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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:47 am Reply with quote
Group B-5
Excel Saga
Vote for: Excel Saga.

I can still remember the first episode of Excel Saga, setting the mad comic pace and the general premise for more absurd situations. It was funny, completely mad and therefore absolutely brilliant by tearing down any expectations that I might have had. It made me want to see the next episodes. It was by far one of the most entertaining first episodes I have seen. The first episode of Basilisk only convinced me that this series wasn't for me.

Group B-6
Aria: The Animation
Hanasaku Iroha
Vote for: Hanasaku Iroha.

This is a tough one, but I will have to go with the one that stuck to my mind more. The first episode of Hanasaku Iroha is interesting on multiple levels, but the most interesting by far is the one dealing with the estranged grandma. While Ohana is presented as a girl who finds herself suddenly in a dire situation and needs to earn her keep due to her irresponsible parents, the straight forward grandma steals the scene and she definitely made me want to watch the following episodes. While Aria is beautiful in execution, it has a far too sedated pace for me.

Group B-7
Samurai Champloo
High School of the Dead
Vote for: Samurai Champloo

The blunt fan service in High School of the Dead made me give up after the first ten minutes. Where as the interesting combination of hip-hop music with a samurai tale definitely caught my attention. Even its smooth art is better than that of its contender.

Group B-8
Elfen Lied
Deadman Wonderland
Vote for: Elfen Lied

I am not going to lie, I am not a big fan of this series, but since we judge the first episodes only, I have to say this is one of the catchiest first episodes. Bloody as hell (and thus memorable in its own way), but interesting nonetheless.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 8:22 am Reply with quote
Group B-5
Voting for: Excel Saga

Reasons: I had actually planned to try and find time to watch the first episode of Basilisk, which is why I didn't vote until now, but given that I don't think anyone has voted for it over Excel Saga, I'm going with this since the ES first episode is just absolutely brilliant and it would have taken a lot for Basilisk to beat them out.

Group B-6
Voting for: Aria: The Animation

Reasons: I haven't seen this one but I did watch Hanasaku Iroha and really found it okay but nothing special. I stopped watching after 5 episodes or so because there just wasn't enough to keep my interest or get me excited about the show (this is true of each one of the episodes I saw taken by themselves as well). No idea if Aria would do differently, mind you, but it's possible.

Group B-7
Voting for: Samurai Champloo

Reasons: I'm not a huge fan of fanservice and that's the main thing I've heard about when it comes to HSotD. So must vote the other way.

Group B-8
Voting for: Deadman Wonderland

Reasons: Mainly because it was my nomination and IMO the best first episode of the anime season that it was in even if it ultimately was not the best overall series (that distinction goes to AnoHana, not that this is really relevant).

Also that OP is just the most amazing thing ever, if I were making a list of favourite OPs is would be really high up there, both for the amazing song and for the visuals which match it so great and give key information about things to come, if you're paying attention to it. One of the few OPs that I would never skip while watching an episode.
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Joined: 30 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:59 pm Reply with quote
Gah! I kept forgetting to vote! Now before I forget...
Group B-5
Excel Saga
I am very sad to vote against Basilisk because its first episode was good, but Excel Saga's first ep was even better. You looking for originality? Entertainment and a hook? Excel Saga's first episode has that all in spades. I thought this first episode was the best episode of the entire series. Not that the rest was bad, it's just this first episode was so creative and unique nothing else compared. I couldn't believe it when Excel went after Koshi Rikdo Anime hyper Anime hyper Anime hyper

Group B-6
Aria: The Animation
Hanasaku Iroha
There is no contest for me, Hanasaku Iroha wins this by a mile. I watched the first episode of Aria and didn't understand why it was even in this tournament. Then I watched the rest of The Animation, and I kind of understand now. The first episode is slow and directionless though, the opposite of what I look for in the start of a story. Hanasaku Iroha on the other hand jumps into the story right away, even showing us what the main character Ohana is made of when she demands her grandmother slap her. I hope this makes it to the top 8.

Group B-7
Samurai Champloo
High School of the Dead
HSotD is good for what it is and it doesn't pretend to be something it's not. It gets points for that, but the superior style and more interesting premise of Samurai Champloo earns my vote.

Group B-8
Elfen Lied
Deadman Wonderland[/quote]
Dang, hard choice. Both are memorable for their extreme violence and unusual superpower, but I give the edge to Deadman Wonderland. I remember watching Elfen Lied for the first time (not knowing about the violence) and almost shutting it off. What was the biggest strike against it though, was when Nyu appeared. I thought to myself 'Oh no, not another half-assed reason to have a cute girl only be able to make one cute noise.' The first episode of Elfen Lied is practically the definition of memorable, but it didn't make me want to watch the next ep.
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Joined: 09 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 3:10 pm Reply with quote
my vote

Group B-5
Excel Saga

Group B-6
Aria: The Animation

Group B-7
High School of the Dead

Group B-8
Elfen Lied
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 4:32 pm Reply with quote
Spotlesseden, your votes won't be counted unless you provide reasons for why you voted for them.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:15 pm Reply with quote
Group B-5
Excel Saga

I found the first episode of Basilisk to be quite silly. Silly in the worst way, that being unintentional. For a title meant to be taken seriously, it's actually quite childish. Why am I voting for it? Because I can think of only one other character in anime more annoying that Excel. Yes, she grew on me, but that's irrelevant here. My first experience with Excel Saga drove me far away from it.

Group B-6
Aria: The Animation
Hanasaku Iroha

In Hanasaku Iroha, we have a girl with no real father figure in her life. My first impression of her mother was that she didn't really love her daughter. Then she gets sent off to live with her grandmother, who is a verbally and physically abusive b****. When I asked myself if this was something I wanted to continue with, the answer was no. Aria: The Animation had me right off the bat. The setting was certainly different from anything I'd seen before. And the characters, being aspiring gondoliers, convinced me that I was in for a unique viewing experience. Akari's personality and cheerful outlook on life are already present in the first episode. The world must indeed be wonderous when seen through her eyes.

Group B-7
Samurai Champloo
High School of the Dead

Two strong first episodes here. Samurai Champloo had some humor, great action sequences, and wonderful characters. Except for Mugen and Jin, I didn't like either of them. That's 2/3 of the main cast. As a series, High School of the Dead was a huge letdown for me. It's first episode, however, was exactly how a zombie series should start. Plenty of blood and gore, characters already forced into making tough decisions, and of course tons of zombies.

Group B-8
Elfen Lied
Deadman Wonderland

I liked Deadman Wonderland more than I thought I would, based on the comments from people here. I thought the storytelling was somewhat sloppy. It suffered from trying to do too much too soon. The opening sequences of Elfen Lied were, of course, quite memorable. Maybe the rest of the episode wasn't quite as good. Well, we needed an introduction to the rest of the characters eventually. I thought it did that well enough.
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Joined: 04 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:04 pm Reply with quote
Group B-5
Excel Saga

I found the first episode of Excel Saga to be quite silly and still have an impact. Basilisk's first episode is foul garbage that is unintentionally silly and just plain bad.

Group B-6
Aria: The Animation
Hanasaku Iroha

Hanasaku Iroha because quite frankly Aria put me to sleep. It has no spunk just pure child like wonder and cuteness. Hanasaku Iroha introduces us to pure hearted main and a no nonsense granny that quickly resets her expectations back to reality. The first episode sets the mood for the show nicely.

Group B-7
Samurai Champloo
High School of the Dead

As a series, High School of the Dead was a huge letdown for me. It's first episode, however, was exactly how a zombie series should start. Plenty of blood and gore, characters already forced into making tough decisions, and of course tons of zombies. Just more adrenaline and spunk. Samaurai Champloo really doesn't grow until you get to know the characters.

Group B-8
Elfen Lied
Deadman Wonderland

Elfen Lied's first episode was unforgettable. Blood, gore, intense emotion, and enough quick pacing to get the show moving from the get go. Too bad the show quickly devolves into an emotionally muted wreck that has an identity crisis bigger than the main character bundled with melodrama so thick it would give a Spanish soap opera a run for its money.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:48 pm Reply with quote
With 13 votes in (not counting Spotlessden), B-5 is a lock and B-7 is getting close to it. With an anticipated 6-8 more votes coming in this afternoon/evening, the other two are still realistically in play.
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A Mystery

Joined: 10 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:28 pm Reply with quote
Group B-5
Excel Saga
Voting for: Excel Saga
Viewing history: Seen Excel Saga before.
Excel Saga: Never seen someone die so often in one episode! The opening and ending theme are still hilarious. The episode itself isn't one of my favorites (the wacky comedy is not for everyone), but it introduces most of the characters (major omission: Hyatt... that other girl)
Basilisk: Based on the premise, I thought this would be the better episode. It's funny that the animation and attention to details are fine... but 90% of the characters are just ugly. I was trying my best to follow the story but... I heard that it doesn't even represent what the rest of the series is about.

Group B-6
Aria: The Animation
Hanasaku Iroha
Voting for: Aria: the Animation
Viewing history: Seen Hanasaku Iroha before.

Aria: the Animation: This episode makes me crave for a holiday. The weather, the music, the scenery... if it would just rain less often here in Holland... The episode didn't put me to sleep, I liked the soothing atmosphere. It was a bit too sugary for my tastes (especially the constant focus on miracles), but I liked it overall.
Hanasaku Iroha: The animation and backgrounds are fantastic. There's a lot of story in the first episode and it showcases Ohana's struggles and strength. After what seemed like a tough life with her mother, she seems to get it even harder in her new home. I have some issues with grandma, Satsuki and Minko though. Based on the first episode, they're all devils with no sympathy. Especially grandma, with her child abuse! (Even worse, she'll never get reprimanded for it or anything) Moreover, when I watched this episode for the first time, I thought this series was going to be about Ohana struggling to get by in this new hostile environment... but she'll be friends with everyone in no time and have fun with 'em. Okay, there will be some drama, it's just that this episode doesn't give you a good taste of what the show will be like.

Group B-7
Samurai Champloo
High School of the Dead
Voting for: Samurai Champloo
Viewing history: Seen Samurai Champloo.
Samurai Champloo: This first episode is just awesome. Three unique protagonists, hiphop music and great action/fight scenes.
High School of the Dead: Wow, that was pretty exciting from the get-go. But the fanservice... it's just too much. They took EVERY chance to show some pantsu or to make boobs go boing. If you want to be a sexy zombie anime, do it with style.

Group B-8
Elfen Lied
Deadman Wonderland
Voting for: Elfen Lied
Viewing history: Familiar with both.
Elfen Lied: Agreed with the rest about the haunting opener with stills and art. It's the main reason I wanted to watch it, years ago.
Deadman Wonderland: The episode is quite good. The opener is also of very high quality. There is a lot going on for just one episode and well... it's got good competition. Sorry. Elfen Lied's first episode has better pacing.

(PS: Does anyone else have the marathon-syndrome? I already marathonned His&Her Circumstances, Bunny Drop and I'm now busy with Moribito... on top of that, watching new spring anime as well!)
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Joined: 23 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:09 pm Reply with quote
Did Gerwurtztraminer accidentally erase his/her vote in B-8?

Because I waited a bit too long to write this, I'm just giving quick explanations now. Maybe I'll fill in a little more in the next couple hours, but for now, I'm rushing this out.

Group B-5
Excel Saga
Thoughts: For as huge as Excel Saga's reputation for being zany, madcap, and hilarious, I don't recall finding the first episode that funny. I don't recall much of anything about it, really. It relies too heavily on the hyperactivity of the title character to generate humor.
Basilisk lays out the groundwork for its tragic bloodbath quickly and effectively.
Voting for: Basilisk

Group B-6
Aria: The Animation
Hanasku Iroha
Thoughts: I hadn't seen Aria at all before this, though I knew of it by reputation. It is, indeed, as charming and soothing as I've heard. The girls are pleasant and cute without being pandering to the audience, and I was surprised at how frequently I chuckled at little moments in the show. That said, I prefer Hanasaku Iroha just slightly for the force of personality Ohana, who struggles with her new found situation yet remains resilient, brings to the lead role. If Alicia had been the lead of Aria, I might have gone the other way.
Voting for: Hanasaku Iroha

Group B-7
Samurai Champloo
High School of the Dead
Thoughts: An interesting match up here. Both stylish and violent series that leap into action pretty quickly, but I've got to give the edge to how well Samurai Champloo blends the anachronisms into its story.
Voting for: Samurai Champloo

Group B-8
Elfen Lied
Deadman Wonderland
Thoughts: Elfen Lied opens with a bloodbath and then shifts to a more mundane scenario. Deadman Wonderland does the reverse. However, the set up of Deadman Wonderland, and the railroading of an innocent child caused me to stop watching about halfway through the episode. The overacting characters and obtrusively dramatic music didn't help. It's not like Elfen Lied is a masterwork of subtlety or drama either, but I made it all the way through that one.
Voting for: Elfen Lied
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Joined: 27 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:28 pm Reply with quote
Group B-5
Excel Saga
Vote for: Excel Saga.

This one was easy. Excel saga first episode was funny and crazy. I did not like the first episode of Basilisk for some reason.

Group B-6
Aria: The Animation
Hanasaku Iroha
Vote for: Aria The Animation

This one was tough as both had episodes that left a good impression. But I will give the vote to Aria because I liked the pace and story slightly better than Hanasaku.

Group B-7
Samurai Champloo
High School of the Dead
Vote for: Samurai Champloo

I love zombie films and animes but I have to give the vote for Champloo because I enjoyed the first episode more. I really do not like ecchi animes with gigantic unrealistic breast Sad but I did enjoy HOTD series.

Group B-8
Elfen Lied
Deadman Wonderland
Vote for: Deadman Wonderland
This one was tough, as both had great first episodes. But I have to give the edge to Deadman because it was a classroom massacre instead of a common soldier massacre.
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Joined: 28 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:09 pm Reply with quote
Group B-5
Excel Saga
Vote for: Excel Saga.

For a comedy Excel Saga's first episode is quite memorable. The main character dies, but it is not yet her time. We are introduced to Excel, Pedro, and an organization that plans to take over the world, but laughs still persist. Even the narration is quite memorable if perhaps a bit corny, but still keeps to the theme and spirit of the show.

Group B-6
Aria: The Animation
Hanasaku Iroha
Vote for: Hanasaku Iroha

The pacing in Aria is bit sluggish for my tastes, and the main character is much more spirited and interesting in Hasnaku Iroha, Aria doesn't have a strong impression; it merely presents itself as an interesting distraction unlike Hanasaku Iroha which really pulled me in after Ohana paradise is nothing like it seems. I also really enjoyed the grandmother character even if she strikes you as cruel and overly strict in the first episode. Sometime an overly idealistic character needs to be put into check, and she delivers.

Group B-7
Samurai Champloo
High School of the Dead
Vote for: Samurai Champloo

Both are incredibly strong, but ecchi really isn't my style. Speaking of style samurai has plenty it with enough action to keep you satisfy without having the need to gainax a few spheres of over sized flesh around. Samaruai Champloo also has that familiar vibe that Cowboy Bebop fans should immediately feel at home. I honestly thought that the shock value of High School of the Dead would carry it here, but I am somewhat glad I'm mistaken.

Group B-8
Elfen Lied
Deadman Wonderland
Vote for: Deadman Wonderland
Two very grisly, macabre, gore-fest first episodes. Deadman is more solemn while Elfen Lied goes all the way in an attempt to desensitize the audience from blood, gore and suggestive content. Deadman's gratuitous violence seems like it has more of a point, and seems more grounded. I could easily see this one going either way.
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The Naked Beast

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:53 pm Reply with quote
Group B-5
Excel Saga

I have not seen either series. However, the absurdity of Excel Saga's first episode them is interesting. Its crazy premise has solidified its reputation.

My vote goes to: Excel Saga.

Group B-6
Aria: The Animation
Hanasaku Iroha

I liked the science fiction setting where they terraformed Mars and modeled it after Venice. The slow pace may not appeal to everyone but it goes along with its taking it easy theme. Even Akari personifies the easy going theme of the series.

My vote goes to: Aria: The Animation.

Group B-7
Samurai Champloo
High School of the Dead

To me, Highschool of the Dead is basically the zombie apocalypse genre (which I can not stand) with fan service. It plays out like it with the first victim to the fall of society within hours.

Samurai Champloo is a nice mix of anachronisms blending feudal Japan with hip hop. The opening theme, Mugen's break dance influenced sword style, and the DJ scratching sound effect contrasts with the rural feudal Japan setting. You can also expect intense sword fights considering it has "samurai" in its title.

My vote goes to: Samurai Champloo.

Group B-8
Elfen Lied
Deadman Wonderland

The first episode took a lot out of me that I had to take a breather before I was able to finish it. This gore fest of a first episode sure left a huge impression on me. It was also a good indicator of what is to come down the road.

My vote goes to: Elfen Lied.
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Joined: 10 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:57 pm Reply with quote
Group B-5
Excel Saga
Vote for: Excel Saga.

Basilisk's first episode flopped for me. It sets the groundwork, but it feels hollow and a bit hollow compared to the always intense Excel Saga. Excel Saga's titular character, and the way the show openly relishes in its role as a parody are golden. Also a big fan of the ED as much as I am against eating dogs for food. I think the fact that people still hold Excel Saga in somewhat high regard after all this time is partially due to its great first episode.

Group B-6
Aria: The Animation
Hanasaku Iroha
Vote for: Hanasaku Iroha

Aria is a charming show, but I feel that Hanasaku Iroha has more heart, passion, and is far more distinct. Aria has the cuteness and an interesting world, but after an episode the series already has a vacuous feel to it. Maybe its just the pacing, but the first episode really didn't motivate me to see more.

Group B-7
Samurai Champloo
High School of the Dead
Vote for: High School of the Dead

Zombies, great action, memorable characters, perfect pacing, and some eerily memorable sound effects -- High School of the Dead edges out Samurai Champloo. Samurai Champloo was an excellent series, but the first episode seemed as about as unfocused and undisciplined as Mugen himself.

Group B-8
Elfen Lied
Deadman Wonderland
Vote for: Elfen Lied
I wouldn't normally watch these types of shows, but the opening sequence of Elfen Lied are awe inspiring and breathtaking. It's a shame the series goes downhill fast, because I thought I had a real gem that would be worth looking past the senseless violence. Deadman goes a similar route, but has haphazard storytelling and mediocre writing.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:26 pm Reply with quote
Round 1 Group B is now closed.

With a slightly more robust 19 votes in, the results:

B-5:Excel Saga obliterated Basilisk, 17-2.
B-6:Hanasaku Iroha edged Aria, 11-8, in a match that felt even closer.
B-7:Samurai Champloo went zombie apocalypse on HSOTD, 14-5.
B-8:Elfen Lied out-slaughtered Deadman Wonderland, 12-7.

No even minor surprises on any of these, at least for me.

Next Group should be up shortly.
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