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Joined: 04 Dec 2009
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Location: Kitwe, Zambia
Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:08 am
Hi guys, I have been an anime fan for a while now and have only recently started buying DVDs' and Blu rays. I have a very small collection about 6 unique series and 2 movies.
I am a college student so I have to watch where I spend my money. I watch most of my anime online or at my anime club.
Okay here is the Question or questions;
1.To the collectors that have 150+ unique series, do you just buy anime because you can or do you actually buy the stuff because you want to watch it through?
2. Do you watch all your anime all the way through?
3. Dont you get burned out? Thats a lot of crap you are buying (all due respect) but not every title released is great.
4. What is the main reason you are buying so much anime? Is it because of the "it might never be available again" mentality or is it just to fulfill your collectors egos (again with all due respect)
5. Do you still think you will be colleting anime 10 years from now?
6. When did you decide to start collecting?
7. How much do you spend on Anime DVD's only in a month on average?
8. Before buying do you sample the show or look it up online or something?
I hope you guys will not atke offence I am just trying to understand your different points of view on the subject.
I know I will be asked to answer some of these questions myself, some of them do not apply to me...yet I suppose.
1 - N/A
2- I watch my anime all the way through, i never buy a series that i am even slightly capable of dropping later.
3- N/A
4 - To be able to watch anime at home on my DVD, I only buy the best of the best. Or anime with immense re watch value.
5- Yes, as long as i am a fan i will continue to buy more and more DVD's
6 - Last year, i got my first box set last year as a present for doing well on my exams.
7 - I spend about $40 Australian per month on average.
8- I always research anime before I buy it, my most "blind buy" would be Baccano. However, i had heard so many good things about it so that cemented my decision to buy it.
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Starsplash Taiwan
Joined: 03 Feb 2011
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Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:21 am
1. I just started watching anime for about a year so I dont have 150. I buy whatever intrigues me. Im a collector, so I want the artbox set as well if they come out.
2. I do. However, recently I've been out of the anime phase so haven't been watching much. Still gotta burn through Burst angel, Ikkitousen.
3. Doesn't matter if some of the titles aren't great. I seem to enjoy them anyways. I dont really get burned out.
4. Im a collector. Nuff said.
5. I can't tell that far. I hope so. I love this shit. To me, this replaces watching movies.
6. Officially last year around this time. My first anime was Bludgoning Angel and I had that for about 2 months before I started to get serious.
7. With all the bootlegs that has been flooding the market, I could be spending more. But now, Im a bit more patient since Im not in an anime watching fanatic. I've been waiting for the US to release much of the titles that Im dying to see because they are uncensored. As long as I spend in moderation, my parents dont care how much I spend. Basically, whenever the R1 release is out and Im waiting on that anime, Ill buy it. Bottom line, I dont have a spending limit.
8. I dont sample. Im one of those people that dont believe in watching anime on a computer, but rather want a physical copy no matter what and put it into my Xbox360 and watch it that way. Bottom line though, eventually, I want a physical copy. I only research the series online. Basic hearm and comedy Ill pretty much buy period since hearm and comedy is the reason I got into anime. I rather be surprised instead of sampling. I do have some blindbuys even if I did do some research like Venus vs Virus, This ugly yet beautiful world. My first official anime buy last year was the complete set of Shuffle! and Elfin Lied. I loved them both that I decided to get the Artbox set of Shuffle!. Not yet for Elfin Lied.
Last edited by Starsplash Taiwan on Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 23 Nov 2009
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Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:33 am
Hey, buddy--I'm a relatively new collector as well. I just started a few days under a year ago. Even though I'm hella younger than most of the peepz around here(17) and don't have form of a steady paycheck, I do what I can to grow my collection, and I'll do the same to answer your questions to the best of my ability.
2. Do you watch all your anime all the way through?
Oh, definitely. Aside from my first 3 purchases(which were of the series/movies that I had already established as my favorites beforehand, and 1 other one that was also in my top 10), every thing I've bought so far has been stuff I've never seen, and all of them--save 1--have also made it onto my favorites list, so I've been pretty good in picking things I know I'm gonna watch.
4. What is the main reason you are buying so much anime? Is it because of the "it might never be available again" mentality or is it just to fulfill your collectors egos (again with all due respect)
Well, it's just been that I enjoy having a collection of stuff, really. As opposed to streams and whatnot, I've always preferred to have a physical copy of the things I own. Also, even before I began buying, I've pretty much always viewed my anime legally(thanks, Anime Network on Demand), so helping out the industry is a big part of it too, for me.
5. Do you still think you will be colleting anime 10 years from now?
Oh, hell yeah. I've got a long road ahead of me.
6. When did you decide to start collecting?
Exactly 1 year and 1 day ago--my first order was placed on March 7th, 2010, and it was of my favorite anime: Princess Mononoke. Guess I didn't actually start my collection until a few days after when it arrived, though.
7. How much do you spend on Anime DVD's only in a month on average?
Well, don't think I can give you a clear answer on that one. Last year when I started, I'd buy stuff, and I could go months without buying anything else. Holiday season last year, though, I had my first multiple amount of orders in 1 month, and since then, I've bought stuff every month. No real average, though.
8. Before buying do you sample the show or look it up online or something?
I always look the show up before buying to see if it'll interest me or not. As I stated earlier, my 1st 3 purchases and 1 other one were all of anime I had already seen before and cemented as my favorites. Out of the blind-ish buys, the only one I ever watched an episode of before I got the DVD was of [b]Baccano!, coincidentally enough. And that was after I had already ordered it.[/b] It also happened to by my first 'blind' buy.
Anyway, yeah. There ya go.
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Joined: 19 Nov 2004
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Location: Minnesota, USA
Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:52 am
1.To the collectors that have 150+ unique series, do you just buy anime because you can or do you actually buy the stuff because you want to watch it through?
I buy them because I watched it legally streaming, Netflixed it, or fansubbed, thought it was great, and wanted to own it. I also buy them because I like to help the various companies with my money so they can continue to fight the good battle and not go under. Current rough count is 345 various movies, completed series, and OVAs. Total amount of actual discs in my anime collection is 1,382 according to DVD Aficionado.
2. Do you watch all your anime all the way through?
Of course, I'm a completest and how it ends can make or break a series.
3. don't you get burned out? Thats a lot of crap you are buying (all due respect) but not every title released is great.
Nope, I wouldn't buy it if I didn't like it.
4. What is the main reason you are buying so much anime? Is it because of the "it might never be available again" mentality or is it just to fulfill your collectors egos (again with all due respect)
Easily available entertainment, pure and simple.
5. Do you still think you will be colleting anime 10 years from now?
I've been at it for more than 10 already so, probably as long as they still make anime I find entertaining.
6. When did you decide to start collecting?
Around 1998 or so.
7. How much do you spend on Anime DVD's only in a month on average?
It depends on what's being released and when bills are due. About $100-150 usually is my anime budget.
8. Before buying do you sample the show or look it up online or something?
I use Netflix, and 3-4 different legal streaming websites if the series I want to watch is licensed, and also fansubs if what I want to watch is not picked up.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:07 am
Hey kiddtic I am also a student in Aus, well TAFE, know of the pinch of lack of money, stupid $150 tax guide with two extra books which both add to another $150.
1. N/A only have about 17 original (not including sequel seasons)
2. Yeah I do that, well truth be told I have not really watched all of my own copy of Clannad collection 2.
3. most are good
4. Probably should suport my hoby, need my favourites, heared Rozen Maiden and Samurai Champloo were good.
5. I sure hope to be colecting more when I am able to suport it financialy.
6. Well I came across a box set of the second half of FMA, I coincedently had also just watched about the first half of FMA online.
7. Not quite sure, I guess I could make a quick estemate *whips out conviently placed financial calculator*, well my rough estemate is about $42 AU, though that might include manga.
8. Mostly, with only a few exception, I still wanting to buy some there that I liked, fighting the urge to finally buy Ah my Goddess and Ghost Hunt.
I guess at the moment I have set targets only to buy; Summer Wars if reasonable, hopefully full colection of DRRR! and Haruhi-chan which Haruhi is my weakness.
Last edited by DuskyPredator on Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
Posts: 3782
Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:18 am
I love multiple question exams. Here's to scoring 100%!
*V for Victory signage
Quote: | 1.To the collectors that have 150+ unique series, do you just buy anime because you can or do you actually buy the stuff because you want to watch it through? |
I buy to watch.
Quote: | 2. Do you watch all your anime all the way through? |
Even the ugliest anime ever made gets watched in its entirety. I will not allow bad anime to get the better of my spending.
Quote: | 3. don't you get burned out? Thats a lot of crap you are buying (all due respect) but not every title released is great. |
Blind buying (buying a title strictly on scant information or cover art) has been favorable to me. You're right to say not every title is good, but the only way to mire through all the Top 10 lists sharing the same top 10 titles is to take a leap every now and then. Most of my blind buys have been less than $20, which is less than what I spend at McD's every month.
Quote: | 4. What is the main reason you are buying so much anime? Is it because of the "it might never be available again" mentality or is it just to fulfill your collectors egos (again with all due respect) |
Sheer stupidity. I once told myself it was because it wouldn't be available in the future, but a quick visit to any decent fan sub site shows this mindset is foolish. Not only do they have most current anime, but many, many titles available most will never see on DVD ever again (says alot, doesn't it.)
Stupidity isn't accurate, either. It's because we fans have no legally viable choice. If we stream, we're blasted with ads. If we fan sub, we're breaking the law. And $2 per episode for a DRM-wrapped download is piracy in its true form.
Thus, the DVD remains the only viable option... for now.
Quote: | 5. Do you still think you will be colleting anime 10 years from now? |
I certainly hope not. In 10 years, I'd like to see anime delivered to my home via on demand streaming and has a catalog of every title ever made. Though I'll never see this in my lifetime, it's still a nice thought to have.
Quote: | 6. When did you decide to start collecting? |
Nearly 10 years ago, but with figures, not DVDs. I did break out in 2010 with quite a few DVD purchases, but at 200 titles, I said "enough" and have decided to buy only titles I really want and return to my love of figures, which are much more expensive.
Quote: | 7. How much do you spend on Anime DVD's only in a month on average? |
$0, now. In 2010, it was around $250.
Quote: | 8. Before buying do you sample the show or look it up online or something? |
Nope, but I will say Theron (Key) can entice me to buy a title with his reviews. If he likes a title, there's a great chance I will as well. Richard J. is another opinion I'll put stock in. These two will generally have a review ready before I'm ready to buy.
I never buy titles at SRP and I'll wait for a sale price on titles I do want. However, if a series is stellar, I'm willing to spend more to get the latest release.
Well, except for Gunslinger Girl. That was cruel.
Quote: | I hope you guys will not atke offence I am just trying to understand your different points of view on the subject. |
Why would I take offense? Hell, call me an idiot for collecting over-priced plastic and I'd have no choice but to agree.
Just remember: it's called disposable income for a reason.
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Joined: 29 Apr 2008
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Location: Trinidad and Tobago
Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:33 am
Sure I'll give it a shot.
1.To the collectors that have 150+ unique series, do you just buy anime because you can or do you actually buy the stuff because you want to watch it through?
I buy because I want to watch and rewatch the show or because it seemed really interesting.
2. Do you watch all your anime all the way through?
Yes. That's why I bought it. If I didn't want to watch it all the way through I would watch it through other means.
3. don't you get burned out? Thats a lot of crap you are buying (all due respect) but not every title released is great.
No, never. I buy a wide variety of anime so that I have something I can watch no matter what my mood. While I may get burned out on a particular genre, especially in the more recent anime, there is always interesting and original stuff if you are willing to go back a few years.
4. What is the main reason you are buying so much anime? Is it because of the "it might never be available again" mentality or is it just to fulfill your collectors egos (again with all due respect)
I buy because I want to have a high quality legal copy that I can watch at my leisure and because I am a collector by nature. If I see something I like I tend to want to get a legal high quality version of it. If I really love it then I am more than willing to track down and pay for every extra and accessory I can get my hands on.
5. Do you still think you will be colleting anime 10 years from now?
Yes, as long as there is something I consider worth buying 10 years from now.
6. When did you decide to start collecting?
3rd of July 2006. I saw a really funny short clip from Hare+Guu on youtube and decided to try a volume of the series.
7. How much do you spend on Anime DVD's only in a month on average?
$114.63 USD
8. Before buying do you sample the show or look it up online or something?
I used to blind buy based on recommendations and reviews but I got horribly burned a few times. I then started sampling a few episodes but I still got burned and missed a few gems. So now I watch the whole thing before making a purchase decision. I don't mind spending the money but I hate buying stuff I don't like or I will never watch again.
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John Casey
Joined: 31 May 2009
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Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:23 am
1-Of course I plan to watch it through. ...Plan. Doesn't mean I get around to it.
2-I try to. Most of the stuff I never got finished with were very cheap blind buys.
3-I don't buy nearly as much anime as these losers here. >:3 So nah, I don't get burned out. (j/k)
4-I like having things I like in a tangible form. I like to HOLD THEM. ...Caress them....
5-I will be collecting anime for the next ten years just as much as I collect other things. If you think I'm an "anime collector", you're daftly mistaken. I'm more specifically a DVD collector. My film collection outnumbers my anime collection nearly 10:1.
6-My dad started collecting. I just kind of then began to add stuff to it. It was when I was around 12.
7-Can't answer that. Like I said, my collection isn't limited to anime.
8-Yep. I almost always download a fansub (or stream it if there's a free alternative) before a dip into a full blown purchase. I'm not a big fan of blind buys since I learned that they screwed me over more than helped...
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:27 am
1) Eh, it used to be that I'd buy whatever I could that looked interesting, but now I try to do a little bit of research at least. That said, anything I didn't like goes up for trade or sale and I try to remove it from my collection. I feel no need to keep everything I buy just because I bought it.
2) Yep, there's only been one exception where the first 5 eps were just terrible so I sold it to a friend. Note that this only applies to stuff that I actually bought, I'm gonna get my money's worth, dammit! And unless I can set up a trade or sale, it's also a bit of a punishment for buying a bad series.
3) Yeah, sometimes, then I'll rewatch an older title that I liked. And if I disliked it, it gets the boot so it won't be staying in my collection anyway.
4) Hmm, usually collector's ego? I mean, if it's from Funi, I know they'll re-release the thing at least 3 more times so it's not about it not being available later if it's from them. Now with manga, it's a bit of both, look at how much stuff goes OOP all the time *cough*Viz! I test run stuff via the library so anything I'm actively collecting I do like. There were some titles that I saw in fansub and while I don't buy everything I see in fansub to "pay back the industry" like some people do, I will admit that some of those series are worth owning, lending to people, and watching again.
5) Depends on the move to Blu-ray and when I get into that era. Manga on the other hand? Yes as long as it's available in print. But as long as there are series I like, I think I'll be collecting.
6) Late middle/early high school? Toonami and early Adult Swim got me into it so I decided to buy some stuff. I've been collecting for...9 years maybe?
7) On DVDs only? I dunno, but combined with manga, it's somewhere around $100, but during Otakon month and December (both xmas and bday) it's $300-$400 easily.
8) Oho, yes, unless I'm trading for something in which case I might care less about what I'm getting and not sample it. If I can sample it legally, I'll do it that way but if I can't, I'll go for fansubs. Like I said, I have bought series in the past that I had initially seen in all fansubs first so seeing something in fansubs for me isn't a guarantee that I won't buy the series later. However, I am considering altering that if I think the company's R1 release was just awful. I also sample manga via the library first (if the have it) or via scanlations if they don't.
That said, I think I've had more success with blind buys at times then stuff I heavily researched, maybe it's because I went into the blind buy with no pre-existing notions? I've still had bad blind buys, yes, so I try to sell or trade them off.
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Joined: 18 Jun 2008
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Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:37 am
Wow, eight simple questions quickly turned into an episode of This is Your Life. Some of this will really date me, but who cares? I love being old!
Quote: | 1.To the collectors that have 150+ unique series, do you just buy anime because you can or do you actually buy the stuff because you want to watch it through? |
About half the shows I own (somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 series, movies, OVA's, etc) I haven't actually watched that format of the movie. I buy anime because I want to support the creators of shows I've already seen. I don't do blind picks, so every anime I purchase I've seen at least half of it, and liked it.
Quote: | 2. Do you watch all your anime all the way through? |
So far everything but Death note, which I refuse to watch past the point where L dies. I've read the manga and just don't like where the story goes, but it enough until then that I decided to purchase it.
Quote: | 3. don't you get burned out? Thats a lot of crap you are buying (all due respect) but not every title released is great. |
Ninety percent of everything is crap, but the remaining ten percent is pretty damn good. I'd like to think I mostly buy the ten percent; but even then, the ninety percent still needs to be subdivided into utter crap, subjective crap, crap we like anyway, etc.
Quote: | 4. What is the main reason you are buying so much anime? Is it because of the "it might never be available again" mentality or is it just to fulfill your collectors egos (again with all due respect) |
Like I said in my answer to question one, I buy anime because I think it is worth supporting the creative endeavors of those who have proven themselves capable of producing quality entertainment (by my standards, which I admit are nuts). If I can get a copy with decent commentary and behind the scenes extras, I will, because I am very interested in the creative process. Sadly, this can be hard when dealing with anime; one thing that helps is being fluent in Japanese and having family in Japan .
Quote: | 5. Do you still think you will be colleting anime 10 years from now? |
Probably. I've been doing it for a while already, why stop now?
Quote: | 6. When did you decide to start collecting? |
I bought the box set of Cowboy Bebop in Japan (along with a DVD player) back in 2001, the day before I returned to the states.
Quote: | 7. How much do you spend on Anime DVD's only in a month on average? |
I don't actually spend too much of my own money on anime for me any more, and when I did, it was in big chunks rather than slow and measured. I'm caught up to the point where during any given season, there usually aren't more than two shows I feel like purchasing, and I will often receive those as gifts. A good chunk of my daughters' allowance goes towards buying anime DVDs though, does that count?
Quote: | 8. Before buying do you sample the show or look it up online or something? |
Always, no exceptions. This was hard for a while, and I would sometimes resort to piracy in order to sample a series; but in this day and age, things like Crunchy Roll, Hulu, and Funi's streaming service make that (mostly) a thing of the past.
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Joined: 04 Apr 2010
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Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:56 am
kiddtic wrote: |
Okay here is the Question or questions;
1.To the collectors that have 150+ unique series, do you just buy anime because you can or do you actually buy the stuff because you want to watch it through? |
Well, here I go. I usually buy stuff that gets popular through online sites or cons. Shows like BB, Hetalia and Ouran were picked up because of the fangirls, while NHK and FMP were picked up due to online sites. Usually, if it's there for me and I can afford it, I go for it.
wrote: | 2. Do you watch all your anime all the way through? |
Nope. Most of my collection is still unfinished.
wrote: | 3. don't you get burned out? Thats a lot of crap you are buying (all due respect) but not every title released is great. |
I do get burned out of anime. That is why I got netfilx, because I'm not watching stuff back in my childhood. That is not to say that I won't watch an episode of "Desert Punk" or "Speed Grapher" on it though
wrote: | 4. What is the main reason you are buying so much anime? Is it because of the "it might never be available again" mentality or is it just to fulfill your collectors egos (again with all due respect) |
Now, it's because I believe the anime industry in america will die in about 5-10 years and i'm stocking up while I can. So when everyone's paying 70 bucks a disc for new anime, i'm good to go.
wrote: | 5. Do you still think you will be collecting anime 10 years from now? |
Eh, that's a tough Q. I probably will, but then again, i'm on free living right now so pretty soon I won't be able to afford it at all.
wrote: | 6. When did you decide to start collecting? |
It was when I first got into anime. My friend had a job and bought a new series every paycheck. Now the government pays for me to buy anime as well. I got my next check in today >: )
wrote: | 7. How much do you spend on Anime DVD's only in a month on average? |
In a month? I can say how much, but I can say about 1-2 shows a month.
wrote: | 8. Before buying do you sample the show or look it up online or something? |
I do most of the time. There's only been one case that I blind bought a show because it was popular but the rest of the time I watch an episode or two before buying.
wrote: | I hope you guys will not take offence I am just trying to understand your different points of view on the subject. |
I'm not offended at all, this was a good Q&A.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2009
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Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:08 pm
Quote: |
1.To the collectors that have 150+ unique series, do you just buy anime because you can or do you actually buy the stuff because you want to watch it through? |
I buy for a number of reasons, chief among them being that I don't particularly enjoy streaming video - with physical media I have much better control over the viewing experience, because spending the money supports the creators and the distributors, and because all those colorful boxes look cool on my shelves.
Quote: |
2. Do you watch all your anime all the way through? |
Always, whether the anime be good, bad, or indifferent. Sometimes a show that starts poorly ends well.
Quote: |
3. don't you get burned out? Thats a lot of crap you are buying (all due respect) but not every title released is great. |
No, I don't get burned out. Anime is a fascinating medium, and there is always something new to discover. Some shows I have no particular interest in seeing again, while others I can watch repeatedly.
Quote: |
4. What is the main reason you are buying so much anime? Is it because of the "it might never be available again" mentality or is it just to fulfill your collectors egos (again with all due respect) |
I don't worry about future availability. I buy because I want to be entertained, and for the most part anime is pretty decent entertainment.
Quote: |
5. Do you still think you will be collecting anime 10 years from now? |
If it's still available, yeah, no question.
Quote: |
6. When did you decide to start collecting? |
I didn't make a conscious decision to collect anime, it just happened all by itself.
Quote: |
7. How much do you spend on Anime DVD's only in a month on average? |
Lately very little because I'm unemployed, but when I'm working it can be a fair amount. I think my record is around $500.
Quote: |
8. Before buying do you sample the show or look it up online or something? |
Sometimes I'll preview a show if it's on TV somewhere, and I'll often look it up online, but I'm also willing to blind buy.
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Joined: 30 Nov 2006
Posts: 227
Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:19 pm
Wow. This looks like fun. *cracks knuckles*
1.To the collectors that have 150+ unique series, do you just buy anime because you can or do you actually buy the stuff because you want to watch it through?
*counts collection* I'm sitting at 56 right now, but I collect because I want to watch. I only buy stuff I'm interested in.
2. Do you watch all your anime all the way through?
That is the plan. The backlog is atrocious though.
3. don't you get burned out? Thats a lot of crap you are buying (all due respect) but not every title released is great.
Not really. I generally like what I buy, and thanks to my backlog I always have something new to watch.
4. What is the main reason you are buying so much anime? Is it because of the "it might never be available again" mentality or is it just to fulfill your collectors egos (again with all due respect)
Part of it is that mentality that it might never be available again. But mostly I like being able to go up to my shelf and pull something out. I just love having the physical media.
5. Do you still think you will be colleting anime 10 years from now?
If they still have physical media then yes. I don't know when I'll make that jump to Blu-Ray but I plan on maintaining a collection for a while. If everything goes digital would we still call it "collecting"?
6. When did you decide to start collecting?
About three or four years ago. I saw some stuff on sale and picked it up. A couple months later I went online and bought the FLCL box. Had to have it.
7. How much do you spend on Anime DVD's only in a month on average?
I've yet to buy any anime DVDs this year, though that will change at the end of March . Last year it was around $70 a month.
8. Before buying do you sample the show or look it up online or something?
For most new shows I'll look it up or sample an episode or two (ANN is great for that by the way). A lot of my past buying consisted of stuff I've seen years ago (like on CN). I'm pretty good with blind buys though.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:22 pm
This kind of thing seems to come up once or twice a year, but I'm not doing anything right now so I'll bite. I will qualify my answers by saying that I'm basing them on the time period when I was buying most of the DVDs I got, as for the past couple of years 80-90% of my acquired DVDs/Blu-Rays have been review copies.
And for the record, I'm in the vicinity of 1,000 DVDs/Blu-Rays.
Quote: | 1.To the collectors that have 150+ unique series, do you just buy anime because you can or do you actually buy the stuff because you want to watch it through?
2. Do you watch all your anime all the way through? |
I never buy anything that I don't intend to watch through. In fact, I can only think of two anime DVDs that I've ever bought that I didn't finish watching and a handful of other cases where I bought and watched the first DVD of a series but didn't continue with it.
Quote: | 3. don't you get burned out? Thats a lot of crap you are buying (all due respect) but not every title released is great. |
Only on extremely rare occasions has that ever been a problem for me. When the crappy stuff gets me down, I just watch something top-rate to set myself right again.
Quote: | 4. What is the main reason you are buying so much anime? Is it because of the "it might never be available again" mentality or is it just to fulfill your collectors egos (again with all due respect) |
Originally I bought simply to have access to it to watch. Now I buy for ease of repeat viewings.
Quote: | 5. Do you still think you will be collecting anime 10 years from now? |
Don't see why not. I tend to keep hobbies for a long time once something catches my interest. (I was a hard-core American comics reader/collecter for 20 years, for instance.)
Quote: | 6. When did you decide to start collecting? |
When I got my first DVD player, back around the end of '98. (Or was it '99? It was whenever Princess Mononoke first came out on DVD, as that was the first DVD I owned.)
Quote: | 7. How much do you spend on Anime DVD's only in a month on average? |
Currently? Probably about $25 a month. At my peak I was certainly over $200, though, and probably closer to $300.
Quote: | 8. Before buying do you sample the show or look it up online or something? |
Previously I depended heavily on trailers and reviews. Nowadays it's more on word-of-mouth or sampling from fansubs.
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Joined: 20 Oct 2009
Posts: 779
Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:36 pm
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1.To the collectors that have 150+ unique series, do you just buy anime because you can or do you actually buy the stuff because you want to watch it through? |
Note, I only have 217 items in my collection most are box sets of anime. I have watched everything in my collection and all of it I had wanted to watch at some point. I am a Collector of not just anime but books and manga as well. I liked the old full box sets the best.
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2. Do you watch all your anime all the way through? |
Yup, I do watch my anime all the way through.
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3. don't you get burned out? Thats a lot of crap you are buying (all due respect) but not every title released is great. |
I have a lot of anime that cover many types of stories. Also as a Collector there will be a point that i would want to see that anime again.
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4. What is the main reason you are buying so much anime? Is it because of the "it might never be available again" mentality or is it just to fulfill your collectors egos (again with all due respect) |
This would have to do with being someone who likes to be a Collector. Also it helps the newer anime get made and the voice actors keep a job. As a collector I know a few voice actors by voice and enjoy there works in both the dub and sub sides.
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5. Do you still think you will be collecting anime 10 years from now? |
I see anime much like i see tv here in the states. I watch the shows i enjoy and ignore the rest. So no unless something changes and the stories stop, I see no reason why not.
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6. When did you decide to start collecting? |
I have collected books and movies first and then started with the anime i enjoy. seeing as some animes are hard to find now. Galaxy Angel Rune Vol 4 seems really hard to find these days.
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7. How much do you spend on Anime DVD's only in a month on average? |
Depends on the income at the time.
and the releases that are out that i would collect.
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8. Before buying do you sample the show or look it up online or something? |
Yes I stream only online and if enjoy the show enough will seek out a release from one of the places like Funimation, Bandai-Ent or Media Blasters or Viz even. With Shows like Minami-Ke I have seen all three seasons and know it will never be released here in the states. Also will not collect a show like Galaxy Angel Rune due to being only able to find vol 1, Vol 2, Vol 3, for sale with no one carrying Vol 4. It's also neat to note that while Hayate the Combat butler season one all 50 epi's made it to the states that season 2 has not been picked up as yet by Bandai-Ent or the OVA.
This can be a problem for collectors. Shana has yet to be released for season 2 as well by Funimation.
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