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NEWS: Fushigi Yûgi: Genbu Kaiden Manga to End in 2 Chapters

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Joined: 13 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 2:50 am Reply with quote
Glad to hear that this series will finally have an ending. Followed it back when it first started; I really preferred it over the original Fushigi Yugi. I'd love to see an anime of it, perhaps 26 episodes, but then they probably would have done this by now if they were going to Laughing I have a feeling it will go the tragic route~
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 6:16 am Reply with quote
If Watase stays true to the ending which is mentioned in the original FY, then yes it will be tragic as spoiler[Takiko's father kills her to stop her being consumed by Genbu then kills himself]
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:01 am Reply with quote
Awesome. Smile This leaves FY in the dust. Watase-sensei's come a long way. I found almost no filler in the volumes Viz released so far, and I found this series incredibly riveting. Smile Hope to see some of Byakko's country, too.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 9:26 am Reply with quote
I had a feeling we were getting close to the ending with how the story was progressing so I'm glad to get official confirmation. It sounds like this means there will be 12 volumes in all, maybe 13, which I think is an ideal length.

I love this series and absolutely cannot wait to read the ending, especially since at this point I don't think it can avoid going the tragic route, given that spoiler[Takiko is dying of consumption.]
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:40 am Reply with quote
This is good news, actually! Glad she's finally finishing the project, since it was sort of an in-between project with Arata (which I still need to check out sometime). I bought the first 2 Genbu Kaidens waaaaaaaay back when. Since it was a slow project, I figured I'd wait a bit before I got the others. Soon enough I'll be able to read them all, altogether Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:08 pm Reply with quote
So will that put us at 12 volumes? Or 13?
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Vata Raven

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:46 pm Reply with quote
norbjunior wrote:
So will that put us at 12 volumes? Or 13?

11 is out, Viz has 10 published so far...so the last volume will be 12
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 2:48 pm Reply with quote
I've been a fan of the original Fushigi Yugi. I prefer the story of Genbu Kaiden much more than the original. Although you still can't really hate the original as it had one of the most endearing memorable casts that are Chichiri, Nuriko and Tasuki..

Even though we all know that the ending is goin for a tragic one; I am very much looking forward to it. I just think that a bittersweet ending is just perfect for this series than a happy one. Although I still wish that Takiko & Uruki ends up somewhat happy..

Btw, question: spoiler[Do you guys think that Takiko will get consumed by the beast god or is she going to die because of her fragile health condition? I think Takiko will die inside the book because of her illness (tuberculosis). Her father will commit suicide because he'd feel guilty or something. I just can't see Takiko dying because she doesn't have the strong will to summon the beast god. Or maybe she fails to gather her celestial warriors.] Anyway hopefully Watase serves us an astonishing conclusion that will tie in with the original. I just adore her so much as a mangaka.

On a side note though; someone should release Sakura Gari here in the US as its one of the most gripping, controversial and amazing work she'd done. I want it in my collection.. The art in there was just flawless.

Oh what I like about Watase is that her series doesn't end in such lengthy ones. Most of her amazing works never exceeded at 15 volumes, well with the exception of Fushigi Yugi but she initially planned to end the series at volume 13, right? So ending Genbu Kaiden at 12 volume is definitely just perfect. Still hoping for an anime version of this..

Byakko's story is no doubt expected to be told as well. PLEASE.
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Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:03 pm Reply with quote
I definitely don't hate the original Fushigi Yuugi but I think it's become a series that I love despite its many, many flaws. Genbu Kaiden so clearly shows how much Yuu Watase has improved as a storyteller in the years between.

As for your question, spoiler[I'm really not sure. I sort of don't want to see the Genbu Kaiden story contradict what was said about Takiko in the original series, about being consumed, but at the same time I see where you are coming from about her strong will. Maybe at the end she just doesn't have the physical strength to hold out anymore and gets sent back and then her father kills her? I really don't know, other than I'm sure whatever it is that it will be suitably heartbreaking.]

I also really want Sakura Gari licensed. I'm actually a bit surprised it hasn't been yet, since all the other more recent Watase series are available in English. Even with controversy, I'm sure the title would do reasonably well, even if it wasn't something that Viz was interested in picking up.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:27 pm Reply with quote
Was there even a concrete evidence that spoiler[Takiko's dad killed her to prevent the consumption? I can't quite recall, I think that they just assumed that Einosuke Okuda killed her.] That's what they believed or what Keisuke and Tetsuya had managed to gather anyway.

I'm guessing that spoiler[the killing of Takiko was just an excuse to cover up her disappearance. I think that in the end, Takiko never or didn't have the chance to return back to the real world because after summoning the beast god she then became terribly ill and eventually died inside the book.] But yeah these are just my assumptions of what might happen. I'm all excited to see how things would come to a conclusion. The last volume couldn't come fast enough..

Crossing my fingers that a publisher would eventually license Sakura Gari soon. Looking at DMP. I'm definitely picking this series up even if its a Yaoi series.
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Joined: 20 May 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:09 am Reply with quote
I asked SuBLime about getting Sakura Gari and they said "no way" due to the underage stuff. Sad
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:17 am Reply with quote
chichiriNoDa wrote:
Was there even a concrete evidence that spoiler[Takiko's dad killed her to prevent the consumption? I can't quite recall, I think that they just assumed that Einosuke Okuda killed her.] That's what they believed or what Keisuke and Tetsuya had managed to gather anyway.

I don't remember, I would have to watch the show again to find out. But I feel like spoiler[this was the the point of the show when the priestess' fate was first revealed, which makes me think it probably was explicitly stated that this was the reason for Takiko being killed. Now of course that could be not the complete truth but if it's not, I would like to see the fact that it became the story addressed or else it could be a a bit too retcon-y.]
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Joined: 13 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:12 pm Reply with quote
chichiriNoDa wrote:
I've been a fan of the original Fushigi Yugi. I prefer the story of Genbu Kaiden much more than the original. Although you still can't really hate the original as it had one of the most endearing memorable casts that are Chichiri, Nuriko and Tasuki..

Even though we all know that the ending is going for a tragic one; I am very much looking forward to it. I just think that a bittersweet ending is just perfect for this series than a happy one. Although I still wish that Takiko & Uruki ends up somewhat happy..

Btw, question: spoiler[Do you guys think that Takiko will get consumed by the beast god or is she going to die because of her fragile health condition? I think Takiko will die inside the book because of her illness (tuberculosis). Her father will commit suicide because he'd feel guilty or something. I just can't see Takiko dying because she doesn't have the strong will to summon the beast god. Or maybe she fails to gather her celestial warriors.] Anyway hopefully Watase serves us an astonishing conclusion that will tie in with the original. I just adore her so much as a mangaka.

On a side note though; someone should release Sakura Gari here in the US as its one of the most gripping, controversial and amazing work she'd done. I want it in my collection.. The art in there was just flawless.

Byakko's story is no doubt expected to be told as well. PLEASE.

To be honest, it's been so long since I last read the original Fushigi Yugi that I had forgotten about the tragic fate being revealed. spoiler[I really feel Watase is in her zone when she is handling tragedy (look at Ceres and now Genbu Kaiden), so I really hope she doesn't find a way to duck out of it into a happy ending (which I felt the original Fushigi Yugi kind of tacked on). I can see Takiko's death being due to consumption, with her passing in Uruki's arms.]

Now, for my side note Very Happy is the anime of Fushigi Yugi any good? I enjoyed the manga, but am wary of the animation. I just remember how Ceres went...

Second side note, I really haven't heard much about any controvery surrounding Sakura Gari. I know that it's a yaoi...was there something specific about it?

Last edited by roseversailles on Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:31 pm Reply with quote
roseversailles you should get some spoiler tags in there, in case someone reading this news isn't up to date with the current volume/information that comes from the original series.

The Fushigi Yuugi anime is amazing. It's one of the most faithful adaptations I've ever seen, certainly far better than Ayashi no Ceres which I personally could not even finish watching. And it actually is a major source of inspiration for the Genbu story, since most of the information about what happened is anime-only. But Yuu Watase liked it so much she decided to work it into Genbu Kaiden.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:31 pm Reply with quote
marie-antoinette wrote:
roseversailles you should get some spoiler tags in there, in case someone reading this news isn't up to date with the current volume/information that comes from the original series.


Thank you. Just did. I didn't know how much I should cover since most of the conversation has been about "tragedy," but I tagged what I thought would be considered spoiler-ish. If you see something I missed, please let me know! If the Fushigi Yugi anime is better than Ceres was, then I will definitely be checking it out. Thanks for the heads up!
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