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smurky turkey

Joined: 30 Jan 2022
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2025 12:59 pm Reply with quote
Both anime seasons were great and showed a setting way more interesting than the one in the game which is shockingly dull.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2025 3:00 pm Reply with quote
Gotta say, the inability to opt out of the PVP elements is a big turn-off for me. The grind sounds like enough of a pain in the neck as it is without the possibility of getting robbed once I actually acquire anything worth keeping. At least a player can be sorta safe if the servers are empty.

It's a bit of a shame the game turned out this way when the anime series had me cautiously optimistic about the setting and mechs. It's reminding me of the Megaton Musashi game, which is at least partly a mobile title, though the console version at least seems to let you get through the story without dealing with too much obnoxiousness.
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Joined: 20 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2025 6:21 pm Reply with quote
Ooo boy I looooove this game, in spite of its flaws. And there are a few! Extraction shooters are a genre I find interesting, but I couldn't find one that fully clicked with me until this game.

A particular criticism is that the game doesn't do the best job of explaining how everything works. For example:
The problem is that this mechanic doesn't always make for the most engaging gameplay. Sometimes the rain starts and you hunker down in an area with nothing to scavenge, no enemies to fight, and nothing to really, well, do. These gameplay dead spots can be brief, but often they overstay their welcome and I ended up running through the rain because I got bored.

When it rains, AO Crystals increase in value. So a common value bunch will drop uncommons, uncommon will drop rare, etc. But the game never really tells you this anywhere, aside from how they glow brighter in rain.

Other players were the least interesting of the lot for me, as most of the time I didn't see that many other players during my Sorties. When I did find other players they mostly acted with immediate hostility, sometimes working in packs, and it was over before I had much of a chance or I was forced to flee on sight. I was hoping there would be more of a “feel it out” phase where both sides tried to determine if we could work together or not, but mostly I found emptiness or hostility as the default options.

This is one of those things that of course is going to vary a lot by person, but you do have the option to ask them to join a co-op mission...another the thing the game could stand to signpost better.

I've ended up having quite a lot of interesting and fun situations, like joining a co-op team and then switching to hunt down a bounty target player who attacked someone, or having a hard time with a two person mission only to be saved when a third comes along and joins. But, the game does indeed have bounty target players who are incentivized to shoot newbs on sight, which feels in need of adjustment...

I would also say the current economy is indeed a problem: deploying and dying in anything greater than rare risks setting you back like a full week of work to make specific cradle parts. And, notably, you can't even really micro-transaction your way out of this fully (you still need to collect the rare materials).

Far from perfect, but it sure is an experience for what it is. I'm glad Bamco is taking a chance on a divisive genre.
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