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20 Most Popular Anime/Game Names to Give Children

posted on by Egan Loo
Index's Touma & Mikoto, Square Enix's Sora & Yuna top Dengeki's self-selected poll

On Wednesday, ASCII Media Works' Dengeki Online website posted the results of its April 14-28 user poll which asked: Which anime and game characters would you like to name your children after? According to Dengeki Online's self-selected pool of respondents, here are the top 10 male characters:

Rank Name Work(s)
1 Touma Toaru Majutsu no Index, others
2 Sora Kingdom Hearts franchise
3 Cloud Final Fantasy VII, others
4 Hayate Hayate the Combat Butler!
5 Sousuke Full Metal Panic!
6 Tomoya Clannad
7 Koyomi Bakemonogatari
8 Yuri Tales of Vesperia
9 Kyōsuke Little Busters!
10 Kyō The King of Fighters franchise

Here are the top 10 female characters:

Rank Name Work(s)
1 Mikoto Toaru Majutsu no Index, others
2 Yuna Final Fantasy X, others
3 Nanoha Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, others
4 Yui K-ON!
5 Sakura Card Captor Sakura
6 Mio K-On!
7 Yuri Angel Beats!
8 Nagisa Clannad
9 Rin Fate/stay night
10 Shiki Kara no Kyoukai - the Garden of sinners

However, Dengeki Online noted that over half of the responses were along the lines of "There's no way I will name them after characters" or "Don't confuse reality with fiction!" The staff initially held back the results due to this feedback, but eventually decided to post the poll results from those who did list character names.

[Via Kyō mo Yarareyaku]

Image © Kazuma Kamachi/Ascii Media Works/Project-Index

Update: The japanese.about.com website posted the most popular actual Japanese baby names in 2008, 2005 and the last several decades.

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