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Joined: 23 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:52 pm Reply with quote
I've only had a one problem with Funimation DVDs, and that was when I got an edited YYH disc in an unedited box. However, I've had significant problems with Geneon DVDs - 3 or 4 of them from the big Geneon TRSI sale last year had problems varying from getting stuck, to skipping, to not playing half the episodes on the disc. I'm sure TRSI would have replaced them had I cared to get them replaced, but they were cheap and fortunately just the first DVDs of series I wasn't particularly interested in.
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Joined: 05 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 2:34 am Reply with quote
I've literally given up expecting good production lines from Funimation. I just feel like crying, bawling, stabbing, murdering them. I've received the exchanged items from TRSI plus some past backorders. I have to say at least one dvd of every boxset has a light scratch. By this time I just simply sigh and ignore it. I'm too tired to put up a fight to get flawless products from Funimation. They just simply don't exist for me. I've finished watching FMA box set season 2 and ep 27 skipped on the prelude. So far the only Funimation I've finished watching is FMA box Set 2. I haven't rewatched FMA S1 nor watched the rest of my Funimation box sets. Perhaps I'm scared I'd die from disappointment. I'm tired, just simply tired of them. Oh, and they delivered the last bang to me by cancelling the Blue Gender Complete BoxSet. @#$#$%@

Edit: I will stop complaining after this. I promise. I just want to warn people out there who don't know about the condition of their VIRIDIAN COLLECTION. IT IS NOT A BOX SET. There's no box. You expect some cheap DVD plastic cases? NADA. It's just a cheap piece of paper wrapped around your discs. LITERALLY. NO PLASTIC CASES. NO BOXES. POS. And of course they handle the discs really careful like always by making sure my Gunslinger Girl and Spiral discs have scratches as always. IT'S TO BE EXCHANGED along with my FMA S2. Too bad I can't get store credit. That's it. I'm out.
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Joined: 02 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 1:51 am Reply with quote
It seems that Funimation have a tendency for missing guidebooks in their boxset. I bought Burst Angel earlier and today I just receive my Basilisk box set, both are missing a guidebook.

@kuchu~About the Viridian Collection, I ordered Kiddy Grade DVD Box Set (Hyb) - Viridian Collection during Funimation sales, will it be the same as what you have described. If it's I probably cancel it and try to get the previous Kiddy Grade box set instead.
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Joined: 05 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 1:41 pm Reply with quote
valho wrote:
It seems that Funimation have a tendency for missing guidebooks in their boxset. I bought Burst Angel earlier and today I just receive my Basilisk box set, both are missing a guidebook.

@kuchu~About the Viridian Collection, I ordered Kiddy Grade DVD Box Set (Hyb) - Viridian Collection during Funimation sales, will it be the same as what you have described. If it's I probably cancel it and try to get the previous Kiddy Grade box set instead.

I didn't know they have more issues than just scratched, smudged and skipped DVDs. I will have to check my boxsets again to see if I'm missing any guidebooks.

I don't know why it would be any different but I won't guarantee that it will be the same. At least spiral and gunslinger girl viridian collection are packaged in a way that I would need to stab my both eyes to say they are beautifully packaged. Cheap bastards.

This is the link to see spiral viridian packaging.
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Joined: 02 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 2:01 pm Reply with quote
kuchu wrote:
I didn't know they have more issues than just scratched, smudged and skipped DVDs. I will have to check my boxsets again to see if I'm missing any guidebooks.

I don't know why it would be any different but I won't guarantee that it will be the same. At least spiral and gunslinger girl viridian collection are packaged in a way that I would need to stab my both eyes to say they are beautifully packaged. Cheap bastards.

This is the link to see spiral viridian packaging.

Maybe I am just unlucky with the guidebook issue, but 2 out of 4 Funimation box set I bought have missing guidebooks kinda worries me.

The viridian packaging is terrible, even bootleg dvd in my area are better package. Well no way I am gonna get that, already found another place where I can get the normal Kiddy Grade box set, so I'll cancel the viridian version.
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Joined: 13 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 2:22 pm Reply with quote
kuchu wrote:
I don't know why it would be any different but I won't guarantee that it will be the same. At least spiral and gunslinger girl viridian collection are packaged in a way that I would need to stab my both eyes to say they are beautifully packaged. Cheap bastards.

This is the link to see spiral viridian packaging.

You know I don't get this. People have been complaining that anime is too expensive. Spiral was released as singles, then a boxset, and now the cheapest way to buy, the Viridian collection. If you are concerned about the way it looks then you can always get the original boxset at DVD Pacific for about the same price as Viridian. Or just wait a little while, as that Viridian is pretty new, and when on sale that collection will be really really cheap. The whole point of Viridian and similar collections is to get anime to people who would otherwise not buy because they think there other money saving boxsets are too expensive. Who is the cheap bastard? Natuarally they are going to cut costs anyway they can. I think I would be angry if you got the exact same high-quality packaging for thirty dollars less, before sale price. I mean they have to cover there 30k+ per episode costs anyway they can.

Anyway point is, you get what you pay for. And it's not like that is the only way to buy Spiral. There are other options available. You can still find the higher-quality boxset at places.
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Joined: 05 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 2:58 pm Reply with quote
Dargonxtc wrote:
kuchu wrote:
I don't know why it would be any different but I won't guarantee that it will be the same. At least spiral and gunslinger girl viridian collection are packaged in a way that I would need to stab my both eyes to say they are beautifully packaged. Cheap bastards.

This is the link to see spiral viridian packaging.

You know I don't get this. People have been complaining that anime is too expensive. Spiral was released as singles, then a boxset, and now the cheapest way to buy, the Viridian collection. If you are concerned about the way it looks then you can always get the original boxset at DVD Pacific for about the same price as Viridian. Or just wait a little while, as that Viridian is pretty new, and when on sale that collection will be really really cheap. The whole point of Viridian and similar collections is to get anime to people who would otherwise not buy because they think there other money saving boxsets are too expensive. Who is the cheap bastard? Natuarally they are going to cut costs anyway they can. I think I would be angry if you got the exact same high-quality packaging for thirty dollars less, before sale price. I mean they have to cover there 30k+ per episode costs anyway they can.

Anyway point is, you get what you pay for. And it's not like that is the only way to buy Spiral. There are other options available. You can still find the higher-quality boxset at places.

You know, I don't get apologist like this.
Gunslinger Girl Box Set Viridian MRSP 39.98
Gunslinger Girl Box Set MRSP 49.98

If you think printed recycle paper wrapper with 3 DVDs worth 39.98 go ahead but I think that's the craziest idea I can think of in this case.
If you think 3 plastic DVD cases is worth 10 bucks go ahead but I think that's the dumbest customer I've ever encountered in this case.
In this case is not about saving money to get the DVD no matter what, this is just a plain rip off even a bigger rip off than selling the plastic DVD case itself.
If you think Viridian will go lower, then what makes you think the original won't do just that.

DVD selling has been overpriced and everybody knows that. Why do you think sellers can put up 30%, 46%, 50% or 60% off or more of MRSP price? Because they are just overstocked and they don't care if they are losing money as long they can sell the items? You've gotta be kidding me. In that case TRSI should've gone bankrupt by now or DeepDiscount or animenation or any other seller who sells DVDs below MRSP.

I'm sure you're familiar with supply demand curve, right?
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Joined: 13 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:04 pm Reply with quote
kuchu wrote:
I'm sure you're familiar with supply demand curve, right?

Apparently much more than you are. In fact I'm sure of it. Stay in school, don't dropout.

Obviously you have no clue as to what was being said. So I doubt you will get any of this.

Did I say the packaging was worth $10? No, I didn't. You did though, which means you place zero value for the show itself. Not realizing that that is but one aspect of selling a product. Do you know what bare bones means? And I'm not talking about food.

Did I say I thought is was worth it? Well no I didn't. But I am not bitching about the packaging either, because I bought the collection that had nicer packaging. If you were so concerned about the packageing then you can just buy the rest of products they release. But then you bitch that the price is too high. Do you know how much money it takes to license one episode of anime? Not one 4 episode volume, not one 25 episode complete series. But just one damn 24 minute episode? Don't even factor in other costs like dubbing and authoring. Obviously not.

Typical, and as I suspected.

And as far as your % of MRSP crap, it is completely fallacious. It is something that is totally normal in a retail environment, and it happens with just about every hollywood movie market as well, and those things are factored in when determining MSRP. So trying to convict the anime market on that fact alone is laughable at best.
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Joined: 05 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:49 pm Reply with quote
Oh I'm sorry, I somehow thought when you said
Dargonxtc wrote:
You know I don't get this.
you were being sarcastic not literal. But apparently you really don't get it because I was bitching about the value and quality of their crappy packaging and you said
Dargonxtc wrote:
But I am not bitching about the packaging either,
. Then what exactly did you bitch about? The cost of the show? Why bother even quoted me if I was bitching about their packaging value exclusively not about the show value.

Did you, yourself, have any clue what I was talking and what you were talking about? It's called mass produce and in the end the customer will decide the market value. If the majority of customers decide they don't want to pay the amount, either the manufacturer lower down the cost, make a better quality to equalize the value or go bankrupt. They can put up for whatever the amount they want to and people can just follow like a herd of sheep and buy it but I'm not buying it and that's my choice and why are you bitching about it.

Dargonxtc wrote:

And as far as your % of MRSP crap, it is completely fallacious. It is something that is totally normal in a retail environment, and it happens with just about every hollywood movie market as well,...

Of course it's normal. Who says it isn't? That's why I said
kuchu wrote:
DVD selling has been overpriced and everybody knows that.
. I didn't say specifically Anime DVD selling. General = DVD selling. Specific = Hollywood, Bollywood, Bootleg, Anime , Horror, Sci- fi DVD selling. Get it?

Dargonxtc wrote:
Did I say the packaging was worth $10? No, I didn't. You did though, which means you place zero value for the show itself. Not realizing that that is but one aspect of selling a product. Do you know what bare bones means? And I'm not talking about food.

No I didn't say the packaging was worth $10. I said 3 plastic dvd cases did not cost $10. Because it's the whole point of my bitching which you casually dismissed. The majority difference between viridian and original box set is the plastic case. It means that they think I'd be stupid enough to think that 3 plastic dvd case can increase the value by $10. And MRSP is not by any means the bare bones.

Last edited by kuchu on Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:54 am; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 02 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:24 am Reply with quote
My only beef with the Viridian Collection is that there's no proper information on what the package is like. All I see are "Same Great Box Set, New Low Price" or "NEW LOW PRICE", most people would assume it's looks the same as the normal box set. Some info or picture of what the box set looks like would be appreciated, at least then we can decide whether it's worth getting or not, since the low price would probably attract a lot of people.
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Joined: 05 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:39 am Reply with quote
valho wrote:
My only beef with the Viridian Collection is that there's no proper information on what the package is like. All I see are "Same Great Box Set, New Low Price" or "NEW LOW PRICE", most people would assume it's looks the same as the normal box set. Some info or picture of what the box set looks like would be appreciated, at least then we can decide whether it's worth getting or not, since the low price would probably attract a lot of people.

I thought it would be thinpack which I find its slim figure to be attractive.
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:01 am Reply with quote
Well, this has been an illuminating discussion...I'd been debating getting the Tenchi Muyo GXP collection in the Viridian or the original version. But with this knowledge, I think I'll be getting the original boxed set.
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Joined: 13 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 5:12 pm Reply with quote
Dargonxtc wrote:
Obviously you have no clue as to what was being said. So I doubt you will get any of this.

Looks like my prediction came true.

kuchu wrote:
But apparently you really don't get it because I was bitching about the value and quality of their crappy packaging and you said
Dargonxtc wrote:
But I am not bitching about the packaging either,
. Then what exactly did you bitch about?

This flew over your head, I didn't bitch about anything.
kuchu wrote:
The cost of the show?
There is three sometimes four ways to buy a show. And no I didn't bitch about the cost either.

kuchu wrote:
Why bother even quoted me if I was bitching about their packaging value exclusively not about the show value.

Ok here is where the lesson begins. First let me begin that I would be most likely agreeing with you if these were the first releases of the show. But there not. Whether you realized it or not you were talking about the value of the show. By stating that you were not stupid enough to think that packaging cost $10, you completely negate the fact that the show itself must have a certain value. To make this simple(and I mean simple), lets assume a hypothetical. Lets say for given show A no matter what has to send $40 back to Japan from every collection of A they sell. They sell two collections, one for $60, one for $50. On the $60 box they theoretically they can make $20, while on the $50 box they can make $10. But these don't factor in shipping costs, distribution, authoring, dubbing, and packaging. With all of those things combined minus packaging comes to $7 per each collection. That brings the theoretical profit down from each to $13 and $3 respectively. Now we factor in the packaging. The $60 version has a cost of packaging of $2.25, which means the most they hope to make is $10.75. Now if they were going to use the exact same packaging for the $50 version the most they can hope to make is 75¢. So they decide to go with cheaper packaging that only costs a $1, bringing the most they can hope to make off of a collection back up to the astronomical figure of $2, and increase of 267% on theoretical profit.

If you have been paying attention at all to anime news you would realize that the NA industry operates within these razor thin margins, sometimes even thinner than the one I described. Couple this with the fact that they do indeed sell a variety of different options for the same product that can still be bought at great prices, you calling them cheap bastards is asinine at best.

kuchu wrote:
Did you, yourself, have any clue what I was talking and what you were talking about?
Yes I understood what I was talking about. As far as the inane things you were saying, yes I get your drift. Look, the Viridian packaging is not to my taste either, but there are other options available. Plus some people throw away the package all together and just stuff the DVDs into a DVD wallet anyway, and ther're getting nice packaging. I don't know how you can call them cheap when all they are trying to do is sell to the cheap crowd anyway, again there are other options for people who actually want to see certain shows, in cases, and want to see them as soon as they come out. A very important time for an anime.

kuchu wrote:
It's called mass produce

Look I like lettuce as much as the next guy Wink
kuchu wrote:
and in the end the customer will decide the market value.
As it has already, I am sure Spiral didn't sell hand over foot, which is probably why they need to make up any losses. But the way you talk, you want Cowboy Bebop Perfect Collection, for $20, and you wanted it yesterday.

kuchu wrote:
If the majority of customers decide they don't want to pay the amount, either the manufacturer lower down the cost, make a better quality to equalize the value or go bankrupt.
I agree with this. I would just like to add that in this case there are already 2 (in some cases 4) other better quality options. And if no one buys these collections you won't see them anymore in a years time.

kuchu wrote:
They can put up for whatever the amount they want to and people can just follow like a herd of sheep and buy it but I'm not buying it and that's my choice and why are you bitching about it.
Then don't buy it. But don't bitch about the packaging when the very same company gives you at least 2 other packaging options. Just say your going to be hunting down those other two instead of screaming bloody murder. Obviously, FUNimation is not trying to target you with this strategy. You and I are on agreement when it comes to scratching(of which I think I've found the reason for that by the way). What they are trying to do is sell there product as cheaply as they can, while still trying to float above razor thin margins.

kuchu wrote:
Dargonxtc wrote:

And as far as your % of MRSP crap, it is completely fallacious. It is something that is totally normal in a retail environment, and it happens with just about every hollywood movie market as well,...

Of course it's normal. Who says it isn't? That's why I said
kuchu wrote:
DVD selling has been overpriced and everybody knows that.
. I didn't say specifically Anime DVD selling. General = DVD selling. Specific = Hollywood, Bollywood, Bootleg, Anime , Horror, Sci- fi DVD selling.
But you also said:
kuchu wrote:
In that case TRSI should've gone bankrupt by now or DeepDiscount or animenation or any other seller who sells DVDs below MRSP.
Which lead me to believe that you realize that no one sells at MSRP. Which would be correct. Even in my hypothetical we would be talking about retail prices not MSRP. But then you turn around and complain about MSRP. This confused me, as it would anyone. So I will chalk this one up to me misunderstanding what you were trying to say. But in the future try to be careful about how you put those sorts of things, as it made it sound as if a 50% discount was somehow something new and not normal.
kuchu wrote:
Get it?
I found it very interesting you included bootlegs into your mix. From all the posts, you have made it seem like this is the standard that best suits you. Entire 26 episode series for less than $15, and you even get three hubs. It seems this is the standard you are judging against the industry. Just an observation.

kuchu wrote:
No I didn't say the packaging was worth $10. I said 3 plastic dvd cases did not cost $10. Because it's the whole point of my bitching which you casually dismissed.

I've already explained this. Very well I might add. Small differences in cost can have huge implications on overall profit. Especially when your lowering overall price.
kuchu wrote:
The majority difference between Viridian and original box set is the plastic case.
The major difference between viridian and original is price.

Glaxy Railways price difference of $10.
Gunslinger Girl price diference of $10.
Kiddy Grade price difference of $40!
Spiral price difference of $30.

I think those are all the collections that are out right now, but you can expect a $10-$40 decrease in price for pretty much all of the old FUNi titles. Anyway that's the major difference, price. And remember those prices go even lower in the retail market.

kuchu wrote:
It means that they think I'd be stupid enough to think that 3 plastic dvd case can increase the value by $10. And MRSP is not by any means the bare bones.
Your working backwards, the nicer cases came out first.
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Joined: 05 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 7:03 am Reply with quote
Dargonxtc wrote:

This flew over your head, I didn't bitch about anything.

So your sour comments and complains are not bitching. Okay. I don't know what is then. To my understanding, 'bitching' is a just a slang for 'complaining'. But I bet you wouldn't say you complained either.

Dargonxtc wrote:
There is three sometimes four ways to buy a show. And no I didn't bitch about the cost either.

Dargonxtc wrote:

You know I don't get this. People have been complaining that anime is too expensive. Spiral was released as singles, then a boxset, and now the cheapest way to buy, the Viridian collection. If you are concerned about the way it looks then you can always get the original boxset at DVD Pacific for about the same price as Viridian. Or just wait a little while, as that Viridian is pretty new, and when on sale that collection will be really really cheap. The whole point of Viridian and similar collections is to get anime to people who would otherwise not buy because they think there other money saving boxsets are too expensive. Who is the cheap bastard? Natuarally they are going to cut costs anyway they can. I think I would be angry if you got the exact same high-quality packaging for thirty dollars less, before sale price. I mean they have to cover there 30k+ per episode costs anyway they can.

Anyway point is, you get what you pay for. And it's not like that is the only way to buy Spiral. There are other options available. You can still find the higher-quality boxset at places.

Dargonxtc wrote:

Did I say the packaging was worth $10? No, I didn't. You did though, which means you place zero value for the show itself. Not realizing that that is but one aspect of selling a product. Do you know what bare bones means? And I'm not talking about food.

Did I say I thought is was worth it? Well no I didn't. But I am not bitching about the packaging either, because I bought the collection that had nicer packaging. If you were so concerned about the packageing then you can just buy the rest of products they release. But then you bitch that the price is too high. Do you know how much money it takes to license one episode of anime? Not one 4 episode volume, not one 25 episode complete series. But just one damn 24 minute episode? Don't even factor in other costs like dubbing and authoring. Obviously not.

Say again?

Dargonxtc wrote:
Yes I understood what I was talking about. As far as the inane things you were saying, yes I get your drift. Look, the Viridian packaging is not to my taste either, but there are other options available. Plus some people throw away the package all together and just stuff the DVDs into a DVD wallet anyway, and ther're getting nice packaging. I don't know how you can call them cheap when all they are trying to do is sell to the cheap crowd anyway, again there are other options for people who actually want to see certain shows, in cases, and want to see them as soon as they come out. A very important time for an anime.

So you just want to make a point that you're a hypocrite. I get it. I for one have made a mistake ordering Viridian without knowing the packaging. I have received the item, inspected it, and valued it and came up with my own opinion that it's POS and here you are saying that Viridian is not to your taste but it is asinine for me to say I hate Viridian. Makes sense. Very much so.
I have no clue why you even mentioned other options for people who actually want to see certain shows, in cases, and want to see them as soon as they come out. It has no place in this discussion at all. Complete collection came out after all singles were released. If they use their heads in marketing, they wouldn't release the box set right away because they need to sell the last single as much as they can first. Even viridian singles came out after the original singles, for example FMA.

Dargonxtc wrote:
As it has already, I am sure Spiral didn't sell hand over foot, which is probably why they need to make up any losses. But the way you talk, you want Cowboy Bebop Perfect Collection, for $20, and you wanted it yesterday.

Another fallacy assumption but by this time I'm not surprised anymore.

Dargonxtc wrote:
I agree with this. I would just like to add that in this case there are already 2 (in some cases 4) other better quality options. And if no one buys these collections you won't see them anymore in a years time.

Actually, if no one buys the collections then they should see them in years time since, well, nobody buys them. Unless, I'm missing the information that they can evaporate into thin air and therefore the cause of bankruptcy for anime stores. Last time I asked TRSI about their Spiral original box set, they said they've had in backordered for 4 months. Anime Nation do not carry Non Viridian collection for Gunslinger and Spiral anymore. Not selling well? Sounds like they've sold every last piece of their inventory for those collections.

Dargonxtc wrote:
Then don't buy it. But don't bitch about the packaging when the very same company gives you at least 2 other packaging options. Just say your going to be hunting down those other two instead of screaming bloody murder. Obviously, FUNimation is not trying to target you with this strategy. You and I are on agreement when it comes to scratching(of which I think I've found the reason for that by the way). What they are trying to do is sell there product as cheaply as they can, while still trying to float above razor thin margins.

I wouldn't if I knew before hand what they did to it. I preordered it after failing to find any information prior their release about what the packaging looks like. I don't want any more victims like myself and that's why I made the announcement what the packaging looks like in reality and I included my view on it. Two people have reconsidered and decided they would get the original based on my real information about the packaging. Something wrong with that? If you're going to say that my bitching convinces them into not buying Viridian, I don't know about them but I would take it as an insult if I were one of them. They, as well as I, have a complete independent mind to make a decision based on facts not influence.

Dargonxtc wrote:
But you also said:
kuchu wrote:
In that case TRSI should've gone bankrupt by now or DeepDiscount or animenation or any other seller who sells DVDs below MRSP.
Which lead me to believe that you realize that no one sells at MSRP. Which would be correct. Even in my hypothetical we would be talking about retail prices not MSRP. But then you turn around and complain about MSRP. This confused me, as it would anyone. So I will chalk this one up to me misunderstanding what you were trying to say. But in the future try to be careful about how you put those sorts of things, as it made it sound as if a 50% discount was somehow something new and not normal.

MSRP is Retail Price or List Price. That's why you can sometimes see Retail Price followed by Our Price or List Price followed by Sale Price.
Your belief is wrong but then again which belief doesn't mislead. Physical store is more constant in keeping Retail Price and that's one of the reasons I prefer to shop online because they can offer better prices because they do not need to maintain multiple physical store other than their warehouse.
I was going to give a wikipedia link but who believes in wikipedia as a reliable source these days.

Dargonxtc wrote:
I found it very interesting you included bootlegs into your mix. From all the posts, you have made it seem like this is the standard that best suits you. Entire 26 episode series for less than $15, and you even get three hubs. It seems this is the standard you are judging against the industry. Just an observation.

Another fallacy assumption but then again I never knew bootleg was really that cheap. An information which you seem to know well. Hell, let me just admit it. I love bootlegs. I totally support bootlegs distribution which is why I made this thread. Anime Nation and TRSI and RACS do sell bootlegs, don't they?

Dargonxtc wrote:

I've already explained this. Very well I might add. Small differences in cost can have huge implications on overall profit. Especially when your lowering overall price.
kuchu wrote:
The majority difference between Viridian and original box set is the plastic case.
The major difference between viridian and original is price.

Glaxy Railways price difference of $10.
Gunslinger Girl price diference of $10.
Kiddy Grade price difference of $40!
Spiral price difference of $30.

I think those are all the collections that are out right now, but you can expect a $10-$40 decrease in price for pretty much all of the old FUNi titles. Anyway that's the major difference, price. And remember those prices go even lower in the retail market.

And why do you think they can make the price lower? Because it has lettuce wrap around it? Or is it because it uses paper rather than plastic case? Just because they lower the production cost to lower the cost, it still does not mean the item is worthy. Which is the reason of all my bitching. They could as well sell the Viridian to $15 and I still won't buy it, now that I know what it looks like. If all comes down to the value/cost/worth of the show that determines the selling value then why bother putting art around the disc. Why not just sell the DVD disc wrapped around bubble wrap as a padding, which is guaranteed safer than wrapped around limpo recycled paper, and put it up for $24.99 or $12.99 and so on? Why a single DVD with an artbox is more expensive than a single DVD itself? Could it be there's more to it than just the show value? Artistic value maybe.

Dargonxtc wrote:
Your working backwards, the nicer cases came out first.

In Funimation Viridian case, yes. Bandai's Avenger Tin Case Complete Edition came out after the original. It's not anime but Blade Runner Briefcase 5-disc collection will come out this December. I prefer thinpack case than the usual bulky case. Funimation Fruits Basket thinpack came out after the original box set at $37 cheaper and still has plastic cases and artbox. It's Viridian according to Amazon and Thinkpack/Non Viridian elsewhere (Anime Nation, TRSI, Anime On DVD). If it's true this thinpack is their Viridian collection of Fruits Basket, then this is how I want it to be, which I own by the way.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:10 pm Reply with quote
Maybe it's just me, being in the Northwest and all, abut I think Funi should get props for trying recycled product as packaging. Good for otaku wallets, good for the enviroment.

Honestly, it doesn't look that bad to me (aside from Spiral being mint green, which seems kinda odd compared to the original black backgrounds). I'm disappointed to read that there's disc-scratching problems, which would be the only thing to pt me off these sets (well, that and I currently own most of them in their older forms anyway.) I hope they can find an alteration to fix the scratching while still keeping the cost down and recycled content in. I'd probably buy Gunslinger Girl if they did...
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