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Is Manga not for me?

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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:13 pm Reply with quote
I've been an anime fan for quite a few years now. More recently I have been trying to branch into manga. I just find I don't enjoy it nearly as much as anime though. I don't dislike it and in fact I like it enough that I'll certainly keep reading some manga.

However, even the best of what I've read of manga I've only enjoyed about as much as I did most good or very good anime. Nothing can really compete with the truely great anime I've seen.

I'm in no way claiming that this is because anime is better or trying to start a debate to that effect. I'm just wondering if manga just isn't for me so much or if I'm missing something. I've read all similar or the same stuff I've liked as anime. Anyone have a thought on this or similar feelings?
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Not a Jellyfish

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:31 pm Reply with quote
Well, for me, it's actually kind of the opposite. No matter how many amazing anime there are out there, I'll take my favorite manga over it any day. So, I wouldn't say that manga isn't for you, because I still thoroughly enjoy anime. Perhaps you haven't had the right series? Or maybe it's just the medium itself you prefer. The color, the action, the music, the voice acting. Some people just prefer the different mediums. It's the opposite for me because I prefer to keep it all more in my imagination. Add my own voices, music, etc.

I applaud you for at least giving it as much care as you have. Although, perhaps you should try something that is uniquely manga, that just wouldn't be the same if it were in anime form. Perhaps something like Clover or the Walking Man. Part of the art of these series is specifically devoted to the medium and would lose much of the artistic value in any other form.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:40 pm Reply with quote
I think it's just personal preference. You prefer anime and having the stories be animated and in motion so to speak. As opposed to reading the manga. Just like how some prefer to read the manga and run the events through in their own mind as opposed to seeing them on tv in the form of anime. You prefer anime it seems, no big deal. At least your open minded enough to try manga even if you prefer anime over it.
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Joined: 06 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:21 am Reply with quote
it's all about your personal preference. you don't like manga as much as anime. maybe you prefer movement and sound. maybe Jellyfish up there prefers imagination. whatever the reason, you decide what you like.

i personally would rather read the manga, then watch the anime. with manga, i can take my time, and even go back if i need to, and understand whats going on. with anime, especially one i haven't seen or read the manga for, i need to process the action much faster and therfore, i might miss something important and would have to go through the longer process of rewinding a DVD.

but that's just me
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Joined: 03 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 1:47 am Reply with quote
I love manga more, even though I've watched more anime then I've read manga. i like manga more so then anime, becease when anime is adapted from a manga they tend to miss the mark in some areas. they sometimes have a hard time conveying certain things, Naurto is the best example; I've seen both, but they manga seems better paced, more detail in the art, and conveys more emotion though the art. i think DBZ has the same problem. Nautro and DBZ anime adaptions are great, but to me no were near the manga.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:47 am Reply with quote
It's what people have been saying, it probably comes down to your personal preference. Perhaps you like movement a lot more than trying to have the manga help your mind put the movement together. Sometimes people need the movement all there in order to be able to get that feeling of what they are trying to enjoy. As for me, I'm more of a manga person myself.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:14 am Reply with quote
If you are interested in branching out, tr Visual Novels. Here is a good site to find and download free and legit VNs. http://www.visual-novels.net/vn/
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:50 am Reply with quote
ikillchicken wrote:
I'm just wondering if manga just isn't for me so much or if I'm missing something. I've read all similar or the same stuff I've liked as anime.

It might be worth trying some manga that isn't similar to the anime you watch - that way you won't constantly be comparing the experience. There's a lot of manga out there that isn't really represented or duplicated, style-wise and story-wise, in the anime medium.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:22 am Reply with quote
another reason may perhaps be the art style of the manga versus the anime. for me, i prefer the BECK anime because the art is better than the manga.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:27 pm Reply with quote
ikillchicken wrote:
However, even the best of what I've read of manga I've only enjoyed about as much as I did most good or very good anime.

Em, out of those two? Either you'd better update your list or you *really* have to read more.
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Joined: 09 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:55 pm Reply with quote
Well, maybe you should try something different in your manga. I see some people suggest something uniquely manga, like Not a Jellyfish has.. but I'm saying just try a different genre.

Personally, I'm a big sucker for typical shonen shows, but I find that I prefer romance-themed manga, despite having quite a few shonen manga anyway. Anime catgrin The action doesn't do it for me in manga form, but the romance just strikes me, hitting that "aaw... so sweet..." reflex. Anime catgrin + sweatdrop
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Joined: 21 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:51 pm Reply with quote
As everyone else has said, Not A JellyFish covered it fairly well. I would only add that you may want to tell us what you thought, or were led to believe was the best manga out there. Because it is possible that there may be better mangas out there for you. We would also need to know what you like.

My other suggestion is to ask yourself what you like about anime. If you love the music, voices, sound effects, and color then manga may not be for you. However, if it is something like storyline then it may be that you haven't found the right manga.

I, personally, love manga because I'm more interested in the storyline than how it is presented (i.e. with sound, color). However, this factor really only hits long-running anime such as the ever-popular Naruto fillers. The filler has nothing to do with the story and only serves to annoy. I also love art. Anime is good, but it lacks the detailed art that can be found in manga because its too expensive to produce. Plus, I'm long time novel fan as well which lends to my preference for printed material. (Unrelated reasons would be that my contacts dry out after too much TV viewing and the moderate yaoi fan in me just can't watch it! Embarassed )
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Joined: 03 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:20 pm Reply with quote
Manga is a better "medium" than anime because it has a far greater output and is also more diversified, thus allowing for more experimentation. (I can count the number of experimental anime on my hands -- no way in hell can I do that with manga.) With a few exceptions, anime is largely homogeneous and pumps out otaku-friendly show season after season after season. In manga any type of demographic is covered, from all ages and both genders.

Like others have said, unless you're completely adverse to "graphic novel" storytelling, you seriously should check out the diversity of titles that manga has to offer.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:37 pm Reply with quote
As a pure medium for expression manga does have the advantage because it's quite possible for some random dude to sketch up some crap and put it into a book and sell it while getting a full blown anime out there is considerably more difficult and expensive.

Anime has the advantage of dynamic visuals and voice acting so there is less effort needed to draw you in as a participant but the very best of writing will trump the very best of acting nine times out of ten. Thus ultimately giving the win to manga. If money, convenience, and language were no longer barriers, I'd likely read more manga than anime because I enjoy the format slightly more and find it easier to do at length. I also find it easier to find good manga more than good anime. It's not that anime is an oversaturated medium but once you get past the biggest of big names and find your niches it starts to become fairly difficult to find anime once you've harvested the seasonal crop every quarter.
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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:41 pm Reply with quote
dormcat wrote:
Em, out of those two? Either you'd better update your list or you *really* have to read more.

Well, those are the only two I've actually read all of. I'm part way through a whole bunch of stuff though.

HellKorn: Save it for next weeks answerman thread. This isn't a topic about which is better so you don't need to go off on how much better you think manga is than anime.

Everyone else: Thank you very much for your input. I think it maybe is a personal preferences thing, but also let me ask a follow up question though. Do you guys think there are genres that are better suited to manga or conversely less suited to manga? I expect thats a fairly tough question to answer subjectively but I'd still like to her peoples thoughts. I'm certainly willing to consider branching into something other than the usual.
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