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To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts (TV).

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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 12:45 pm Reply with quote

To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts (TV)

Genres: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Shounen

Plot Summary: D
uring a protacted civil war that pitted the North against the South, the outnumbered Northerners used dark magic to create monsterous super-soldiers called Incarnates. Now that the war has ended, those Sacred Beasts must learn to make their way in a peaceful society, or face death at the hands of a Beast Hunter. Nancy Schaal Bancroft, the daughter of an Incarnate, turns to hunting the hunter herself. But once she catches up with her quarry, she discovers hard truths about the lives of these Sacred Beasts.
(from manga)

TV anime adaptation of the manga.
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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 11:16 am Reply with quote
Episode 1

Well, they sure didn't waste much time getting right into the meat of the action with the war elements. Not to mention, that monstrous transformations...

Looks like we got introduction of some of the main characters so far like Hank, Elaine, etc. The anime adaptation seems to retain the violence of the manga so far. Idk, maybe this has some potential, will have to see. I heard the show will be a one cour.

This also gave me some Fairy Gone vibes.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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Location: Brisbane, Australia
PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:49 pm Reply with quote
What do you expect when you trust someone called Cain Madhouse?

I thought it was going good, up until it seems that apparently they all became just monsters, as per the ending where the chameleon guy is just evil now with seeing himself as a god while stealing gold. I hope that it has some more nuance than that. It seems kind of boring if they are just monsters now, with Hank just killing them. There was that okay moment where the hydra guy had a moment of lucidity from his humanity. It kind of feels like a waste to from that, where it looks like the monster nature had taken over half his face and finishing with a guy who seems to also have half face thing, but just full evil now to kill like some monster not worth more than end credits, with the implication more already happened. They could have taken the dialogue to have the chameleon guy think that Hank is the one who lost his way in being different from the others, and brainwashed by humans. Feels like that could be more interesting than what felt like just a setup for monster hunting by a werewolf.

At the same time I was also into some of the random monsters thrown in: siren, minotaur, hydra, werewolf, dragon, kraken, Centaur (although that felt a bit silly), gargoyle, and so on. I would like to see if some good old monsters done well, although I still think that some struggle about them used to being human should be preferred.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 11:11 pm Reply with quote
Episode 12 (finale)

Well it ended, and in general I can say that I was not a fan. About the most interesting thing I can think of at the end was the Cain's freak-out of Nancy touching Hank, feeding back to Elaine touching Hank, makes it look like the whole time Cain has been in love with Hank. Not sure what to think that Cain's entire evil turn has been about Cain being jealous of women touching Hank, so he logics to it him hating humans.

The show could do some okay action, but there are times that I would like some grasp of certain things, like there feels like there was not limit to Cain's abilities in this episode, with just being able to stand every attack and turning into a blood mist. Him burning a bit from touching a sword made of the metal does not mean much when the bullets made of such did nothing when going through his blood mist, along with making clones, turning people into vampire zombies, and turning people into blood fountains. No common vampire weaknesses thrown in. Kind of just felt a lot of the time that being mythical monsters was window dressing, not much of a reason, like maybe connect why they happen to appear a lot like creatures of myth. Although I won't say it entirely lacked details, there just does not seem to be a lot of reasoning.

That little girl in the poster was not even explained, somehow having magic necromancy powers, and seemingly only doing something at the end, away from the main characters. They may be wanting to set themselves up for a sequel, but I can't imagine this being something that really was worthy of that. It might have forced Nancy (was that really her name?) to have character growth, where she felt obliged to help Hank, who killed her father, later herself having to kill zombie dragon dad, but I am not sure what to really like about her, except maybe just as a concept. A lot feels kind of shallow and manipulative, like joined by big boobed lady who is important in the army for some reason, but her defining trait is boobs, or getting revenge against monsters younger brother of the villain, who is at risk of becoming a human monster. Probably is better than I am making it sound, there is supposed growth, and not like they are the worst examples. Maybe just personal feelings that I don't really care.

I am not usually the type of person to say that the idea of monster of the weak formulae are inherently bad, such as when they have different themes and types of interactions, which I think this show did have. And I think that should be enough for some people to really enjoy this show, they may feel really invested in all the conflicts and different questions put forward. So I feel a little unreasonable saying that I personally found it a bit boring. Not getting a lot plots that had unstoppable behemoth that would destroy things in its way but just wanted to see the ocean, or the siren that did not want to hurt anyone, just wanting to sing but still get punished for it. They were still two of the more memorable parts, but a rest of show that felt kind of in and out of my mind. I don't think I am even good to explain what it is that I had a problem with.

Anyway, I guess the rating I feel like giving it, would probably be a So-so (5/10), in general that I don't think there was anything really offensive, not really hard to look at, just nothing that kept my attention.
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