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I don't know if this is the place, but question...

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Joined: 10 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 2:57 am Reply with quote
I've been doing some edit lists for One Piece, and I had a site for them that sort of... failed...

I was wondering if there was any way they could be posted on Anime News Network.

Sorry if this isn't in the right forum.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 10:52 am Reply with quote
Sorry, but we don't accept requests from Spammers.
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Joined: 10 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 2:41 pm Reply with quote
areaseven wrote:
Sorry, but we don't accept requests from Spammers.
Speaking of which, it'd be nice if you actually informed me of what earned me this title instead of keeping me in the dark about it.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 4:09 pm Reply with quote
Yashouzoid wrote:
Speaking of which, it'd be nice if you actually informed me of what earned me this title instead of keeping me in the dark about it.

Well, according to our files, you posted a couple of bogus cast listings for Naruto and One Piece.
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Joined: 10 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 4:13 pm Reply with quote
areaseven wrote:
Well, according to our files, you posted a couple of bogus cast listings for Naruto and One Piece.
Amy Palant was based off of hearing Chopper's voice. Or was everyone who sent Dan Green as Zoro listed as "spammer", too?

As for Brianne Siddall as Naruto... that was also based off of hearing Naruto's voice. The dub was previewed at Comic Con, remember.

In the case that you don't take me off spammer, how long is this going to last?
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 4:49 pm Reply with quote
Yashouzoid wrote:
...was based off of hearing...

I don't want to rude, but how long have you been watching anime, and how many voice examples of them have you heard? Take Ayako Kawasumi, one of my favorite seiyuu, as an example. Her voice is not very variable and is recognized as one of the most "easy-listening" voice of all seiyuu. Furthermore, I've watched her performance in 36 of 94 titles in our database, so I recognized her voice immediately with just one sentence she said when I watched Samurai Champloo for the very first time. Yet, I was still surprised to hear her change of voice as Matsuri in Ichigo Mashimaro.

So, please don't use "hearing" as an "evidence" or "proof." That is rather ridiculous.

Yashouzoid wrote:
In the case that you don't take me off spammer, how long is this going to last?

Please ask Administrators if they want to lift it up from you.
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Joined: 10 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:11 pm Reply with quote
I haven't had nearly as much experience with anime as most people here have, but from my listening... experience, English actors don't seem to have as much range as Japanese actors do to me, so it's easier for me to "guess" who's who.

As it turns out, Brianne Siddall wasn't Naruto. That was a mistake on my part (he did sound like Tsukasa, however). However, 4Kids isn't involved with the anime community like other companies are. They don't send lists of actors to verify who's who, and their credits only list actors, and not the roles they play. Therefore, you can only guess who does what. I watched enough Sonic X to be able to guess that Tails's VA (Amy Palant) does Chopper in One Piece. They sound very similar. My friend who watches Winx Club says that he sounds exactly like Musa from that show, who is voiced by Amy Palant.

There was a similar case where everyone thought that Dan Green was voicing Zoro in One Piece, but it was only until Viz interviewed Marc Diaraison that people were able to know who his voice over really was.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 11:48 pm Reply with quote
Yashouzoid wrote:
However, 4Kids isn't involved with the anime community like other companies are. They don't send lists of actors to verify who's who, and their credits only list actors, and not the roles they play. Therefore, you can only guess who does what.

Under these circumstances, the best attitude is patience. Wait until there's more information; we'd rather have none than misleading ones. I know it feels bad when someone else submitted info faster than ourselves, however. Wink

I see your "SPAMMER" tag has been removed. People make mistakes -- even I made one recently, when the production team of Aria TV suddenly announced a complete change of seiyuu instead using the ensemble for radio drama, which was believed to be the cast of TV version as well. I was forced to replace my previous submissions with new ones. Rolling Eyes As long as you can prove that your submission of erroneous info was out of misleading source (including your ears Razz ) and are willing to prevent similar things happen again, I'd say our Administrators are very kind and forgiving.
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Joined: 10 May 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 12:10 am Reply with quote
So now that the whole spammer issue's been settled, could I receive an answer for my question about OP edit lists?
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 12:18 am Reply with quote
OK, I've removed the "spammer" title and unbanned Yashouzoid. In the future, please use hard data as the basis of encyclopedia entries. If no hard data is available and you're sure that you recognize the voice, then get a second opinion in the forum. And especially, ALWAYS indicate the source of the information. It doesn't have to be an url, but at least we have to know WHERE you got it from, even if it's just "I recognized the voice"

Now, to the concerned staff: this was CLEARLY a case of improbable/false information, absolutely NOT spam. How many times do I have to repeat it? the "spam" indicator is for stuff like porn pictures or "buy viagra" or "youz guyz sucks!!!lololololol". I don't care how much you think that an info is "obviously" false, that's still just false, not spam. Ok, here's a rule of thumb: in order to qualify as spam, the info cannot be entered for ANY title in the encyclopedia. Since Amy Palant and Brianne Siddall are actual VAs, and Chopper and Naruto are actual anime characters, that means the info CANNOT be considered spam.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 12:34 am Reply with quote
Yashouzoid wrote:
So now that the whole spammer issue's been settled, could I receive an answer for my question about OP edit lists?

Unfortunately, I don't understand your question fully, for I've never watched One Piece anime myself. However, you can now post your website dedicated to One Piece under "links."
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 11:42 am Reply with quote
dormcat wrote:

So, please don't use "hearing" as an "evidence" or "proof." That is rather ridiculous.

The problem is (at least on the dub side of things), a lot of English cast credits for anime quite frankly are deplorable, listing only a few characters or not connecting characters to their roles. Some R1 companies are better than others, and a few have gotten much better in recent times, but it's still quite a problem.

Voice recognition has to be used a lot for dub roles, and if you're reasonably certain (and can get others to confirm it for you), then it should be taken rather legitimately (even though there's a slight chance for error). Sometimes the hard sources even get it wrong. For instance, Tenchi Muyo! OVA 3 credits has Nakita (a male character) voiced by Kari Wahlgren, which is a blatant mistake. The voice is very distinctly Kirk Thornton's, so I entered the correct information in that case. There's some other hard sources you can look into besides credits on the internet, such as convention guest lists and reports or places where people in the industry can give information (for instance, Tom Wayland was able to provide me with some cast confirmations for Mew Mew Power and Magical DoReMi, which have the usual sucky 4Kids style credits), but these kind of sources are not always available. So we're stuck using voice recognition in many cases, and sometimes even have to fall back to process of elimination. There are some things I'm very unsure on and still searching for more information. The voice actress(es) of Ramia and Rumiya in Pretty Sammy OVA continue to remain uncertain because there's no way for me to get it confirmed (the likely VA by elimination, Susan Brecht, has been in no other anime and has no contact info as far as I know). I always try to get stuff corrected if I find out it's wrong later. Wink
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 12:40 pm Reply with quote
Next time, if you want complete verification of a voice cast listing, use the following:

1. The actual credits (if applicable)
2. Crystal Acids
3. Talk to the actual voice actor/actress (if applicable)

Of course, only a select few can do option 3, but it practically works all the time. Last year, I met up with Wendee Lee and she told me about her role in Overman King Gainer before the title was released.

Apologies to Yashouzoid for the misunderstanding. And Dan, he was already banned before this thread started. Talk to tempest about it.
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