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Is Trinity Blood over?

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Joined: 17 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:09 am Reply with quote
Was the episode that they gave today the last one? It still looks unfinished.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:20 am Reply with quote
Seems that way yeah, I think that was episode 24 and that's all ANN has listed here for the series.
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Joined: 17 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:28 am Reply with quote
Really? Aw man, it felt like there was still more story to it though. Oh well. Crying or Very sad
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:33 am Reply with quote
I think I remember someone saying the author died after the "first" anime. I don't know anything about the novels, myself, so who knows what they'll do for "another" anime, if ever.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:57 am Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
I think I remember someone saying the author died after the "first" anime. I don't know anything about the novels, myself, so who knows what they'll do for "another" anime, if ever.

Sunao Yoshida (original novel writer) died shortly after the anime had been announced back in 2004, he did ask Kentaro Yasui to work on the novel in his stead. Although he's only released one novel since that time back in 2005. Also it should be noted that Novels, Manga, and Anime are quite different from one another. As for an another anime being done, it's like the Berserk question lots of people really want to see that season 2 but it's highly doubtful that it will ever happen.

Googashlak wrote:
Was the episode that they gave today the last one? It still looks unfinished.

My advice to you is to check out the novels, they were licensed last year (I think) at Otakon by Tokyopop. The first novelis suppose to be out in April, so if you want to get the real story....or most of it check that out.
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Joined: 02 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 9:15 am Reply with quote
Me, personally i don't think they wil end it. From what i hear, people like it a lot. So even though the novel writer died, i think they will make another season. They always have tricks up their sleeve.

Also, all i saw was these two guys fighting in the air(if you would like to call it, heaven and hell). And then BOOM, light came through the next scene, and you see the girl walking down the red carpet. Yeah, seems like an ending, but i don't know.
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Joined: 10 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 9:29 am Reply with quote
Ok, can someone tell me what the hell happened and what it was all about? True, I wasn't paying close attention to the series, but the whole thing seemed kinda pointless.
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Joined: 02 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 9:37 am Reply with quote
Basically, Ohoni Abel Nightroad spoiler[sacrificed himself to the planet and the girl bringing peace. Oh yeah i like the two blades on the staff oh his. You know.. when the electricity oh him with darkness. Holy crap was that amazing battle.]

But yeah like i said, the people that made Trinity Blood probably don't what they are going to do with series, either end it or bring it up again in a new season. Oh yeah try to get a chance to watch the ending episode, Ohoni then you will understand what i am saying.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:01 pm Reply with quote
Um, what I got from it was that Able spoiler[didn't die. In fact he and the Earl of Memphis, are going to go look for Cain and kick his ass, kill him, cut the body up into little tiny pieces, burn the pieces, then spit on the ashes.] That's my opinion at least. But, because that hasn't happened, then, no, the anime is not finished.

It's ending is a little bit like spoiler[Inu Yasha's but without having to go through 160+ episodes and still get a crappy ending]
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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:54 pm Reply with quote
animeruler37 wrote:
Me, personally i don't think they wil end it. From what i hear, people like it a lot. So even though the novel writer died, i think they will make another season. They always have tricks up their sleeve.

But yeah like i said, the people that made Trinity Blood probably don't what they are going to do with series, either end it or bring it up again in a new season.

It's very rare for an anime to get another season after it's stop, there have been a few exceptions with extremely popular series (Hellsing, Black Lagoon, FMP, possibly MoHS) seeing as how Gonzo (who did the anime) has basically moved on and has 4 other shows there working on I doubt that there will be anymore Trinity Blood anime, and I don't really see any other company picking it up.

I don't know if your speaking with a small sample size but Trinity Blood is probably the least like of the four Gonzo shows produced at the same time. Basilisk probably being the favorite, then Desert Punk and Speed Grapher.......and way down

here is Trinity Blood. It got a lot of attention because it's airing on [AS] but other then that I don't think that there's a lot of people who like it. I mean I enjoyed myself but it's had serious issues.
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Joined: 17 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:40 pm Reply with quote
So when the last episode finished, it said in memory of....? Was that the novel writer's name that they dedicated it to?
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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:25 pm Reply with quote
Googashlak wrote:
So when the last episode finished, it said in memory of....? Was that the novel writer's name that they dedicated it to?

See Deltakiral's first post in this thread.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:26 pm Reply with quote
Bah, talk about anticlimatic endings. It would be one thing if they at least spoiler[finished the fight and Cain escapes, but to just stop it with Abel falling and make a sudden jump in time] made much of the series feel wasted. It's too bad, the anime could have been epic, but this ended far too sudden.

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Joined: 07 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:38 pm Reply with quote
Deltakiral wrote:
animeruler37 wrote:
Me, personally i don't think they wil end it. From what i hear, people like it a lot. So even though the novel writer died, i think they will make another season. They always have tricks up their sleeve.

But yeah like i said, the people that made Trinity Blood probably don't what they are going to do with series, either end it or bring it up again in a new season.

It's very rare for an anime to get another season after it's stop, there have been a few exceptions with extremely popular series (Hellsing, Black Lagoon, FMP, possibly MoHS) seeing as how Gonzo (who did the anime) has basically moved on and has 4 other shows there working on I doubt that there will be anymore Trinity Blood anime, and I don't really see any other company picking it up.

I don't know if your speaking with a small sample size but Trinity Blood is probably the least like of the four Gonzo shows produced at the same time. Basilisk probably being the favorite, then Desert Punk and Speed Grapher.......and way down
here is Trinity Blood. It got a lot of attention because it's airing on [AS] but other then that I don't think that there's a lot of people who like it. I mean I enjoyed myself but it's had serious issues.

That's weird - I went looking for info on Basilisk and I couldn't find anything but some official reviews. Looking for Trinity Blood, there's a bunch of fanlistings. Plus I consider LiveJournal to be an indication of interest in a series and Trinity Blood has a community whereas Basilisk doesn't. Trinity Blood has a category on fanfiction.net and Basilisk doesn't. In my experience, Trinity Blood is way, way more popular. Everyone I know has heard of Trinity Blood, but not Speed Grapher or Desert Punk.
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Joined: 13 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:53 pm Reply with quote
kushiel wrote:
That's weird - I went looking for info on Basilisk and I couldn't find anything but some official reviews. Looking for Trinity Blood, there's a bunch of fanlistings. Plus I consider LiveJournal to be an indication of interest in a series and Trinity Blood has a community whereas Basilisk doesn't. Trinity Blood has a category on fanfiction.net and Basilisk doesn't. In my experience, Trinity Blood is way, way more popular. Everyone I know has heard of Trinity Blood, but not Speed Grapher or Desert Punk.

Like Deltakiral said, it's because it's on Adult Swim. A lot of people only watch anime on AS so they aren't exposed to any other shows. The average viewer is more likely to see Trinity Blood then Speed Grapher or Desert Punk. Anyway, you can't judge a show's quiality based on the fact that a few fansites are out there. And considering the lame ending of Trinity Blood, I'm not surprised there is a lot of fanfiction.
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