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Votoms, God Mars Voice Actress Yōko Kawanami Dies

posted on by Crystalyn Hodgkins
Dr. Slump & Arale-chan, Marmalade Boy voice actress was 67

Headshot of voice actress Yōko Kawanami
Image via Aoni Production
Talent agency Aoni Production announced on Thursday that voice actress Yōko Kawanami died on March 18 of peritoneal metastasis. She was 67.

Due to the wishes of her family, her wake and funeral were held for close relatives only.

Kawanami was born in Kanagawa Prefecture on April 22, 1957.

Kawanami is perhaps best known as voicing Coconna Vartla in the various Armored Trooper Votoms anime. Her other major roles include Midori Norimaki in various Dr. Slump & Arale-chan anime, Mika Hyūga in God Mars, Aoi Yume in Yume Senshi Wingman, Arcee in Transformers: The Headmasters, Rumi Koishikawa in Marmalade Boy, Daina and Gloria in Topo Gigio, Molly in Mikan Enikki, Mitsuko Yamaoka in Mister Ajikko, and Bulma's Mother in Dragon Ball Z.

Sources: Aoni Production, Comic Natalie

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