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2×1 (OAV) Weak The characters are SO obviously underage in this. It's really dumb too, and has a hilariously terrible dub. The way the pubic hair is drawn is really gross.
3x3 Eyes (OAV) So-so Mildly fun action, but didn't stick with me. The first OAV is better than the second, but they both are really just not memorable and fairly dated-looking.
8 Man After (OAV) Good I enjoyed the theme of more traditional superheroes in a dark, noir setting. Really bloody. Pulp, but fun pulp. Terrible dub, but it's all you could get in the US.
A.LI.CE (movie) Bad Horrible ugly CG. Boring as sin. Not a whole lot to love here.
AD Police (OAV) Excellent Dark, violent, brooding cyberpunk. Hasn't aged well, but the animation quirks are part of the charm. I still like the Philippine-pop soundtrack.
Adieu Galaxy Express 999 (movie) Excellent The original two GE999 movies are so much fun. Even if Matsumoto endings bug the piss out of me.
Advancer Tina (OAV) Weak VERY misogynistic space opera hentai. It's really more horrifying than titillating. Well animated, though. I like the old-school Media Blasters CG logos.
(The) Adventures of Kotetsu (OAV) Decent
Ai City (movie) So-so Old WTF movie that tries to be really cyberpunky and cool, and doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Ai no Kusabi (OAV) Very good Probably the best, most compelling yaoi anime ever made.
Aim for the Ace! (movie) Decent Dated-looking but still compelling shoujo sports histrionics.
Akai Hayate (OAV) So-so I remember nothing. Not a good sign.
Akira (movie) Excellent Still a classic, even though it can't hold a candle to the manga. With the new dub, it actually (almost) makes sense now!
Alien Nine (special) Excellent Super-creepy little girls fighting aliens show. Seems to be bursting with double-meanings. Really well-done.
All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku (OAV) Decent The original series is the only good one, and this one is undeniable fun. Episode 4 is creepy and brings it down a knotch.
Amazing Nuts! (OAV) Good Studio 4C experimental weirdness. Not always successful, but interesting to watch.
Angel Cop (OAV) Good Schlocky, mean-spirited, violent, and stupid while being pseudo-intellectual, anti-American, anti-Semitic, bizarre and paranoid. What's not to like?
Angel Sanctuary (OAV) Weak Trying really hard to be goth and angsty, and succeeds only in being laughable. Only the Hot Topic crowd could love this. Incest is icky.
Angel's Egg (movie) Weak Experimental and purdy. I really need to watch this again. Very slow.
Animation Runner Kuromi (OAV) Excellent It's Daichi! It's so much fun, and it's pretty accurate from what I've been told. Hilarious AND educational.
Animation Runner Kuromi 2 (OAV) Good Not quite on the level of its predecessor, but still a really good time.
(The) Animatrix (OAV) Very good
Anime Fiction (U.S. OAV Parody) Worst ever Ick. Ick ick ick. Fan animation is bad enough, but fan hentai? Really, did this need to be made?
Appleseed (OAV) Weak The original is a poorly animated muddle of cyberpunk and philosophy. Not compelling. The Manga Video dub is hilarious, though.
Apprentice (amateur OAV) Weak Cute back in the day, but not something anyone needs to see. Little more than a "look what I can do!" demo circa 1998.
Aquatic Language (special) Good
Arashi no Yoru ni (movie) Very good Very cute children's tale, though strangely homoerotic. The ending doesn't work.
Arcade Gamer Fubuki (TV) Worst ever STAB ME IN THE EYES. I had to work on this show, and it made me want to kill myself.
Ariel (OAV) So-so Might have been mildly amusing satire in the late 80's, but it's aged really poorly and it's just not funny at all.
Armageddon (Korean movie) Bad Unwatchable. From the era when Korean animators still couldn't draw more than a few frames without the character design morphing.
Armitage III (OAV) Good The original version is by far the best, and had some compelling Ghost in the Shell-ish undertones. Gotta love the Amiga-sounding musical score!
Armitage III: Poly-Matrix (movie) So-so The movie cut isn't quite as compelling as the OAVs it came from. Keifer Sutherland sounds like he's on tranquilizers.
Armored Dragon Legend Villgust (OAV) So-so This was fun when I was a newbie, but really how much milage can one show get from being super-deformed? VERY standard D&D fantasy OAV.
Art of Fighting (special) Bad Ugh. Stupid and cheap. At least it had a sense of humor about itself.
Assemble Insert (OAV) Good Basically a comedy episode of Patlabor. Which means it's awesome.
Ayane's High Kick (OAV) Weak I like sports anime, but this just didn't do anything for me.
Baby Blue (movie) Excellent
Baby Love (OAV) Decent Short shoujo OAVs of the 90s. There's a reason nobody licensed them.
Bakuen Campus Guardress (OAV) Good Still a lot of apocalyptic fun, even all these years later.
Balthus - Tia's Radiance (OAV) So-so Basically a hentai take on Laputa. Not good, but mildly amusing.
BAOH (OAV) Bad Stupid. I was rolling my eyes the entire way through. The dub didn't help things either.
Barefoot Gen (movie) Excellent The most traumatic tragedy ever animated. Very powerful, though it's not nearly as impressive as Grave of the Fireflies.
Bartender (TV) Excellent This show makes me happy. Its premise is really silly, but how can you NOT love a magical bartender who cures all his clients' heartaches with booze?
Battle Angel (OAV) Decent I never saw what the big deal was with this OAV. It was inventive and action-packed, but the characters didn't interest me much.
Battle Arena Toshinden (OAV) Weak Ugh. Fighting games usually make for really crappy anime, but this one takes the cake.
Battle Can Can (OAV) Worst ever KILL ME. Not just hentai, not just BAD hentai, not just horribly mean-spirited and misogynistic torture hentai, but all of the above with Hanna Barbera quality.
Battle Royal High School (OAV) Awful One of those really pointless fighting anime.
Battle Royale (live-action movie) Excellent What a classic! There are few things more satisfying than watching a bunch of annoying teenage girls go all catty on one another till it turns into a bloodbath.
Battle Team Lakers EX (OAV) Not really good Another Sailor Moon (barely) hentai. Boring.
Bavi Stock (OAV) Worst ever Incomprehensible, ugly, and stupid. Made me want to throw things.
Be-Boy Kidnapp'n Idol (OAV) Decent I guess this mild BL anime was trying to be cute, but it succeeds in ABSOLUTELY nothing else.
Beast City (OAV) Bad A poorly animated excuse to draw tentacle rape. As if we needed more of those.
Behind Closed Doors (OAV) Decent This one gets pretty extreme. Sprite enemas and shoe insertion. Joy.
Belladonna of Sadness (movie) Good Barely animated, but disturbing and gross. Still, it's pretty in a psychedelic sort of way.
Big Wars (OAV) Not really good Somehow manages to take intergalactic war AND nymphomania and STILL be boring as sin.
BioHunter (OAV) Bad Pathetic excuse for cyberpunk.
Birdy the Mighty (OAV) Very good Cute and funny. The most "normal" thing Kawajiri ever animated.
Black Jack (OAV) Excellent Occasionally over-the-top (as only Dezaki can do), but consistently entertaining.
Black Jack The Movie Excellent Basically just an extended OAV episode. Lots of medical intrigue with a twist of the sci-fi.
Black Magic M-66 (OAV) Very good A light-weight Terminator-ish anime that's way more fun than it should be.
Blood Reign: Curse of the Yoma (OAV) Decent Guy in medieval times fights monsters. Not really much more to it than that.
Blood Royale (OAV) Decent The anime predecessor to "Two Girls One Cup". Need I say more?
Blood Shadow (OAV) Not really good Mildly compelling and well-animated hentai for the D&D crowd. Am I the only one disturbed by how the protagonist is resuscitated?
Blood: The Last Vampire (movie) Not really good Ugly, and never goes anywhere. Yes, the animation is great, but what's the point?
Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan (TV) Very good Hilarious ultra-bloody send-up of moe. Everyone needs to see this.
Blue Butterfly Fish (OAV) Very good Fun love story, but I wish it was longer.
Blue Sonnet (OAV) Very good Very intriguing! Highly compelling. I have to rewatch this.
Bobby's Girl (movie) Excellent Worth watching just for Morimoto Kouji's pencil work alone.
Boogiepop Phantom (TV) Not really good I don't get it... and moreover, I'm not even sure there's anything TO get. Weird for the sake of weird is just lazy writing.
Bounty Dog (OAV) Not really good I liked the designs initially, but jeez. I've never seen a color palate completely kill a show before.
(The) Boy Who Saw the Wind (movie) Very good
Boys Over Flowers (TV) Very good Dubious lessons on domestic violence aside, this is one of the more consistently entertaining and least idealized shoujo romance shows I know of.
Broken Down Film (movie) Good Very cute and innovative short from the late, great Tezuka.
BRONZE KoJi NANJo cathexis (OAV) Bad I guess it's pretty, but this music made me die inside.
Bronze: Zetsuai Since 1989 (OAV) Weak The original was interesting; this is just ridiculous, shirt-ripping histrionics. Do women actually find these designs attractive?
Bubblegum Crisis (OAV) Good Still a classic, even if early episodes don't really hold up well today. Fantastic music.
Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 (TV) Good Not spectacular, but a worthy update of BGC. Superb ending theme. Dub suffers from severe overacting.
Burn Up W (OAV) Not really good Was mildly amusing 10 years ago. Now it's just dumb.
Burn Up! (OAV) Weak Was never amusing.
Call Me Tonight (OAV)
Cannon Fodder (movie) Excellent A masterful deconstruction of Soviet russia and the cold war. Beautiful, but intellectually challenging, as there is no real plot.
Capricorn (OAV) Awful Gag. Has Johji Manabe ever done anything good? No.
Castle in the Sky (movie) Masterpiece My favorite Miyazaki work. Introspective and lovely.
(The) Cat Returns (movie) Very good
Cat Soup (OAV) Excellent One of the best experimental anime ever made.
Chibits (special) Weak I didn't like Chobits, so why did I watch the candy-coated one-shot self-parody? Clearly I don't like myself.
Chimera - Angel of Death (OAV) Not really good Was this hentai, or yaoi? Don't care. Either way it's retarded.
Chinese Ghost Story (Chinese movie) Decent Well animated, but really just a barrage of stuff happening.
Chu 2 (OAV) Worst ever Take a generic, plotless hentai, remove all but $5 from the budget, dub poorly.
City Hunter (TV) Good Until Kaori shows up, it's mildly offensive and not funny. But once those mokkori-hammers start flyin', I couldn't stop watching.
City Hunter 2 (TV) Good Getting repetitive, but loads of fun.
City Hunter: .357 Magnum (movie) Good Occasionally over-the-top but still a lot of fun. Love the ADV dub.
City Hunter: Bay City Wars (movie) Decent Lower budget and not as involving as some of the other City Hunter specials.
City Hunter: Million Dollar Conspiracy (movie) Good Light-weight and funny CH installment. Not the best, but still a good time.
City Hunter: Secret Service (special) Good Not a great special, but it was my first City Hunter, so I still like it. I love the ED theme, even if the OP sounds like small animals being tortured.
City Hunter: The Motion Picture (special) Good Probably the best City Hunter telemovie. The action is actually easy to take seriously, and the animation is quite decent.
City of Sin (OAV) Awful Hilarious, because it's so over the top, and too poorly animated to be taken seriously by even the most desperate, horny otaku.
CLAMP in Wonderland (OAV) Weak Not being a Clamp fan, I still found it pleasant. Not much more than that.
CLAMP School Detectives (TV) Bad So saccharine, so horribly annoying and chirpy, I wanted to torture the characters.
Coca-Cola Racing Family: Fantastic Four (U.S. TV promo) So-so A well-animated commercial. What else is there to say?
(The) Cockpit (OAV) Very good
Comedy (OAV) Masterpiece A funny, creepy, mind-blowing short from Studio 4C.
Compiler (OAV) Excellent I think it was hilarious, but I think that was just the dub. The show itself is pretty dull.
Compiler 2 (OAV) Good Dull. The dub is no help.
Connected (OAV) Very good Awesome music video to an orgy of techno music. Still, I can't shake the feeling that the real-life equivalents to every one of these characters would have Chlamydia.
Coo: Tōi Umi kara Kita Coo (movie) Excellent Adorable. And utterly insane. It's all fun and games 'till THE GOVERNMENT SHOOTS YOUR DOLPHIN!!!!
Cooking Master Boy (TV) Good Stereotypical shonen "ganbarimasu" anime, but undeniably fun.
Cool Devices (OAV) Weak It was once shocking, now it's just low-rent hentai. Only Umetsu's "Yellow Star" OAV, sort of a proto-Kite, is worth pulling from the wreckage.
Cowboy Bebop (TV) Excellent How can you hate Bebop? Genuinely worth all the hype it got.
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie Very good So much fun... Can't stop grinning!
Cream Lemon Part 4: POP CHASER (OAV) Weak I guess it was kinda funny back in the day to have a comedy hentai, but the comedy isn't great, and nobody would even find this arousing today.
Crimson Wolf (OAV) Bad Schlocky crap.
Crusher Joe: The Movie Good The anti-social space hero movie. How could I not love it?
Crystal Triangle (OAV) Bad Let's see how many good Hollywood movies we can rip off and RUIN!
Cutie Honey (live-action movie) Not really good As boring as it is dumb. But at least it knows it's being dumb. The dub makes it watchable.
Cyber City Oedo 808 (OAV) Good Not Kawajiri's best -- the setup and the stories are both pretty lame. The Manga Video curse-dubbing makes it a guilty pleasure.
Cybernetics Guardian (OAV) Bad Horrid character designs, retarded story (if it can be called that), and can't even take itself seriously enough to have a real ending. The dub is the final insult.
D7 Peacemaker (amateur OAV) Awful PLEASE buy a microphone, some real software, and take an animation class. This is puke.
(The) Dagger of Kamui (movie) Bad Somebody PLEASE tell me why this is a classic. It's well-animated, but absolutely retarded and full of ugly old racial stereotypes.
Daicon films (special) Good 8 minutes of pure nerd joy.
Damekko Dōbutsu (TV) Good I don't care what you say, superdeformed people in animal costumes is funny. Little else is, but that was enough to get me to watch the whole thing.
Dangaioh (OAV) Weak I found it generic and boring even back in the day.
Dango Gonta (ONA) Good Daichi Akitarou's weird little series of superhero chaos. Worth watching just for the SPEED of it.
Dark Water (live-action movie 2002) Decent I can't say I'm a J-horror fan, but this was halfway decent.
Darkside Blues (movie) So-so Well animated, and makes no sense at all. That blues song is PAIN.
Darling (OAV) Awful Dumb hentai. Don't remember much.
(The) Day the Earth Moved (movie) Bad
Dead Heat (OAV) Good Fun mecha racing action. Sort of reminds me of Patlabor.
Dead Leaves (OAV) Good Chaotic, colorful and counter-culture. Ultimately kind of empty, tho.
Death Note (live-action movie) Weak God, I hated this. The only smart elements came from the manga; everything the movie version did, from the casting to the script, is pure crap.
Deathtic 4 (movie)
Debutante Detective Corps (OAV) Decent I found it mildly amusing back in the day, but today this is not worth the disc it's printed on.
Delpower X Bakuhatsu Miracle Genki! (OAV) Decent An old mecha/high school comedy that hasn't aged very well, but still has a certain analog charm.
Demon City Shinjuku (OAV) Good It's completely by the numbers and dumb, but it's so well-staged and well-animated that it's hard to dislike.
Demon Fighter Kocho (OAV) Decent A forgettable ecchi OAV that the dub made good.
Demon Warrior Koji (OAV) Decent If there's such a thing as edgy hentai, I guess it would look like this. Not terrible, as far as the stuff goes.
Descendants of Darkness (TV) Good Cute and amusing, but doesn't really make a lasting impression.
Desert Rose (OAV) So-so Low-brow and ugly, but decent late 80s action OAV.
Detonator Orgun (OAV) So-so Boring 10 years ago, unwatchable now.
Detroit Metal City (OAV)
Devil Hunter Yohko (OAV) So-so I found this disappointing back in the day, because there's so much more that could be done with the premise. Later episodes suck even harder.
(The) Diary of Tortov Roddle (ONA) Very good Very compelling in an off-beat, arty children's storybook sort of way.
Digital Juice (OAV) Decent Well-animated experimental/student works from Studio 4C. Most of them are OK, but not particularly interesting.
Dirty Pair (OAV) Good Really just TV episodes with a slight budget boost. Fun, but nothing to write home about.
Dirty Pair: Affair on Nolandia (OAV) Not really good Wow. Zero-budget, muddled story, and piss poor animation. The Lovely Angels deserve better than this.
Dirty Pair: Flight 005 Conspiracy (OAV) Decent Not a particularly memorable Dirty Pair mission.
Dirty Pair: From Lovely Angels with Love (OAV) Good Mildly amusing Dirty Pair. Those shows don't seem to vary much.
Dirty Pair: Project Eden (movie) Good The mildly fun story (complete with musical chorus) is upstaged by Koji Morimoto's BREATHTAKING opening animation.
DNA Sights 999.9 (movie) Bad Completely cliché, lame, forgettable Leiji Matsumoto OAV that never should have been made. One of many.
DNA² (TV) Good Amusing at first, dumb until episode 12, absolute GARBAGE after that. Great opening theme, at least.
DNA² (OAV) Weak This specifies the absolute garbage last 3 episodes, in which the creators clearly give up after the plug has been pulled from the show.
(The) Dog of Flanders (movie) Excellent
Dog Soldier: Shadows of the Past (OAV) Weak Rambo + Ryo Saeba = mess.
Doggy Poo (Korean movie) Bad People apparently found this inspiring, but I found it annoying, condescending, and the dub borderline racist.
Dōkyūsei 2 (OAV) Not really good My first dating sim turned hentai OAV. I was less than enthused.
Domain of Murder (OAV) Good Would have been a great TV episode to a series, but by itself it's just an ugly, weird little OAV.
Dominion Tank Police (OAV) Excellent This show has nostalgic value for me, but it would have been so much better had they actually taken some of the concepts and gone somewhere with them.
Doorbell (movie)
Dragon Half (OAV) Good Hilarious when I was younger. Still mildly funny today.
Dragon's Heaven (OAV) Awful I think I blocked this one out.
Dragoon (OAV) Not really good Started with a better-than-average take on an adolescent hero in a standard D&D plot, likable characters, and threw it all away to strive for mediocrity. Dub is atrocious.
Dream Hazard (OAV) Awful Absolute CRAP. Horrible, horrible crap.
Earthian (OAV) Weak Pretty lame gothic intrigue. Poorly thought out.
Eat-Man (TV) Masterpiece I love this show, despite the questionable production values. Something about the dreaminess gets to me.
Eden of the East (TV)
Egao (special) Very good Makes you go "squeee!" with cuteness!
Eight Clouds Rising (OAV) Good It had potential and some interesting ideas. It blew them both.
El-Hazard: The Magnificent World (OAV) So-so The ending is beautiful, and getting there has its moments. Still, not something i need to rewatch.
Elementalors (OAV) Not really good Ends up with chi-throwing psychic angst a la Clamp, but could have been so much more.
Elf Princess Rane (OAV) Good Very, very silly OAV by Akitaroh Daichi! A favorite of the VHS fansub scene.
Emma: A Victorian Romance (TV) Masterpiece An absolute masterpiece of human emotion and subtle direction. One for the ages.
End of Summer (OAV) Weak Lame softcore hentai. Don't know why this exists.
Enzai (OAV) Bad Torture hentai + penis = EWWWW
Escaflowne: The Movie Good A parade of "doesn't this look cool!?" animation and a razor thin plot carved from the TV series.
Every Day Is Sunday (OAV) Decent Really a boring slapstick cop comedy. Piss poor animation for an OAV. Episode 2 is pretty icky.
F-Force (OAV) So-so Kinda funny, especially dubbed, and well-animated. But ultimately, it's D&D hentai.
Fake (OAV) Very good Pretty funny OAV. I found the manga enjoyable too. One of the few good yaoi shows out there.
(The) Fantastic Adventures of Unico (movie) Good
Fatal Fury 2: The New Battle (special) So-so The fighting is impressive, but little else is.
Fatal Fury: Legend of the Hungry Wolf (special) Good The fighting is impressive, and the story is mildly decent.
Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture Decent Characters are now so muscled that the whole thing is just disgusting.
Fight!! Spirit of the Sword (OAV) Bad What IS this? It makes NO SENSE!
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (movie) Very good It's real purdy, but other than that... there's not much here, other than a wistful look at characters we once loved.
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (US CG movie) So-so A wasted opportunity. HOW much did they spend on this!?
(The) Final Flight of the Osiris (OAV) Decent
Fire Emblem (OAV) Awful Really lame, generic D&D anime. Go away.
Fire Tripper (OAV) Decent One of the better Rumik World OAVs. Looks very dated today.
Fish in the Trap (OAV) So-so Completely unremarkable and forgettable yaoi.
Fist of the North Star (movie) Bad So over-the-top that I can't believe it was made. The original Japanese ending sequence is devastatingly sad.
(The) Five Star Stories (movie) Decent This never did anything for me, despite being pretty.
Flag (ONA) Excellent Thought provoking and intelligent, even if its visuals are gimmicky to a fault.
Fobia (OAV) Weak Hentai in high school. Poorly animated and forgettable.
Fruits Basket (TV 1/2001) Masterpiece Fun, funny, charming and utterly life affirming. A keeper.
Full Moon o Sagashite: Cute Cute Adventure (special) Weak More of a bonus than an anime in its own right.
Fullmetal Alchemist (TV) Excellent Thought provoking, compelling and incredibly memorable. A must-see.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Chibi Party (OAV) Good A bonus to the movie. Cute, but not that funny.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Kids (OAV) Masterpiece Adds a much needed epilogue to the movie ending. Adorable and very moving. Track this one down!
Fullmetal Alchemist: Premium Collection (OAV) Very good Really just a recap special of the TV series. Nothing to see here.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Seven Homunculi VS State Alchemists (OAV) Decent A throw-away little adventure that really doesn't add much to the show.
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Movie - Conqueror of Shamballa Very good Tries to do too much in too little time, and ultimately doesn't have the impact of the series. Which isn't to say it's bad...
Fushigi Yugi (TV) Good Never mind that it's a shoujo harem show, never mind that the main character is annoying as sin. It's still a lot of fun.
Fushigi Yugi (OAV) Weak TERRIBLE sequel to the TV series. Never should have been made.
Fushigi Yugi (OAV 2) Decent God, these OAVs just don't go anywhere, do they? At least this series is a LITTLE better than the first OAV.
Fushigi Yugi Eikoden (OAV) Decent This series is TIRED. Why did they have to make MORE?
Gakuen Tokusō Hikaruon (OAV) Good Forgettable, but well-animated 80's shonen action. Has a certain charm to it...
Galaxy Express 999 (movie) Masterpiece Grand, startling, and epic. Matsumoto at his best!
Galaxy Express 999: Glass no Clair (movie) Bad Utterly forgettable. One of the many failed Matsumoto adaptations. If you've seen any Matsumoto works, you've seen this already.
Gall Force - Eternal Story (movie) Weak Snoooze...
Gall Force: Earth Chapter (OAV) Bad As boring as the original!
Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo (TV) Excellent Utterly stunning. One of the best things Gonzo has ever produced.
Gantz (TV) Very good It's bloody as hell, and the pacing needs work, but thought provoking and amusing in it cynicism. The second half falls apart badly. The ED sequence is so sad...
Garaga (movie) Awful If it hadn't been licensed, NOBODY would remember this trashy, low-rent Planet of the Apes rip-off.
Gauche the Cellist (movie) Good An early Takahata work that bears watching. Lovely.
Genesis Climber Mospeada (TV) Decent The worst of the series that became "Robotech," squanders likable characters in a very spotty series. Animation and plot occasionally go to crap. Still, it's not terrible.
Genesis Surviver Gaiarth (OAV) Weak I've pretty much forgotten about this relic, which never really did much for me in the first place.
Genius Party (movie)
Genocyber (OAV) Very good The first episode is amazing and has a lot to say, intermixed with some of the most disturbing imagery ever animated. Subsequent episodes go downhill... fast.
Geobreeders (OAV) Good Well-animated and amusing! Not terribly original, but entertaining.
Geobreeders: Breakthrough (OAV) Weak Forgets what made the original good. Boring, despite better animation.
Ghiblies (special) Good Esoteric and amusing. It's definitely an acquired taste, though.
Ghost in the Shell (movie) Masterpiece Oshii's seminal work. Deeply memorable and challenging. I still pop this in occasionally.
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (movie) Excellent Despite how self-indulgent it is, I like it. It's much more watchable in English, as the psychological babble really needs to just wash over you. That's not possible with subs.
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (TV) Very good Spotty, and some of the stand-alone episodes miss their mark. Despite that, it's beautiful, and the Laughing Man saga is pretty cool.
Ghost Sweeper Mikami (movie) So-so Oh noes! It's a long running shonen anime series movie spin off! Can you say generic action filler?
(The) Girl Who Leapt Through Time (movie) Excellent
Girl's High (TV) Very good It's poorly animated and has some episodes that don't really work, but I love the bawdy, raunchy comedy. Girls with flaws in anime? Who knew!
Goku: Midnight Eye (OAV) Decent Schlocky and B-movieish cyberpunk noir. Kind of fun, but very hard to take seriously.
Gokusen (live-action TV) Good Melodramatic, and featuring all these "juvenile delinquents" that are clearly 100 lb. bishounen pop stars, it still makes me laugh. And Yankumi is so cute...
(The) Gokusen (TV) Good
Gokusen (live-action TV 2) Decent It's getting REALLY cheesy now, but I can't stop watching. I am so ashamed.
Golden Boy (OAV) Masterpiece Still one of the best anime comedies ever made. THIS is how you do ecchi!
Golgo 13: Queen Bee (OAV) Good Golgo is hardly high-art, but somehow this just doesn't come close to the majesty of the original movie.
Golgo 13: The Professional (movie) Good This is the stuff of pulp novels and B-movies, but Dezaki's expert staging make this a cinematic delight.
Good Morning Call (OAV) Decent Forgettable shoujo romance girliness. It's no masterpiece, but not the worst thing in the world.
GoShogun: The Time Étranger (OAV) Masterpiece
Grappler Baki: The Ultimate Fighter (OAV) Weak Endless fighting tournaments, grotesquely ugly characters, and cheap animation? Ugh...
Grave of the Fireflies (movie) Excellent One of the finest works of animation ever produced.
Gravitation: Lyrics of Love (OAV) Good You know, I'm not a Gravitation fan. It's just too over-the-top and flamey for me. (shrug)
Green Legend Ran (OAV) So-so It's Future Boy Conan with suck!
Grrl Power (OAV) Decent Daichi's cute little girly OAV that doesn't do much but be fast-paced and cute. Not one of his best works.
GTO Drama Special (live-action special) Not really good A throw-away sequel to the drama series. Not so good, compared to the original.
GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka (live-action TV) Good Despite how silly and melodramatic it gets towards the end of the series, and despite not being a fan of the actor who plays Onizuka, this show is a lot of fun.
GTO: The Movie (live-action movie) Bad A lame attempt to extend the success of the drama that doesn't work. Ruined, to a great extent, by the reporter character, who is played by the worst actress ever.
Gunbuster (OAV) Excellent I could find faults with this show, but there's no point -- it's loads of fun, and the ending is absolutely beautiful.
Gunsmith Cats (OAV) Good Not the most compelling thing in the world, but the action is hard to beat.
Hades Project Zeorymer (OAV) Weak Another completely forgettable early 90s mecha show that goes nowhere. Zzzzz...
Haibane Renmei (TV) Excellent Unforgettably beautiful. An all-time favorite.
Hajime no Ippo (TV) Excellent A lot of fun. One of the most compelling sports shows ever.
Hajime no Ippo - Champion Road (special) Excellent Ippo is an awesome show, and this is more of the same. More Ippo is good Ippo.
Hajime no Ippo - Mashiba vs. Kimura (OAV) Very good Low rent compared to the series, and the designs have changed for the worse, but it's still fun. When did Kimura get so serious?
Hal & Bons (OAV) Good Cute, but takes the joke waaaay too far. It would have been fine as one episode, but FOUR?!
Hana Yori Dango (movie) Good An interesting alternate-universe take on HanaDan. Silly and storybook, but fun in its own way. It's sort of like seeing the cast in a Broadway musical or something.
Handsome na Kanojo (OAV) Decent Very cute, despite the stupidity of the plot. Reminds me of Marmalade Boy.
Happy Machine (movie)
Harlock Saga (OAV) Decent Slow, but the Wagner opera is a good match for the Matsumoto universe. One of the better OAV adaptations of his work.
Harmagedon (movie) Bad Boy, has THIS not aged well. For all the grand posturing, the story is a mess. Typical Rintaro, I'm afraid.
Haunted Junction (TV) Good Funny at first, but really quite ho-hum comedy. Misses all the chances to be totally offensive with religion.
Here Is Greenwood (OAV) Very good Some of the most fun to be had in a high school dorm. Great characters, but requires the manga for a complete experience.
(The) Heroic Legend of Arslan (OAV) Very good
Higan (OAV) Decent Tries really hard, and the animation is decent, but that doesn't stop it from reeking of "pretentious student film".
Hikaru no Go (TV) Excellent Yes, it's about a board game, but it's SOOOO good! The last episode made me cry.
Hikaru No Go: New Year Special Very good Just a few more episodes of Hikaru no Go after the ending of the series. Since the manga didn't go anywhere with this arc, it's nice that they animated it anyway.
His and Her Circumstances (TV) Masterpiece Despite an ending that just falls apart, this is one of the most interesting, progressive and amusing series ever made. The characters are just so well written...
Honey and Clover (TV) Very good Lovable cast and consistent comedy make this a favorite, despite the last act dragging on far longer than was necessary.
Honey and Clover II (TV) Good
Hooligan (OAV) Not really good Hentai comedy is always a little wrong, but this isn't terrible. At least, after they took out the disturbing lolicon scene.
Horus - Prince of the Sun (movie) Good Has nothing to do with Norway or princes, but a (mostly) well-animated classic. Some of the 60s influences are amusing, though uneven execution keep it from being better than it could be. Most violent children's film ever.
Hot Space Cowboys (OAV) Weak Apparently yaoi at its rankest, involving rape by a gross fat guy. Kinda funny, though unintentionally.
Hotori - Tada Saiwai o Koinegau (special) Kids and suicide? Sign me up! (Just kidding!) A short anime that has a lot to say about humanity.
Howl's Moving Castle (movie) Good Pretty, but pointless and goes nowhere. The worst film Miyazaki has ever made... and still better than 90% of the other stuff out there.
(The) Humanoid (OAV) Excellent
Hunter X Hunter (TV 1999) Very good A pretty fun shonen series, despite how it meanders.
Hunter X Hunter (OAV) Very good This show is losing steam, fast. Still, Gon and Killua are cute and fun to watch.
Hunter X Hunter: Greed Island (OAV) Weak This show is getting dull and lame and very, very hard to care about. The switch to digital animation does not help it.
I'll/CKBC (OAV) Good There's really not a whole lot going on here, but it's really pretty, and somehow has this sense of verité to it.
Iblard Jikan (OAV) Not really good More of a moving painting than an animation in the traditional sense. Have it on in the background, it's not for watching normally. It's very pretty.
Ichi the Killer (live-action movie) Very good Painful, bloody, and wicked fun. If you have a strong stomach, you can't deny that you had a good time.
Ichi the Killer: Episode Zero (OAV) So-so The low budget and lack of a conclusion (it IS a prequel) make this far less than it should have been.
Ichigeki Sacchu!! HoiHoi-san (special) Very good Ridiculous, cute, and sharp in its satire. I'm glad it's so short, since it's really just one very well-animated joke.
Iczelion (OAV) Weak Unwilling and lame female superheroes are boring, no matter how well-animated they are.
Iczer Reborn (OAV) Awful Is it possible to have a six episode OAV and contain not a single shred of originality? Made me want to put my head in a vice and TWIST.
Idol Defense Force Hummingbird (OAV) Awful I don't remember so much about this show other than being completely and utterly bored by it.
Idol Fighter Su-Chi-Pai (OAV) Awful Utterly inept in its pacing and attempts at comedy, and pretty piss poor at everything else. An embarassment.
Ikebukuro West Gate Park (live-action TV)
Into the Erogenous Zone: Lyon Flare (OAV) Weak
Ippatsu Kiki Musume (TV) Good Utterly insane Japanese comedy at its best. Reminds me of some of their famous variety shows.
Iria - Zeiram the Animation (OAV) Very good Surreal and bracing action show from the golden age of OAVs. I wish the dub was better.
Iron Virgin Jun (OAV) Bad Go Nagai at his stupidest. Which means it's creepy and sexual, but actually kinda funny in a way. For a few minutes, at least. Dirt cheap animation.
(The) Irresponsible Captain Tylor (TV) Very good
(The) Item (amateur OAV) So-so
Jin-Roh - The Wolf Brigade (movie) Masterpiece An utterly assured directorial debut. Visually breathtaking. Unforgettable and deeply moving. On my list of the 10 best anime of all-time.
Jing, King of Bandits: Seventh Heaven (OAV) Excellent Filling in the main characters' back story makes this OAV much more compelling than the TV series that spawned it. Continues to be real purdy.
Jing: King of Bandits (TV) Good The amazing visuals and imaginative set-ups make the pedestrian story seem a little better than it is.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (OAV) Very good Bloody and brutal, but not without its comedic moments. Well-animated and witty, but not exceptional.
Jubei-Chan The Ninja Girl - Secret of the Lovely Eyepatch (TV) Good Fun and frivolous, but the thing with her dad saving her felt kinda creepy to me.
Judge (OAV) So-so Might have been mildly interesting had it been a LOT more fleshed out, but instead it just lays there.
Jumping (movie) Very good The world, the universe, the past, the future... This has inspired countless dreams for me. Tezuka is the king.
Jungle Emperor Leo (movie 1997) So-so Preachy as hell, and doesn't really earn its pathos. I enjoyed the F-U to The Lion King at the beginning.
Junk Boy (OAV)
Junkers Come Here (movie) Excellent Utterly adorable, and poignant. The dub drives me crazy, because it's sometimes amazing and sometimes crap.
Justy (OAV) Not really good Flimsy, unsubstantial 80s fantasy sci-fi. Has a few interesting ideas, but doesn't pursue them. The end theme will get stuck in your head.
K.O. Beast (OAV) So-so Shonen action comedy from the 80s tends to not age very well.
Kakurenbo - Hide & Seek (movie) Excellent Dark and fascinating. Doesn't allow for much character development, but the animation is lavish and beautiful.
Kama Sutra (OAV) Awful Boring, stupid, and really poorly drawn. Why did I watch this?
Kamikaze Girls (live-action movie) Very good Cute and fun, even if it's a little too polished and happy for its punk attitude. Great music.
Kaze no Yojimbo (TV) Good This show really kept me riveted, despite the crap animation and the cheesy video effects they tried to hide it with.
Kaze to Ki no Uta SANCTUS -Sei naru kana- (OAV) Decent This early yaoi OAV features too-young characters and some ridiculous over-the-top emotions. Mildly compelling, tho.
Key the Metal Idol (OAV) Weak This show started out with such promise, and spins so far out of control that the last two long episodes are an absolute disaster on every level.
Ki*Me*Ra (OAV) So-so So ludicrous and takes itself so seriously that it's pretty much impossible to respond with anything other than, "WTF!?"
Kid's Story (OAV) Good Fantastic animation, but the story really didn't do too much for me. Shows Watanabe is capable of more than faux cool.
Kiki's Delivery Service (movie) Excellent A perfect film, in its own way. One of Miyazaki's best.
Kill Bill Chapter 3: The Origin of O-Ren (movie segment) Excellent Kill Bill is a fantastic, visually lavish exercise in Asian action excess, and the anime section is no exception.
Kimagure Orange Road (OAV) Decent Throw-away stories from the KOR universe. Inconsequential and dated, but still fun and quaint.
Kimagure Orange Road: The Movie Very good Tries to take the inevitable ending of KOR and make it as serious as possible. Effective, though the characters barely act themselves.
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World (movie) Masterpiece Another Kino story. Not one of the strongest, but still a beautiful story you'll take with you.
Kino's Journey (TV) Masterpiece Beautiful and poignant stories about humanity from the point of view of a traveller. One of my all-time favorites.
Kino's Travels: Life Goes On (movie) Masterpiece A particularly stirring part of Kino's back story. As good as the rest of the series ever was.
Kite (OAV) Masterpiece Disturbing and moving portrayal of lost innocence by way of abuse. Oh yeah, and she's an assassin that uses exploding bullets. Too bad about the hentai version...
Kite Liberator (OAV) Very good Has little to do with the first Kite, but on its own, as satire, it works. Those looking for something straight-forward will doubtlessly leave pissed-off.
Kizuna (OAV) So-so Yaoi angst. Poorly animated and boring.
Kizuna: Much Ado About Nothing (OAV 2) Bad Yaoi angst with a ridiculous love triangle. Even more boring than its predecessor.
Knight of the Iron Dragon (OAV) Excellent A beautiful story about heroism during war time.
Kochira Katsushika-ku Kamearikouen-mae Hashutsujo: The Movie Not really good Silly sitcom-style comedy trying to be an action thriller. It doesn't really work very well.
Kodocha (TV) Masterpiece The speed, the stupidity, the craziness... Kodocha is a classic. There's a weak arc here and there, but who cares!
Kodocha (OAV) Weak Kodocha, drained of its energy and personality. Glad the eventual series went in another direction.
Koro's Big Day Out (movie) Masterpiece This is SOOOO CUTE!!!! Only Miyazaki can make a little dog getting lost this compelling.
Kusatta Kyōshi no Hōteishiki (OAV) So-so Funny BL comedy that doesn't try for much, and mostly succeeds.
Labyrinth (movie) So-so Serious Jim Henson movies always bored me to tears.
Labyrinth of Flames (OAV) So-so Slapstick and panty-filled OAV that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, and doesn't care. No masterpiece, but a decent way to kill an hour.
Landlock (OAV) Weak What an utter waste of time. Reused Shirow character designs from an aborted project is its only claim to fame.
Last Order Final Fantasy VII (OAV) Decent Final Fantasy characters being angsty. After Advent Children, it's hard to care much about this OAV.
(The) Laughing Target (OAV) Good
Legend of Himiko (TV) Weak Beautiful OP, everything else falls completely head-first into its own cliché. Has RED ever made a good anime? Nope.
Legend of Lemnear (OAV) So-so Shiny muscle people and boobs. This OAV offers little else.
Lesbian Ward (OAV) Weak Forgettable nurse hentai.
Level-C (OAV) Not really good I don't get it. I'm a guy, so I suppose I'm not supposed to. It's badly-drawn guys screwing.
Like the Clouds, Like the Wind (movie) Very good A Miyazaki-ish take on feudal China. Cute!
Lily C.A.T. (OAV) Decent Monster-on-a-spaceship horror. Nothing noteworthy, but mildly entertaining. I love Umetsu's character designs.
Limit Cycle (movie) Awful
Little Nemo - Adventures in Slumberland (movie) Decent Beautiful, even if the story is too pedestrian for anyone over the age of 12.
Looking for the Full Moon (TV) Good Girly idol singer wish-fulfillment shoujo for really young girls, plus cancer. The ending was a true disappointment, but I still like it.
Love Lessons (OAV) Decent Your usual misogynistic piece of hentai. Not horrible, but not noteworthy.
Loveless (TV) Good Beautiful art direction and interesting insight into the mind of a childhood abuse victim make it easier to overlook the creepy shota-con overtones.
Luna Varga (OAV) Decent Forgettable 90s fantasy comedy OAV. Mildly amusing, but I can't imagine this has aged very well.
Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro (movie) Excellent Easily the best Lupin movie, and why not? It's Miyazaki! A consistent favorite.
Lupin III: The Fuma Conspiracy (movie) Good Honestly, all the Lupin movies have fused together in my mind. I don't remember much about this one.
Lupin III: The Legend of the Gold of Babylon (movie) So-so Honestly, all the Lupin movies have fused together in my mind. I don't remember much about this one.
M.D. Geist (OAV) Worst ever The original Worst Anime Ever! The director's cut actually makes it watchable; for the full crap effect, you need the original version.
M.D. Geist II - Death Force (OAV) Worst ever Actually manages to be worse than its predecessor! Dumb, poorly animated, and just plain crap.
Macross Plus (OAV) Excellent Very Hollywood-feeling and accessible, but well done and exciting, with a great musical score. I've used this as a gateway drug to turn people into fans. Muahahaha... Excellent dub too.
Macross Plus Movie Edition Very good The lack of dub makes this a harder sell, but the pacing is a bit more even than the OAVs and the new concert footage is gorgeous. It's worth owning both.
Maetel Legend (OAV) Awful Boring as sin, and you know where it's going every step of the way. One of the worse Matsumoto adaptations.
Magic User's Club! (OAV) Very good Cute and fun romp with adorable characters. The animation still holds up quite well.
Magic Woman M (OAV) Weak Jeez... This brutal, horrifying piece of garbage almost made me quit CPM after 3 days on the job. The character commentary is hilarious, tho. Useful as people-repellant.
Magnetic Rose (movie) Masterpiece Easily the best part of Memories. Should be required viewing for all otaku.
Maison Ikkoku (TV) Very good Despite its frustrating characters and dumb set-ups, I still love this show. It's funny and relaxing, and nostalgic for a Tokyo that used to be.
Maison Ikkoku: Kanketsuhen (movie) Not really good Tacks on an ill-thought-out additional story onto the ending of Maison Ikkoku that conflicts with the actual ending and serves no purpose. Nobody acts (or looks) like themselves, and it's not funny or fun.
Maison Ikkoku: Prelude, When the Cherry Blossoms in the Springtime Return (special) Good A recap of the TV series. If you've seen the series, there's really no point in watching this. If you haven't, you'd be better off watching the series instead.
Maison Ikkoku: Shipwrecked on Ikkoku Island (OAV) So-so An amusing little throw-away side story.
Maison Ikkoku: Through the Passing of the Seasons (special) So-so A recap of the TV series. If you've seen the series, there's really no point in watching this. If you haven't, you'd be better off watching the series instead.
Makeruna! Makendo (OAV) Weak
MAPS (OAV 1987) So-so A far more cartoonish version of MAPS. Not particularly good, though it tries to be funny, and with such a cliché premise, that's probably a good thing.
MAPS (OAV 1994) So-so Visually decent mid-90s OAV that takes a very run-of-the-mill sci-fi set-up and makes it a bit exciting, if not engrossing.
Maris the Chojo (OAV) Good This 80s Rumiko Takahashi sci-fi comedy doesn't stand the test of time very well.
Marmalade Boy (TV) Very good Shoujo histrionics at their finest! Utterly engrossing, even though it's a REALLY dumb soap opera. (And if ONE person had a cell phone, there would be no story at all.)
Marmalade Boy (movie) Good A rather pointless extension of early scenes of the TV series make Yuu out to be a stalker. This goes nowhere. At least it's short.
Marriage (OAV) Awful Gag. Barf. Boring, insipid, and will make you weep for humanity.
Martian Successor Nadesico (TV) Good Nadesico! Still funny and sharp, all these years later. The dub makes it even more fun.
Mask of Zeguy (OAV) Worst ever I fell asleep THREE TIMES while subtitling this.
Master of Mosquiton (OAV) Good I wonder how well this holds up today. I remember it being pretty damn funny back in the day.
Megazone 23 (OAV) Good A little too wide-eyed and idealistic for my tastes, but I appreciate it for its ending.
Megazone 23 Part II (OAV) Decent I like this way more than I should. Aims extremely high visually, and when it works, it works amazingly. When it doesn't, it sinks like a rock.
Megazone 23 Part III (OAV) Decent Sloppy, partially unfinished, and with a not-really-likable cast. At least it has some pleasant music...
(The) Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV) Excellent
Memories (movie) Masterpiece
Memory (movie) Very good
Mermaid (movie) Very good
Mermaid Forest (OAV) Very good
Mermaid Forest (TV) Weak
Mermaid's Scar (OAV) Very good
Metal Skin Panic MADOX-01 (OAV) So-so It might have been a groundbreaking mecha action OAV, but it's really rather pallid in the end. I could never get used to the character designs.
Metropolis (movie) Not really good
Mezzo Forte (OAV) Very good
Midnight Panther (OAV) Worst ever
Midori Days (TV) Good
Millennium Actress (movie) Masterpiece
Mind Game (movie) Excellent
Mini Pato (movie) Decent
Mirage of Blaze (TV) Weak
Miyuki-chan in Wonderland (OAV) So-so
Mobile Suit Gundam - The Movie Trilogy Decent
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket (OAV) Excellent
Momone (OAV) Worst ever
Moyashimon (TV)
Mt. Head (movie) Excellent
Mujin Wakusei Survive (TV) Very good
Munto (OAV) Good
My Beautiful Girl Mari (Korean movie) Very good
My Dear Marie (OAV) Very good
My Fair Masseuse (OAV) Weak
My Neighbor Totoro (movie) Excellent
My Neighbors the Yamadas (movie) Masterpiece
My Sexual Harassment (OAV) Decent
(The) Mystery of Nonomura Hospital (OAV) Not really good
Mystery of the Necronomicon (OAV) Decent
Nadia - The Secret of Blue Water (TV) Good
Nandarou (special) Very good
Naruto (TV) Very good
Naruto (OAV) Not really good
Naruto Special: Battle at Hidden Falls. I Am the Hero! (OAV) Good
Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow Decent
Naruto: Akaki Yotsuba no Clover o Sagase (OAV) Decent
Nasu: Summer in Andalusia (movie) Good
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (movie) Excellent
Negadon: The Monster from Mars (movie) Decent
Neo-Tokyo (movie) Excellent
Neon Genesis Evangelion (TV) Masterpiece
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth (movie) Good
Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion (movie) Masterpiece
New Angel (OAV) Weak
New Dominion Tank Police (OAV) Decent
New Hurricane Polymar (OAV) Weak Yasuomi Umetsu character designs look out of place and awkward, and this update of the schlocky 70s superhero show doesn't do a thing for me.
New Kimagure Orange Road: Summer's Beginning (movie) Excellent As with most "reunion" shows, the redesign and updated animation aren't improvements, but this one comes off better than most.
Night on the Galactic Railroad (movie) Masterpiece
Night Shift Nurses (OAV) Masterpiece
Nightwalker: The Midnight Detective (TV) Good
Nineteen 19 (OAV) Excellent A stylish and visually arresting love story in grand MTV tradition.
Ninja Cadets (OAV) Not really good
Ninja Hattori Kun The Movie (live-action movie) Worst ever KILL ME. KILL ME NOW.
Ninja Scroll (movie) So-so
Ninku the Movie Not really good
No Enemy But Time (amateur OAV) Not really good Amateur animation was a lot harder back when it had to be done with paint and cels, but this is so amateur that it's hard to even watch.
Nobody's Boy Remi (TV) Excellent Watch as poor Remi discovers that life doesn't use lubricant. I'm a sucker for sad shows, and this is one of the best. Doesn't look nearly as old as it is.
Noiseman Sound Insect (movie) Masterpiece
Now and Then, Here and There (TV) Masterpiece
Nurse Angel Ririka SOS (TV) Excellent
Nyancos (movie) Worst ever One man's artistic animation project is everyone else's pure, unmitigated torture. Glad you dream of anthropomorphic cat faeries. Good for you.
Ocean Waves (movie) Good
Office Affairs (OAV) Decent
Ogenki Clinic Adventures (OAV) Weak
Oh My Goddess! (OAV) Decent
Oldboy (Korean movie) Very good
On Your Mark (movie) Excellent
One Pound Gospel (OAV) Very good
Only Yesterday (movie) Masterpiece
Orchid Emblem (OAV) So-so
(The) Order to Stop Construction (movie) Masterpiece
Orguss 02 (OAV) Good
Oruchuban Ebichu (TV) Very good
Otaku no Video (OAV) Good
Ouran High School Host Club (TV) Excellent
Outlanders (OAV) Weak
Oz (OAV) Very good
Pale Cocoon (OAV) Very good
Panda! Go, Panda! (movie) Weak
Panda! Go, Panda!: Rainy Day Circus (movie) Weak
Panzer Dragoon (OAV) Awful
Paprika (movie) Masterpiece
Paradise Kiss (TV) Excellent
Paranoia Agent (TV) Excellent
Patlabor 2: The Movie (movie 2) Masterpiece
Patlabor the Mobile Police (TV) Good
Patlabor The Mobile Police (OAV 1/1988) Very good
Patlabor the Mobile Police: The New Files (OAV 2/1990) Very good
Patlabor WXIII (movie 3) Not really good
Patlabor: The Movie (movie 1) Very good
Peacemaker (TV) Very good
Perfect Blue (movie) Very good
Pet Shop of Horrors (TV) Excellent
Phantom Quest Corp. (OAV) Good
(The) Phoenix: Chapter of Ho-o (movie)
(The) Pianist (OAV) Worst ever
Pikachu's Summer Vacation (movie) Weak
Planetes (TV) Masterpiece
Plastic Little (OAV) So-so
Please Save My Earth (OAV) Masterpiece
Pokémon: Mewtwo Returns (special) Bad
Pokémon: The First Movie (movie 1) Bad
Pom Poko (movie) Masterpiece
Porco Rosso (movie) Excellent
Prefectural Earth Defense Force (OAV) Not really good
Princess Mononoke (movie) Very good
Princess Tutu (TV)
Private Psycho Lesson (OAV by U-Jin) So-so
Professor Pain (OAV) Worst ever
Program (OAV) Good
Project A-ko (movie) Very good
Project A-ko 2: Plot of the Daitokuji Financial Group (OAV) So-so
Project A-ko 3: Cinderella Rhapsody (OAV) Good
Project A-ko 4: Final (OAV) Good
Psycho Diver: Soul Siren (OAV) Weak
Queen Emeraldas (OAV) Decent
Rail of the Star - A True Story of Children and War (movie) Not really good
Ranma ½ OAV Good
Ranma ½: Big Trouble in Nekonron, China (movie) Not really good
Ranma ½: Nihao My Concubine (movie) Not really good
Red Hawk - Weapon of Death (Korean movie) Weak
Revolutionary Girl Utena (TV) Masterpiece
Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Movie Very good
RG Veda (OAV) Weak
Riding Bean (OAV) So-so
Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky (live-action movie) Decent
Robot Carnival (OAV) Masterpiece
Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles (U.S. OAV) Weak
Roots Search (OAV) Awful
Roujin Z (movie) Excellent
Royal Space Force - The Wings of Honnêamise (movie) Masterpiece
Ruin Explorers - Fam & Ihrie (OAV) So-so
Running Man (movie) Decent
Rurouni Kenshin: Reflection (OAV) Excellent
Rurouni Kenshin: Trust & Betrayal (OAV) Excellent
Saber Marionette J (TV) Decent
Sacrilege (OAV) Weak
Sadamitsu the Destroyer (TV) So-so
Sailor Moon R: The Movie Good
Sailor Victory (OAV) Decent
(The) Samurai (OAV) Good
Samurai Shodown: The Motion Picture (special) Bad
Samurai: Hunt for the Sword (OAV) So-so
Sanctuary (OAV) Bad
Scramble Wars (OAV) Weak
Sea Prince and the Fire Child (movie)
Sensitive Pornograph (OAV) Decent Yaoi = porn for girls. There really is nothing else here. Quite graphic for yaoi anime.
(The) Sensualist (OAV) Excellent
Serial Experiments Lain (TV) Very good
Sex Ward (OAV) Bad
Sex Warrior Pudding (OAV) Worst ever
Shadow Skill (OAV) So-so
Shadow Skill 2 (OAV) So-so
Shanghai Dragon (movie)
She and Her Cat (OAV) Excellent
She, The Ultimate Weapon (TV) Good
Shinesman (OAV) Masterpiece
Shingu: Secret of the Stellar Wars (TV) Very good
Sibling Secret (OAV) Bad
Silent Möbius: The Motion Picture Excellent
Silent Möbius: The Motion Picture 2 Good
Silent Service (special) Decent
Silent Service (OAV) Decent
Sky Blue (Korean movie) So-so
Slave Market (OAV) Bad
Slipstream (OAV) Excellent
Sohryuden - Legend of the Dragon Kings (OAV) Weak
Sol Bianca (OAV) Weak
Sonic Boom Squadron (OAV) Excellent
Sonic Soldier Borgman: Last Battle (movie) Very good
Sonic Soldier Borgman: Lover's Rain (movie) Very good
Sora Iro no Tane (special) Very good
Sorcerer Hunters (TV) Decent
Space Adventure Cobra - The Movie Good
Spaceship Agga Ruter (OAV) Decent
Spirit of Wonder (OAV) Very good
Spirit of Wonder Scientific Boys Club (OAV) Good
Spirit Warrior (OAV) Weak
Spirited Away (movie) Very good
Spotlight (OAV) Awful
Spring and Chaos (movie) Excellent
Steamboy (movie) Excellent
Stepmother's Sin (OAV) Weak
Stink Bomb (movie) Excellent
(The) Story of Saiunkoku (TV) Excellent
Strait Jacket (OAV) Not really good
Strange Love (OAV) Not really good
Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie Very good
Suikoden Demon Century (OAV) Awful
(The) Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross (TV) Very good
(The) Super Dimension Century Orguss (TV) So-so
(The) Super Dimension Fortress Macross (TV) Good
(The) Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love? (movie) Good
Sword of the Stranger (movie) Masterpiece
Tachikomatic Days (OAV) Good Cute as an end-of-episode cookie. Someone cut all of them together, though, and they get annoying fast.
Tales of Seduction (OAV) Good
(The) Tales Trilogy (OAV) Good
Talking Head (hybrid movie)
TANK S.W.A.T. 01 (OAV) Awful
Tattoon Master (OAV) So-so
Teacher's Pet (OAV) So-so
Team Ranma vs. The Legendary Phoenix (movie) Good
Teki wa Kaizoku: Neko no Kyōen (OAV) Decent
Tekkaman Blade II (OAV) Bad
Tekken: The Motion Picture (OAV) Awful
Tenchi Muyo! (OAV 1/1992) Decent
Tenchi Muyo! Mihoshi Special Decent
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo Ohki (OAV 3/2003) Decent
Tenchi Muyo! The Night Before The Carnival (OAV) Good
Terra Story (OAV) Decent
They Were 11 (movie) Excellent
TO-Y (OAV) Masterpiece
Tobira o Akete (movie) Weak
Tobira o Akete (OAV 1995) Good
Tokyo Babylon (OAV) Good
Tokyo Babylon 2 (OAV) Good
Tokyo Godfathers (movie) Masterpiece
(The) Tokyo Project (OAV) Decent
Tokyo Revelation (OAV) So-so
Touch (TV) Masterpiece
Touch: Are kara, Kimi wa... - Miss Lonely Yesterday - (special) So-so
Touch: Cross Road - Kaze no Yukue (special) Decent
Toward the Terra (movie) Decent
(The) Transformers: The Movie (U.S. movie) So-so
Trava (OAV) Good
(The) Twelve Kingdoms (TV) Excellent
Twilight of the Cockroaches (movie) Decent
Twilight of the Dark Master (OAV) Masterpiece
Twilight Q (OAV) Good
Twin Signal (OAV) Very good
TWO-MIX: White Reflection (OAV Promo) Very good
Ultimate Teacher (OAV) Very good
Understanding Chaos (US-Independent OAV) Worst ever
Unico in the Island of Magic (movie) Good
Unico: Short Story (movie) Good
Urban Square - Kohaku no Tsuigeki (OAV) Very good
Urotsukidōji: Legend of the Overfiend (OAV) Not really good
Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend (movie) Awful
Urotsukidoji: New Saga (OAV) Good
Urusei Yatsura: Beautiful Dreamer (movie 2) Excellent
Ushiro no Shōmen Daare (movie) Good
Vampire Hunter D (OAV) Decent
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (movie) Excellent
Variable Geo (OAV) Bad
Venus 5 (OAV) Weak
Venus Wars (movie) Good
Video Girl Ai (OAV) Excellent
Violence Jack (OAV) Bad
Violence Jack 2 (OAV) Bad
Violence Jack 3 (OAV) Bad
Virgin Fleet (OAV) Weak
(The) Vision of Escaflowne (TV) Very good
Vixens (OAV) Awful
Voices of a Distant Star (OAV) Good
Volcano High (live-action movie) Good
Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer (OAV) Worst ever
Wata no Kuni Hoshi (OAV) Very good
Weather Report Girl (OAV) Not really good
(The) Weathering Continent (movie) So-so
A Well-Ordered Restaurant (movie) Not really good A Kenji Miyazawa short story turned into an experimental paint-on-glass animation. Goes in weird directions, and really just rather self-indulgent.
Whisper of the Heart (movie) Masterpiece
(The) White Snake (movie) Very good The first big Toei movie is also one of the best. Drop-dead gorgeous, and holds up well today.
Wicked City (movie) Good
A Wind Named Amnesia (movie) Very good Fairly profound OAV with a terrible ending that nearly ruins the whole thing.
Windaria (movie) Masterpiece
(The) World of Narue (TV) Good
World Record (OAV) Very good
X (movie) Bad
Yakitate!! Japan (TV) Excellent
You're Under Arrest (OAV) Decent
Ys II (OAV) Weak
Yu Yu Hakusho The Movie: Poltergeist Report (movie 2/1994) Weak
Yu Yu Hakusho: The Movie (movie 1/1993) Bad
Zetsuai 1989 (OAV) Not really good
Zillion: Burning Night (OAV) Decent

Will not finish Rating
3x3 Eyes: Legend of the Divine Demon (OAV)
A.D. Police (TV)
Ace wo Nerae! (live-action TV [2004])
Adventure Kid (OAV)
(The) Adventures of Mini-Goddess (TV)
(The) Adventures of the Little Prince (TV)
Aeon Flux (U.S. TV)
Agent Aika (OAV)
Ai to Yūki no Pig Girl Tonde Būrin (TV)
Air (TV)
Air (movie)
Air Master (TV)
Aishiteruze Baby (TV)
Alien from the Darkness (OAV)
All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku (TV)
All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku DASH! (OAV)
Ambassador Magma (OAV)
Amon Saga (OAV)
Android Ana Maico 2010 (TV)
Angel Blade (OAV)
Angel of Darkness (OAV)
Angelic Layer (TV)
Apocalypse Zero (OAV)
Aqua Age (TV)
Aquarian Age - Sign for Evolution (TV)
Aquarion (TV)
Arc the Lad (TV)
Argento Soma (TV)
Ariel (OAV) So-so
Ariel Deluxe (OAV)
Arjuna (TV)
Armitage: Dual-Matrix (movie)
Attack No. 1 (live-action TV drama)
Aura Battler Dunbine (TV)
AWOL - Absent WithOut Leave (TV)
Ayakashi - Samurai Horror Tales (TV)
Azumanga Daioh (TV)
Babel II (OAV)
Babel II - Beyond Infinity (TV 2/2001)
Baki the Grappler (TV)
Basilisk (TV)
Bastard!! (OAV)
BASToF Syndrome (Korean TV)
Battle Royale II: Requiem (live-action movie)
Battle Skipper (OAV)
BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad (TV)
Bible Black (OAV)
(The) Big O (TV)
Black Jack (TV)
Black Jack Special: The 4 Miracles of Life
Black Widow (OAV)
Blade of the Phantom Master (movie)
Blame! (ONA)
Bleach (TV)
Blood+ (TV)
Blue Gender (TV)
(La) Blue Girl (OAV)
(La) Blue Girl (live-action OAV)
(La) Blue Girl Returns (OAV)
Blue Remains (movie)
Blue Seed (TV)
Blue Submarine No.6 (OAV)
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (TV)
Bondage Queen Kate (OAV)
Bonobono (TV 1995)
Boys Be... (TV)
Brain Powered (TV)
Bride of Darkness (OAV)
Brigadoon (TV)
BuBu ChaCha (TV)
Burn Up Excess (TV)
Burst Angel (TV)
Buzzer Beater (TV 2005)
Case Closed (TV)
Casshan: Robot Hunter Casshern (OAV)
Chance Pop Session (TV)
Chō Kuseninarisō (TV)
Chō Mashin Eiyūden Wataru (TV)
Cinderella Boy (TV)
Colorful (TV)
Comic Party (TV)
Corrector Yui (TV)
Coyote Ragtime Show (TV)
Crimson Climax (OAV)
Crying Freeman (OAV)
Cyberteam in Akihabara (TV)
Cybuster (TV)
D.C. ~Da Capo~ (TV)
D.N.Angel (TV)
Daa! Daa! Daa! (TV)
Dai-Guard (TV)
(The) Daichis - Earth Defence Family (TV)
Dan Doh!! (TV)
(The) Dark Myth (OAV)
Death Note (TV)
Demon Beast Invasion (OAV)
Denshin Mamotte Shugogetten (OAV)
Devil May Cry (TV)
Diamond Daydreams (TV)
Dirty Pair (TV)
Dirty Pair Flash (OAV)
Dirty Pair Flash 1 (OAV)
Dirty Pair Flash 2 (OAV)
Dirty Pair Flash 3 (OAV)
Divergence Eve (TV)
Dokkoida?! (TV)
Don't Leave Me Alone, Daisy (TV)
Doomed Megalopolis (OAV)
Dr. Rin ni Kiitemite! (TV)
Dragon Ball (TV)
Dragon Ball GT (TV)
Dragon Century (OAV)
Dragon Drive (TV)
Dragon Knight (OAV)
Dragon League (TV)
Dragon Pink (OAV)
Dragon Slayer (OAV)
E's Otherwise (TV)
Eat-Man '98 (TV)
Eden's Bowy (TV)
Ehrgeiz (TV)
El Hazard: The Alternative World (TV)
El-Hazard: The Wanderers (TV)
Elfen Lied (TV)
Embracing Love: Cherished Spring (OAV)
Eureka Seven (TV)
éX-D: Danger Zone (OAV)
éX-Driver (OAV)
Excel Saga (TV)
Fantastic Children (TV)
Fencer of Minerva (OAV)
Fight! Iczer-One (OAV)
Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals (OAV)
Fist of the North Star (TV)
Flame of Recca (TV)
Fortune Quest L (TV)
(The) Fuccons (live-action TV)
Futakoi Alternative (TV)
Future GPX Cyber Formula (TV)
Gakuen Heaven (TV)
Galactic Patrol Lensman (TV)
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna Returns (OAV)
Galerians: Rion (OAV)
Gall Force 2 - Destruction (OAV)
Gall Force 3 - Stardust War (OAV)
Gall Force: New Era (OAV)
Gallery Fake (TV)
GaoGaiGar: King of the Braves (TV)
Garzey's Wing (OAV)
Gatchaman (TV)
Gate Keepers (TV)
Gear Fighter Dendoh (TV)
Geisters - Fractions of the Earth (TV)
Gekigangar 3 (OAV)
Generator Gawl (TV)
Geneshaft (TV)
Genma Wars: Eve of Mythology (TV)
Genshiken (TV)
Genshiken (OAV)
Getbackers (TV)
Getter Robo (TV)
Ghost Sweeper Mikami (TV)
Giant Robo (OAV)
Gigantor (TV 1963)
Gin Rei (OAV)
Girl from Phantasia (OAV)
Gokudo (TV)
Gravitation (TV)
Gregory Horror Show (TV)
Guardian of Darkness (OAV)
Gungrave (TV)
Gunparade March (TV)
Guy (OAV)
(The) Guyver: Bio-Booster Armor (OAV)
Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor (TV)
.hack//Liminality (OAV)
.hack//SIGN (TV)
Hana Yori Dango [2005] (live-action TV)
Hanada Shōnen-shi (TV)
Hanada Shonen-shi (live-action movie)
Hanappe Bazooka (OAV)
Hareluya II Boy (TV)
He Is My Master (TV)
Hermes - Winds of Love (movie)
Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi (U.S. TV)
Hime-chan's Ribbon (TV)
Hoop Days (TV)
Hunter X Hunter: G I Final (OAV)
Hyper Doll (OAV)
Hyper Police (TV)
Hyper Speed GranDoll (OAV)
I Shall Never Return (OAV)
I''s (OAV)
I''s Pure (OAV)
I'm Gonna Be An Angel (TV)
Ichigo 100% (TV)
Idol Project (OAV)
If I See You in My Dreams (TV)
Initial D (TV)
INTERSTELLA 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem (movie)
Inuyasha (TV)
InuYasha the Movie: Affections Touching Across Time
Jigoku Sensei Nube (TV)
Jungle de Ikou! (OAV)
Kamichu! (TV)
Kanon (TV 1/2002)
Kiba (TV)
Kimagure Orange Road (TV)
Kimba the White Lion (TV 1/1965)
Kingyo Chūihō! (TV)
Kiss in the Dark (OAV)
Knight Hunters (TV)
Knights of Ramune (OAV)
Knights of Ramune & 40 (TV)
Koi Kaze (TV)
Koihime (OAV)
Kokoro Library (TV)
Kujibiki Unbalance (OAV)
Kyo no Gononi (OAV)
Lady Blue (OAV)
Last Exile (TV)
(The) Law of Ueki (TV)
Legend of Basara (TV)
Legend of Crystania - The Motion Picture
Legend of Crystania: The Chaos Ring (OAV)
Legend of the Condor Hero (TV)
(The) Legend of the Dog Warriors: The Hakkenden (OAV)
Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers (TV)
Lil' Red Riding Hood Cha-Cha (TV)
Lord of Lords Ryu Knight (TV)
Lost Universe (TV)
Love Hina (TV)
Love Hina X'mas Special - Silent Eve
Lupin VIII (cancelled TV)
Machine Robo: Revenge of Cronos (TV)
Macross 7 (TV)
Magic Knight Rayearth (TV)
Magic User's Club! (TV)
Magical Angel Creamy Mami (TV)
Magical Fairy Persia (TV)
Magical Girl Pretty Sammy (OAV)
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi (TV)
Mahō no Princess Minky Momo: Yume o Dakishimete (TV)
Maison Ikkoku - Apartment Fantasy (live-action movie)
Maison Plaisir (OAV)
Malice@Doll (OAV)
Mama wa Shōgaku Yonensei (TV)
Mamotte Shugogetten (TV)
Marmalade Boy Live Action (Taiwanese drama TV)
Masquerade (OAV)
Master Keaton (TV)
Master of Mosquiton '99 (TV)
Maze (TV)
Maze (OAV)
Mechanical Violator Hakaider (live-action movie)
Mega Man (U.S. TV)
Metal Fighter Miku (TV)
Mezzo (TV)
Miami Guns (TV)
Michel (Korean TV)
Mobile Suit Gundam (TV)
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (TV)
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz (OAV)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack (movie)
Moegaku*5 (TV)
Moldiver (OAV)
MPD Psycho (live-action TV)
Musashi (TV)
My My Mai (OAV)
Nadia - The Secret of Blue Water: The Motion Picture
Najica Blitz Tactics (TV)
Nazca (TV)
Neighborhood Story (TV)
Neo Ranga (TV)
(The) New Adventures of Kimba The White Lion (TV 1989)
New Cutey Honey (OAV)
New Fist of the North Star (OAV)
NieA_7 (TV)
Night Shift Nurses: Kranke (OAV)
Night Warriors - Darkstalkers' Revenge (OAV)
Nightmare Campus (OAV)
Ninja Resurrection (OAV)
Nurse Me! (OAV)
Oban Star-Racers (TV)
Ocha-ken (TV)
Odin - Starlight Mutiny (movie)
Ogre Slayer (OAV)
Ōkami Shōnen Ken (TV)
Olympus Guardian (Korean TV)
Omishi Magical Theater Risky Safety (TV)
Orphen (TV)
Outlaw Star (TV)
Ozanari Dungeon: Kaze no Tou (OAV)
Parappa the Rapper (TV)
Parasite Dolls (OAV)
Pecola (TV)
Phantom - The Animation (OAV)
Photon: The Idiot Adventures (OAV)
Piano (TV)
Pilot Candidate (TV)
Pilot Candidate (OAV)
Ping Pong Club (TV)
Planet Robot Danguard Ace (TV)
Please Teacher! (TV)
Pokémon (TV)
Power Dolls (OAV)
(The) Prince of Tennis (TV)
Princess Arete (movie)
Princess Knight (TV)
Princess Rouge (OAV)
Project A-ko: Uncivil Wars (OAV)
Pucca (Korean ONA)
Pugyuru (TV)
Puni Puni Poemy (OAV)
Ranma ½ (TV 1/1989)
Record of Lodoss War (OAV)
Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight (TV)
Rhea Gall Force (OAV)
Robotech (U.S. TV)
Robotech II: The Sentinels (U.S. OAV)
Robotech: The Untold Story (U.S. movie)
Romeo × Juliet (TV)
Rumiko Takahashi Anthology (TV)
Run=Dim (TV)
Rune Soldier (TV)
S-CRY-ed (TV)
Saber Marionette J Again (OAV)
Saber Marionette R (OAV)
SaiKano: Another Love Song (OAV)
Sailor and the 7 Ballz (U.S. OAV Parody)
Sailor Moon (TV)
Sailor Moon R (TV)
Saint Tail (TV)
Saiyuki (TV)
Sakura Diaries (OAV)
Sakura Wars (OAV)
Samurai 7 (TV)
Samurai Champloo (TV)
Samurai Deeper Kyo (TV)
Samurai Girl Real Bout High School (TV)
Scoopers (OAV)
Seishun Anime Zenshu (TV)
Sentimental Journey (TV)
Seven of Seven (TV)
Sex Demon Queen (OAV)
Sexorcist (OAV)
Sh15uya (live-action TV)
Shadow Skill (TV)
Shadow Star Narutaru (TV)
Shaman King (TV 2001)
Shamanic Princess (OAV)
Shiden (cancelled TV)
Shin chan (TV)
Shootfighter Tekken (OAV)
Silent Möbius (TV)
Sin Sorority (OAV)
Sin: The Movie
Sins of the Sisters (OAV)
(The) Slayers (TV)
Slayers - The Motion Picture
Slayers Excellent (OAV)
(The) Slayers Next (TV)
(The) Slayers Try (TV)
Slayers: The Book of Spells (OAV)
Soar High! Isami (TV)
Sol Bianca: The Legacy (OAV)
Someday's Dreamers (TV)
Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie (OAV)
Sorcerer Hunters (OAV)
Sorcerer on the Rocks (OAV)
(The) SoulTaker (TV)
Space Pirate Mito (TV)
Space Warrior Baldios (movie)
Spaceship Agga Ruter (OAV) Decent
Speed Grapher (TV)
Speed Racer (TV)
Spiral (TV)
Spirit Warrior (OAV 2)
Spriggan (movie)
Sprite: Between Two Worlds (OAV)
Steam Detectives (TV)
Steel Angel Kurumi (TV)
Step Sister (OAV)
Strawberry Marshmallow (TV)
Street Fighter II V (TV)
Submarine 707R (OAV)
Suicide Club (live-action movie)
Sukeban Deka (OAV)
Super Dimensional Fortress Macross II: The Movie (OAV)
Super Doll Licca-chan (TV)
Super GALS! (TV)
Super Milk-chan (TV)
(The) Super Milk-chan Show (TV)
Suzuka (TV)
Teacher's Pet (OAV) So-so
Tenchi in Tokyo (TV)
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki (OAV 2/1994)
Tenchi the Movie - Tenchi Muyo in Love
Tenchi Universe (TV)
Tenjho Tenge (TV)
Tenkū Senki Shurato (TV)
Tenshi na Konamaiki (TV)
This Ugly Yet Beautiful World (TV)
Those Who Hunt Elves (TV)
Tide-Line Blue (TV)
Time Bokan: Royal Revival (OAV)
To Heart (TV)
Tokimeki Memorial (OAV)
Tokio Private Police (OAV)
Tongari Bōshi no Memoru (TV)
Transformers (U.S. TV)
A Tree of Palme (movie)
Trigun (TV)
Tristia of the Deep Blue Sea (OAV)
Twin Angels (OAV)
Ultra Maniac (TV)
Urusei Yatsura (TV 1981)
Ushio & Tora (OAV)
Vampire Princess Miyu (OAV)
Vampire Princess Miyu (TV)
Vampiyan Kids (TV)
Vandread (TV)
Violinist of Hamelin (TV)
Violinist of Hamelin (movie)
Virtua Fighter (TV)
Virus Buster Serge (TV)
Voltron: Defender of the Universe (U.S. TV)
(The) Wallflower (TV)
Wandaba Style (TV)
Wedding Peach (TV)
Wild 7 (OAV)
Wild 7 Another (TV)
Wild Arms - Twilight Venom (TV)
Wild Cardz (OAV)
Wind: A Breath of Heart (TV)
(The) Wings of Rean (ONA)
Wizardry (OAV)
Wonderful (TV)
Words Worth (OAV)
Wrath of the Ninja - The Yotoden Movie
Xpress Train (OAV)
YAT Anshin! Uchū Ryokō (TV)
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou (OAV)
Yokoyama Mitsuteru Sangokushi (TV)
Yotoden (OAV)
You're Under Arrest (TV)
Ys (OAV)
Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files (TV)
Zatch Bell (TV)
Zenki (TV)
Zettai Seigi Love Pheromone (TV)
Zone of the Enders (TV)
Zone of the Enders: Idolo (OAV)