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NEWS: Viz to Serialize Bleach, Publish Slam Dunk

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Joined: 23 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 2:26 pm Reply with quote
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad
Of all things, why Bleach. Great, now we have to wait 4 months between volumes! Did they say if it was temporary(like Gintama) or what?

Cool about Slam Dunk though. But doesn't make up for Bleach Sad
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Joined: 30 Oct 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 2:30 pm Reply with quote
bahamut623 wrote:
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad
Of all things, why Bleach. Great, now we have to wait 4 months between volumes!

My guess is because the US release of the manga is beginning to close in on the Japanese release. Wikipedia says there are 28 Japanese volumes out, and the US has so far reached 20. Having a high profile property in the magazine other than Naruto doesn't hurt either.
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Joined: 05 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 2:37 pm Reply with quote
OH MY GOD. Viz has Slam Dunk. Finally the curse has been broken. Don't disappoint me Viz.
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Joined: 12 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 2:41 pm Reply with quote
I'm not so hyped about bleach but you can't beat a classic like Slam Dunk. Hopefully the title will gain more exposure this way.
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The Naked Beast

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 2:45 pm Reply with quote
This could be interesting with Viz handling Slam Dunk. Will they publish it in the same quality like Vagabond? Vagabond just has amazing print quality. The feel of the paper and the quality ink at only $10. I just might be tempted to get Slam Dunk if they have that kind of print quality.

Is Bleach going to replace Yu Yu Hakusho? I mean, two series with similar supernatural themes might seem redundant.

It has been a while since I have read my Shonen Jumps so please take it easy on me. I probably have about a year's worth of Shonen Jumps to read scattered somewhere around my room.
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Joined: 19 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 2:47 pm Reply with quote
I called it months ago that Shonen Jump would be adding Bleach to its magazine in November. Anime hyper Awesome. I'm guessing they're going to go straight into the Arrancar saga, which is good since at around the same time the dub on Adult Swim will go into the filler Bounto saga. It'll make an easy transition for fans, & at the same time Viz will have a full year to get ahead of the anime.

The Naked Beast wrote:
Is Bleach going to replace Yu Yu Hakusho? I mean, two series with similar supernatural themes might seem redundant.

No, it's replacing Shaman King (which ended this month) & Yu-Gi-Oh: Millennium World (which'll end in the December issue).

Last edited by Nebs on Fri Jul 27, 2007 2:58 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 09 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 2:50 pm Reply with quote
Slam Dunk, finally! After the death of Raijin and the Toei disaster, it seemed like the prospects of bringing Slam Dunk to the US were pretty much dead. It was hinted two years ago in Shojo Beat that the manga would be picked up again. So glad to see a follow-up on that after so long.

I hope that Viz will put it under their Signature line rather than SJ or SJ Advanced, and give it the same treatment as Vagabond. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:05 pm Reply with quote

I'm very disappointed.
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Joined: 16 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:47 pm Reply with quote
Quite frankly the Slam Dunk announcement is AWESOME news. I do hope that it sheds a light on Sports Anime over here in America. Viz has a pretty good track record with these titles thanks to Eyeshield 21 (which is a LOT better than I gave it credit for)
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:34 pm Reply with quote
I wonder if this means they're also distributing the SD anime. That's the only way I'd imagine them being willing to publish it. Anyway, I hope this leads to Real getting a U.S. release. I don't see why they don't take a chance on it first, since it's more recent. More importantly, I hope they hire Jake to do the translations again.

Naked Beast:

Is Bleach going to replace Yu Yu Hakusho? I mean, two series with similar supernatural themes might seem redundant.

They kept YYH and Shaman King together for this long, but you never know. I'd like to be done with the former title, too.

karenai: I'd rather see Hokuto No Ken and City Hunter than SD, but the latter's more likely to get a second life than the former. Crying or Very sad

Ken: Methinks they got some kind of marketing deal with the NBA the way they got a deal with the NFL for Eyeshield.
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Buster Blader 126

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:49 pm Reply with quote
They're really going to serialize Bleach? Are you kidding me??? Mad And I was going to start buying the manga again once it was going to reach the current arc.

Yes, I know Bleach is going to catch up at some point, but slowing down the release without serializing it is possible. They can go quarterly or something, since the compiled volumes seem to be released fairly quickly in Japan as well, according to the Bleach manga entry on ANN. Personally, they should've just picked a new series to serialize, or just don't serialize anything new, so we can have more chapters of Yu Yu Hakusho and Hikaru no Go. Seeing the occasional 1 Chapter per issue seems to happen more frequently now. -_-

As for Slam Dunk, that's great news. Having a friend who loved the Slam Dunk anime (and keeps on telling me to watch it), I'm a little interested.
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Joined: 19 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:58 pm Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
Ken: Methinks they got some kind of marketing deal with the NBA the way they got a deal with the NFL for Eyeshield.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. The Japanese version of the Eyeshield anime is sponsored by NFL Japan, which is why it only made sense for the American version to do so as well (for instance, actual footage of NFL events are used within the anime). As far as I'm aware, Slam Dunk has never had such a relationship with the NBA.

Buster Blader 126 wrote:
Yes, I know Bleach is going to catch up at some point, but slowing down the release without serializing it is possible. They can go quarterly or something, since the compiled volumes seem to be released fairly quickly in Japan as well, according to the Bleach manga entry on ANN.

That's pretty much what they're doing, you know. Just because it's being serialized in Shonen Jump doesn't mean they'll stop releasing the graphic novels. Aren't manga serialized in SJ released quarterly anyway? So there you go. You're getting exactly what you suggested, with the added bonus of the manga appearing in SJ. The fact is Bleach needed to be slowed done a bit for its US release. This would've happened whether Viz decide to publish it in Shonen Jump or not.

Buster Blader 126 wrote:
Personally, they should've just picked a new series to serialize, or just don't serialize anything new, so we can have more chapters of Yu Yu Hakusho and Hikaru no Go. Seeing the occasional 1 Chapter per issue seems to happen more frequently now. -_-

There's reason for this as well. Viz has been publishing more chapters of Naruto than usual in order to get past the Itachi arc by November (when Bleach comes out). They'll undoubtedly slow things down a bit when they begin the Shippuuden story next year. So come January you'll have less Naruto chapters & one less series as well (with Yu-Gi-Oh: MW gone, not to mention that Shaman King has already left). All the series in SJ should have more chapters to them come 2008 (with the obvious exception of GX).
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Joined: 23 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:09 pm Reply with quote
Nebs wrote:

That's pretty much what they're doing, you know. Just because it's being serialized in Shonen Jump doesn't mean they'll stop releasing the graphic novels. Aren't manga serialized in SJ released quarterly anyway? So there you go. You're getting exactly what you suggested, with the added bonus of the manga appearing in SJ. The fact is Bleach needed to be slowed done a bit for its US release. This would've happened whether Viz decide to publish it in Shonen Jump or not.

Except it's gonna be slower than quarterly, like 4-5 months between volumes slower. 21 is in October, 22, is in March!! Bleach will catch up, but at the rate it's going in Japan it probably wouldn't have happened for another year or two, by which time, Bleach might be on it's way to wrapping up anyway.
Also, with it being in the magazine the anime will most certainly pass it. The filler arc isn't that long. The anime moves faster than the manga to begin with, so to slow the manga down even more is horrible.
I'm still holding out hope that it'll be temporary. But I'm seriously pissed
Bleach fans, send emails to Viz and let them know that it's a bad idea!
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Joined: 14 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:12 pm Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
I wonder if this means they're also distributing the SD anime. That's the only way I'd imagine them being willing to publish it.

MEEP! OH YES PLEASE!! I've tried so hard to get the SD anime and its VERY out of print....or it's hiding from me Razz
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Joined: 03 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:38 pm Reply with quote
@bahamut: Now you know how us One Piece fans feel.

Anyway, Viz picking up the license for Slam Dunk, which means importing from Singapore is no longer the only method to have the entire manga (legally) in English? I'm all over that. If they give it the Vagabond treatment (BEST TREATMENT GIVEN TO A SERIAL MANGA), then I'll be a happy man.

It'll be great to finally have a sports manga other than Eyeshield 21 to care about.
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