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Most Improved Character Tournament: Post-Mortem

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Joined: 20 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:03 pm Reply with quote
Group A-23
Fakir, Princess Tutu
Sawako Kuronuma, Kimi ni Todoke – From Me to You

Sawako deserved to get this far in the tournament. However she is outmatched against Fakir whose transformation is one of the most emotional aspects of Princess Tutu.

Group A-24
Taichi Mashima, Chihiyafuru
Daikichi Kawachi, Bunny Drop

Voting for Taichi. His improvement in the first part of his series is very well done especially in how he pursues karuta despite not being naturally talented at it. Previously he believed that he should not attempt to do anything that he could not be the best at. One scene in particular late in the series demonstrates how much he grows. He's given the option to advance a level in karuta despite not having won a tournament, but humbly denies this offer because he wants to advance in level via the normal methods through his own efforts, and not when it would be simply handed to him.
Daikichi does not start his series as a flawed person. He doesn't have to overcome any crippling personality flaw in order to raise Rin properly. He adjusts and adapts to his new life, but that's not really an improvement of sort. He's a caring person at the start of his show and he remains caring throughout. Taichi begins his series flawed (both as a child in the flashback and as a teenager in the begining of the series proper.)


Group B-23
Chihiro, Spirited Away
Kyoko Mogami, Skip Beat!

I love both of these girls so much but I'll give my vote to Chihiro for becoming less spoiled as the movie went on and learning to put in the effort that she needed to in all of her work.

Group B-24
Scar, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Shoukei, The Twelve Kingdoms

Scar gets my vote here for being able to put aside personal bias in order to learn the truth about what happened to his people.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:56 pm Reply with quote
Group A-21
Fakir, Princess Tutu vs.
Sawako Kuronuma, Kimi ni Todoke – From Me to You

Voting for: Fakir
An easy choice here. Supporting arguments for Sawako never really impressed me, while Fakir goes from being a somewhat justifiably hated character to a beloved one.

Group A-22
Taichi Mashima, Chihiyafuru vs.
Daikichi Kawachi, Bunny Drop

Voting for: Taichi
Previous rounds left me more impressed with Taichi than Daikichi.

Group B-21
Chihiro, Spirited Away vs.
Kyoko Mogami, Skip Beat

Voting for: Kyoko
Not thrilled about voting Kyoko on here, but I'll pick her personality shift from doormat to motivated (albeit due to petty jealousy) over Chihiro's upgrade from slightly bratty and reasonably frightened child to spunky child heroine.

Group B-22
Scar, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood vs.
Shoukei, The Twelve Kingdoms

Voting for: Shoukei
A difficult choice here. I just couldn't quite shake the feeling that Scar's improvement isn't complete in breaking him from cynicism and desire for revenge. Don't get me wrong: this is a very minor complaint, and if he wins, I'll be voting for him next round.
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Redbeard 101
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:33 pm Reply with quote
Sorry for my absence for the past few weeks. Long version condensed.....we're still trying to find a new place here, car trouble and money is tight, work is chaotic as i am working both kennel and treatment as some people have left, my parents lost their house and just moved to a condo so had to help with that, trying to do things to fix up the place we're at a bit more now so the landlord is happy, cats have been sick, and computer issues. Just one thing after another. Plus my migraines and vertigo were acting up too. Cats are on the mend though, parents have moved, computer is fixed with new anti virus software and new motherboard, and work is calming down a bit as we have 2 new people who just started. So yea, I'm back. I'll vote for the next round as I gtg now as I got work at 6am.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:37 pm Reply with quote
Dorcas_Aurelia wrote:
I just couldn't quite shake the feeling that Scar's improvement isn't complete in breaking him from cynicism and desire for revenge.

How do you figure? In the end he gives up his violent ways and becomes a diplomat, getting justice for his people through peaceful methods.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:47 pm Reply with quote
I'm afraid Fakir might be becoming unstoppable, but whilst I adore Sawako, I don't think her baby steps towards social blooming -however outbreaking and hugely important for her they may be- compare to what Fakir does for himself and for the rest of the characters on his stage

Just for the sake of contradicting Key, because he's totally missing the point. Being a good person doesn't automatically make you a good parent (and don't I know that, I love my older sister, but I seriously question many of the decisions she makes in regards of how to raise her kids). It's not for fun that people say "a child changes your life". And Daikichi experiences a 180 degree turn to his lifestyle and manages to stay a competent human and be a fantastic father to Rin. Again, I think the importance of his growth in regards of becoming a very competent father is being unjustly underestimated just because he was already a nice guy to begin with.


This is where my knowing nothing about the other show and my very deep-rooted love for Chihiro and her journey come into play. What I've read about Kyoko sounds interesting, but nowhere near such a satisfying growth process as what we see Chihiro undergo.

Again, because I haven't watched 12K, and one of the arguments in previous pages about this match won me over undisputably. I'd forgotten exactly how it was that Scar let go of his hatred for state alchemists, and being reminded of how he does -meeting Winry, whose parents he killed, and yet she is able to forgive him- reminds me of how much anger and hatred he carried within him and how he was impressively able to gradually let go of it and his prejudices, in favor of seeking peaceful solutions to the pain that his people have suffered.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:20 pm Reply with quote
About 40 minutes left as I type this. All but one of the matches are within one vote of being tied, so the final votes (assuming more come in?) will have big impacts.
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Joined: 08 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:21 pm Reply with quote
I just want to respond to a few things even if its late...
rosebrook11 wrote:
Voting for Taichi. His improvement in the first part of his series is very well done especially in how he pursues karuta despite not being naturally talented at it. Previously he believed that he should not attempt to do anything that he could not be the best at.
Taichi has a pretty phenomenal memory, which is an aid in Karuta. Its not like he stinks at Karuta. He was just never in Arata's league and his initial belief that he shouldn't compete in anything he couldn't be best at came from his mother which he resisted when it came to playing with Chihaya.

Daikichi does not start his series as a flawed person. He doesn't have to overcome any crippling personality flaw in order to raise Rin properly. He adjusts and adapts to his new life, but that's not really an improvement of sort. He's a caring person at the start of his show and he remains caring throughout. Taichi begins his series flawed (both as a child in the flashback and as a teenager in the begining of the series proper.)
Taichi is flawed? Ok, he acted like a brat as a kid for a few episodes but got over it fairly quick. Let's not forget Taichi is a pretty nice fellow himself and he has a lot going for him. Let's see intelligent, top of his class in grades, good looking, charming, all around good at sports, comes from a well to do family--basically the school idol. How could someone with all of that become the president of the Karuta club, it boggles the mind. Wink

Key wrote:
Learning to become a parent should only count as improvement if it forces the subject to change bad habits/beliefs, and I don't see that in Bunny Drop. Yes, Daikichi modified his work habits to accommodate Rin, but is that really an improvement? He was shown as being good at his job but not particularly ambitious. Yes, he showed a caring side by looking after Rin and prioritizing her needs, but is that really an improvement? It's not like he was ever shown being notably selfish before that, and he was a sympathetic enough soul to offer to care for her in the first place. Just becoming a parent is not inherently improvement (which is what a lot of voters seemed to be arguing last round), and beyond that Daikichi does not have much of a leg to stand on.

Why are you limiting improvement to going from bad to better? Good to excellent doesn't count? Good to saintly is worthless? Isn't learning an improvement of sorts? Daikichi learns from his fellow coworker that she had to take a demotion in order to be available for her children. He learns from Kouki's mom that its tough being a single parent because if a child gets sick, you have to take time off work and it puts your job in jeopardy or worse if the single parent gets sick then its tough to both go to work and take care of the child. He learns from Kouki's mom that he shouldn't panic in front of a child which was what he was doing spoiler[when Rin was sick]. Wasn't it improvement when he learned from the other parents what time for one self meant? Isn't learning to be a parent after a lifetime as a bachelor--changing your life for another--improvement? Sure its not as cool as learning a new sword technique or a new power level, but its still learning and its still improvement.
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Joined: 27 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:21 pm Reply with quote
Group A-23
Voting for: Fakir
A strong candidate that doesn't really need any explanations. He is just that good.

Group A-24
Voting for: Daikichi
Raising a child is one of the most selfless thing a person can do. Not to mention she isn't even his child, which makes the act more worthy. I loved watching him improve as a parent while making sacrifices.

Group B-23
Voting for: Chihiro
I think Chihiro deserves to advance. Kyoko's improvement mostly developed from her obsession over revenge, which hurts her in this battle.

Group b-24
Voting for: Shoukei
This one was tough as I didn't watch either show. But based on everyone's arguments, I got swayed to vote for Shoukei.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:33 pm Reply with quote
Group A-23
Fakir, Princess Tutu
Sawako Kuronuma, Kimi ni Todoke – From Me to You

Only seen Kimi ni Todoke, but something tells me that Fakir is the person to vote for

Group A-24
Taichi Mashima, Chihiyafuru
Daikichi Kawachi, Bunny Drop

Seen both and this is a tough decision. I think I'll vote for Daikichi since i think becoming a better person by raising a child vs. a card game is much more interesting


Group B-23
Chihiro, Spirited Away
Kyoko Mogami, Skip Beat!

Kyoko becomes a different and better person, while Chihiro just grows up a bit. Kyoko gets my vote

Group B-24
Scar, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Shoukei, The Twelve Kingdoms[/quote]

Recently finished Brotherhood, and I'm now watching 12 Kingdoms because of this tournament. However, I'm only on Taiki's back story, so I haven't gotten very far. Shoukei sounds like she develops a lot, but so did Scar. I'm voting for the development that I have seen, so my vote goes to Scar
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The Naked Beast

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:56 pm Reply with quote
Group A-23
Fakir, Princess Tutu
Sawako Kuronuma, Kimi ni Todoke – From Me to You

I like how Sawako overcomes her stigma of her looks being similar to The Ring's character. She makes friends and is able to express what is on her mind.

My vote goes to: Sawako Kuronuma.

Group A-24
Taichi Mashima, Chihiyafuru
Daikichi Kawachi, Bunny Drop

Taichi learns that as good as you are, there is someone out there that is better than you at a game. You can always learn from defeat which is what he does to be a better player and person.

My vote goes to: Taichi Mashima.


Group B-23
Chihiro, Spirited Away
Kyoko Mogami, Skip Beat!

I have said again and again on Chihiro's growth. The train scene perfectly portrays her growing out of childish self.

My vote goes to: Chihiro.

Group B-24
Scar, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Shoukei, The Twelve Kingdoms

Scar goes from blind revenge to redemption which shows he does show remorse for his actions. An eye for an eye only makes both parties blind in the end. The heroes do get an upgrade in firepower when Scar joins the team.

My vote goes to: Scar.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:15 pm Reply with quote
Round 4 Groups A and B is now closed.

With 20 votes in, the results (and please note that the match numbers were wrong, so the corrected numbers are below):

A-21: Fakir danced around Sawako, 18-2.
A-22: Daikichi narrowly outlasted Taichi, 11-9.

B-21: Chihiro and Kyoko tied, 10-10.
B-22: Scar earned a solo victory on the last vote, 11-9.

Excepting A-21, this was an incredibly tight round, as after the early stages none of the other three matches show a lead of more than three votes and B-22 had the chance to also end in a tie. Given comments this round, I think the winners next round may be foregone conclusions, but we'll see. And I'm sure this all had some interesting effects on minigames.

Next set should be up shortly.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:18 pm Reply with quote
Round 5 Groups C and D is now closed.

Results can be found here.

Last week we saw a slew of tight races. Will we see a repeat this week? Certainly seems possible, especially in the crowded D-22.

Group C-21
Youko Nakajima, The Twelve Kingdoms
Kimihiro Watanuki, xxxHolic franchise

Group C-22
Hikaru Shindou, Hikaru no Go
Kenshin Himura, Ruroni Kenshin: Trust and Betrayal


Group D-21
Simon, Gurren Lagann
Rue, Princess Tutu

Group D-22
Tsume, Wolf’s Rain
Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon
Saber, Fate/stay night and Fate/Zero

Last edited by Key on Mon May 06, 2013 11:23 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 24 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:23 pm Reply with quote
On the risk of sounding nitpicky and obnoxious, for god's sake Key, I told you last week about Watanuki

[EDIT: Picky picky! It's been corrected. - Key]
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:33 pm Reply with quote
Yay, this looks easy this time!

C-21: Youko Nakajima-easy vote, definitely the strongest of the 12K characters. I expect her to thrash this round as badly as Fakir did in his. So help her if she goes up against Hikaru though, that'd be a tough vote
C-22: Hikaru Shindo-another easy vote for me. Maybe I'm only familiar with Kenshin in the RK series but "meh" is kinda my reaction to him while Hikaru improves simultaneously as a Go player and as a person. They mirror and complement each other, so anyone who only thought he got better at the game of Go must've missed something last round. But alas, poor Hikaru just keep going up against characters from more popular franchises! But he'd have to be up against Youko Nakajima before I considered voting for any one else, he really is top notch. Also, I sincerely hope people don't vote again Hikaru because he beat Madoka last round. The fact that he did indeed beat such a popular character should only prove that he really was more worthy to move on.

D-21: Simon-Ok, this is the toughie for me of this group. They're both really heartfelt changes that change both the entire course of the story and the other characters around them. For now I'm going with Simon because he simply starts changing earlier and thus has more time. Rue is awesome, but in many ways a less good Fakir.
D-22: Saber-arguments last round made her sound better than either Tsume or Usagi.

Last edited by zawa113 on Tue Apr 30, 2013 2:00 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 07 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:33 pm Reply with quote
It's not a matter of being picky. The error has been pointed out every round it's come up and yet it keeps persisting. I know you're just copying and pasting this stuff, but still.

Also this probably doesn't matter at this point, but Youko never actually recieved a valid nomination and thus shouldn't be a part of the tournament. Key did a write up for her as an example of what a write up should be, but he never said he was nominating her.
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