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You Hate Hentai?! Why?

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Joined: 25 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:13 pm Reply with quote
After a recent thread about how hentai should cease I got to a bit of thinking.

As I think is pretty obvious I like hentai, at least as long as it is rape/paedophilia/tentacle free. I can see why you may dislike hentai because these themes can be prevalent, though some careful searching can come up with plenty of things that dont include these (Koihime, Sexfriend, etc).

But I am not talking about content specifically, more about the general feeling that it is wrong because there are no real people in it. There is a social stigma attached to cartoons and adults, one surrounding pornography itself (it's not like everyone who watches porn is some kind of social loser) and so when these combine you get plenty of stigma surrounding hentai.

The immorality argument doesn't hold much water with me as morals are too subjective to be a decent argument so thats out. (for example most people in Western countries would find the idea of cutting a thief's hand off immoral and wrong, while in some Middle Eastern countries it is a matter of course)

This leaves potential harm (setting aside addiction, as that's unhealthy regardless of what it is and illegal viewing) to the user and the people involved. PORN CAN'T HURT YOU. Any remotely sensible person can't face any real harm from ponography. If it portrays something you don't like then don't watch and thus it doesn't hurt you.

This leaves harm to the people involved...now real porn I can see potentially harming the people involved but hentai? Who gets hurt? The staff involved? No more so than from any other anime project...

Now unless you can give me a plausible reason for why hentai is wrong I am left to consider hentai probably the superior form of pronographic material as it doesn't harm those involved...the only thing I can see going against it is social stigma...I'm an anime fan already so who cares about stigma?

Remember copntent can be controlled by choosing what you watch...not just watching anything and everything.
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Joined: 18 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:25 pm Reply with quote
PERFECT!!, I've been trying to describe something along those lines for awhile now to some people i know, so im going to copy this and say almost EXACTLY what you just said.

and for the record, im into ALL anime and hentai even if it includes Rape, Tentacles and pedophilism.
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naruto fan 09812

Joined: 24 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:26 pm Reply with quote
I think I the one who posted that thread. The reason I hate hentai is just trash no direspect to the person who made it. The storyline is bascially is how sexy these anime girls can be and also it just painfull to watch. And no offense to you but people who watch porn and hentai is usally just preverts. To put it short I think hentai is very replusive.

Last edited by naruto fan 09812 on Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:36 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:28 pm Reply with quote
The only thing anyone actually has to fear from hentai is the ignorance of other people. Personally, I've actually never had trouble with people not liking it because I've not once ever met someone (online or in real life) that can coherently create a reasonable platform (or in the case of the internet, a correctly spelled and punctuated one) as to why it's "wrong".

naruto fan 09812 wrote:
I think I the one who posted that thread. The reason I hate hentai is just trash no direspect to the person who made it. The storyline is bascially is how sexy these anime girls can be and also it just painfull to watch. And no offense to you but people who watch porn and hentai is usally just proverbs. To put it short I think hentai is very replusive.

Case and point. Though since this guy misused "proverbs" in place of "perverts" I don't think English is their first language.

Last edited by blind_assassin on Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 18 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:28 pm Reply with quote
naruto fan 09812 wrote:
I think I the one who posted that thread. The reason I hate hentai is just trash no direspect to the person who made it. The storyline is bascially is how sexy these can be and also it just painfull to watch. And no offense to you but people who watch porn and hentai is usally just proverbs. To put it short I think hentai is very replusive.

You cant JUST say Hentai, its like saying anime, it has many genres, and there are PLENTY of hentai with a good storyline BUT because you automatically dislike it, you cant see it. (Moonlight Lady)
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:38 pm Reply with quote
naruto fan 09812 wrote:
And no offense to you but people who watch porn and hentai is usally just preverts. To put it short I think hentai is very replusive.

While it can be argued of some people (since every case is different), I disagree with your notion that all porn and hentai-watchers are "just perverts."

I take it you've never had a class on or openly talked about human sexuality before. I advise you start learning now, not as justification for anyone, but to at least enlighten yourself before making such comments. It'll do ya' some good Wink.
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Joined: 25 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:06 pm Reply with quote
naruto fan 09812 wrote:
I think I'm the one who posted that thread. The reason I hate hentai is because it is just trash. No direspect to the person who made it. The storylines are bascially how sexy these anime girls can be and also it's just painful to watch. No offense to you but people who watch porn and hentai are usally just perverts. To put it simply I think hentai is very replusive.

(cleaned up and re-jigged. 'is' and 'are' were used incorrectly, 'is' is singular and 'are' is plural in general. He 'is', while they 'are')

How would you feel if I said you were fat, ugly and disgusting and then said 'no offense intended'? If anything thats worse as you know it's potentially offensive and still you said it in that manner. The glory of English is that if used properly it allows you to express such things in many (some non offensive) ways. Sorry digressing...it's a pet peeve just like 'I could care less' as opposed to 'I couldN'T care less'.

Perhaps you should re-assess why hentai have 'trash' stories. How good a program is is determined by the enjoyment gained by the viewer, if they are looking at hentai they most likely want a 'different' kind of entertainment and so are looking for different things. To a hentai the story is an excuse for sex, not the otherway round.

Many thigs are painful to watch, I don't like watching two poorly drawn and animated people groan at each other for episodes on end (DBZ) nor do I like watching poorly choreographed fights and ridiculous over the top weapons (hence my other threads). I also find watching rape/tentacles thoroughly unappealing. Does this mean that series like Naruto and Inuyasha and Bleach etc are all bad? Clearly it doesn't.

I obviously have different tastes to you and that is the entire crux of your argument for why hentai should dissapear. If that were the case then series like Naruto should dissapear because it's story is essentially and excuse for extravagant super moves to be performed.

You tell me that you find hentai repulsive...but not why. Telling me that it has a poor storyline or that it doesn't suit your tastes is irrelevant because 1. tastes differ and 2. story is not the reason for watching hentai. I bet you dont watch Naruto to debate the equality of the sexes so why watch hentai for a story?

Now as to being perverted...perversion is differing from the norm...if you dont find the human body (male or female) attractive then surely you are different from the norm and thus perverted? Thats just semantics and I'll get to what you really mean.

Now I'm not denying that in the eyes of the public porn (of any kind) is perverted...but...so what? Do I still contribute to society? (I think I do) Do I break any laws? (not that I know of) Do I harm others with my interests? (certainly not where hentai is involved...boxing on the otherhand...) Do I pay my taxes and my dues? (oh yes...)

I've yet to see why being a pervert is actually a bad thing...it certainly hasn't affected my social life in a negative way...I'm not obsessed (I enjoy watching it every now and then...It's not like I have to hunt down a new fix everyday. My username is more to do with circumstance than mental state) and I have many other interests. True my life is not going according to plan but thats not due to hentai in the slightest. Regardless of that I enjoy my life and my interests don't stop others from enjoying theirs. Now tell me agiain why being perverted is a bad thing. Until you can do that your argument holds no water.
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naruto fan 09812

Joined: 24 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:09 pm Reply with quote
I have Sex Ed classes every school year so I know that males got certain needs. But it that what your girlfriend is suppose to do fulfilled those needs. Maybe,I do not understand hentai but looking at fictional characters do not make me horny.

Last edited by naruto fan 09812 on Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:13 pm Reply with quote
While this does touch on the immoral issues and stuff that hentai is wrong, seeing as it is porn, period, I like to watch it when it does have some good storylines. Even comedy can come from hentai, so it's more of adult humor in the maturest of ways. The only way anybody could get hurt in a hentai is maby they were screaming too much so their throats got a little sore.
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Joined: 25 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:18 pm Reply with quote
naruto fan 09812 wrote:
I have Sex Ed classes every school year so I know that males have certain needs. But that is what your girlfriend is supposed to do, fulfil those needs. Maybe I do not uderstand hentai but looking at fictional characters doos not make me horny.


I dont find watching Naruto and co beating up villain X thrilling...does that mean that it should be taken off air? You dont find hentai arousing (which the Genshiken guys will tell you means you are messed up in the head) so that means that it should cease to be produced? Notice the loss of logic in this argument?

I think you should pay more attention in citizenship/morality/PSME classes. Why should your GF have to fulfill those needs for you? What if she doesn't want to...are you going to make her? (this I doubt) A relationship with a girl should be about more than physical needs...if it's only about the physical why not cut out the middle man and just pay a prostitute?

So far neither your nor any other person who has told me that hentai is wrong has been able to come up a decent reason why it is.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:37 pm Reply with quote
I don't buy anyone saying that being perverted is wrong since we are all perverted at one point in are lives or think a perverted thought. I don't see why people would think it is trash just because of storyline since that makes no sence, since Hentai is for visual pleasure...though there are hentai with good stories. I also fail to see why watching hentai or any porn is considered weird...I heard it's not healthy to keep a loaded gun for to long, just look at what it does to priests and bishop Laughing .But seriously it's perfectly normal to look at porn since it is an entertainment that triggers a instinct we have had in us since the dawn of time. Maybe some people take it a bit far but like it has already been said we aren't dealing with real people. I think the biggest problem people have with it (saw some Hentai haters posting about this on another forum) is that it "disgraces" the perfection and holy grail they call "true" anime. They think that hentai is what ruined "real" anime's rep. Rolling Eyes

Eidt: Whoa now buddy you just said a mildly sexest thing in your post which could get you flamed....what is your girl friend "supposed" to do. Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 04 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:49 pm Reply with quote
I am not really a fan of hentai, but to label someone a "pervert" is going a bit too far. Everyone is allowed their own preferences. And how is hentai being in circulation hurting you? I would understand if someone chained you to a chair, pined your eyes open, and forced you to watch it. However, I doubt that is the case.
For the record naruto fan 09812, the use of proper grammar when making an argument goes a long way.
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Forums Superstar

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:07 pm Reply with quote
Here's the major reasons I get from people who think hentai is repulsive:

1) It's cartoon porn! It's not even real! WTF is wrong with you! Go out and watch some real porn, Jesus Christ!

Well, what they fail to realize is, real pornography is still just a bunch of pixels coming together to realistically represent the real person. According to Madarame from Genshiken, anything drawn to represent an arousing figure will have an effect on us, so I think this "It's not real!" argument is flawed.

2) It's got some of the most disgusting stuff I've ever seen! Tentacle rape, WTF!?

Strangely enough, the largest stereotype on what hentai is (tentacle rape) makes up only 10-20% of the entire genre. From what I've encountered, 30% involves consent and about 70% involves rape (in which case, yes I would definitely not like it). There does seem to be more rape in hentai than pornography from what I've encountered, but rape-free hentai isn't really a problem for me.

3) It gives anime a bad name!

Something is flawed with this argument, I just can't put my finger on it...
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Joined: 18 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:30 pm Reply with quote
Even comedy can come from hentai, so it's more of adult humor in the maturest of ways

Ya, exactly, some of the funniest things I've seen are in hentai, (watch Countdown to Delight or Marine a Go-Go!!) They are hilarious and are worth watching for anyone who likes comedy.

And I for one DO watch hentai for a story, although i dont look forward to it to be GREAT, some Do have a pretty good one wheter or not it has SEX in it or not, and like hentai4me says, if it has something you dont like in it, DONT watch it, thats all there is to it, then theres no reason for any complaints. Anime smile
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:37 pm Reply with quote
Animefreak6969 wrote:
Ya, exactly, some of the funniest things I've seen are in hentai, (watch Countdown to Delight or Marine a Go-Go!!) They are hilarious and are worth watching for anyone who likes comedy.

And I for one DO watch hentai for a story, although i don't look forward to it to be GREAT, some Do have a pretty good one wheter or not it has SEX in it or not, and like hentai4me says, if it has something you don't like in it, don't watch it, thats all there is to it, then theres no reason for any complaints. Anime smile

Dude, Mission of Darkness is the funniest hentai you could ever see. Even though there's tentacle rape in it, the last scene makes for the entire show. Only problem was how they advertised and shipped this anime in the US.

Which gives me an idea Twisted Evil
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