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Joined: 15 Jan 2005
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Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:11 pm
I have to agree with Lauren. I myself would feel a bit unnerved if a guy in a business suit announced he was an 'otaku'. It just doesnt fit what im used to seeing, im guess...
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Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:35 pm
I liked the rant Because I'm... not quite a closet otaku, but I can kinda relate
The hentai discussion was interesting (not that I'd know!) I think Zac's prediction about yaoi is right... WAY too many 14-year-olds out there wanting their boysmut fix...
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Joined: 06 Jan 2005
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Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:50 pm
minakichan wrote: | The hentai discussion was interesting (not that I'd know!) I think Zac's prediction about yaoi is right... WAY too many 14-year-olds out there wanting their boysmut fix... |
You got that right. I get nervous when I see 13-14-year-olds grabbing a shrink-wrapped yaoi manga and ASK THEIR PARENTS TO BUY IT! And the parents do because they don't know what it is. That's just asking for trouble, in my opinion.
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Joe Mello
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Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:58 pm
I could probably go on a rant about yaoi fangirls. Hell, I could probably rant about a lot of things.
I like Lauren's thinking. There IS no otaku dress code. Hell, who do you think runs cons? Teenagers? No. People with jobs do. Dress however you want, as long as it's morally acceptable and nobody should care.
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Joined: 19 Apr 2006
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Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:19 am
Forget it. Maybe it's just because of where I'm from, but sometimes I don't feel that there's a generalized stereotyped look for the anime fan these days. Isn't this what anime's all about anyways? It's something that should be enjoyed by all sorts of people because of the variety it has.
But I sometimes feel uncomfortable getting looks from people when I'm in hospital scrubs while browsing mangas in a Kinokuniya book store or looking through anime DVD's...
And I hope this hentai rant doesn't jinx the whole yaoi thing... It must be luck because sometimes I run into some explicit mangas in Borders that aren't shrink-wrapped.
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Joined: 15 Mar 2004
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Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:22 am
Well, I have a different viewpoint on the rant.
Sure, there is no dress code, but there are other reasons to hide that you are a businessperson. Usually, it's because your "hobby" is not socially acceptable to your colleagues. Also, some people may not want other club members to take advantage of them because of their higher income.
Not all clubs are safe havens for people with certain occupations.
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Joined: 24 May 2005
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Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:34 am
I completely agree with Lauren. As a late twenty-something attorney who has to wear a suit everyday I often stop places after work to get my anime/manga fixes. I am sick of the weird looks and comments. "Oh a girl. Are you shopping for your boyfriend. No oh your son. NO?!! Huh --looking at me as though I am crazy and walking away. However I forgive those people. The average Joe Blow thinks anime is for geeky teenage boys. But I expect more inclusiveness from otaku at conventions and clubs. Shouldn't we fans know better? When I crashed a convention with my boyfriend we were both taking a break from work. The life of an attorney sucks. I work a lot of weekends. I was actually in business casual attire and he was in the suit. You'd have thought we were aliens from another planet from all the funny looks and stupid comments. Please try to remember that nerdy teenage otaku usually grow up to be successful adult otaku's.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:48 am
I think Jigoku Shoujo would probably do better here than Requiem from the Darkness, given that it'll appeal to the Elfen Lied and Ringu crowd, while Requiem from the Darkness couldn't decide whether it was a dark drama or an action horror anime. As for lack of hentai manga, I think another factor is that there are a lot of scantalations of it on the net, and companies aren't sure people will pay for it. Plus some companies might not take too kindly to doujinshi. Though I really think distributors should attempt to license and stream some of it, because a number of hentai sites charge for posting other people's work without actually paying the creators and/or Japanese publishing companies. If I have to be charged in bulk for sketched porn, I might as well get good load times and better resolutions.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2004
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Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:49 am
About the rant: I think any otaku should dress as they like. I mean, I'm a big hip-hop/rap fan, and I dress like one, with the large diamond studded earrings, two silver chains on my neck, and so forth. I would be more watchful of an obvious otaku, cause their usually the one's who need a shower add to the fact that I live in Texas, one of the hottest states........
Anyway, I think it's just not realistic because that could be them in a few years, because most otakus I meet are usually pretty bright, you know the geeky nerd who's smarter than the Average Joe and will end up using their intelligence for high paying jobs, such as software programmers, and the like. I would'nt be all that surpised to later meet my otaku friends again and find out that they're raking on the big bucks.
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Joined: 06 Aug 2005
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Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 1:18 am
Quirk wrote: |
But I sometimes feel uncomfortable getting looks from people when I'm in hospital scrubs while browsing mangas in a Kinokuniya book store or looking through anime DVD's...
wah.... Kinokuniya... I wish I knew how to quit you...
Speaking of which, I could rant all day about the characters I encounter at my local Kinokuniya. Like the 40-something-year old guys who I catch buying mountains of shoujo manga on release days… …or the loud/obnoxious “ugly otaku" that rarely buy anything (because they can't read Japanese... not to mention Borders is cheaper for ameri-manga) so they just stand around ogling seinen manga and manga-anthology idols.
sabriyahm wrote: | Please try to remember that nerdy teenage otaku usually grow up to be successful adult otaku's. |
you have to also remember that within the fandom there is a split between the anime dork and anime nerd.
Dork: works at fastfood joint(or some other low-paying job) and spends half his/her paycheck on importing stuff like a life-size garage kit of Naru Narusegawa and thousands of little plastic statues... eww, think's core demographic
Nerd: college-bound/student/educated person who is likely to also spend a lot of time/money on anime/manga/plastic junk but not to the point where it is his/her #1 priority in his/her life
It may be hard to tell the two apart because they often share the same lack of awareness of gender/fashion/hygeine/social norms.
Last edited by lazuline on Fri Apr 28, 2006 1:44 am; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 23 Apr 2005
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Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 1:20 am
Because I am an avid fan of yaoi (yes I am a fangirl who NEEDS my "boysmut fix") I take great pains in to make sure it doesn't get a bad name. Yaoi is for Adult women (my definition of an adult may vary from yours). If I am in a bookstore and a title I know is racy is NOT shrink-wrapped I will take it up to the counter and inform the sales person. It is my opinion anyone who is a fan of yaoi knows what he or she are looking for and doesn't need to peruse it before they buy it. I have also on occasion had to point out to a parent that that some of the content of the manga they are buying their children is not suitable for their age.
I have been in bookstores where they have separated the manga into "Teens" and "Kids" sections. Some of the stuff I have found in the kids sections is WAY off base. I do not want my younger cousin reading Sensual Phrase (which is categorized as shoujo). It is not for her, neither should she be reading Love Mode or Yellow. I don't like being the "police" in a way but I think it is in the best interest of yaoi fans that it is not blacklisted because "some 9-year old girl is allowed to buy it."
The bookstore I go to only orders enough yaoi titles for customers that are actually looking for it. It also helps that a few of the storeperson(s) are knowledgeable about the various types of manga and are able to distinguish what is suitable to shelve. Another bookstore I go to actually shelves the yaoi manga in the "Gay, Lesbian and Transsexual" section of the store.
I am just happy that the stores in my area take great pains to please all their customers, from freakish parents to crazed yaoi fangirls
As for the dress code thing, exactly what is an anime fan supposed to look like and wear? I have rifled through the anime section in Suncoast wearing everything from hippy/goth/business professional attire. I think that no matter what a person looks like fellow anime fans should be thankful that there is yet another person who shares their interests if not their fashion sense. And what kind of shallow person judges people on their appearances anyway?
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Cosmic Kath
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Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 1:21 am
Whoa! Your major video chains don't have porn sections? o__O I work at a major chain and we rent and sell heaps of porno movies. they're popular! a lot of couples borrow them too...
*shrug* might just be an Australia thing.
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Joined: 28 Apr 2006
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Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 2:39 am
yeah. im in australia too and they usually have them above the new releases. not sure why...
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Joined: 31 Jan 2006
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Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 2:46 am
well forgive me for saying this but these rants arenot that enthralling for non-US anime fans and we are sorta being left out of the conversation here, so next time can we get a sorta more global rant. but its up to you. its sort of bad manners to discuss stuff in which everyone is not equaly involved.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2003
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Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:14 am
Oh sweet mercilful god, a kitten!
Whew. I am good for this week. On to next weeks kitten to look forward to.
I do read the actual article, I just choose to not actually post my opinions and/or thoughts, as most times they get overlooked. I sure as hell know I overlook alot of what people say here, mostly because I, like I believe of most of them, don't give a damn what others have to say.
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