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Recommend me some "Classic" anime

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Joined: 15 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 1:18 pm Reply with quote
By classic, I dont necessarily mean old (though the two words do tend to go hand in hand). What are some titles you feel are "required viewing" for anime fans? I've just gotten into it a few months ago, and thanks to BT (and massive purchasing) I've already seen quite a bit, but now it's time check out the more essential ones. So help me out. I've seen the many of the ghibli movies (Including nausicaa) slayers, Escaflowne, sailormoon, Eva (ones I feel are required viewing) What else should I check out?
I'd been wanting to see Urusei Yatsura, Ranma and El Hazard for a while

I got a feeling someone's gonna say Gundam... Sad
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 1:47 pm Reply with quote
Check out Slayers the tv series, all 3 seasons. I'll call it classic, and I've been obsessed for years now.
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Joined: 05 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 1:55 pm Reply with quote
Well first of all I'd say Cowboy Bebop. I think that is the most common answer you are going to get. Smile
After that I suggest you take a look at Rurouni Kenshin OAV. That is my all time favourite and I recommend it warmly.
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Joined: 11 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 2:21 pm Reply with quote
Best ghibli film i think is princess mononoke

But i say anyone should watch Full metal panic! and full metal panic?fumoffu, amazing anime, and my favourite
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Red Recluse

Joined: 07 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 2:39 pm Reply with quote
"Classic" brings to my mind groundbreakers like Akira and Ghost in the Shell, but I started watching anime in the '90s, so I'm missing out on some of the older, more obscure stuff that the older folk started out with. I'm surprised you haven't seen Trigun, DragonsRevenge!
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Joined: 15 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 2:42 pm Reply with quote
if ya like your violence ultra and often, i would say Fist of the North Star, thou this is quite old, evangelion is pretty good, i liked it i know there you those of you that hate it, cowby bebop, furi kuri, trigun, all these i would class as classics
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Joined: 03 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 2:48 pm Reply with quote
DragonsRevenge wrote:
By classic, I don't necessarily mean old (though the two words do tend to go hand in hand). What are some titles you feel are "required viewing" for anime fans? I've just gotten into it a few months ago, and thanks to BT (and massive purchasing) I've already seen quite a bit, but now it's time check out the more essential ones. So help me out. I've seen the many of the ghibli movies (Including nausicaa) slayers, Escaflowne, sailormoon, Eva (ones I feel are required viewing) What else should I check out?
I'd been wanting to see Urusei Yatsura, Ranma and El Hazard for a while

I got a feeling someone's gonna say Gundam... Sad

Well, classic doesn't have to mean "old," but in my not-so-humble opinion, anything created after 2000 (with very few exceptions) cannot be considered a classic. Therefore, all the titles I'm going to recommend are going to precede that year. Oh, and I hate any sort of Gundam. Smile

1. Rose of Versailles- 1979- A classic in every sense of the word. If you enjoyed Revolutionary Girl Utena, then I highly recommend this for Utena was heavily influenced by it. It's the best shoujo ever created, and one of the best anime I've ever seen. But it's currently unlicensed. Sad But hey, it's quite easy to find.

2. Macross-1982- I don't know why I'm recommending this, but truth be told, it's miles better than any Gundam. Sure, it has aged considerably and better mecha has been created since then, but if you want to where it all began watch Macross and ignore Gundam. I recommend watching the movies, as well.

3. Urusei Yatsura Movie 2: Beautiful Dreamer- 1984- If you like the series, definitely see this movie.

4. Maison Ikkoku-1986- I liked this, but I mention it only because you mentioned Urusei Yatsura. (I'm always reluctant to recommend anything by Takahashi.) I personally think this was her best work so you may want to check it out. Maybe Kimagure Orange Road would fit your tastes, as well.

5. Magic Knight Rayearth- 1994- Classic CLAMP. If you're a fan of CLAMP (and you mentioned Sailor Moon), then you may want to check this out. The first season is better than the second, but this is their second best work (after X). Yeah, that's right. Better than Chobits and CardCaptor Sakura. It's unfortunate that it didn't appear later. Oh, and it's oft compared with Sailor Moon, but the two actually have little in common other than being in the magical girl genre and using the same archetypical characters.

6. Fushigi Yugi-1995- I didn't even like this much, but you may. I'm recommending this because it's popular (mainly among young fangirls) and it did have redeemable qualities.

7. El Hazard: The Magnificent World-1995-97- I mention this only because you said you were interested. I recommend watching the first OVA only. They tried to enforce "Tenchi syndrome" for the series, and the others aren't nearly as good as the original.

8. Revolutionary Girl Utena-1997- If you're going to watch this, watch Rose of Versailles first and you'll see the influences. Revolutionary Girl Utena is one of the best anime of all time in Japan.

9. Perfect Blue -1997- I absolutely hated this movie, but again, it's quite popular, so maybe you'll enjoy it like the rest of the masses that don't know a bad anime when they see one. Wink

10. Berserk-1997- This list will not be complete without listing the best anime I've ever seen (and easily the best fantasy anime). It's also the best on this list, so maybe you'll want to start with that one. Very Happy

Well, I reached my goal in recommending at least 10 anime. I tried to cover several genres; hence, there's bound to be something in there that you'll enjoy.
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Joined: 11 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 3:42 pm Reply with quote
DragonsRevenge wrote:
I got a feeling someone's gonna say Gundam... Sad

Wink The original Mobile Suit Gundam and the UC timeline (Zeta, 0080, 0083, etc). I recommend skipping the original TV series and go for the 3 movies. It will removes the "Enemy of the Week" and gets to the meat of the story. Also, you see where Gundam Seed got it's ideas.

Orange Road: One of the really fun romantic comedies.

Saint Seiya: The original pretty-boy fighting team (see also Shurato, Samurai Troopers (Ronin Warriors) & Gundam Wing)

My Youth in Arcadia: The origin of the original anime badass, Captain Harlock

Mobile Police Patlabor: A mech show that is more about the misfits that run the suits than the actual mecha itself. Try the TV series before the movies.

City Hunter: Before Vash there was Ryo Seaba, a supreme gunman with a heart of gold and a lecherous streak a mile wide.

Dirty Pair: The originals were the best girls with guns. See Project EDEN & Conspiracy of Flight 005 for some great DP stories.

Wings of Honneamise: "The Right Stuff" set on an alien planet. GAINAX's first real project. The style that influnced all of it's other works since them. Including:

Nadia: A retelling of 2000 Leagues Under the Sea with a dash of Steampunk and lots of homages to other anime series. GAINAX does a TV series under NHK watchful gaze. Lots of EVA ideas turn up here.
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Joined: 09 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:13 pm Reply with quote
Some Classic anime that I would recommend watching, which have not yet been said, would be Lupin III, Grave of the Fireflies. Both of these are truly great classics in anime and worth watch.
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Joined: 15 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 11:51 pm Reply with quote
Thanks a lot.

Slayers is such a great series. It doesnt really have an original plot, (though the last few episodes of Next were pretty intense) it's all about the character interaction. Lina is one of my favorite anime characters.

I have seen Cowboy Bebop, and I got Trigun on my computer, I'll be hitting that after I'm done with Witch Hunter Robin.

It's true that a lot of the ones post-2000 may be too new to determine whether or not theyre classics, there is no doubt in the world that FMA is indeed a classic.
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Glory Questor

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 11:53 pm Reply with quote
Tasha wrote:
DragonsRevenge wrote:
By classic, I don't necessarily mean old (though the two words do tend to go hand in hand). What are some titles you feel are "required viewing" for anime fans? I've just gotten into it a few months ago, and thanks to BT (and massive purchasing) I've already seen quite a bit, but now it's time check out the more essential ones. So help me out. I've seen the many of the ghibli movies (Including nausicaa) slayers, Escaflowne, sailormoon, Eva (ones I feel are required viewing) What else should I check out?
I'd been wanting to see Urusei Yatsura, Ranma and El Hazard for a while

I got a feeling someone's gonna say Gundam... Sad

5. Magic Knight Rayearth- 1994- Classic CLAMP. If you're a fan of CLAMP (and you mentioned Sailor Moon), then you may want to check this out. The first season is better than the second, but this is their second best work (after X). Yeah, that's right. Better than Chobits and CardCaptor Sakura. It's unfortunate that it didn't appear later. Oh, and it's oft compared with Sailor Moon, but the two actually have little in common other than being in the magical girl genre and using the same archetypical characters.

I second this one from Tasha, but I feel this one depends if you can stick around for the whole story (which comprises a first season of 5 DVDs and a second season of 7 DVDs -- 12 in all). If you do stick with it, you will find a lot of great storytelling in here and a lot of surprises.

My recommendations are as follows:
(Note that I do add extras below the main ones. These are for if you liked the main one above it and want more.)

- Record of Lodoss War
--- Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knights

Pretty much the classic fantasy anime. Can't recommend it enough. The main RoLW is a 13-episode OAV (2-disc collection) and the sequel is a 26-episode TV series (4-disc collection).

- Read or Die
--- R.O.D. the TV

A "supernatural thriller" taking place in the modern world of today. R.O.D. is a nice series if only because the stories, while a bit confusing, are still worth watching and are quite enjoyable. Read or Die is a 3-episode OAV (1 DVD) and the sequel is going to be a 26-episode TV series (so far, only 3 or 4 DVDs out of 7, since Geneon is still having ADR work applied.)

Neon Genesis Evangelion

If you don't mind "biblical armageddon" stories with giant robot action, you will want to check this series out if you haven't yet. If you are starting out, start with the Platinum series that ADV Films is currently publishing -- you will get a 5.1 audio remix and very clear visuals, not to mention the fact that the Platinum series will incorporate the "Director's Cut" final episodes. The entire series is 26 episodes, but there are also two movies -- Death and Rebirth, which recap the TV series up to Episode 24, and The End of Evangelion, which is a much more drastic (but very well done) replacement of the final two episodes of the series.

Another thing you might want to try is checking out the public lists everyone has and see if there is a title or series that most of us have. (Go to My Anime on the left panel, then Public Lists on the right panel after.)
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Joined: 15 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 11:58 pm Reply with quote
I already mentioned I saw Eva in my first post Sad
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Joined: 21 May 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 12:56 am Reply with quote
Tasha wrote:

2. Macross-1982- I don't know why I'm recommending this, but truth be told, it's miles better than any Gundam. Sure, it has aged considerably and better mecha has been created since then, but if you want to where it all began watch Macross and ignore Gundam. I recommend watching the movies, as well.

If you're gonna recommend Macross you might as well recommend Macross Plus. It's about a year older than Eva, but stands the test of time just like it. There are two version, the OVA and movie editions. I recommend going with the OVA version. The movie edition have parts cut out from the OVA and some added, but I think the OVA get a better feel, especially since it's longer, and can tell more story.

The original Tenchi Muyo OVAs are a classic as well, but if you don't like harem anime, you may not like it.

Ah! My Goddess is another classic OVA that must be seen by all.

Martian Successor Nadesico was voted best parody anime ever in Japan awhile back. Not sure if it still holds that title, but it is very funny, while telling a serious story at the same time.

You're Under Arrest is also a classic whacky police series. There is the OVA, which the first link is to, first TV season, mini-specials, movie, and the unlicensed second TV season and No Mercy special

I'll try to think of some more over the night.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 7:29 am Reply with quote
If you want to watch some really old stuff Galaxy Express 999 old Lupin III series, Ashita no Joe and old Ghibli movies are worth watching etc. Laputa.
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Glory Questor

Joined: 28 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 7:32 am Reply with quote
DragonsRevenge wrote:
I already mentioned I saw Eva in my first post Sad

I apologize. My mistake. Embarassed

Here, I'll replace it with yet two more GAINAX-produced animes:

(Pronounced "Furi Kuri" [Japanese] or "Fooly Cooly" [English])

Since you've seen Eva and a bunch of other animes, you might be ready for this one. A classic tale that's based on parodies of so many different other animation styles, stories, and animated shows, mostly GAINAX anime (since FLCL is also their production). It's short, also: 6 episodes on 3 DVDs, but worth buying at the asking price per DVD if only because this is one of the few series I can think of that have the original Japanese director speak commentary -- and it's a very good one.

Otaku No Video

If you want to see how Otakus really start out and live, then you should get this one also. It's two parts: an anime part (which is "semi-biographical" of the beginning of GAINAX) and segments where they interview present and former Japanese Otakus of many different backgrounds, all of them "voice altered and face hidden" (from what I saw later, they are actually different GAINAX employees and officers).

It's 2 separate OAVs on 1 DVD, with tons of great extra material from GAINAX thrown in.
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