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Crashing Japan - Pop Japan Travel: Day 1 (part 2)

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 3:06 pm Reply with quote
Shin-Osaka... isn't that the place with the freaky giant octopus and crab that move around? It also has that um, drummer guy. I forgot his name. He's really freaky though. He has glasses and wears a clown like suit and he eyes are wierd. I went there at night, it was pretty cool.

Book Off... I really loved that place. I don't know if it's reason enough to go to Japan though seeing as it costs far more money to go to Japan than the savings you get there. I couldn't find the CD's I wanted there though. It's hard to find stuff you want since it's all in Japanese. But I did get a lot of import games for outrageously low prices (1500-2000 yen each which is equal to about 15-20 dollars).

I've never been to Toei Movieland though.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:09 pm Reply with quote
well depending on how many books one is buying and having imported, the difference can add up. round trip from LAX to Osaka can be had for as little as $650.

PantsGoblin wrote:
Shin-Osaka... isn't that the place with the freaky giant octopus and crab that move around? It also has that um, drummer guy. I forgot his name. He's really freaky though. He has glasses and wears a clown like suit and he eyes are wierd. I went there at night, it was pretty cool.

For those wondering what you are talking about Razz
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:09 pm Reply with quote
I got to go to Uzumasa a couple of years ago. The best part of the the Toei Eigamura, IMHO, was getting to see the sets for things like Zenigata Heiji's house. So many of the outdoor sets are SO familiar if you watch Toei's jidaigeki series like Mito Komon and Toyama no Kin-san. You can also see a lot of props from those series as well as stuff like the original version of Akakage. I also enjoyed the live shows and demonstrations, and talking to the actors who were dressed up walking around the park. Most people I know if asked would have said it was cheesy, but for a nerd like me, it was incredibly fun.
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Joined: 25 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 9:38 am Reply with quote
Thanks for the part 2.

This article made me laugh agaiin.

I still can't believe that someone would travel overseas with NO cash or traveler's checks and just bring his credit card (personally it looks like someone didn't have enough money for the trip and hoped to get by using his credit card so he wouldn't have to worry about it for 30 days). It made me laugh so much that someone would travel overseas without even doing a little bit of research out the currency of the country he is traveling to. Laughing

Seriously though, I'm really interested in taking the tour now and I hope I can go either this year or next.
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Joined: 17 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:10 pm Reply with quote
You can easily get cash (up to like $500) from the post office with your debit card. That's what I did last time. No need for currency exchange or worrying about carrying a lot of or running out of cash.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:54 pm Reply with quote
appleturbo wrote:
Thanks for the part 2.

This article made me laugh agaiin.

I still can't believe that someone would travel overseas with NO cash or traveler's checks and just bring his credit card .

I hate Travelers checks. They're a relic of the past for people who don't know how to use technology. You only need them in third world countries.

I actually travel overseas fairly regularly and know to cover myself. When in Europe or Asia, all I really need is what's already in my wallet.

Here's the thing, I forgot my bank card. That's all. It's not like I intentionally decided that a Visa card was all I needed to take with me. I had intended on withdrawing about US$1000 at a bank machine in LA, but when I got to the airport I realised that I forgot my bank card at home, and didn't have time to go fetch it.

Life sucks, but it made for an interesting story Smile

If I'd been alone, and not on an organised tour, I would have just gone straight to a bank on the first day and made a Visa cash advance. But since the tour was tightly organised, I didn't get around to doing that till the second day. At which time I made an advance of Y200,000 and promptly went to an Internet cafe and paid it off to avoid the painful interest on cash advances.

BTW, I'm going back in March, I won't be forgetting my bank card this time Anime smallmouth;

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Joined: 14 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:45 am Reply with quote
You going back to TAF?

I'll be at a wedding here in Oz that weekend, so no chance of random glompage Razz
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 8:42 am Reply with quote
Yeah, I'm going to Taf, but on the industry day.

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