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ADV Mother's Day Sale May 5-8

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Joined: 24 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 7:36 pm Reply with quote
"Flowers suck, buy anime for Mom!"

...and with that statement, AD Vision is having another anime/manga sale, this time in celebration of Mother's Day. The sale lasts from today (May 5) thru Sunday (May 8), so take advantage of it if you can.
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Joined: 21 May 2004
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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 7:59 pm Reply with quote
Indeed, except I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole. It all depends on if you want your stuff new or not.

I know I posted this in another thread recently, but it's worth repeating:

"Unless specifically noted, products (and the accompanying packing) may be previously owned, used, demos or cutouts. Otherwise, products offered through this sale are clearance and close-out items. As such, product bar codes may be reconfigured, replaced or physically altered (including by means of cutting, punching or drilling). Some products may be open box. Some products may be delivered without full retail packaging. Except as expressly provided otherwise, products are sold as-is."
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Joined: 09 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 11:45 pm Reply with quote
I got the entire series of Dunbine on their last sale they did for under 50 dollars! with the artboxes

the artboxes came perfectly fine but the single dvd releases came with the just a little cut on the plastic by the UPC but nothing wrong with the artwork on the case just the outter plastic and it was still sealed, but a bunch of cheap black dvd cases and I just switched them Smile and I use the cases with cuts in them for other stuff like burned dvds and whatever

but if you can get the dvd for under 10 dollars from there, I say its worth it has long has the movie plays fine
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Joined: 21 May 2004
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PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 1:31 am Reply with quote
spider-moose wrote:

but if you can get the dvd for under 10 dollars from there, I say its worth it has long has the movie plays fine

Sure, you can get stuff cheap from there, and then pay out the ass for shipping, so that the price isn't really THAT great. Like I said, it all depends on if you want new stuff or not. I'm glad it worked out for you, but for others, many others in fact, before ADV started putting their notices in much more plain sight, got legally screwed, receiving things in various cases, packaging, new or used.
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Joined: 09 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 4:40 am Reply with quote
I only had to pay for 15 dollars shipping for 10 dvds and 2 dvds with artboxes to canada
so I was surprised that it came quick after I ordered it, I thought I was paying for surface mail, ie Snail Mail

guess I was lucky then Smile
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PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 10:10 am Reply with quote
spider-moose wrote:
I only had to pay for 15 dollars shipping for 10 dvds and 2 dvds with artboxes to canada
so I was surprised that it came quick after I ordered it, I thought I was paying for surface mail, ie Snail Mail

guess I was lucky then Smile

As opposed to sending your DVDs by e-mail? I would hope that the definition of surface mail would be clear enough to stand on its own.
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Haiseikoh 1973

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PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 12:38 pm Reply with quote
Najica Blitz Tactics
Volume 1 + Box + Panties

$ 44.98 ($ 11.24)

Ooo, funny. Laughing
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PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 10:47 pm Reply with quote
one3rd wrote:
spider-moose wrote:
I only had to pay for 15 dollars shipping for 10 dvds and 2 dvds with artboxes to canada
so I was surprised that it came quick after I ordered it, I thought I was paying for surface mail, ie Snail Mail

guess I was lucky then Smile

As opposed to sending your DVDs by e-mail? I would hope that the definition of surface mail would be clear enough to stand on its own.

send by email? wtf are you on
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Joe Arizona

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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 12:13 am Reply with quote
The two Nadia anime collections and the Steel Angel Kurumi manga are pretty tempting. Hmmm, decisions, decisions. Those holes that are drilled through the upc codes on some of the DVD cases are pretty weird , though the DVD's themselves played fine.
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Joined: 29 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 4:15 pm Reply with quote
Kazuki-san wrote:
Indeed, except I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole. It all depends on if you want your stuff new or not.

I know I posted this in another thread recently, but it's worth repeating:

"Unless specifically noted, products (and the accompanying packing) may be previously owned, used, demos or cutouts. Otherwise, products offered through this sale are clearance and close-out items. As such, product bar codes may be reconfigured, replaced or physically altered (including by means of cutting, punching or drilling). Some products may be open box. Some products may be delivered without full retail packaging. Except as expressly provided otherwise, products are sold as-is."

I am usually very uptight over the condition of the dvd cases that the anime title comes in. On two occasions, I actually re-bought particular anime titles because one case was warped and did not close properly, and the other case had a large and very noticeable scratch on the front. Of course, that means I usually don't buy online because of the risk of damage to the product.

I have e-mailed ADV regarding their statement on their sale items for the third time. The low prices on their titles are very tempting, but I still need to know for sure what condition they're going to be in before I decide if I am going to order from them.
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Joined: 24 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 5:02 pm Reply with quote
The last time ADV had one of their clearance sales, I bought three DVDs, and all of them were in excellent condition - no scratches, defomities, or anything unusual. I don't make it a habit of buying items on-line mainly because of the uncertainty of shipping the item(s), especially thru the USPS.
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Joined: 21 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 5:18 pm Reply with quote
biliano wrote:
The last time ADV had one of their clearance sales, I bought three DVDs, and all of them were in excellent condition - no scratches, defomities, or anything unusual.

That's the problem. It's sort of like a lottery. You might end up with something brand new, or it could be in just about any condition.
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Joined: 24 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 1:59 pm Reply with quote
I received this in my e-mail today:

[email protected] wrote:
Hello Anime Friends,

We are extending our BIG ANIME BLOW OUT by 48 HOURS because many of you couldn't get through to the ADV online store on Saturday and Sunday. There was an overwhelming response (THANKS!), but we're sorry if you were one of the many that couldn't get in. Therefore, we will honor the sale prices through 11pm Tuesday--May 10th (Central Daylight Time), while supplies last.

Happy Anime-Watching,

ADV Customer Service
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PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2005 12:42 pm Reply with quote
SnowfairyX wrote:

I am usually very uptight over the condition of the dvd cases that the anime title comes in. On two occasions, I actually re-bought particular anime titles because one case was warped and did not close properly, and the other case had a large and very noticeable scratch on the front. Of course, that means I usually don't buy online because of the risk of damage to the product.

You know, you could've saved yourself money and just bought replacement cases for them. Wink

Until Kazuki-san pointed out that disclaimer though, I hadn't even noticed that the discs I'd bought from their sales before had holes drilled through the bar code. I don't normally check, since I'm used to having drilled cases for screeners, but that's kind of lame that they're selling copies like that. I suppose it's to prevent people from buying the DVDs for $9 and exchanging them at stores for other, new DVDs? In that case, I suppose it makes sense, but it's still kind of silly, I think. I wonder if you bought an ani-mini, if it would have some kind of slash across the coupon thingie to prevent people from using them?

Oh well, I guess that's the last time I'll buy anything from their sales, with the exception of artboxes and plush. Call me anal, but I'd rather spent 3 times as much and get an unmutilated DVD from the store.
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Joined: 29 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2005 6:15 pm Reply with quote
SakechanBD wrote:
SnowfairyX wrote:

I am usually very uptight over the condition of the dvd cases that the anime title comes in. On two occasions, I actually re-bought particular anime titles because one case was warped and did not close properly, and the other case had a large and very noticeable scratch on the front. Of course, that means I usually don't buy online because of the risk of damage to the product.

You know, you could've saved yourself money and just bought replacement cases for them. Wink

I have to have the anime in the original cases. I would never buy replacement cases unless I'm out of all other options. I'm not rich but just a bit eccentric in this way.
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