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Anime Milwaukee Hosts Studio Orange's Yoshihiro Watanabe, Shunsuke Aoki, Tadashi Nakajima, Hirotsugu Hayakawa

posted on by Alex Mateo
Staff share "behind-the-scenes secrets" for Trigun Stampede anime at March 7-9 event

Studio Orange
The Anime Milwaukee (AMKE) event announced on Tuesday that it will host staff members of the CG anime Studio Orange at this year's event, including producer Yoshihiro Watanabe (BEASTARS, Trigun Stampede), animation sub-director Shunsuke Aoki (BEASTARS), art director Tadashi Nakajima (The Boy and The Beast), and VFX director Hirotsugu Hayakawa (Godzilla Singular Point).

The guests will participate in an event about "behind-the-scenes secrets" for the Trigun Stampede anime.

Studio Orange is known for its adaptation of Haruko Ishikawa's Land of the Lustrous manga, the anime of Paru Itagaki's BEASTARS manga, the Netflix series Godzilla Singular Point, and the Trigun Stampede anime, among other works. The studio has also done CG work for parts of various anime productions as far back as 2004's Aquarion television series. Netflix will exclusively stream Qubic Pictures and Orange's anime series of Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan novel series in 2025.

The event will also host Nozomu Sasaki, Kanae Itō, and Taku Inoue.

Anime Milwaukee 2025 will take place at the Hilton Milwaukee City Center and Baird Center in Milwaukee, WI on March 7-9.

Source: Email correspondence

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