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GAME: Resident Evil 6

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Joined: 28 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:33 pm Reply with quote
I hope all RE games are like this one. It's the only good one on any console.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:41 pm Reply with quote
msgundam2 wrote:
I hope all RE games are like this one. It's the only good one on any console.

For the modern ones: 4 > 6 > 5
For the classic ones: 2 > 3 > CV > 0 > 1

Odd how 1 and 0 are bottom of my list when Rebecca is my favorite girl. Not that I hate them, I just fine 2, 3 ,and CV to be much better/memorable games.
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The American Average

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:44 pm Reply with quote
Okay why is it every Reviewer i see/read totally bash this game? From the Beginning we knew it wasn't gonna be scary. The game itself was a blast. I played split screen coop through all the campaigns, you know how few and far between it is to get a good split screen game. the game-play was a little awkward at first but once i got a hang of it the controls worked very well with the game. I liked most of the characters from the beginning well except Helena and Piers but near the end of the game, especially Piers, i really liked them. The graphics looked awesome the monsters looked all gross and slimy made them feel more alive and fleshed out. The Character models looked really well crafted even side characters looked good, also i just loved how Leon's hair looked perfect right after a huge airplane crash priceless. The voice acting was really good, Laura Bailey was every good as Helena, her acting was some the best she has done (imo), along with Troy Baker (Jake Muller) and Roger Craig Smith (Chris Redfield) this game had some great acting power. The game has other stuff in it besides story mode, it has Ada Wong mode, Mercenary mode, and my favorite, hunter mode, which i get to be a monster/Zombie in someone else game and try to kill them. Got a couple of people doing it. Now online Multiplayer was decent, i really didn't spend much time online, so i can't say how great the connection for long periods of time but i didn't have any problems with connecting or lag. The only thing that bugged me was out of all the story modes Chris's seemed the least important compared to Jake's or Leon's kinda felt like they just added Chris in for the fan service.
Overall the game is good, places could have been better maybe a little more exploration, or more puzzles. The game is at least B, B+ from the sounds of things Capcom will put more content in RE6 maybe adding more story or maybe different types of modes little ones more scary? Also later in October Ada Wong's story mode will be made Coop, Capcom hinted that the on disc DLC will be free. so thats pretty cool and really rare for Capcom to give away Free dlc. Personally we should be congratulating Capcom for this, its really good compared to other games they've made in the last couple of years
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Joined: 08 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:50 pm Reply with quote
msgundam2 wrote:
I hope all RE games are like this one. It's the only good one on any console.

4 and 5 are way better then this trash.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:53 pm Reply with quote
5 was just 4 with black people instead of Spanish people, and a shoe-horned in new girl to calm people's stupid cries of racism.

6 was actually something new and not bogged down by PR outcries
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Joined: 08 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 12:25 am Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
5 was just 4 with black people instead of Spanish people, and a shoe-horned in new girl to calm people's stupid cries of racism.
Seeing as how 4 was a great game. A game as creativly bankrupt as 5, where it was just aping a good game is better then 6. No 5 did nothing great, but that was fine. The style of gameplay hadn't been tired by then and the game still had an idea of what you do with that style.

I also find the allegations of racism to be stupid. Guess whats in Africa? Black people. Do you find it racist when a game goes to Asia and your killing only Asian people?

And I fail to see how Sheva was shoehorned. If you want to make an argument that the game did nothing new with co-op. Your right, but the idea of parnters has existed in RE for a long time. It only makes sense that Chris recives a new partner that represents his new enviorment.

5 was nothing great, but it had an actual focus. Something RE6 dosent.

6 was actually something new
What was new about it? It's senerios aren't new. 1 is Raccon City again. 1 is a Gears wannabee with typical military styling and even an Ace Combat sequence. And another is basically whatever. There's nothing really new in this game. Unless you think the mere fact of multiple stories are new, but it isn't. RE2 already happen.

But each campaign here doesn't offer anything new. Oh wait the innovatory system is new and thankfully it adds even more tedium. Now instead of just picking up and herb and either using it or combining it. I have to first get it, combine it, then put it in my tic tac container, and then use it only for it to give me one bar of health. And I probably have to do this while some extreme stuff is happening because the game has no pause.

Oh and the stupidly annoying tripping. Thats a great new feature.

But they aren't new. Leon's just tries to invoke RE nostalgia without all the good things of RE. Chris's is just stale military shooter wich are a dime a dozen. And the last is a hodgepodge of whatever.

But either way, so what if it's new. New dosen't mean good. And for all it's newness, 5 wouldn't be good. Forget the terrible on constant QTES. The gameplay is extrmley lacking. The gunplay never feels good, but it won't matter because you can just go for the melee. In RE4 you felt tension and yes that was because you couldn't move and shoot. You would try to control your environment, but knowing where you were in regards to the enemy and then try to aim the best you could, because god knows those things were coming at you. And well weapon choices sure felt they mattered. Shotguns extrmley powerful, but I don't find myself using them all the time in four, no because if I want to pinpoint accuracy, I'll use a pistol if I'm close. Maybe I'll use it to lead into a melee attack. If I'm trying to get some ground I'll of cousre use a sniper. I'll mostly use a shotgun when I'm surrounded because of pushes things back. A shotgun in Re6 doesn't even do that. It doesn't push back multiple people, it just does a lot of damage. A small change, but it tells you that this game's mechanics are not, well as good. There's really no point in the weapons, beyond well I have the ammo for this and not that. No real dynamic situations come up where I feel the need to think about how I'm going to survive this horde of enemies. Nope it's just use whatever gun or melee. It's thoughtless. RE4 was not and RE5 wasn't really either.

And horde best describes the enemies. They come whenever or wherever. They spawn and come at you with no real thought in their placement.

not bogged down by PR outcries
The entire game is a PR game. It's the Assault Horizon of RE. A feeble attempt at trying to get the Western CoD money by aping what they think that stereotypical western gamer wants, by looking at on the most popular western games. It doesn't feel creative at all. They didn't look at the gaming landscape and go "hey what can we do that will make RE unique". No they went. "Yo Tanaka CoD is noting but explosions, lets put lots of explosions" "You're right Kenshin, you know what is cool games that feel like movies, so we need all those very cinematic QTEs and stupid running at the screen moments from popular game's like Uncharted, because people like the cinematic Uncharted"
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 12:44 am Reply with quote
Oh wow, so now Resident Evil has turned into a Gears of War clone? A shame, but I guess it's not all that unexpected. I'll still have fond memories of RE2 and RE4.
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Joined: 20 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 1:32 am Reply with quote
Anyone thinking about this, check out the demo. It actually provides a screen that shows what the controls are, unlike the game itself.

Which is what I think is the big divide here, and why it seems everyone is split down the middle: The game gives you tons of options, more than any RE before, but doesn't really tell you what to do beyond the most bare of basics.

So you've got people who are frustrated because they're getting knocked over or dying all the time, and people digging it because there's so many cool ways to make mincemeat of everyone.
And all that would have been fine, because lord knows few people come to Resident Evil for the plot, if there were more than a handful of exciting moments amid the slog of samey shooting bits and awkward melee combat. They have taken what is generally thought of as the worst part of Resident Evil 5 -- the slew of gun-toting, RPG-firing soldiers towards the end -- and made an entire game out of it. This preponderance of ranged enemies completely changes the pacing of combat. At any moment a salvo of bullets can land you on your ass, forcing an uninterruptable recovery animation (during which you are still vulnerable to attack). Gunplay is made frustrating because it's a crap-shoot whether or not the enemies will react to your bullets, even when shot in the head. Compared to your ceaseless vulnerability, your opponents may continue to spray their guns at you (and put you back on the ground) even when riddled with bullets, so firing fast shots without regard to accuracy is the prefered method of play.

This right here is what I'm talking about - if you're getting knocked down by machine gun fire (or stuck in a million zombie grab QTEs, which was a big sticking point for other people), it's a sign you're doing something wrong and you need to change your strategy. Some people enjoy figuring out what to do, others blame it on poor design.

I say, everyone should at least give it a shot. The fact that everyone's going bonkers over it is a sign that there's something going on, if nothing else. I've been really into it myself, and I'm kind of dismayed by some of the wackier complaints about it, but all I can really say is it's definitely the type of game that you need to get your hands on to come to any real conclusions over.

(On another note, I don't give the "It's just like Gears of War!!" argument much merit - a lot of enemies have guns, but you learn how to handle them...and then they mutate into some freakshow you've never seen and don't know how to deal with yet. It's a far cry from the "RE4 enemies + Lickers" of RE5)
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 2:19 am Reply with quote
Rahxephon91 wrote:
What was new about it? It's senerios aren't new. 1 is Raccon City again. 1 is a Gears wannabee with typical military styling and even an Ace Combat sequence. And another is basically whatever. There's nothing really new in this game. Unless you think the mere fact of multiple stories are new, but it isn't. RE2 already happen.

I was thinking more gameplay wise. It wasn't just the 4 engine... again. It felt more modern and like an actually current game rather than a Gamecube game on PS3


Megiddo wrote:
Oh wow, so now Resident Evil has turned into a Gears of War clone? A shame, but I guess it's not all that unexpected. I'll still have fond memories of RE2 and RE4.

You do realize RE4 is one of Gears of War's biggest influence and inspiration, right? It's the original, not a clone.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 3:49 am Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
Megiddo wrote:
Oh wow, so now Resident Evil has turned into a Gears of War clone? A shame, but I guess it's not all that unexpected. I'll still have fond memories of RE2 and RE4.

You do realize RE4 is one of Gears of War's biggest influence and inspiration, right? It's the original, not a clone.

Resident Evil 4 is certainly closer in style to Gears of War than any of the previous games but to call the latter a "clone" is incredibly specious. They share a similar over the shoulder camera style (as do about a million other games) but that is pretty much where the similarities end.

RE4 is still pretty clearly survival horror even if it is a bit more action oriented than its predecessors. Health and Ammo are limited and must be rationed. Enemies don't shoot back save maybe the odd slow moving projectile which can be dodged or defected. They are also mostly slow moving. The focus is on crowd control. You need to keep mobile and not let enemies surround you or get behind you. There's also a heavy emphasis on RPG elements, collecting money/treasure, and upgrading your weapons, etc.

Gears is a strictly cover based shooter. It's not even a more active, run and gun shooter (like Borderlands for instance). You pretty much have to stay behind cover all the time when in combat or enemies will gun you down. Health regenerates almost instantly and ammo is as good as unlimited (save a couple power weapons). There are no RPG elements whatsoever.
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Joined: 20 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 4:36 am Reply with quote
ikillchicken wrote:
They share a similar over the shoulder camera style (as do about a million other games) but that is pretty much where the similarities end.

You're right, although I think therein lies why it'd still feel weird to call a post-4 Resident Evil a clone of Gears - Resident Evil 4 invented that camera angle usage that Gears and those million other games copied.

That's a good writeup on the differences between those two, also - and it gets at why the Gears comparison on 6 doesn't make sense to me. There is the option to take cover, and there are enemies with guns - those are among the things in addition to and often on top of those situations from 4. But cover isn't your only option, or a go-to all the time option, and there's situations where it's a downright bad idea (especially if someone you were shooting a minute ago turns into something that makes cover irrelevant...).
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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 5:49 am Reply with quote
Kicksville wrote:
You're right, although I think therein lies why it'd still feel weird to call a post-4 Resident Evil a clone of Gears - Resident Evil 4 invented that camera angle usage that Gears and those million other games copied.

Hmm. I'm not sure I see the problem there. Resident Evil may have invented that camera angle but the camera angle is fairly immaterial. Numerous games have that, many of which I would never call a Gears clone because they are massively different from Gears. See, to me, the camera angle is not really what defines Gears of War and by extension, not what defines something as a Gears clone. Rather, it is all that other stuff I mentioned. It's the cover based shooting and the regenerating health and the bleak, grey/brown look of the world. That's what makes Gears of War what it is and thus that's what makes a game a Gears clone. I think this is in line with people's actual criticisms as well. Nobody is saying "RE6 is a gears clone because it has an over the shoulder camera". They're saying "RE6 is a gears clone because it mimics all those other elements of Gears". That's what a lot of people are taking issue with.

Of course, that said...

There is the option to take cover, and there are enemies with guns - those are among the things in addition to and often on top of those situations from 4. But cover isn't your only option, or a go-to all the time option, and there's situations where it's a downright bad idea (especially if someone you were shooting a minute ago turns into something that makes cover irrelevant...).

...Perhaps those people are exaggerating. Perhaps RE6 is still fairly different from Gears. I don't know. I really can't say for certain having not actually played it. If so though then perhaps the term doesn't really apply. In any case, my point is that I think it at least theoretically could despite the series actually predating Gears with that camera angle.
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Joined: 01 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:09 am Reply with quote
After playing and completing RE6, spoiler[I was left wondering if Wesker was ever coming back. Even if it was shoehorned, the guy made up the bulk of the franchises' overarching storylines. Largely being a key player in all the atrocities that happened in the first 4 classic REs and RE5. I think, for me, the franchise is really done for with Wesker out of the picture.] I'm one of those very few that cared about the convoluted storylines and, of course, the classic tension and horror that RE was known for. It seems there's no reason for me to continue with RE any further. I'm still rooting for that possible RE2 remake Hirabayashi mentioned in a press release.
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Joined: 02 Jul 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:43 am Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
5 was just 4 with black people instead of Spanish people, and a shoe-horned in new girl to calm people's stupid cries of racism.

6 was actually something new and not bogged down by PR outcries

They didn't throw in the Sheva character to counteract the claims of racism. She was part of it before that. What they did was diversify the enemy appearance.

The problem people have with the RE series now is that it's trying to adopt all of these shooter elements, but they haven't done it well. I don't have that much of an issue if RE wants to depart from its survival horror roots, but they can't half-ass the construction of these new games.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:58 am Reply with quote
It got a lower score than the Musou game?

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