenty of personal ones.

Yes........and I'm SURE he knows japanese so he can undersnad the R2s...... Rolling Eyes

If I show I'm buying gets canceled, I have every right to go and get fansubs of it. HOw else am I gonna know how the show esnds? By learning japanese and getting the R2s? GREAT logic you have there
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:57 pm Reply with quote
sanosuke32 wrote:
Is there a reason I shouldn't download it and see it in anime form?

Man... so THIS is attitude of Today's Geeks. I guess actually collecting, holding the media in your hand, and being proud of spending your money on your hobby has gone the way of the dinosaur.

If someone else licenses it, then I will most certainly buy it...

Oh. Well, I guess there is some hope for the fandom...

...unless they change the voice cast.

Nevermind - Let the fansub train keep on chugging.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:01 pm Reply with quote
I have been a long-time customer of Geneon products as about 1/3 of my anime collection consists of Geneon/Pioneer titles. It hit me hard that they went under and was deeply saddened. I put alot of money in supporting them. I'm not saying I spent my money for the sake of the industry, I've loved and enjoyed all their titles and they made a significant impact on my fandom in the early days.

But I am not mad at Geneon or Dentsu persay, I'm more mad at the fans and certain elements of the industry as a whole for the shallow excuses to not buy DVDs and overlooking what now I see fansubs as a detriment to the industry and fandom. This is why now I am anti-fansub and dedicated to expressing my views about piracy and how fansubs are associated with it that so many people seem to ignore.
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Joined: 30 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:08 pm Reply with quote
"In general, is it okay to download licensed episodes?"

I don't really like how this was phrased.

Personally I fall into the camp where no, I don't think it's "okay." Will I still do it for some series? Yeah, probably. Take the recent True Tears announcement. If BV had made the announcement that they would be releasing ALL of True Tears in May, subbed, for lets say 50 bucks, I would stop watching it right now and patiently wait for the release. Instead they're priced at $20 an episode over 7 release dates.. it's just silly. I would love to pay for the product, but I just can't.
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:36 pm Reply with quote
Past wrote:
I have been a long-time customer of Geneon products as about 1/3 of my anime collection consists of Geneon/Pioneer titles. It hit me hard that they went under and was deeply saddened. I put alot of money in supporting them. I'm not saying I spent my money for the sake of the industry, I've loved and enjoyed all their titles and they made a significant impact on my fandom in the early days.
Same here. In fact, I'd go a step farther and say that if it weren't for several of the Geneon titles I bought, I probably wouldn't be as much of a fan as I am now. I can guarantee you that I'd have considerably less slice-of-life and comedy series if not for the extremely good luck I had with these from Geneon.

Past wrote:
But I am not mad at Geneon or Dentsu persay, I'm more mad at the fans and certain elements of the industry as a whole for the shallow excuses to not buy DVDs and overlooking what now I see fansubs as a detriment to the industry and fandom. This is why now I am anti-fansub and dedicated to expressing my views about piracy and how fansubs are associated with it that so many people seem to ignore.
I'm murderously enraged at all sides in this whole mess. I feel a company has an obligation to finish what it starts for the sake of the customers that are buying. (Yes, I know, that's a bit too higher nobility versus profit margin for most to do, but it's how I feel things should be. It's a matter of ethics.) Frankly, I think they damaged their reputation so badly pulling out before finishing that even if Geneon does come back, a fair number of people aren't going to buy from them.

Not that we've actually heard anything so far about this glorious restructuring they were going to do.

I was in the middle of collecting five series from them when they died and was planning to buy three of their announced licenses. I'll be the first guy showing up if they ever actually start doing something again, but my faith in everyone has been shaken all around. At this point, what with ADV taking a swan dive too, I'm just going to try to complete what I'm getting and then start saving my money.

With the "fans" who never buy anything, my feelings towards them are fairly malevolent and have been for a while. I've done a little downloading myself, but I've bought what I've downloaded (with the exception of a few releases I wouldn't have bought anyway because I don't buy monolingual releases.) At the same time though, it's not like much has been done to combat the problem.

Hell, it wasn't until recently that everyone finally realized that it really WAS a problem.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:39 pm Reply with quote
I'm a collector, so I've never been crazy about fansubs on a fundamental level. They're not solid, they're not legal, and I'd rather have a nice dvd on my shelf anyway. Part of the whole "collection" thing, you see. ...But I am faced by a conundrum with the half-released thing. I was addicted to "Saiunkoku," but only two disks have been (and perhaps ever will be) released. As someone stated before, I don't have the right to watch the rest of the show online, but I really want to know what happens. So yeah, I am watching it on fansubs. I'm not making a habit of it, and I probably won't even keep them on my computer once I finish the series, but I want to see how it ends.

One thing straight, though--if another company ever releases the rest of this show (or any other I have or might watch), I'd buy the official release. I've watched fansubs through before, and I always follow by buying the show as soon as I have the money to do so. I watched Ouran Host Club on fansubs a year ago, but I'm planning on pre-ordering the Funimation release once dates are announced.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:53 pm Reply with quote
I've always felt a bit conflicted in discussions like these. For one, I've always felt it's ridiculous to argue whether downloading fansubs is right or wrong based on whether the series is licensed. At least from a legal standpoint it's no more or less wrong. You can argue why downloading an unlicensed series is ok and why a licensed series is bad until the cows come home but it doesn't change the fact that it's illegal regardless, and it'd be absolutely ridiculous to argue that it's more or less legal because there's no such thing. It's always struck me odd when someone with 30 gigs worth of unlicensed fansubs wags their shame finger at someone for daring to download episodes of One Piece.

At the same time, I'm not advocating against downloading fansubs. I admit to having downloaded fansubs for series both licensed and unlicensed and I've also boughten most of them. I don't expect fans to buy the DVDs for every series they've downloaded fansubs for nor do I condemn them for not doing so. I'm just kinda rambling at this point, but I guess my overall point is that I wish these discussions would view this topic in ways other than licensed vs. unlicensed. It just seems almost like such a moot point to make since it's illegal no matter what anyone says.

I'm sure I'm gonna get soooo much wank for this now... Rolling Eyes
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