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Tried to submit updated story synopsis but website refused iput.

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Joined: 18 Jun 2010
Posts: 16
Location: California, USA
PostPosted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:00 am Reply with quote
I tried ass a synopsis, as it had a question by my name asking me if I could add a synopsis, and didn't see one, so thought I write a quicky.

I posted it several different way trying to trim it, ,etc...got bad format.
Seems like the website takes no format. and gives no feedback about what is wrong. I.e. its broken.

I posted:
Primarily about 2 Female member of GOTT, the Galactic Organization of Trade and Tarrif (think Galactic WIFO + WTO with total police powers ability to monitor galactic tax and trade and more power than most governments). Leadin scene has them rescuing the known universe, after which the appear destroyed, but the 1st episode shows them working as receptionists. They go on to investigating smuggling, missing persons, illegal arms shipments, etc. / We get suble hits that Claire (and her partner, Lumiere) , have had some 'previous life'(s) that she is unaware of -- references, flashes of memory brought on by intense scenes. 

 At some point actions cause rebounds and memory flood back along with what appear previously repeated =themes= which bring much angst, drama, excitement and heartache with them repeating a scene similar to the leadin-scene of sacrifice saving the galaxy (*again!*) and tie up with them as receptionists in the front lobby of GOTT, with much  the feeling that this has been and will be repeated many times...

Seems to fit the bill pretty closely, but the retarted feedback form gave no clue about why it refused to even let it be submitted.

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Shiroi Hane
Encyclopedia Editor

Joined: 25 Oct 2003
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Location: Wales
PostPosted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:51 am Reply with quote
It doesn't take formatting, just text. Specifically: "Format: paragraph with no line breaks, exclamation marks or question marks. 1000 characters max."
You have 1043 characters and at least one exclamation mark in there as well as some other odd characters. There are also a number of spelling mistakes (e.g. Leadin -> Leading, Claire -> Éclair). While it is not in the rules, I would say it is also preferable to write a plot summary so that it doesn't contain major spoilers.

Also, what leading scene are you referring to? You are describing Kiddy Grade yet that sounds more like the leading scene of Kiddy GiRL-and.
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