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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 7:52 pm Reply with quote
@ Alan45,

But if Rin's looking out for you, your life shouldn't be so short.

I've always believed that making Rin the protagonist would've improved the franchise immeasurably.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2013
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 7:56 pm Reply with quote
Touma wrote:
Alan45 wrote:

Just my opinion, but Rin is the best character in the entire series. Wink

It is still too early for me to make a choice between here and Saber, but I definitely do like Rin. She is the main reason why I am still watching Fate/stay night.
Early in the show I thought that I would like Sakura, but I just could not get interested in her. There are hints that indicate that she might become significant later, but so far she has not really done anything except cook.

One thing you have to keep in mind (and I'm going to be incredibly vague for spoiler reasons) is that each character has three different roles throughout these three different route. In one route, character X has a huge role, in one a smaller role, and in the third, character X will be almost insignificant. It's like that for most characters actually.

With that said, I'd say this is Rin's least relevant route, and Sakura is a character given the double-edged sword of being minor in two out of the three routes, with her main route being one where she's integral to everything that happens. This is one reason that you're missing out if you choose to only watch one version of Fate/Stay Night. Interesting characters like Kirei Kotomine, Sakura Matou, Rider, and Illyasviel von Einzbern aren't characters who you really know inside and out until Heaven's Feel.

I find this approach works for a good number of reasons, but the most is that you won't think much of characters who get pushed aside in the version you saw. This is great, because when you see someone like Kirei or Illya given some more depth after they're portrayed as a generic homicidal smug jerk and a generic creepy kid villain. In fact, it's one reason that I think this should have been a straight up adaptation of the original Fate path instead of artificially adding in a whole Caster arc to give Cater, Kuzuki, Assassin, and Sakura prominence where they originally had none (granted, we know now that they're going to adapt all the routes, but since they didn't know that then, I can't blame anyone).
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Joined: 29 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 10:43 pm Reply with quote
I finished the Girls und Panzer OVA collection. They were fun to watch and a good addition to the TV series

I decided to give my current interest in harem shows a bit of historical perspective by watching the first Tenchi Muyo! OVA. I actually did watch it when Pioneer released it on DVD about 15 years ago, but with my memory that is essentially the same as never having seen it.
After the first two episodes I am not very impressed, but it is just getting started and I like it well enough to continue.

I am now watching two shows that I like just well enough to keep watching.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 11:00 pm Reply with quote
I am presently watching InuxBoku SS which has been on my list for a very long time. I wanted to buy the blu-ray a lot sooner but since cons are pretty much my only opportunities to get those now (Best Buy has a terrible, limited selection and f.y.e. near me folded up grrrrr!!) I was only able to finally get my hands on a copy and am on episode 05. It's a pretty cute and funny show, apart from one hang-up I have: Nobara is really f*cking ANNOYING. I absolutely despise characters like these yuri freaks. You KNOW if she was a guy, everyone would be calling her "low-life scumbag pervert" and wishing death on her for trying to molest and/or sexually harrass every single female character on the show.

Just cause she's a woman doesn't make it OKAY. Mad

Stupid hoe.

Tanaka is my favorite. I hope he finds someone who appreciates him more than Karuta. D:
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Joined: 13 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 3:01 am Reply with quote
I really hated that Kagerou dude in Inu x Boku SS. I didn't find him funny even in the slightest and him going on and on about S&M made me wanna tear what little hair I have out. Those "He is S! That's M!" moments went on for way too long. My god was he annoying.
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Joined: 29 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 2:58 pm Reply with quote
I just watched episodes 3 and 4 of Tenchi Muyo! and the story has gotten a bit more interesting. It might be getting too interesting, because it seems to me that they might be getting too ambitious and throwing in too many subplots and characters.
As for the characters, I still am not caring very much about any of them. At least I finally did get some decent ecchi fanservice in episode 4.
As before it is just good enough to keep me watching. Well, maybe a bit better than that. But it does seem rather tame and subdued compared to the more recent harem shows that I have been watching.

I also watched episode 9 of Fate/stay night and it did not disappoint me. I might not like it quite as much as episode 8, but it is close.
Saber is getting more interesting, but Rin is still the best character.
I am having doubts about Shiro's intelligence, or at least his common sense. He could have gotten Saber killed by distracting her in the middle of a fight. And his assertion that he should do the fighting because he is a guy and Saber is just a girl would be funny if it was not so disturbing. Unfortunately this is not the only show where I have seen that attitude.
But in spite of that I will continue with Fate/stay night because it does seem to be getting steadily better.
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Joined: 13 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 3:11 pm Reply with quote
Shiro's desire to value the lives of others over his own is extraordinary. He may seem really old fashioned or even, and I hate saying this, sexist. But really he just doesn't want to see Saber get hurt. Shiro may be a bit of a blockhead, but he's got the heart in the right place.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 4:34 pm Reply with quote
Cam0 wrote:
I really hated that Kagerou dude in Inu x Boku SS. I didn't find him funny even in the slightest and him going on and on about S&M made me wanna tear what little hair I have out. Those "He is S! That's M!" moments went on for way too long. My god was he annoying.

Haha, I also found Kagerou annoying but I started laughing when he was labeling inanimate objects as S or M.

Dude is a loon. Anime hyper
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Joined: 31 Jul 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 7:12 pm Reply with quote
Touma wrote:
I just watched episodes 3 and 4 of Tenchi Muyo! and the story has gotten a bit more interesting. It might be getting too interesting, because it seems to me that they might be getting too ambitious and throwing in too many subplots and characters.
As for the characters, I still am not caring very much about any of them. At least I finally did get some decent ecchi fanservice in episode 4.
As before it is just good enough to keep me watching. Well, maybe a bit better than that. But it does seem rather tame and subdued compared to the more recent harem shows that I have been watching.

I also watched episode 9 of Fate/stay night and it did not disappoint me. I might not like it quite as much as episode 8, but it is close.
Saber is getting more interesting, but Rin is still the best character.
I am having doubts about Shiro's intelligence, or at least his common sense. He could have gotten Saber killed by distracting her in the middle of a fight. And his assertion that he should do the fighting because he is a guy and Saber is just a girl would be funny if it was not so disturbing. Unfortunately this is not the only show where I have seen that attitude.
But in spite of that I will continue with Fate/stay night because it does seem to be getting steadily better.

Yeah, one of the best things about older "fanservice" anime is that they didn't have to rely on big boobs and accidental pervert scenes as much.

As for F/SN. Please, god... don't look back at each episode. You'll hate yourself. This is a series to take in at least two or three at a time.

Shirou is a dumbass. Absolutely. Unlike his father, he tries to do the thing that seems most heroic even if its unnecessary. He's the type of guy who would jump in front of an attack meant for a civilian instead of just tossing the civilian out of the way.

He has a martyr complex that is poorly explored in the DEEN anime (and somewhat better explored in UBW, but the visual novel even makes it vague at best). I'd like to point out that while there's a reason behind him not letting Saber fight and he isn't sexist, it isn't a particularly compelling reason. Kiritsugu saved him as a kid and he wants to become a hero to honor Kiritsugu. That's great, but why not let Saber do her thing. Servants are too powerful for a human to fight (with few exceptions). The question here is, why can't Saber fight? He never has a problem letting Rin fight and she's a girl. This is poor writing. The Fate path's flaws are only further exaggerated by the poor adaptation.
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Joined: 30 May 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 8:36 pm Reply with quote
Well the first two fights he sees the girl he falls in love with be part of she gets: pierced in the heart/shoulder, and then beaten to a bloody pulp against the Greek Hulk. No wonder he wouldn't want her to keep fighting.

And spoiler[he does get over it anyway, though more in a compromise as he wants to fight too]

But yes, I agree that Fate has Shirou acting obnoxious for longer than the other routes, though he starts like that in all of them.
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Gina Szanboti

Joined: 03 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 8:51 pm Reply with quote
I thought it was because spoiler[Rin has magic out the wazoo, while Saber is limited because she can't properly draw mana from her magic-challenged master. Also masters tend to go up against masters, servants against servants, and the mana thing puts her at a serious disadvantage. So Shirou being Shirou, he's willing to put his own sorry ass on the line, but not someone with their hands tied behind their back (by his ineptitude to boot).]
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Joined: 07 Dec 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 1:06 pm Reply with quote
No mods dead, posting Ginguiser! Until watching the opening I thought it was pronounced "Gingweezur" instead of "Gingaizar" like it actually is, darn you romanticizing! Only reviewing the first six eps here because that is all that was translated into English. The first episode has a 4th wall breaking MC that should have set a comical tone since that is how it is started, but once the bots get introduced it becomes typical semi serious 70s kaiju minutia. At least it isn't as whacky like Daltanious outside of a few moments here and there (which is something even Gundam 0079 did) and what moments they do have fall under psychic magic (no, really, that's the explanation, not just magic, but being psychic!). It then tries to pretend to be sort of dark since lots of civilians die off and get eaten in the first episode until that doesn't happen in the following eps. In other words: Never judge anything by the first episode, it's usually a bad idea to throw your best in there since that would imply it's only downhill from there. The monsters of the week, in this case revived beasts, are well designed sporting all the color and psychological warfare you'd expect complete with Tadao Nagahama style "throw every power we can imagine onto these guys" type attacks. The main four are fine, their leader is kind of bland though. The villains seem fine so far, gotta give the grunts credit since instead of the usual swords, guns, or spears they use lightning bolts from their hands.

Now lets talk about what it rips off! The main four are basically Koji, Sayaka, Boss, and Shiro from Mazinger Z, the robot sounds like and has a structure similar to Grendizer, the villains kind of look like the Demon Empire minions from Brave Raideen with their version of Sharkin looking more human, the background art style looks like it came from Getter Robo, and the pilot suits look like the Combattler V suits with Hurricane Polymar helmets. Oh the ripping off minutia.... It's golden and glorious. So yeah, this anime is nowhere near as bad as /m/ makes it out to be (it's actually good) nor is it anywhere near as ecchi as the fansubbers proclaim. It's basically if One Punch Man learned to shut up for more than 10 seconds. Add some fitting music and good giant monster fight scenes and you got yourself an anime classic. Cool

I was going to review more of this, then I came across this abominable video on YouTube yesterday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G30xZxJLR8U

>all that complaining about nothing
>"otaku characters are generic/cliche" (no, they really aren't)
>"I don't get the cinematography"
>caring about the source material being a light novel
>studio and staff names mattering
>"not a metaphor"

No duh that isn't a metaphor, that is a SIMILE. Even I, the guy that doesn't believe in tropes in archetypes, can tell the difference between metaphors and similes! Would you believe this is only the third snobbiest thing came across yesterday? Right after "Alien 3 and R should be retconned in the next movie" and the wretched quote Honest unquote Trailer for Ghostbusters 2. *shrivels* Next time I am taking on Gate! It looks way better than that video makes it out to be, kind of like how Garbage Pail Kids turned out to be great despite the Nostalgia Critic mindlessly ranting otherwise.
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Mr. Oshawott

Joined: 12 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 2:52 pm Reply with quote
Spent midday finishing up Your Lie in April. A very dark and tragic show with some very beautiful classical music with Kousei struggling to become good at playing the piano. The ending was happy, yet sad all the same...
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Joined: 14 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 2:59 pm Reply with quote
I enjoyed Your Lie in April because of the spoiler[tragedy] and the classical music.

Last edited by nobahn on Wed Jul 13, 2016 3:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 29 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 3:00 pm Reply with quote
I watched episode 10 of Fate/stay night and it was interesting enough to keep me watching, even thought not much happened. I guess that is why the episode title is "The Calm Interlude."

Shirou did a lot of training with Saber and Rin, at different times, and I am beginning to believe that he is not as much of a male chauvinist as I had thought that he was. But I still think that he is not very smart, which may be one reason why I thought that he was more sexist. I am starting to wonder though if it is the character or the writer.
One problem with fiction is that when a character does not think of something it can be difficult to know if the character was supposed to not think of it or if the author just did not think of it.
In this case Shirou apparently did not realize that it could be important for both Rin and Saber to know that Illya had talked to him.

Rin is still my favorite character, but Saber is getting closer.
Saber shrewdly gained some ground by being the first to get naked Very Happy.
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