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Forum - View topicThe Mike Toole Show -The Worst Anime of All Time
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![]() Posts: 300 |
Honestly?Any of the monogatary series.My brother forced me to watch this one series where the main character and his sister brush each other's teeth.I was like seriously dude this entertains you?I think it was towards the end of the series if I'm not mistaken
j Talbain
![]() Posts: 279 Location: Toronto, Ontario |
I'll never forget the old VHS days of OMG new anime, look at the cover, it looks cool so I'll buy it and I bought Sword For Truth. My god it was a mess. Bad animation, dub and just the whole thing, Lol. I have never dumped something so quickly to the good will in my life. Worst anime EVER
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Posts: 565 |
I have a good one for the trash heap.Space transformers.And no it isn't anything to do with the autobots.Found the dvd of it at salvation army for a dollar.
![]() Posts: 533 |
Guilty Crown and Cross Ange were excellent anime, Skelter Heaven was good, and Mars of Destruction was just meh. What anime SHOULD be given the title of "worst of all time"? Valvrave is the easy answer, it is literally the physical incarnation of all hopelessness focused entirely on twists and shock value that becomes outdated after the firs viewing. It is a textbook example of everything that could go wrong without the concept being a factor and everything wrong with the mecha genre ever since Code Geass was successful in omni-pandering and Haruhi Suzumiya and K-ON sentenced the industry into the current fad of slice of life shows being the "in" hip thing.
Other titles I'd include would be: -Puni Puni Poemii: Basically softcore lolicon under the guise (and horrifically failing at) comedy complete with all the obnoxiousness Excel Saga was made of. Good call to New Zealand for outlawing this trash. 1/10 not funny. -The Skull Man: An insulting anime to the legendary mangaka Shotaro Ishinomori, an insult to its audience for treating it like its stupid, focuses too highly on useless aspects that could have easily been cut, and all around boring in its own right. 1/10 an insult to a great guy. -Tekkan The Motion Picture: Worst audio design in any anime I have ever seen coupled with strange plot errors, bad character development, not enough action, a lack of exposition, and lazy designs on the dinosaurs aka something someone should not be critiquing because I'm pretty sure dinosaur books with pictures were a thing in the 90s. 1/10 and I'm not even familiar with Tekkan. -Fate/Stay Night and Zero: Both are the worst adaptions of any eroge ever complete with: Far too much talking, too much filler, bad music, absolutely dreadful pacing, forced drama, bland characters, and a lack of memorable moments. I barely kept up with all the nonsense and by the end I felt like these should have been movies and even the Unlimited Blade Works movie STILL had most of these errors after so much was cut out. I consider Zero worse for one reason: In consistent run times. No, I don't want flashbacks of some guy taking up a full episode, no I don't want it to extend to another ten minutes, no I don't want more pointless bickering about nothing, no I don't want some boring subplot about Saber losing control of her thumb (why the hell was that even in this story?), no I don't want some woman having her arm gunned off and the writing going "look we're smart duh hur hur", etc. Since they were eroge adaptions they don't get a proper score, but if I did I'd give them a 1/10. -Magical Prism/Soul Link: Both these series go together for the same reasons: Horrendous pacing, bad characters, bad music, bad consistency in writing, fanservice crap, and very boring. Magical Prism is slightly worse due to the lack of fleshing out its setting. Since they were eroge adaptions they don't get a proper score, but if I did I'd give them a 1/10. -Muv-Luv Alternate: Forced racism, forced twists, forced awful music, and deplorable writing all around with an amazing amount of boredom with what was a basic humans vs. alien invasion story. Since it was an eroge adaption it won't get a proper score, but if I did I'd give it a 1/10. -Triangle Heart Sweet Songs of Forever: So boring, so slow, so much gibbering, so much bad music, so much unnecessary drama, and a poor establishment of the setting. Since it was an eroge adaption it won't get a proper score, but if I did I'd give it a 1/10. -Love Bullet Yurikuma Arashi: Most pretentious anime I have ever seen complete with unnecessary fanservice, trying too hard to act smart when it wasn't, not being direct, bad music, bad characters, bad writing heavy with inconsistency, and hard to follow. This gets a 2/10 mainly because the pacing was okay and the art looked prety. -Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha: Mostly the same as Puni Puni Poemii, but much tamer and Fate's mom was a decent villain. However, this series has failed miserably at being a monster of the week series and acted lazy about it (making a tree with vagina dentata a monster does not make). Either you stick with it or not even start. 2/10 and no I haven't seen the movies. -Kigurumikku V3/Straight Title Robot Anime: Both are short and filled to the brim of obnoxious parodies of things I enjoy. 2/10 with their short length saving them. -Kill la Kill: Aside from some decent writing in the second half I found nothing about this series good, too in-your-face with its obnoxiousness and the production values are laughably subpar (especially the animation) complete with the story having seemingly infinite buttpulls to the point where you wonder how anyone could even be hurt. Also there was too much ecchi crap. This did not save anime because that would imply it was ever in danger at some point. 2/10 I will never understand how this got approved of by studios let alone anime fans that weren't newbies. -Fruits Basket: The epitome of dull and boring with nothing going for it whatsoever. 2/10 did not deserve an Anime Grand Prix award. -Cool Couple: Take every other romantic comedy movie formula, make it obnoxious and fill it with fanservice, and have the relationship go absolutely nowhere for an entire series and you get this; fortunately the episode count was short. 2/10 how not to make a comedy based ecchi anime. There are plenty of others, but I am tired of typing. |
ANN Executive Editor
![]() Posts: 7912 Location: Anime News Network Technodrome |
The hottest take I've ever seen. |
![]() Posts: 1244 |
Mars of Destruction is the classic one for me. I've watched several of those ones at the very bottom of ratings, and it and Skelter+Heaven are the only two I've ever given a 1 out of 10 to.
I disagree, Mike: while the first season of Infinite Stratos was mere utter garbage, the second season somehow transcended and touched the face of those nonsense, half-animated messes like Panzer Dragoon, Garzey's Wing and, for a more topical example, Vampire Holmes. DuelGundam2099: This is a perfectly respectable post, and I see little to debate or ridicule, but Fate/Zero is not an eroge adaptation; it's adapted from a series of light novels – with no sex scenes. Last edited by jymmy on Sun Jul 26, 2015 9:57 am; edited 1 time in total |
Posts: 356 |
It's a tossup. Tokyo Revelation or Landlock.
Posts: 286 |
No, no, no—many anime fans may often have terrible taste (as may many fans of any medium), but if a series is even somewhat popular, it clearly has sufficient redeeming attributes to be better than the things listed in this article. (Even if those redeeming attributes are just, "interesting breasts," this means that the anime has a base level of competency something like Charge Man Ken lacks.) We're looking for things that are objectively intolerable here, not things you merely dislike.
For me? I'd have to go with Hanoka, the first-ever fully Flash-animated TV series. What might have been merely intolerably uninspired dreck fell victim to terminal Early Adopters' Syndrome, and the oft-awful voice acting did nothing to salvage the profoundly weird-looking animation and generally leaden direction. We must thank our lucky stars that we still got Thermæ Romæ despite Hanoka's tragic attempt at trailblazing. |
![]() Posts: 785 Location: York, England |
I thought that scene was hilarious. My sister did not find it funny though, she hit me. ![]() Not necessarily worst anime (as the animation is good - which annoys me even more) is the first episode of Higurashi Kira. You have two great seasons and an alright third, how do you celebrate an anniversary? With fanservice throughout, Rika cleans a window with her arse, you get psedo-homoerotic scenes from the male leads, the list goes on. It forsakes both the horror and comedic aspects of all before it. I think it is the biggest load compared with its parent series at least. |
Posts: 1771 |
Of the ones that aren't so bad they're good, I'd say:
Papillon Rose for OVA. Who in their right mind thought getting head from a cat was a good idea? One of those sexy sailor moon parodies that isn't funny or sexy. Origin: Spirits of the past for films. Someone thought it was a good idea to combine The Spirits Within environmentalism stuff with shoenen power fantasy. They were wrong. Started off okay but falls apart in the second half & fully jumps the shark when a volcano sprouts legs & a guy goes super saiyan & turns into a tree. & Btooom! for a TV series because it crossed the line from just being a bad LN ripoff of Battle Royale (complete with references that miss the point) to a smorgasbord of everything I dislike about anime: rape & redemption; main female character turning from self-sufficient to helpless damsel the moment she shacks up with the MC; stupid romance subplot that relies entirely on "they knew each other from before" as the sole reason why they'd be into each other now; MC has awesome super powers because playing the game online is just like playing it irl; managed to make consensual sex look even more rapey than the sexual assault scenes etc etc. edit: Remembered another one. Asylum Session. It kind of feels like CroMix Wave wanted to see if they could make a feature length film with the MikuMiku Dance software they use for Peeping Life. They couldn't. Beyond the bland shoenen super power MC in a save the neighbourhood from the evil landlord story, it was like watching Francis Bacon paintings come to life, only that wasn't what the director had intended. Last edited by Lemonchest on Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:19 am; edited 2 times in total |
![]() Posts: 9113 |
I really like watching bad anime (as long as they are fairly short) . . . I'm not really sure why though. Anyway, one I think that is worth mentioning is Chōjikū Romanesque Samy - Missing 99. It just seemed so bad to me in every way I could think of. The plot was disjointed, the writing terrible, the characters ugly, and the animation poor.
Of the stuff mentioned in the article, of the ones I've seen, I would definitely put Skelter + Heaven as the worst. Mars of Destruction is more infamous, but I thought it was bad in a somewhat entertaining way, while Skelter + Heaven was both terrible and boring.[/i] |
![]() Posts: 533 |
Unfortunately I don't know what you mean by that, Zac.
First off, thank you. Second, even so, Zero is still canon to Stay Night and since Fate/kaleid still has the same cast and a similar setting I consider it an eroge adaption in the vaguest sense. Somehow Fate/kaleid's kiddy fanservice doesn't bug me, maybe because unlike Nanoha and PPP they do it to the entire cast and therefore a lack of discrimination.
That is not a good assumption, that breeds sheeple logic. If a large crowd of people say corn bread is healthy and doctors say it isn't I'm listening to the doctors.
*raises hand* Have you seen Charge Man or are you parroting the article? I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just wondering.
Tolerance varies from person to person so you can't really make something like that objective. Take me for instance, aside from editing problems I don't see Uwe Boll as a bad director and I can easily watch his video game movies much easier than some praised movie from Europe about poor villages. Same with Shamylan, pacing issues aside I find nothing legitimately wrong with his movies which is more than I can say for Spielburg's WW2 movies. Skids and Mudflap are considered racist by people in English speaking countries that haven't listened to rap, but Japan loves them enough to place them in the recent Transformers pachinko game. The point is nobody is going to have the exact same views as everyone else, trying to harden something that is soft is pointless.
I genuinely was going to list this too and stopped just short of that in my last post. So yeah, seconded here. |
![]() Posts: 13646 Location: In Phoenix but has an 85308 ZIP |
While I don't know what the worst one I've seen, one of the worst in Seikon no Qwaser and Queen's Blade.
The reasons for QB is that there are almost no male leads and they do that so they can go over the top on the lesbo vibes. The SnK reasons are similar on the lesbo vibes and that boob-sucking is also done by women. I prefer that it be a hetero only thing and that it wasn't a girls' school that the lead guy was in. I prefer coed schools. I prefer fan service titles where there are also at least some other male characters. I am also more of the fan that likes the hetero fan service titles. Heck, even those skinship moments is something I wish they didn't use. Last edited by Kadmos1 on Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:07 am; edited 1 time in total |
ANN Executive Editor
![]() Posts: 7912 Location: Anime News Network Technodrome |
Yeah, the article is pointing to the equivalent of profoundly incompetent B-movie fare like THINGS or SUPERVAN or ELIMINATORS. Stuff that doesn't even belong in the same conversation with stuff like Valvrave - it transcends merely 'bad'. Valvrave and stuff like it that people really hate or consider to be the worst thing they've ever seen, that's a completely different conversation - these are the anime equivalents of BATTLEFIELD EARTH or BATMAN & ROBIN, truly terrible mainstream, sincere studio productions with a mountain of expensive marketing and creative teams that by all accounts should've known better. It's a totally different conversation. If I'm talking about Valvrave and you bring up Twinkle Nora Rock Me, we're talking about two different things. It's kinda like if I say the burger I had at an upscale burger place was the worst burger I've had recently and you say "oh yeah? well literally eating dog shit would be worse than that". It sure would, I guess? That isn't what I was talking about. It's a weird oneupsmanship that kinda kills the conversation before it even happens and misses the point. |
![]() Posts: 1244 |
3/10, almost got a serious response this time. |
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