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Kekko Kamen - The Original Live Action Movies (Sub.Blu-ray)

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Title: Kekko Kamen - The Original Live Action Movies
Volume: Sub.Blu-ray
Running time: 235
Distributor: Discotek Media

Release date: 2025-05-27
Suggested retail price: $29.95

SKU: NN-23
UPC: 875707007399 875707007399

In the harrowing year of 199X, the world is gripped by fears of an impending doom. Off in the Japanese mountainside, Sparta Academy opens its doors to the nation’s brightestyoung minds. However, the school’s sadistic faculty is more interested in doling bizarre punishments than actually teach- ing anything. With no one to protect them, the students place their hopes in the mysterious nude heroine, Kekko Kamen! Born from the vivid imagination of Go Nagai (Devilman, Cutie Honey), Kekko Kamen comes flying in to deliver a faceful of raunchy action comedy! This three-film collection includes the 1990-1992 nearly naked heroine’s greatest battles all on one disc! Presented in standard definition with the original Japanese language and English subtitles!

(added on 2025-03-04, modified on 2025-03-04)
Encyclopedia information about

  • Kekkō Kamen (live-action OAV)
  • Kekkō Kamen 2: We'll be back..... (live-action OAV)
  • Kekkō Kamen 3 (live-action OAV)
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