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Bleach Movie rumour and thoughts on latest filler

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Joined: 13 Aug 2005
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Location: Scarborough, Ontario
PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 9:53 am Reply with quote
As the title suggests this is a rumour about a possible Bleach movie. However there is not official plan for it at the moment. Any thoughts on this because everyone saw this coming right? Just like the fillers?

Also what did you guys think of the latest Bleach Filler? I thought it was funny yet pointless and a way to drag out the filler story even more without bringing Don Kanonji into the picture. However it still remained amusing to watch Cloud and Ririn square off against Renji and Ichigo. Yet it was still a useless episode. Looking forward to the next episode as it seems more shinigami will be coming to the living world (this i'm assuming due to the Shinigami's Cup).

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Joined: 23 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 2:57 pm Reply with quote
there is a movie it even has a secton on the bleach japan site on the bottom named movie but i haven't seen that much of the fillir but i think it's good.

link to site
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Joined: 16 May 2006
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 4:11 pm Reply with quote
the movie rumors have been out for a while ( a couple months at least) I think it was some lecture at a college where it was orginally leaked...I'd have to look around but I'm pretty sure that's what it was...

I'd say the filler had potential at first. But dragging it into another bout against an all powerful bad d00d while ichigo has some kind of problem where he can't use his bankai...that's just weak. I liked it better when they were just the mod souls messing around... I mean the whole run a round to the telephones stunt wasn't exactly inspired, but this bount thing is getting old -_-" and it wasn't particularly interesting to begin with...

I wish we couldve gotten some kubo inspired fillers based on soul societies apdt... would actually be kind of interesting...course everyone would ***** about no ichigo so they couldn't do that Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 21 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 5:39 pm Reply with quote
Is it just me or did this episode come rather abruptly? I exepcted a direct continuation of 79. I rechecked the ending of 79 to make sure 80 fit, and while it does it still feels out of place (then again it's not like they know where Kariya went). Anyway as for the episode itself I'm a little mixed on it. Some parts I found amusing while others I found rather stupid (for lack of another word). The filler has a glaring A B pattern which is kind of getting on my nerves (A encounter the bountou B go back to Urahara's and talk about it). It makes me feel like nothing really gets accomplished. Events have been repeating themself the entire time so outside of Shinigami Cup I find myself yawning at times. But yes this episode was basically filler for filler (although it was kind of nice to see a Hollow again even though it was just a still frame). I will admit I do prefer more laid back episodes when it comes to filler. Personally I would like to just see Shinigami's Cup extended to full episodes (just comical day in the life like that one episode after the big twist). There is promise of the others coming into the living world, but does Kariya really deserve such attention (I guess he does cause the plot calls for it)? We'll just have to see how things go. The filler isn't terrible...but it's not all that great either. Just so-so at best. There are just too many nagging questions that make me want to just continue on in the manga. I also have a slight fear that Bleach may go the way of Naruto, but I pray that doesn't happen. As far as a movie, it will probably be stand alone and won't fit into the series at all. If that's the case I just expect everyone to show off, and I'll be happy with that.
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Joined: 11 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 9:22 pm Reply with quote
I'm making a very educated guess here by saying that spoiler[Hitsugaya] is entering into the begining-to-get-old filler (though I wholeheartedly still follow) since the episode title itself for 81 I believe we're up to is spoiler[Hitsugaya moves! The Attack on the Street]. I'm eagerly waiting for the plot episodes to come back, but that filler arc isn't too bad, it's just that our villians a.k.a. bounto or bount or whatever the fansubber is calling them are boring and dry, and that's my main problem with this arc. Oh well, hopefully spoiler[Hitsugaya] can get things moving quicker... hopefully, and Ichigo will rise above everyone, get past his problems, and defeat the bounto Very Happy

And the latest filler episode, though comical at times, did not at all help advance the arc in any way, and that was pretty much what frustrated me... just give me one hour long special where they solve the bounto problem, and then we can move on with the plot with hopefully more developments.
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Joined: 16 May 2006
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 3:19 am Reply with quote
I also have a slight fear that Bleach may go the way of Naruto, but I pray that doesn't happen. As far as a movie, it will probably be stand alone and won't fit into the series at all. If that's the case I just expect everyone to show off, and I'll be happy with that.

what with the current length of this filler arc I'm going to assume they're going to drag it pretty long, but that will be it for the fillers. Unlike Naruto it shouldn't get the chance for more than one such arc. at least that's wht I'm hoping ._."

As for the movie...yeah I agree on the stand alone part... but what I'm more concerned with is if they'll take the aniamtion quality up. I mean look at the second OVA ... the animation was at amny times actually worse than the TV series O_o

I mean comparingit to the first OVA (which was effing amazing) is giving me some doubts about future relases outside the TV series.
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Joined: 12 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 6:37 pm Reply with quote
The recent fillers have been bad, but not as bad as Naruto fillers which I've stopped watching since filler #1. Until episode 80. I couldn't bear to watch the second half of episode 80, much like the stupid filler from episode 40 (I think...). It's been a bad week for me and Bleach's filler episode kind of tops it off. Funny how all the bad things happen at once... T.T
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Joined: 13 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 6:42 pm Reply with quote
Azathrael wrote:
I couldn't bear to watch the second half of episode 80, much like the stupid filler from episode 40 (I think...).

I think you're talking about episode 33 where Don Kanonji tried to form the Karakura Super Heroes right? It was funny but in all reality completely stupid.

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