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Best First Episode Tournament: Post-Mortem

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Joined: 18 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 4:19 am Reply with quote
Group C-5
Sayonara, Zetsobou-sensei

Sayonara, Zetsobou-sensei has a funny first episodes. Even if I didn't like the show as a whole, I enjoyed the first three episodes. Bleach has a good first episode, but it's not that good.

Group C-6
Haibane Renmei

I like Slayers, I really do. The first episode of Slayers is a good introduction to the series and it gives a good idea of what can be expected, but it is no match for Haibane Renmei and its intriguing concept and no worse execution.

Slayers (the old series) is an above-average fantasy that has an interesting world and a colourful and memorable cast of characters, but the best episodes are later.

Group C-7
Kurau: Phantom Memory

I saw the first episode of KPM after the duo tournament, but I haven't been impressed by it and the following episodes. On the other hand the first episode of Kaiba is unique with its bizarre world and since I like experimental anime, I enjoyed it a lot.

Group C-8
Gurren Lagann

Neither is impressive, but since I have to make a choice, I will give my vote to Trigun, which, unlike Gurren Lagann, at least I found moderately interesting.
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Joined: 25 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2012 11:30 am Reply with quote
Group C-5:
Vote for: Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei
I like Bleach's first episode, but SZS really delivers. The dark, ironic humor and unique art style creates something highly memorable and worth watching repeatedly.

Group C-6:
Vote for: Haibane Renmei
Sigh. I love Slayers (as well I should, since I nominated it), but Haibane Renmei completely trumps it. It's gorgeous, sophisticated, and completely worth watching.

Group C-7:
Vote for: Kurau, Phantom Memory
First time watching both. Kaiba was pretty weird, and I'm still not sure what to make of it. Kurau was interesting, but it doesn't really help establish what the show is supposed to be. Kaiba's a little more memorable, but I don't really want to watch any more, whereas Kurau is something I could see myself picking up again in the future.

Group C-8:
Vote for: Gurren Lagann
Both first episodes are a lot of fun, and the antics of the leads create some pretty outrageous fights. This one was close, but in the end I give the edge to TTGL for establishing the main characters better; all we get of Vash in the first episode is a goofball gunman.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2012 10:53 pm Reply with quote
Actually, I misspoke earlier; there were four first eps in this group that I had never seen. I just finished watching all four of them, so it's time for a well-informed result:

Group C-5
Sayonara, Zetsobou-sensei

I'm giving this to Zetsobou-sensi, but only by a slim margin; I can't see myself voting for it past this round. The stuff on the board was more distracting than clever, but the incidental conflict of wills between Mr. Despair and Miss Optimism was interesting to watch and Bleach's first episode, while it did have a fair amount of thrill, is nothing all that special by shonen action standards.

Group C-6
Haibane Renmei

After watching Haibaine Renmei's first ep, I can see what it was one of the top nominees; the emergence of Rakka's wings is one hell of a scene and the relationship-building between Reki and Rakka is already evident. I didn't find it to be as thoroughly charming as, say, Cross Game, but that might be the only series in this Group that I'd pick over it. Slayers, by comparison, was fun but nothing particularly special as goofy fantasy series go and the technical merits were painful to watch.

Group C-7
Kurau: Phantom Memory

Kaiba is a study in imaginative weirdness; gotta give it credit for that, and I can certainly see why it's getting votes. It's not going to get me to watch more, though, while re-watching the first ep of Kurau Phantom Memory led to me marathoning that series again over the course of this week even though I didn't really have the time to do so. KPM can be a hard series for some to get into, as it pitches itself as a sci fi action series (and, to an extent, it is), but it's really at least as much a love story, one involving both parent/child love and whatever you'd call the unique relationship that Kurau and Christmas (the glowing figure at the episode's end) have which led to them winning the Best Duo Tournament, and those elements show clearly here. I inevitably get wrapped up in that aspect every time I watch that episode, as there's a depth of sentiment and underlying emotion to the scenes in the lab and at the end which I find irresistible.

Group C-8
Gurren Lagann

Both of these are silly, cool first episodes, but Gurren Lagann just out-cools its competition and packs more visual panache.

Last edited by Key on Sun May 06, 2012 2:54 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 12 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2012 11:55 am Reply with quote
Group C-5
Sayonara, Zetsobou-sensei
Vote for: Bleach

I think this is the easiest vote for me in this round. While I agree that the first episode of Sayonara, Zetsobou Sensei is admirable, for me the first episode of Bleach did its best. When I read about this series the first time, I thought it was one of those anime that I was never going to watch. I had all sorts of misconceptions about Bleach and I was very reluctant to watch the first episode. Thus said, it did an amazing job making me want to watch the following episodes. Not to mention it introduces us to Rukia, which (for me) is one of the more interesting female characters in anime.

Group C-6
Haibane Renmei
Vote for: Haibane Renmei

As Key mentioned before me, the emergence of Rakka's wings is absolutely beautiful in its heart-breaking way and the subtlety and (may I say?) warmth with which a new world is depicted for us make the first episode of Haibane Renmei worthy of this competition. I don't remember much from the first episode of Slayers, so that speaks for itself.

Group C-7
Kurau: Phantom Memory
Vote for: Kurau: Phantom Memory

Due to the Best Duo Tournament, I was curious to see this series. And I wasn't disappointed. It has such an intriguing first episode, memorable too. It is a perfect blend between action and moral dilemma, completed by some pretty heavy angst and mystery. And the end of the episode definitely made me want to watch more.

Group C-8
Gurren Lagann
Vote for: Trigun

May I say neither has impressed me much? But since Trigun's first episode made me vaguely curious about the rest of the series, it tromps Gurren Lagann's first episode.
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Joined: 30 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 8:54 pm Reply with quote
Group C-5
Sayonara, Zetsobou-sensei
This is an easy one. Bleach was a pretty good first episode, but it didn't do anything that really makes it stand out. While not all of the jokes connected with me in Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei, the ones that did were really funny and its style of dark humor attention-catching.

Group C-6
Haibane Renmei
Aw dang, I love Slayers =(. It's sad it's against Haibane Renmei in the first round, because there is no competition here. Haibane Renmei is intriguing in almost every way; the world the haibane live in, the mystery of their origin, how they aren't born as babies, the dream.... The mystery and quiet tone of this series is perfect.

Group C-7
Kurau: Phantom Memory
Kurau: Phantom Memory wastes no time getting into the story. We see the stress and uncertainty Kurau's father goes through as he struggles with Kurau's transformation, and Kurau's loneliness as an adult being away from both her father and her pair. This first episode packs quite a bit of emotion, and some awesome action to boot.

Group C-8
Gurren Lagann
I waited to vote because I could not decide which to vote for here. After lots of thought I decided on Gurren Lagann. They're both good first episodes, but Gurren Lagann does a better job with its setting in the first episode. The common knowledge of no 'surface' existing is explained, then shattered as they break through to the upper world.
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Joined: 23 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 8:56 pm Reply with quote
Group C-5
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Thoughts: There's a reason Bleach became hugely popular, and that's because it started off very good. That first episode uses a some of the common shonen cliches to establish itself, but does so effectively and convincingly. It helps to establish the characters, especially Ichigo, quickly, and the climax of the episode is a battle with a monster that has reasonably high stakes for the characters involved. It also find time in appropriate scenes to add a touch of comedy.
About the only things SZS has in common with Bleach is that they both contain near-death experiences, and most of the characters are high-schoolers. Of course, Zetsubou's near death experience is a failed suicide attempt almost made successful, ironically, by an air-headed character trying to prevent it. This prompts the victim to exclaim that he could have been killed by the reckless action. Thus we have our introduction to an unabashedly dark comedy that builds its routine on cynicism, pessimism contrasted with oblivious optimism, and morbidity. Also, lots of wordplay. Plus, there's the always unsettling way Kafuka unflinchingly finds silver linings in places they oughtn't be, such that there's an implication that beneath her bubbly surface, there exists the most terrifying thing of all.
Voting for: Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

Group c-6
Haibane Renmei
Thoughts: Until I get a chance to rewatch these, my reasoning is that Haibane so successfully captures the atmosphere it means to. Slayers is fun and a little silly, but it doesn't really feel special.
Voting for: Haibane Renmei

Group C-7
Kurau: Phantom Memory
Thoughts: Kurau has a fantastic first episode. The first half introduces Kurau's childhood with her father, and how her situation as a Rynax came about. The idea of the importance of family is introduced as a major theme of the show, while at the same time demonstrating that the Rynax are completely unfamiliar with the world we exist in (but come to understand fairly quickly). The 10 year jump to an adult Kurau allows for an intriguing action sequence, and shows off what a Rynax can do. If there is one weakness here, it's that it hasn't quite been established how important a Rynax's pair is, and how desperately Kurau has been waiting for hers to awaken. That's something that a viewer comes to understand from watching more of the show. I teared up at the end rewatching this episode, but I don't recall if I did the first time I saw the show.
Kaiba intrigued me with its visual style and hauntingly beautiful English opening. The protagonists amnesia means that he shares the audiences puzzlement and wonder at discovering how this bizarre world works.
Voting for: Kaiba

Group C-8
Gurren Lagann
Thoughts: There are some similarities in these two introductory episodes. The fight scenes are engaging and fairly intense, but you're a little distracted from that because of the antics of the protagonists, who win despite their apparent incompetence. I'm giving a slight edge to Gurren Lagann for the visual that accompanies the breakthrough to the surface, which I found to be just a little breathtaking. In addition, the presence of 2 additional gunmen at the end of the episode creates a more immediate hook into the second episode.
Voting for: Gurren Lagann

Last edited by Dorcas_Aurelia on Mon May 07, 2012 11:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 14 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 9:18 pm Reply with quote
Group C-5
Sayonara, Zetsobou-sensei

Viewing History: Caught Bleach's premiere on Adult Swim. First time on Sayonara Zetsobou-sensei.

I love the way SZS's director, Shinbo, puts together comedy episodes. Always visually appealing. SZS delivers on both the visuals and the comedy.
Unfortunately, in my eyes, Bleach immediately lept to my mind when this tournament was announced. Ichigo, his family, and Rukia are introduced, the world of hollows and soulreapers is explained and a climatic battle takes place, and none of it feels rushed to me. A fair amount of humor also makes its way into the episode. The battle and the closing card before heading to the closing song guaranteed I would be sitting in front of the TV watching Cartoon network the next Saturday, as well as staying up to catch the repeat later that morning. I stuck with it until near the end of the Soul Society arc, when I found out how many episodes had already aired in Japan.

Voting for: Bleach.

Group C-6
Haibane Renmei

Viewing History: I own and have watched both one time.

Going into it, I thought it would be no contest for Haibane Renmei to beat Slayers. I am a minority in that I do not think Haibane Renmei is as great as it is built up to me, but the first episode is very good, except for the bicycle riding scene, that just looked weird. Something was really off there. Slayers is a decent first episode, hearing the opening song brings back lots of good memories, but it is not enough.

Voting for Haibane Renmei.

Group C-7
Kurau: Phantom Memory

Viewing History: Kurau via Netflix, first time on Kaiba.

Despite the amount of information dumped on you in the first episode, Kurau still manages both effective action and drama, as well as glimpses of everyday life in the future.
Kaiba was interesting. My reaction was not one of: that was great! It was: What?

Voting for Kurau Phantom Memory.

Group C-8
Gurren Lagann

Viewing History: Own both. Caught Trigun as one of my first 5 series, I have watched the first disc of Gurren Lagann twice, and have gottten sidetracked.

I think both first episodes are nothing special. I will give the edge to Gurren Lagann for totally subjective reasons in that I enjoyed its humor elements more than Trigun.
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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 12:02 am Reply with quote
Group C-5
Sayonara, Zetsobou-sensei

Bleach: I'm leaning slightly toward this one however, I remember both being entertaining, interesting first episodes, yet neither were very memorable to stand out in particular. But I don't want to imply that, Bleach, being the more popular series should be the reason to break the tie for me. For a shounen, fighting show I thought the animation was good and Pierrot does have a way with grabbing you with impressive first episodes because this seems like their focus. Sayonara has a more edgy style, on purpose, I think so what they had going for them is a show with a fresh and different feel, rather than one that needed a compelling first episode to hook fans. Plus I find Rukia to be quite a fascinating character and none of the Sayonara characters who were in the 1st episode caught my attention.

Group C-6
Haibane Renmei

Haibane Renmei: Overall I wasn't as impressed with Haibane Renmei as I'd hoped. It was too serious and kind of slow, but the first episode projected an emotional and compelling impression, and the rest of the series lived up to that for the most part. Slayers is one of the shows I consider a masterpiece, but as I've said before, fantasy/adventure series rarely need to open up with a bang: it's the journey that counts, not where you start.

Group C-7
Kurau: Phantom Memory

It appears that I'm not going to be able to watch Kaiba, and I don't think it would be fair to evaluate this pair by watching one and not the other. So I'm going to go by the writeups alone...

Edit: Wow this is tough, both are imaginative with Kaiba being a bit more random, which I love in an artsy piece like that. Kurau seems more emotional with the obvious closeness of the Dr. and his daughter. I think this is one I would be moved by since it doesn't seem too serious and melodramatic since it's an action sci-fi. The writeup indicates there's a lot to tell in the first episode, but a lot more to discover by watching the series. So I pick...

Kurau: Phantom Memory

and now I can actually watch it! Very Happy

Group C-8
Gurren Lagann

Trigun: Gurren Lagann a bit of a corny premise to me, I think they should have shortened the 1st episode and included more of what was in the 2nd episode in the 1st. Or spent a little more time on character development. It seems like an action/adventure so maybe it kind of required being interested the mecha/shounen aspect in the first place. Didn't appeal to me at all. Not really a fan of Trigun either, but thought the setting and characters were eked out well in the first episode.

Last edited by P€|\||§_|\/|ast@ on Mon May 07, 2012 6:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 04 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 7:37 am Reply with quote
Group C-5
Sayonara, Zetsobou-sensei

Bleach is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of good Shonen action first episode and as one of the more solid first episodes in general. There's a perfect introduction, good rising action, and two interesting main characters that are thrown into the deep end quickly when the stakes are high.

Voting for: Bleach.

Group C-6
Haibane Renmei

Seen both, and Haibane Renmei's first episode is simply enchanting and does a perfect job of introducing us to this harsh afterlife and its new entrant who tries desperately to find meeting. It doesn't have the stereotypical fast pacing, but it does it's job and sells itself well to people who would be interested in this series.

Voting for Haibane Renmei.

Group C-7
Kurau: Phantom Memory

Seen both and Kaiba certainly has an interesting first episode, but it simply lack the coherency and the clarity that would make me want to continue. Kurau has a strong first episode with enough drama and heart to at least make a few round even if though we only get a glimpse of the larger part of what the series is primarily about, but the glimpse of the origin story and how the main character comes to be the special being that defines her is quite special.

Voting for Kurau Phantom Memory.

Group C-8
Gurren Lagann

I think both first episodes do not live up to the greatness of the entire series in both cases.. I will give the edge to Trigun simply due to the strength of the main character, and the fact that Kamina did not rub me the right way with his first impression. Also Simon's character makes a weak first impression, too. At first he seems like he would be better suited as the inferior beta male lead that revels in his insufficiency.
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Spastic Minnow
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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 11:08 am Reply with quote
Group C-5
Sayonara, Zetsobou-sensei
Voting For: Sayonara, Zetsobou-sensei

Bleach was a good first episode, gets you set for fine shonen action but it’s a pretty standard introduction of the youth getting his wicked powers.
Sayonara, Zetsobou-sensei has great opening hook and does a great job of introducing a truly odd group of characters and does it with visual flare that belies its animation tricks.

Group C-6
Haibane Renmei
Voting For: Haibane Renmei

Slayers was a show that I watched because it was on Anime on Demand, it was fine. It’s one in a tradition of wacky genre comedies but unless you have an affinity for the fantasy genre being portrayed or if it fits your sense of humor very precisely it doesn’t have a great appeal.
Haibane Renmei absolutely brims with appeal, packed with mystery, setting, likable characters, it looks good, it sounds good, it is great. It presents a series of situations that make no real sense but treat it all as a special but unsurprising occurance that they can deal with and makes its comfortable for you to watch.

Group C-7
Kurau: Phantom Memory
Voting For: Kaiba

Ah, Kurau: Phantom Memory- That’s what that show’s name is. 3 or 4 years ago I watched that episode in my last week of having Anime OnDemand before dropping cable TV and thought I wouldn’t mind watching it sometime, then I forgot its name (for some reason I got it’s name mixed up with The Third: The Girl With the Blue Eye). But during that watch and this one I didn’t notice what you fans are talking about and didn’t feel an immediate desire to continue with it. It seems like a good action series that takes some time giving the character likeable family. I'll put it on my "want to see" list but I'm not rushing to get there.
Kaiba gave me the “wow” feeling I got when I watched the original Aeon Flux shorts on Liquid Television 20 years ago. All strange and intriguing and I want to watch more to see if it can hold up... well, it already outdid Aeon Flux by being able to stay interesting for a full length episode.

Group C-8
Gurren Lagann
Voting For: Gurren Lagann

A couple loud and brash first episodes but the first Trigun episode just feels like it’s trying too hard, like they need to let off bangs and whistles to keep your attention. With Gurren Lagann I’m introduced to a loud and boisterous character I'm no big fan of but also a group of more interesting cast members and it seems like we’re getting to story right away and they feel very confident in telling it.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 1:05 pm Reply with quote
With one vote still pending in C-7 and 5-7 more votes expected in the remaining 10 hours, all but C-6 (a total blow-out) are up for grabs, with C-8 being a single vote difference right now and C-7 potentially also being that way depending on how Past votes.

Dorcas_Aurelia wrote:
Group C-7
Kurau: Phantom Memory
Thoughts: Kurau has a fantastic first episode. The first half introduces Kurau's childhood with her father, and how her situation as a Rynax came about. The idea of the importance of family is introduced as a major theme of the show, while at the same time demonstrating that the Rynax are completely unfamiliar with the world we exist in (but come to understand fairly quickly). The 10 year jump to an adult Kurau allows for an intriguing action sequence, and shows off what a Rynax can do. If there is one weakness here, it's that it hasn't quite been established how important a Rynax's pair is, and how desperately Kurau has been waiting for hers to awaken. That's something that a viewer comes to understand from watching more of the show. I teared up at the end rewatching this episode, but I don't recall if I did the first time I saw the show.
Voting for: Kaiba

There's a definite disconnect between your comments and how you voted, so I just wanted to double-check that this is way you intended to vote, Dorcas.
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The Naked Beast

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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 2:52 pm Reply with quote
Group C-5
Sayonara, Zetsobou-sensei

The art style of SZS immediately draws your attention to it. Itoshiki-sensei's negativity about the world helps to promote the theme of satire in the series. All the girls and their unique characteristics also make this an interesting series.

My vote goes to: Sayonara, Zetsobou-sensei.

Group C-6
Haibane Renmei

This first episode is introduced with a tranquil opening with a subtle melancholic tone. The series starts off as easygoing but has a hidden side to it. For now, it has a tranquil feeling to it. Though, the wing sprouting scene may be a bit intense for some, it also shows what all the Haibane went through when they are "reborn."

My vote goes to: Haibane Renmei.

Group C-7
Kurau: Phantom Memory

This emotional first episode of loss helps to set one of the main themes of the series. There is a lot of emotion from Dr. Amami seeing how he lost his daughter to an accident. Yet, he kept believing that his daughter may still be alive in some way.

One of the main themes is emotional bonds, especially among the Amami family. Rynax pairs also display a strong attachment to each other, especially on an emotional level.

My vote goes to: Kurau: Phantom Memory.

Group C-8
Gurren Lagann

Style just oozes from this first episode. Kamina's over-the-top manner of speech and his masculinity lets you know that this will be a one macho series. Though Simon is wimpy, he looks up to his aniki, follows him, and believes in the Kamina that believes in him.

Of course, Yoko's debut appearance helps to remind you that this will be one over-the-top series.

My vote goes to: Gurren Lagann.
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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 3:47 pm Reply with quote
Group C-5
Sayonara, Zetsobou-sensei

This is the second time watching Bleach's first episode for me. I've watched about 13 episodes or something of Bleach and decided to quit since I found it outright boring.
Nonetheless, the first episode succeeds in what it needs to do. It introduces a likeable cast and establishes a good portion of action without forcing it.
Sayonara... on the other hand goes right over board from the start. The main character isn't particularly sympathetic but I guess that this is not the point of the show. It wasn't really an exciting episode but it set the mood well enough. Will definitely try to finish this series one day but in terms of quality openers it loses to Bleach, but not by a large margin.

Vote for: Bleach.

Group C-6
Haibane Renmei

First time watching both episodes. While Slayers proceeded in a predictable yet still funny way Haibane Renmei caught me off guard with its mostly quiet tone and a sudden peak in intensity. If Slayers would have shown off more insanity(along the lines of Excel Saga), it would probably have ground the competition in my eyes. But it doesn't and therefore makes this a very easy choice.

Vote for: Haibane Renmei.

Group C-7
Kurau: Phantom Memory

This was again very easy. I've seen and liked the enitre Kurau series whereas I knew nothing about Kaiba.
I do like experiments though and I tend to really want to like experimental series simply to appreciate the creators' courage to take unconventional routes. The big problem with Kaiba's first episode is that it's totally boring. It actually seems as though it just looks and sounds that way as a means to being different and not because the story gains anything by it being that way.
Kurau on the other hand starts off with a very well-composed first episode. It shows the emotional impact of what has happened and establishes the father's regrets thoroughly and then does something I am very grateful for. It jumps forward in time to show Kurau/Rynax as a grown up character. Many a show would have dwelled on the child character and I think it does a lot for the episode that it quickly enough shows who the series is gonna be about and that the MC is not some flat stereotype.

Vote for: Kurau.

Group C-8
Gurren Lagann

Aaand another easy choice. Seen the whole of Trigun once and although I may not count myself among this show's fanboys I still enjoyed the first episode. Actually, I wished the series would have just completely discarded any serious elements and become a whacky comedy. The potential for it to succeed that way were there. On the other hand, if it had started off dark and brooding and less comedic it might just have worked as well.
Anyway, the episode stands well on its own and parades a sympathetic cast and a cool setting(I love endtime settings!).
Gurren Lagann on the other hand fails for me. Although I kind of wanted to like its endtime setting it just wasn't intriguing enough. A boring village under the earth, some tunnels and a boring desert isn't really something that can wow me in any way. Also the characters got on my nerves real quick. I get it, you have to have at least one whimpy boy per show with giant robots. I have learned to live with that. Another thing that left me completely unimpressed was the action. It's supposed to be craaazy and over the top, I can see that. In fact I felt like someone held up signs in the background, pointing out the specific instances of crazy or completely off the hook. All in all, it was really boring.

Vote for: Trigun.
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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 11:13 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
There's a definite disconnect between your comments and how you voted, so I just wanted to double-check that this is way you intended to vote, Dorcas.

I realize now I forgot to right the second half of my opinion, but yes, Kaiba was my intended vote.
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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 11:51 pm Reply with quote
Round 1 Group C is now closed.

Wow, did some people forget what day it is? I have a few regulars who never chimed in, leaving us with a mere 15 votes. The results:

C-5: Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei outlasted Bleach, 9-6.
C-6: Haibane Renmei obliterated Slayers, 15-0. FLAWLESS VICTORY!
C-7: Kurau Phantom Memory overcame Kaiba, 10-5.
C-8: Gurren Lagann edged Trigun, 8-7.

C-8 was always tight, while C-7 was, too, until KPM pulled away at the end. SZS had a much bigger lead for most of the tournament, but Bleach's late run failed to be enough.

Next Group is ready to go, so it'll be up shortly.
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