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REVIEW: Hunter X Hunter DVD Box Set 2

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Joined: 11 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 1:40 am Reply with quote
Best shonen series that isn't JoJo's Bizare Adventure. It's nice to see someone who keeps trying rather than lolling into formula.

Hisoka's basically a take on the Joker, and a pretty good one. The planning and self-absorbed quest for amusement is spot-on, just add kung-fu!

I said this in the thread for the first box set, but it bears repeating; this series has some of the best original content* I've ever seen.

*You know, it's usually called "filler"?
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PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 3:26 am Reply with quote
I am glad that this series is still getting reviewed (and better than the 1st vol as well). And yes its completely true that the story is basically all your typical shonen elements (tournament arcs, retrieve a friend arc, revenge arc) but done so thoughtfully and with such careful world building that you can't help but be sucked in.

But regarding dubs, I'll have to say I prefer the Cantonese version even over the Japanese. There are lots of repeated voices but for some reason, the VA who voiced Gon in the HK version seemed to have nailed his character just right and the whole thing seems to flow better.

Last edited by momogoldfish on Fri May 08, 2009 11:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 8:26 am Reply with quote
I'm so pleased that Viz brought this anime series to the states. I really didn't think it would happen.
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Joined: 05 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 1:48 pm Reply with quote
A better impression than the last review i see. If you think the show is exciting now, wait till you get to the darker episodes.

By the way, Viz needs to release the 3rd DVD already. I can't wait to watch it.
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PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 4:10 pm Reply with quote
I'm seriously curious about this series. I do like shonen shows, and it's hard to find ones that secretly hide a decent plot beneath the constant power levels and crazy attacks. I think this one might be what I'm looking for.
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PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 5:30 pm Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:
I'm seriously curious about this series. I do like shonen shows, and it's hard to find ones that secretly hide a decent plot beneath the constant power levels and crazy attacks. I think this one might be what I'm looking for.

Believe me, It's definitely what you're looking for. It's shonen but really not your typical one and It is by far, the most unpredictable show i have ever seen. Villains take leading roles, Noone's invincible--unlike some shows where they like keeping the main character on top, it's real bloody, voodoo things, deep and thorough plot, good turns bad and bad turns good. The only problem with it, it's the way the anime starts. The first 15 episodes are quite horrible on my opinion. They might give you the wrong impression about the anime. Like for example, that it might really be about hunting animals when it's definitely not the case.
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Joined: 21 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2009 1:10 am Reply with quote
I have to say, waiting for Viz to license the anime release of this was perhaps not worth it -- though I'm perfectly willing to support the domestic release and buy the DVDs. I just, you know, won't watch the dub.

Let me say: I'm not a negative-dub-wanker. I love a good dub, and watching a good dub, even more than a good sub. Hell, there are some *not*-fantastic dubs that I'll watch on par with their subs, simply because I enjoy them (oh, Gundam series). This dub, however? I feel like they didn't even *try*. It's nice to have it on DVD, so I don't have to watch my -- oh, when did this come out again, forever ago? -- subs at shit-quality on my laptop, and the shiny boxes are superb, but it's really unfortunate the dub wasn't better.

Also, labeling all the discs simply "Disc 1," "Disc 2," etc. was a very poor choice. For any college students who don't have the space to store anime in its boxes, and instead put it into a DVD binder, the discs can easily get out-of-order. Box one and box two DVDs are labeled exactly the same, without any sort of immediate property separating them, unless you remember which character was pictured on the disc (or can hunt up your box to play match-the-pictures). A poor labeling choice, but, really, the only packaging mishap they managed.

The sub is superb -- I'm not gonna knock it. Viz is doing a great translation job and, while I'm sure people wank all over their "editing" at times (see: Kaze Hikaru 12 and their horrendous fade work in Descendants of Darkness) -- I have to say I'm okay with it. Their choice, their run, and I haven't really seen much to complain about.

I would have liked to have seen Funimation get Hunter X Hunter's anime, maybe set it up with a good director and a good voice cast, but hey -- at least it came out in the States, [expletive] finally.

Like the official review here says, they could have cleaned up the animation one hell of a lot more than they did, but hey, who's going to be comparing, right? Wrong. Ah, well. At least it's out, and affordable. (Amazon had a nice markdown on it for a while, haven't checked lately to see if they kept it.) Significantly more affordable than, say, importing the Japanese DVDs, and infinitely better quality than attempting to find a pirated version (ew?). Who am I kidding; I'd drop $50 without even thinking for this series; I love it. It's shounen with a tinge of "hm, this is actually intellectually *good*" and really adorable characters (plus, the girly character kicks a whole lot more ass than most of the manly characters, which amuses the shit out of me; Togashi has that *down*).

If you want lots of explosions, swearing, and the general shounen backdrop, this is not for you. Hell, if you've never heard of it, this is not for you. Really, I think there's a degree of remembering this show/manga that goes hand-in-hand with enjoying it, but that's just my opinion. (And what's a review, but a high-handed opinion?) I love it, I'll keep buying it, and I'll keep watching the sub (or turning the dub on to remember why I'm not watching it). It's a fabulous story.
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Mr. Toto

Joined: 10 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 1:53 pm Reply with quote
Anoyo wrote:
Hell, if you've never heard of it, this is not for you. Really, I think there's a degree of remembering this show/manga that goes hand-in-hand with enjoying it, but that's just my opinion.

I don't know if this is true. While I had at least heard of it prior to buying the manga, I didn't know a thing about the series until I started buying the graphic novels. I think it's an easy series to get into, since Togashi does a great job of creating a believable world. Although it's atypical for a shonen title, I think that's what makes it special.

The reviewer made a great observation when he mentioned the "ugly child vs. adult confrontations." That's one of the more shocking points of the series. Since it's very rare for even adults to become hunters, Gon and Killua are always matched up against fully grown adults. It's never child vs. child, like in other series. It adds a sense of danger to the fights because of this. Gon's match-ups during the Hunter Exam really kick this mindset into gear. Geretta, Hanzo, Hisoka--all dangerous and deadly.

Also, it's Kurapika, with two k's.
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Joined: 21 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 2:40 pm Reply with quote
Mr. Toto wrote:

I don't know if this is true. While I had at least heard of it prior to buying the manga, I didn't know a thing about the series until I started buying the graphic novels. I think it's an easy series to get into, since Togashi does a great job of creating a believable world. Although it's atypical for a shonen title, I think that's what makes it special.

Also, it's Kurapika, with two k's.

I think I meant the anime, but I'm not sure, haha. I've introduced people to both the anime and the manga, and people introduced through the manga seem to take it in stride, whereas the anime viewers have had a tendency to say things like, "Uhm, what on earth?" I absolutely adore this anime, though, all of the above review said. It's brilliant, for exactly the reasons you've said; I was attempting to review the box set release. And, well, their utter lack of marketing, haha.

And I think the romanization is indeed with two "k"s, last I checked. I don't think I used a "c," though that's how we originally romanized it, and I've used a "c" in most of my fan-pieces, haha. Professionally, I think two "k"s is correct, though I must admit to not owning Viz's manga translation to check that. Then again, how often are romanizations actually followed? I'm pretty sure I've seen three "official" Death Note romanization lists, and probably about nine zillion for "Ribbons/Libonz/whatever," haha. Anyway, クラピカ is the katakana, which is nicely "Kurapika," though sometimes they don't actually follow that. I'm trying to remember if I have anything romanized from the original Japanese art, but I can't say that I do (maybe a pencil board somewhere?). Ah, well. Fandom seems to not care whether the second is a "k" or a "c," and so long as we aren't writing essays, I don't know how much I do, either (well, okay, I'll probably always discuss spelling/etymology, but that's just because I'm an English teacher).
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Mr. Toto

Joined: 10 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 8:41 pm Reply with quote
Anoyo wrote:
And I think the romanization is indeed with two "k"s, last I checked. I don't think I used a "c," though that's how we originally romanized it, and I've used a "c" in most of my fan-pieces, haha. Professionally, I think two "k"s is correct, though I must admit to not owning Viz's manga translation to check that. Then again, how often are romanizations actually followed? I'm pretty sure I've seen three "official" Death Note romanization lists, and probably about nine zillion for "Ribbons/Libonz/whatever," haha. Anyway, クラピカ is the katakana, which is nicely "Kurapika," though sometimes they don't actually follow that. I'm trying to remember if I have anything romanized from the original Japanese art, but I can't say that I do (maybe a pencil board somewhere?). Ah, well. Fandom seems to not care whether the second is a "k" or a "c," and so long as we aren't writing essays, I don't know how much I do, either (well, okay, I'll probably always discuss spelling/etymology, but that's just because I'm an English teacher).

Haha, sorry for the confusion--that was directed towards Carl, the reviewer. The changelog shows that he changed it to a "c".
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Mike On Top

Joined: 03 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 5:47 am Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:
I'm seriously curious about this series. I do like shonen shows, and it's hard to find ones that secretly hide a decent plot beneath the constant power levels and crazy attacks. I think this one might be what I'm looking for.

Not just decent. Indecently good plot for a shounen series. In the beginning being a Hunter is either something of a personal, sentimental value to a suspiciously mainstream design of a shounen (Gon), or something cool and mysterious, but at best - taken for granted. Significant charm of the series lies in anchoring tightly the power upgrade with learning, experiencing, and using both the characters' natural talents (exeptional or not) and their limitations, as much as it never lacks in bringing pure enjoyment in the adventure and the challange. Atypical or chliched, I'd go that far by saying that Hunter x Hunter is how shounen series should be made interesting.

If I have counted right, one of my favourite moments of the Exam ark should be among the episodes in this DVD set - the "hidden exam". Masked under somewhat predictable and easy task of diving for "fortunes", the Hunter Organisation spoiler[simulated a combination of "near death experience" x "end of the world" situation, in which relying on your instincts and, eventually, on everybody's competence, requires figuring out that cooperation is needed.]

Aside from Hisoka, repetitively enshrined in the Internet for years and still a fave to many viewers, another fear installment comes out of the shadows, who would prove crucial for an advanced competitor as Killua. I think it is worth mentioning him, because this person gives the same vibe of ... spectacular insanity ... as Hisoka does, and picks up the race to that world in which the Hunter Organisation operates. Word of truth, the villains in HxH are no joking matter and to have them owned is a compliment for having brains and skills. Cool

Last edited by Mike On Top on Mon May 11, 2009 5:51 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 20 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 10:03 pm Reply with quote
Mike On Top wrote:

Not just decent. Indecently good plot for a shounen series. In the beginning being a Hunter is either something of a personal, sentimental value to a suspiciously mainstream design of a shounen (Gon), or something cool and mysterious, but at best - taken for granted. Significant charm of the series lies in anchoring tightly the power upgrade with learning, experiencing, and using both the characters' natural talents (exeptional or not) and their limitations, as much as it never lacks in bringing pure enjoyment in the adventure and the challange. Atypical or chliched, I'd go that far by saying that Hunter x Hunter is how shounen series should be made interesting.

If I have counted right, one of my favourite moments of the Exam ark should be among the episodes in this DVD set - the "hidden exam". Masked under somewhat predictable and easy task of diving for "fortunes", the Hunter Organisation spoiler[simulated a combination of "near death experience" x "end of the world" situation, in which relying on your instincts and, eventually, on everybody's competence, requires figuring out that cooperation is needed.]

Aside from Hisoka, repetitively enshrined in the Internet for years and still a fave to many viewers, another fear installment comes out of the shadows, who would prove crucial for an advanced competitor as Killua. I think it is worth mentioning him, because this person gives the same vibe of ... spectacular insanity ... as Hisoka does, and picks up the race to that world in which the Hunter Organisation operates. Word of truth, the villains in HxH are no joking matter and to have them owned is a compliment for having brains and skills. Cool


The Hidden Exam was anime filler, but excellent anime filler. One of my favorite short sequences is the "roommates" scene where the characters scramble to secure cabins in the floating hotel. Who gets lucky enough to room with Hisoka? Razz

The Hunter candidates spoiler[need cooperation to survive in this mini-arc, and that contracts sharply with the next sequence where they must 'hunt' each other. ] The term 'HUNTER' is in full focus here.

And Killua is another favorite. His nice kid/ruthless assassin character was always interesting. But his family issues start coming into focus for the next story arc.
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Joined: 01 May 2009
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 10:14 pm Reply with quote
Kayue wrote:


The Hidden Exam was anime filler, but excellent anime filler. One of my favorite short sequences is the "roommates" scene where the characters scramble to secure cabins in the floating hotel. Who gets lucky enough to room with Hisoka? Razz

The Hunter candidates spoiler[need cooperation to survive in this mini-arc, and that contracts sharply with the next sequence where they must 'hunt' each other. ] The term 'HUNTER' is in full focus here.

And Killua is another favorite. His nice kid/ruthless assassin character was always interesting. But his family issues start coming into focus for the next story arc.

Omg, the hidden exam spoiler[ with the ship ] was a FILLER??? I only saw the anime so I had no idea...IMO that was one of the most atypical and exciting task in the whole exam. Now if only the Bleach fillers were like this then maybe I would've kept on watching.
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Joined: 14 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2009 7:29 pm Reply with quote
momogoldfish wrote:

Omg, the hidden exam spoiler[ with the ship ] was a FILLER??? I only saw the anime so I had no idea...IMO that was one of the most atypical and exciting task in the whole exam. Now if only the Bleach fillers were like this then maybe I would've kept on watching.

I KNOW, I was reading the graphic novel at the same time I watched the anime for the first time, and I couldn't believe it was filler either! It was just so good! I guess it was really such a surprise because I'm so used to Naruto and Bleach filler being so horrible that I couldn't fathom filler ever being good. Of course, that just made me love the series even more.

As for the anime in general, I actually think the animation is pretty solid for its age. Sure, it's a little inconsistent at times with some episodes being more fluid than others, but it's still way more consistent than some other anime these days (coughNarutocough). The English dub isn't that bad in my opinion, but I saw the Japanese dub first, for one thing, and fell in love with all the characters that way. Plus, since I saw the musicals, I REALLY can't go back to English now, ever. Anime smile The Japanese seiyuus really have their characters down, and the characters themselves are just so deep and complex that it really is no surprise that this is such an amazing series. I just wish that it had come to the states earlier so more people would know about it and be interested in it.

(Random fact about me you probably don't care about: I got into this series when I saw an anime montage on YouTube and thought the animation for the HXH OVA looked cool.)
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Joined: 08 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 5:07 am Reply with quote
This series is definitely one of my favorites ever!
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