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REVIEW: Strawberry Panic! Sub.DVD 1

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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:19 pm Reply with quote
in fact, not a single male character appears even briefly in any of these six episodes.

And none ever will. There are only two points where the series recognizes the existence of men at all; one is a silhouette, one is a portrait of an actual person.

Anyway, Strawberry Panic is definitely a title for Yuri-fans only as blatant lesbianism is all the series really has going for it. Unfortunately, I really can't stand the main characters. I really don't like brainless genki-girls like Nagisa, and she in particular inspired a surprising amount of hatred from me. I'm not sure I can explain why I hate her so much, but I do. Her lover is slightly more interesting and entertaining, but still not very likable.

It's the side characters, particularly Chikaru and her loli harem, but Yaya, Tamao, and Tsubomi, that kept me watching.
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Joined: 14 May 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:37 pm Reply with quote
Wow, for all the down-points given, the series still gets a B- overall? I haven't seen this series, but that still kind of surprises me, just based on the review.
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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:54 pm Reply with quote
Well fine job doing the review anyway, I'll probably never watch this series, but at least the reviewer took their personal time to review this title.

Though there should be male characters in this series, even if this series is a yuri title. I can't say anymore than that without casuing conflict, but usually most guy characters even out a series.
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Joined: 18 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:32 am Reply with quote
Hmm, well I thought the first dvd had enough of hint of mystery, mostly with Étoile, to warrant the purchase of the second dvd. It has the potential to go somewhere interesting, but hasn't got there yet. I do have to agree, the episode devoted to new secondary characters was pretty annoying, throwing you out of the main storyline without much immediate benefit. By the end of dvd 1 we do seem to getting close to girl saturation point and I hope we focus on the more interesting ones and relationships as they go instead of making it a mish mash of a million characters with small storylines.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:54 am Reply with quote
Hmm so Media Blasters has now published Strawberry Panic huh? I knew they were going to release it is a sub-only on thier "Yuri-fan" label much like the critically acclaimed "Kasi Masi" last year. The manga however is a little dirtier.

Speaking for SP, I saw the fan sub several months ago so I'm not going to give anyone any spoliers all I can tell you is that the meldrama becomes more frenqent in the end. Plus the lesbian romance doesn't get real sappy like in "Kasi Masi" and the far superior "Maria Sama Ga Meiteru".

If you looking for a better Yuri title, go for Kasimasi or "Maria Sama Ga Meiteru", they are far better.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:56 am Reply with quote
Chiharu made the show for me. It's very much an ensemble show, and later episodes will make it a lot more clear.

I'm actually loving the Yuri releases from Media Blasters. They're cheap and have good extras as well. I've already got all of Simoun, and am going to get Kashimashi as soon as some kind of set comes out (aka I want a box). StoPa might be a title I buy in singles though, since it is fairly cheap for a good amount of episodes.

Oh, and I'm getting the light novels the second they come out.
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Joined: 07 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:14 am Reply with quote
I couldn't help but like the characters. Although to me it seemed that the Etoile's forwardness seemed out of place compared to the other girls. I'm looking forward to finding out the significance of that empty dorm room. As of now, I'd rate this Very Good.
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Joined: 23 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:11 am Reply with quote
TornadoTatsumaki wrote:
If you looking for a better Yuri title, go for Kasimasi or "Maria Sama Ga Meiteru", they are far better.

i was thinking same thing...i've been reading and watching KasiMasi and it's pretty sweet and melodramatic romantic series...it does get more naughty in manga but whatever format you get, it's a great yuri romance series...

i've preordered MariMite with last Rightstuf ADV sale...i'm hoping to get my name in again like Super Gals S2...can't wait to see the series in DVD instead of fansubs from years back...

i hear Simoune is also great title with girl on girl action...i have yet to get this DVD but i will be ordering first DVD on Rightstuf Media Blaster sale going on this week....
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Joichiro Nishi

Joined: 21 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:59 am Reply with quote
the closing theme "Kuchibiru Daydream"

Actually, the closing theme's name is Himitsu Dolls, Kuchibiru Daydream is the name of the second opening.

I like this anime very much, it's a soup opera but it's funny and a little weird with the ausence of male characters, maybe for the idealization of a feminine world, the subyacent idea in many yuris. Only Madhouse has the guts for making a true yuri, without subtext of sex change. And about Marimite, spoiler[at least Strawberry Panic has an end.]

Last edited by Joichiro Nishi on Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:07 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:05 am Reply with quote
Grico wrote:
Hmm, well I thought the first dvd had enough of hint of mystery, mostly with Étoile, to warrant the purchase of the second dvd.

That's enough to keep me watching at this point, too. (Well, that and Spica has one of the most appealing school uniform designs I've ever seen in anime. A very nice blend of cute and classy.)

Actually, I've found Aoi to be my favorite character so far and a lot of the supporting cast to be little more than distractions. Chiharu in particular doesn't impress me because she's one of the most stereotypical characters in the series to date. Still, her earnestness did contribute to the quality increase I mentioned in episode 5.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:46 pm Reply with quote
I find it irritating that none of these yuri anime are being dubbed because they get picked up by such low-budget companies.
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Joined: 26 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:36 pm Reply with quote
It'd be great to get a Yuri dub, but for now, I just don't think the market is there to support it. In any case, I LOVE Strawberry Panic, but I think that's just because I love Sakurako Kimino's characters, just like Sister Princess. It might not be high art, but it's definitely a fun little series, and I'd suggest it to anyone with an interest in Yuri on the lighter side.
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Joined: 02 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:05 pm Reply with quote
From Review:

If you like seeing girls blushing and getting flustered over other girls then this may be a series for you. It certainly won't sell itself on fan service (it has none) or its plotting, does not have enough humor to sustain itself on those merits alone, and struggles to find any other reason to be compelling.

Indicator #98747 your (meaning myself, not the reviewer) a decade past understanding modern anime tastes: There are male-aimed fluff shows based on lesbian harems of uniformed Catholic schoolgirls, and there not centered on fan-service/humor.
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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:53 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Grico wrote:
Hmm, well I thought the first dvd had enough of hint of mystery, mostly with Étoile, to warrant the purchase of the second dvd.

That's enough to keep me watching at this point, too. (Well, that and Spica has one of the most appealing school uniform designs I've ever seen in anime. A very nice blend of cute and classy.)

Actually, I've found Aoi to be my favorite character so far and a lot of the supporting cast to be little more than distractions. Chiharu in particular doesn't impress me because she's one of the most stereotypical characters in the series to date. Still, her earnestness did contribute to the quality increase I mentioned in episode 5.

Yet this series doesn't have a dub though. That is quite odd, but I've heard stranger events. The fact that one of my pets enjoys vegtables is an example of this. [/spoiler]
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Joined: 09 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:58 pm Reply with quote
TornadoTatsumaki wrote:
Plus the lesbian romance doesn't get real sappy like in "Kasi Masi" and the far superior "Maria Sama Ga Meiteru".

If you looking for a better Yuri title, go for Kasimasi or "Maria Sama Ga Meiteru", they are far better.

I've always found the comparison between SP and MSM interesting. I acknowledge that the Manga-ka clearly had a note pad and pencil in hand when watching MSM, as there are too many similarities (read blatant cribs) in SP to be explained in any other way. The thing is, watching MSM is like watching an old PBS English drama; no one shows any real emotion: voices are never really raised, all the laughing falls into the subdued "Tee-Hee". Yes passions arise on occasion, but it feels extremely stilted. In Sp the emotions, and so the characters, feel more honest. You may hate Nagisa, but I went to high school with her, and with an Otome (lesbian tendencies aside though my Nagisa did actually turn out bi).

I enjoyed MSM, but I can't rate it higher than SP; and it certainly does not have the re-watch potiential of SP.
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