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Misuse of the vintage area?

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Joined: 30 Jun 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 1:26 am Reply with quote
Vintage information is to be entered to tell when an anime starts and ends it’s TV airing, when a volume of an OVA is released, and other information along these lines, correct?

Well, lately people have been entering the dates for every single R2 (and in some cases, R1) DVD release of a series. This may not be too big of a deal for shorter series, but if someone got really ambitious and entered each release for a longer series like Naruto or Inuyasha, those encyclopedia entries would look really ridiculous and cluttered. Maybe some kind of note should be made on the page a user is lead to when they try to submit vintage information not to enter things like DVD release dates for non OVA series. Here’s three examples of what I mean, and I’m sure there are more:

Ah! My Goddess TV
He is my Master
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 12:53 pm Reply with quote
cardcaptormanda wrote:
Here’s three examples of what I mean, and I’m sure there are more:

Ah! My Goddess TV
He is my Master

These are nothing compared to KochiKame manga. Wink

Well, according to tempest, these information are acceptable under current site design, just don't submit North American releases, which are handled by the Releases list.
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Joined: 30 Jun 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 2:42 pm Reply with quote
I saw that thread earlier, and I took it to mean that it was ok to do this with manga volumes only, since nothing about R2 DVD releases was mentioned. I mean, a manga series can be long, but it's fairly rare it will surpass 50 volumes. However, there can be literally hundreds of DVD releases for an anime series. It just seems a little silly to list each one right there on the main encyclopedia entry, and under vintage, no less.

The US DVD releases aren't listed under vintage, but in their own releases section. I guess I just don't understand how it makes sense to put the R2 DVD releases under vintage.

Also, even if R2 DVD releases are allowed under vintage, someone has submitted the USA DVD release dates under vintage for:
Elfen Lied
Fullmetal Alchemist
Gunslinger Girl
Hanaukyo Maid Team: La Verite
Kino no Tabi
Abenobashi Mahou Shotengai
Risky Safety
Paranoia Agent
Onegai! Teacher
Onegai! Twins
R.O.D. The TV
Samurai Champloo
Sugar: A Little Snow Fairy
Wolf's Rain
even though that information is already in the release section a little lower on the page. This information does not need to be listed on the page twice, in both the releases and vintage areas, mere inches from each other. It really should be made much more clear exactly what kind of information is allowed to be entered under vintage.
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:01 am Reply with quote
I'd've said that 'vintage' would refer to the date the series originally aired on TV (or went on sale in the case of OVAs) and, at most, the release date of the first DVD volume in Japan.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 3:24 am Reply with quote
Seriously, what part of the instructions are unclear?
For a TV series, the vintage should be expressed as a start date and end date, but you may enter only the start date if the series has not finished airing yet. You can enter start and end dates for a non-Japanese broadcast by specifying the name of the country as a comment.

Since OAVs are defined as direct-to-video releases, ideally a vintage should be entered for each of the original volumes with a comment to say which volume it was. In the more likely case that not all the release dates are known, a single date or start+end dates are ok too.

For a movie, the vintage is when the movie finished production. This date is not often known; rather, what we usually know is the Premiere date, which should not be entered as vintage. For example, Millennium Actress premiered on 2001-07-28 but the only reason we known the vintage is 2001-01-23 is because the director wrote when the production finished on his website.

For TV specials, the only possible vintage is the date when the special first aired.

For manga, the vintage works like TV series; start+end dates for when the publication of the manga started and ended. In Japan, this is usually the start and end of the serialization in Shonen Jump or other magazines.

I think I'm going to change the instructions for movies, but apart from that where does it mention release dates of individual DVDs? For OAVs only, that's where.

Of course, the problem here is that the information being submitted is actually true, it's just that dumping all that under "vintage" crowds out the important information. I'm going to have to add a new kind of information...
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Joined: 30 Jun 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 8:57 pm Reply with quote
cardcaptormanda wrote:

Also, even if R2 DVD releases are allowed under vintage, someone has submitted the USA DVD release dates under vintage for:
Elfen Lied
Fullmetal Alchemist
Gunslinger Girl
Hanaukyo Maid Team: La Verite
Kino no Tabi
Abenobashi Mahou Shotengai
Risky Safety
Paranoia Agent
Onegai! Teacher
Onegai! Twins
R.O.D. The TV
Samurai Champloo
Sugar: A Little Snow Fairy
Wolf's Rain
even though that information is already in the release section a little lower on the page. This information does not need to be listed on the page twice, in both the releases and vintage areas, mere inches from each other.

I found quite a few more of these. Evil or Very Mad Should they be ignored, or should I submit error reports for them?
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:03 am Reply with quote
dormcat wrote:
Well, according to tempest, these information are acceptable under current site design, just don't submit North American releases, which are handled by the Releases list.

What about foreign language releases? I keep seeing French, Italian, etc. manga volume releases for manga and it seems really... well, unnecessary, because it makes the vintage list take up the whole page.
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Joined: 22 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:26 am Reply with quote
cardcaptormanda wrote:
Vintage information is to be entered to tell when an anime starts and ends it’s TV airing, when a volume of an OVA is released, and other information along these lines, correct?

Well, lately people have been entering the dates for every single R2 (and in some cases, R1) DVD release of a series. This may not be too big of a deal for shorter series, but if someone got really ambitious and entered each release for a longer series like Naruto or Inuyasha, those encyclopedia entries would look really ridiculous and cluttered. Maybe some kind of note should be made on the page a user is lead to when they try to submit vintage information not to enter things like DVD release dates for non OVA series. Here’s three examples of what I mean, and I’m sure there are more:

Ah! My Goddess TV
He is my Master

I am the one submitting R2 DVD releases for the Ah! My Goddess TV, and as said, it is perfectly legal to do so.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:36 am Reply with quote
If you think about it, the vintage of a bottle of wine means when it was made. For TV series, "when it was made" is when it was first aired on TV. For OAVs, "when it was made" is when the original volumes were sold. Any information about re-releases or releases in a different format do NOT serve the purpose of vintage.

But given that there is no other place to enter that information... 仕方がないね
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Joined: 30 Jun 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 10:03 am Reply with quote
So, what you’re saying is, we shouldn’t do it, and there is no reason to do it, but... we can do it? Anime dazed

And what about my earlier question about submitting error reports for R1 DVD release dates entered in the vintage area, when they are already listed in the release section? I mean, someone has submitted almost 40 R1 DVD release dates in the vintage area for Inuyasha alone, even though that information is displayed just a few inches lower on the page in the releases area. Should these just be ignored, or should error reports be submitted?
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:36 pm Reply with quote
Report them.

We allow vintage for R2 releases because we don't have a proper place for it, but we don't want R1 DVDs entered there.

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